
ASOIAF - Above us, Victory.

When Yvar the Mad sacked Oldtown, he headed north. From that day on, his lineage took power and stole their glory.

Felix_Writtdan · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

The Who is Worthy

In Braavos, there was an island in Drowned Town that from the day the waters opened their mouths to swallow those buildings, never gave way upon the sinking of its sisters. In its center there was a keep made of darkened white stones, sprinkled with white ash like stained snow, its roof has a diamond shape. It was more than thirty meters distributed perfectly over ten floors and at its top there was a giant wolf made of steel that moved wherever the wind was blowing, on this day the wind was blowing strongly towards the east. Around the keep, in its courtyard, in the northwest, there was a small dock where an ironwood longship with a blue sail, with ten oars on each side awaited orders from its masters to head to any part of the city. In the north and northeast there was a hall where the soldiers rested and ate, with an arsenal and dormitories, the western parts had the manors of the treasurers and representative merchants, in the east there were the dormitories of the commoners who cleaned the island's buildings.

But in the south, mainly the southwest there was an ancient Godswood and a Heart Tree so old that its leaves covered half the body of the keep. The island that never sank was called Oldleaf and its lords were, since its founding, men of the north, merchants in the service of the house Stark of Winterfell. But the most perceptive men said that Sunhall had more power than Winterfell in this region of Braavos. Others said that those in Oldleaf did not fear their masters in Westeros and that much of the gold that passed there remained at least 1/20 or more boldly: 1/10. Not much is known about Oldleaf other than that only the Sealord and his representatives entered there and that her dealings with the Iron Bank were older than the Targaryen house itself.

Samurel knew all these rumors. She even invested in mummers who gave more [Reason] to the rumors that point to the embezzlement of funds so that they could keep those who linked Oldleaf to the Targaryen house further away. More precisely, the girl who learned to weave the three-headed dragon embroidery with the seamstress from White Harbor. Dany wore a dark Yitish silk dress with red ruffles at the shoulders. Her jewelry is a Valyrian steel ring with an amethyst inlaid at the top that Samurel had taken from a Yunkai slaver, the earrings had milky pearls and around her neck a silver choker with rubies in the shape of incandescent flames in the reflection of the morning light. Daenerys was the last female descendant of House Targaryen, she and Maester Aemon of the Night's Watch are what remains of the Dragon Kings.

Samurel sometimes felt guilty about Dany being the last Targaryen. It was common knowledge that his father participated in the war that ended the male line of the royal family, with the Battle of the Trident when Rhaegar Targaryen faced the Valyrian steel halberd of House Wyce: Victory of the Sun. And with the mysterious death of Viserys Targaryen when the galley that smuggled the Targaryen brothers to Braavos from Dragonstone returned with the boy's corpse. Sam knew his father wouldn't allow the prince to die from illness if it wasn't necessary. But he couldn't do much. Now he was the one looking after Jon's Daenerys and Tyron.

It was the orders of his father and his older brother. They were always the ones who took charge of everything, who were given the power to manage.

"In deep thoughts, Sammy?"

Dany asked, with that same silly smile that makes Sam's hair stand on end. He was sitting next to one of the windows on the tenth floor of the keep with the best view of the titan of Braavos, he wore a blue doublet with Wyce's ice mountain embroidered in the center but on this one there was snow sprinkled over the mountain's summit, the snow was white glass. Sam's only jewelry was a bronze bracelet with runes inscribed on it, resting on his right hand.

"Messages from home"

Samurel pulled out an open letter, written in First Men's runes. Daenerys ran her hand up Sam's forearm to the fingers holding the letter, and she turned his hand toward her as she rested her chin on his shoulder. Sam sighed, he felt his heart rising in his throat and his groin tightening against his pants.

"Jon Arryn?"

She asked as she looked at Sam, still with her head on her shoulder.

"Lord Protector of the Vale and Hand of the King"

He responded, not turning his head and preventing a kiss between them, even if he wanted to, he could not tarnish the honor of his bride who was waiting for him in Karhold.

"What are these ice demons?"

Dany brought her face closer and her nose touched Sam's cheek.

"I can't"

"Can't you clarify this doubt for me?"

"I can't desire you, nor take you"

"I'm a grown woman. I'm already bleeding and my body asks for seeds"

She brings her lips closer to his ears, licks them with desire and sighs at the end of the sentence.

"Who taught you to seduce like that?"

Sam questions with anger in his tone.

"I usually leave the house sometimes. I like going to bars and talking to those priestesses of the Red God. I prayed for a while and they taught me a lot about the practice of seduction. One of them even told me that my fire doesn't it was used for trees and castles but for melting ice"

Dany removed her hands from Sam's and ran them over the boy's chest and seemed to go down, down and reach her intimacy, but Sam stood up abruptly.

"Tell me who allowed you to leave this tower"

Sam ordered angrily. He knew that Dany sometimes fled to the regions of Braavos that were not swallowed by water, but he had never seen who took her, Daenerys is quick as a cat and stubborn as a hungry dog. She still looked at Sam with desire, and this desire intensified when she noticed his crotch was fuller than normal.

