
ASOIAF - Above us, Victory.

When Yvar the Mad sacked Oldtown, he headed north. From that day on, his lineage took power and stole their glory.

Felix_Writtdan · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

Among Warriors, the Most Honorable.

Wintertown has never been so full of knights. Even when Harad Wyce captured the knights in service of Argos Sevenstars and Theon Stark himself made those more than two hundred men fight each other until only one survived, that man's prize was a painless death with his head severed by Ice, the sword of Valyrian Steel of House Stark. The northerners there, at every turn of the moon, got used to gathering in the main square and watching the hand-to-hand combats worth wine, meat or when Winterfell sponsored: Weapons and Armor made in a castle.

During the first day of the tournament, the central square of Wintertown hosted a hand-to-hand championship, with the winner being Smalljon Umber who hacked apart a dozen warriors with his blunt steel axe, which he cut with the force of living steel. On the fifth day it was the team melee with the victory of Smalljon Umber, Alvyn of Wintertown and the brothers Harrion, Eddard and Torrhen Karstark.

Alvyn of Wintertown, as they called him when he fought against Smalljon Umber in the quarterfinals of the melee, is the son of an archer who protected Lord Eddard Stark at the Trident when Prince Lewyn Martell launched an attack against Lord Garvy Wyce who was winning against Rhaegar Targaryen, Lord Stark had faced Lewyn head on to protect Lord Wyce but his skill was not enough and it was up to Alvyn's father to save Ned Stark with the strings of his bow choking Lewyn to death. The prince of Dorne previously dealt a dozen blows with a dagger that he held next to his forearm and his father died from the poison present in the blade. Alvyn was then taken to live in Winterfell by Lord Stark and proved to be a warrior with an innate gift for archery and the song of steel. Thanks to the money he had earned from the melee in the last few days of the tournament. Alvyn decided to enter the jousts. Friends of his said that his pride went too far to his head that skilled Reach knights entered the qualifiers and that no less than six Reachers are invincible, without even losing a fight after falling.

But here he was, dressed in simple plates of castle-made steel, with a jousting shield in his left hand, sitting on a stool in the tent they had set up for Wintertown's only competitor to survive the round of 16. In front of him were two young nobles: The one with dark hair, an elongated face and gray eyes was the next lord of Winterfell and the North, Jon Stark and next to him was the second heir of Lord Garvy Wyce, with pale blond hair, Tyron Wyce. They came alone, bringing a skin of wine and poured Alvyn a horn to his mouth and told him to drink it all, promising that there was a precious elixir there. Alvyn didn't understand at first, he thought the lords didn't want a commoner victorious in their own fun. But then he understood what the elixir was.

"Do you like the taste, Alvyn?"

Tyron asked with a smile, he then refilled the horn with more wine from the skin.

"Yes, my lord, it's the best wine I've ever had"

Alvyn was sincere, he felt the pain of the last few days disappear and even the strength in his grip on the shield was greater. He felt more confident.

"You shouldn't call it wine, Alvyn"

Jon said, taking a small fruit, the size of a baby's chubby finger, out of his pockets and handing it to him.

"This is called a Heartapple. It used to grow in the Heart Trees before the Andal invasion, but thanks to a kin killer, the Old God's banned its growth in Westeros. Well, until two years ago."

"There are no knights among the First Men's, Alvyn, a warrior's duty is to protect his people without the need for honors and titles. Just as your father saved my father and Jon's uncle from dying at the hands of Prince Lewyn Martell, you have the blood of a true First Men. This elixir is not a short-acting potion or those mushrooms that the mountain tribes and berserker's Umber take before battle, this one has an eternal effect and you will show their power."

Tyron reached out to fill the horn with more elixir, but Alvyn threw it away and took the waterskin from Jon and began drinking it all, directly from his mouth. He laughed and so did Jon. He took it all in a few minutes, got up from the bench and picked up a sword and began to swing it, cutting the air with force and the whistles echoed through the tent.