"Answer Daenerys!"

Sam hated being with her, whenever he got close to the girl, his instincts went out of control and his sanity left for distant lands. He grabbed her arm and squeezed her tightly, to show that he had questioned her seriously.

"I swim there"

He responded with a hint of fear.

"I know you care about me, I know you want me well and I know you can't have it! But I want to be free! Sewing, dancing, singing, playing instruments and painting have become no longer a way of ignoring that even though I'm alive, I'm the only prisoner in this land of freedom!"

Tears run down her rosy cheeks, Sam loosens her grip and holds her shoulders, leading the girl to lay on her chest and cry, not a cry of sadness but one of anger.

"But since you came to live here. I've cut down on my travels. Sam, I've never felt anything like I do for you, I like being with you, even though this is your job. I want to have you!"

Samurel felt his heart slightly tear at these beautiful and kind words. He felt the same but understood that his duty to his home was essential. Daenerys Targaryen was a dragon, and dragons died from not being released from their captivity when hyenas tore their wings and pierced her eyes.

"You won't live here anymore"

Sam said. Dany looked up, confused and afraid.

"Sunhall has decided your fate, Daenerys of House Targaryen"

Sam brought his hands to Dany's face, holding her so she wouldn't move.

"You will be the queen of six kingdoms"

Sam then brought her lips to his and a sincere kiss connected them both. He did not understand why Orwen started the reconquest so early, the wall prevented the Others from crossing to the south and the Lannisters had control of King's Landing, they could ally with them. Why lead the continent into yet another war?

But he knew he wouldn't be returning home for a long time. Alys got pregnant and his son would come into the world in a few months, she wouldn't see him for at least two years. He wanted to forget this young Valyrian, but the way her small hands brushed his intimacy burned his honor and the wind threw the ashes to where he would no longer see them.

That afternoon, Oldleaf's servants heard the songs of youth echo off the walls of the keep. The kennel master, Vorbrok Ratheart, sighed at his young master giving in to the dragons' charms, as did Wythor Wyce at Princess Visenya. His letter to Sunhall asked for clemency for Lord Garvy and warning that Orwen's plans had begun.

In Winterfell.

Robert Baratheon's entourage entered the gates of Winterfell like a river of pale steel and the rainbow of banners bearing houses from the Crownlands, Reach, Westerlands, Vale, and Riverlands. Little Arya was coming from the top of the walls when she said that few of the commoners of Wintertown showed up to see the king and there was no greeting as when Lord Garvy Wyce arrived, which was when Tyron also arrived. He laughed at his words, but inside and avoiding Ned Stark's anger he also noticed it.

The Stark house presented itself in a southern manner, on walls in the main courtyard, with Jon and Ned at the front followed by Lady Catelyn Tully, Robb, Sansa, Bran, Arya and baby Rickon. Behind the main family stood Tyron and his wife Wylla Manderly, with their hair dyed blue and in her arms little two-named Waylar Wyce, who slept as the light summer snows fell. King Robert arrived on horseback, with him was Jaime Lannister the Kingslayer, Sandor Clegane the Hound and finally a tall boy with golden hair: Joffrey Baratheon. The heir to the Iron Throne. Tyrion Lannister was not with the entourage, according to Orwen, his Lannisport ship was delayed due to bad weather and was stranded on Stony Shore. Lord Rickard Fisher of Stonegarden welcomed the Imp and he arrived safely in Sunhall. The king jumped off his horse and approached Ned Stark.

King Robert, the Demon of the Trident, met his friend's eyes, silence took over that encounter that had not occurred since Balon Greyjoy's rebellion. Ned Stark still remained tall, strong and Stark's icy face but Robert Baratheon gained weight, his extra chins and protruding belly made him the complete image of a Magister of Pentos, so thought Tyron who held his lips to avoid laughing at his appearance Baratheon's advantage. Wylla saw her husband's face and poked him with her free hand.

"Your grace, Winterfell is yours"

Everyone knelt before the king and the royal family, Ned kissed the queen's ring and the king kissed Catelyn's hand. Jon also paid his respects and Robert just glanced at the boy.

"You got fat"

Robert said with a still face, but Ned, using his eyes, pointed to his friend's change, and Robert laughed, demonstrating their friendship. Robert greeted Ned's children but without first noticing Tyron with his pale blond hair.

"You are the son of Lord Garvy Wyce if I'm not mistaken"

"Yes, your grace, I am Tyron Wyce"

He bowed to Robert and the man laughed.

"More like Tyron Lannister. Even though he still reminds me of his mother, that woman was cruel with a double-grip axe. The biggest breasts I've never been able to taste."

Robert laughed but tension rose in the courtyard. Tyron looked directly at the king and clenched his fists, Wylla held his forearm but his greatest fear was the Berserker's Umber, more precisely Smalljon Umber, who came to the Wintertown tournament held in the name of the king. Ned also feared a reaction from Tyron but it was Jon who surprised everyone.

"Your grace, my aunt awaits your respects in our crypt. The queen deserves rest and the little ones who came with her are also exhausted"

"You must not give orders to the king, wildling"

She said she was Meryn Trant, royal guard alongside Jaime Lannister.

Jon smiled and ordered:


One of the Stark soldiers introduced himself, he carried a longbow and a quiver full of arrows.

"If this White Cloak calls any Northman a wildling again, kill him."

Alvyn nodded and all the Stark soldiers understood that the orders were not just for Alvyn.

"This is an order, royal guard, I suggested to the king that grace him and the royal family, that they rest"

Robert laughed again.

"You really are Brandon's son"

He ran his hand through Jon's hair and went with Ned to the crypts.

The queen just looked at the young man who had so cruelly ordered the killing of Meryn Trant and smiled, before heading towards the chambers intended for the royal family.

Jon sighed and approached Tyron, who despite his indifference, was still clenching his fists angrily.

"Tyron, forget about this Fat Stag, the banquet is starting in a few hours and I need you with me"

Wylla released her husband's arm and also advised him.

"Occupy your mind with work, my love, it will leave as quickly as it came"

Sunhall was born as a circular fort, a tower surrounded by houses, all in wood and grew to become a castle so tall that Sunhall's dungeons were at the top, they called themselves Kettlefire for cooking their prisoners in the sun or in the ice that burns and darkens the meat. The Kettlefires were on the edge of Sunhall and the further north, the more the prisoners felt the cold invade their bones and the further west the sun cooked them alive. Tyrion Lannister gazed in wonder at the Wyce ancestral seat. In the Casterly Rock library there were a hundred diaries from the Lannisters from before the arrival of the Andals to the Casterly's who established their home there, opinions were diverse, there were Casterly's who fought with Wyce's, who married Wyce's and many Lannisters who married Wyce's, Wylt's and Wyron's. He wish he had read more about wars than marriages.

"What are you doing in my house, Tyrion Lannister"

Asked the lord of Frostport: Garvy Wyce. Sitting on the Frosthrone, a bronze throne adorned with runes of blue topaz and sapphires at the base and from the waist up runes made of amber and spinel in orange tones like sunbeams. At the dawn of this day, Tyrion approved what King Kevan II Lannister said: [The Frosthrone lights at dawn, burns at noon, dies at dusk, and sleeps at night to be reborn again the next morning].

Tyrion was ahead of Garvy Wyce, his small size compared to the giant northern lord made him fear being face to face with him.

"Lord Wyce, may I not pay a visit to distant relatives?"

Tyrion ate an apple given to him by a servant, even though he preferred wine and ale.

"The house Lannister of Lannisport is welcome in my manor. But the Lannisters of Casterly Rock and especially the descendants of Tywin Lannister remain in Tentown."

Garvy looked directly at Tyrion, who was trying not to tremble at the one who strangely reminded him of his father, Lord Tywin.

"But I'm here. In Sunhall and tasting a delicious apple"

Tyrion took another bite.

"Being audited, by the lord of Frostport"

Saloman Wyce said. Sitting next to Lord Garvy, the young man was a dark-haired mountain dressed in the finest quilted cotton clothes and bronze jewelry with amber embedded in each one. The Tentowners believed that Orwen was perfect as a First Men and Andal with his dark hair with blonde tips and grayish green eyes, Tyron had more Andal features in completely pale blonde hair and dark green eyes but was in appearance a complete First Men with his height above from the average, Samurel with his green eyes like emeralds enchanted the ladies who visited Sunhall during the tournaments and his hair had entire blonde locks going from the roots to the ends. Saloman certainly had the strongest blood of the First Men with completely gray eyes and dark hair like the down of a black Wolfswood wolf.

"Tell me Tyrion Lannister, is your mind sharp enough to calculate this: If I throw you into the Kettlefire's, how long will it take for your meat to cook? I've seen a short, slender man from Astapor scream for two whole hours when noon arrived. and when we opened his cell, the meat barely stuck to the bronze floor, we like it when our prisoners cook but it's always more fun to watch them fry. Would you scream for two whole hours or half that?"

Tyrion swallowed hard, he had heard stories of the Kettlefire's but he had never thought that they would allow men to die there, it was just a giant torture machine, that's what he thought.

"Winter is coming. He won't burn like the slave trader, he will rot with the hot kisses of the winds that come from the Wall, with luck and food he could die in the first wave of winter gales"

Garvy smiled at his son and he also laughed at the frightened dwarf.

"The king arrived at Winterfell two days ago, his sister the queen and the Kingslayer are also there. Why did he decide to just come through the waters of the Sunset Sea and not the Kingsroad?"

"Although I love my brothers, Lord Wyce, it has always been my desire to visit your famous city, an almost Essosi colossus in simpler lands like our continent"

Tyrion smiled, he didn't like being in front of these men but his words were sincere and Garvy Wyce didn't see false opinions. But this was not Tyrion Lannister's goal in Frostport. The lord of Frostport continued to stare at the Imp, who felt almost in front of Tywin Lannister.

"Also bring you an agreement, my lord, of marriage and union of Casterly Rock and Frostport

Writing about New Castle is a little difficult and fun. Watching the Premier League and supporting Newcastle United is always calling this castle the same way it is said in the north of England.

Felix_Writtdancreators' thoughts