"We spoke with Lady Dyana and she will be the favor you carry during the matches. You will crown her as your queen of love and beauty. The horse you will use is a recently tamed stallion"

"Lady Dyana?"

Alvyn blushed when he thought of her. Dyana Stark the Rose of Winterfell, a young woman with long black hair like the starless night, eyes of a deep shade of incandescent violet and pearly skin. Alvyn, like a soldier, has already passed by Lady Dyana, smelled her perfume and even exchanged a few words with her. Alvyn didn't believe he would receive her favor and crown her as his queen of love and beauty.

"Lord Stark and Lord Wyce, I appreciate this chance... But I don't know if I'll win this joust, I luckily passed the wandering knights in the previous qualifiers, I don't know if I'll pass Ser Tanton Fossoway, he's a knight of the Reach , a nobleman trained and nurtured for these competitions. I don't have the necessary confidence..."

"...If you win, you will be Lady Dyana's personal guard on her visit to the West"

Tyron Wyce interrupted him. He smiled with his lips seeing Alvyn's face.

"Could you repeat that, my lord?"

Alvyn asked stuttering.

"A tournament will take place in Lannisport in honor of the betrothal of Prince Tommen Baratheon and there the revelation of his bride will be given, she will be his bride"

In the arena, Ser Tanton Fossoway entered with his stallion Reacher, he wore beautiful plate armor with the coat of arms of Fossoway of Cider Hall above his breastplate, his shield had red scales forming a red apple. Just as his relatives Bryan and Edwyd Fossoway of Cider Hall went through the same round of 16 bracket, since the qualifiers he has maintained an unbeaten record of less than five broken spears, equaling the record of Ser Jaime Lannister of the Kingsguard. He rode into the arena and showed off his mount's abilities, riding along the sides and cutting through the air with his heavy spear. His eyes looked at Lady Dyana Stark alongside Princess Myrcella Baratheon and Lady Sansa Stark, forming a trio of the most beautiful girls present in the stands. He approached, wishing a favor from the most beautiful and mysterious: Lady Dyana. But like a sudden gale, a wild stallion trotted like a hare and stood in front of the three girls. This man carried no flag, a coat of arms or even his armor was as ornate as Ser Tanton's but his speed and the lightness with which his right arm carried the spear in front of Lady Dyana's chest infuriated the knight, who expected a rejection but What he had seen was the Rose of Winterfell skillfully tying the ribbon at the shoulder of that unknown knight.

"Here begins the first duel of the round of 16 of the Wintertown tournament!"

Said the announcer, a fat, red-haired man with a voice as powerful as thunder.

"On one side we have! The knight of House Fossoway of Cider Hall and undefeated with less than five spears broken per match! Ser Tanton Fossoway!"

The roars began and the men and women cheered and wished victory to Ser Tanton who waved his hand across the ground to create a curtain of snow and earth before pointing at his opponent.

"On the other side! We have him! A boy of common origin, who survived the melee before being stopped by the giant of Last Hearth and joined his forces in the melee as a team and emerged victorious with nothing less than forty-two knockouts in a row! Him! The Killerhawk of Wolfswood! Alvyn of Wintertown!"

The crowd flared up and those who stood beside Alvyn overshadowed the screams of those who chose the knight of Cider Hall, Alvyn remained mysterious to everyone there.

"Start this joust!"

King Robert roared and the competitors responded when the sound of the horn screamed and they trotted off with violent fury and speed!

Ser Tanton hoped to end it with a single spear, he was going to strike down that simple commoner and break his pride like a baby breaks a dry leaf!

The last moments of being Tanton Fossoway that day were a searing pain in his chest followed by the shattering of his shield's scales piercing his arm like the stingers of a swarm of bees and then losing all senses as his body met the icy floor of the arena.

"The winner and the first quarterfinalist! It's Alvyn from Wintertown!"

The arena caught fire and Alvyn left for his tent, with his armor intact and a spear broken in two.

"Who is that boy?"

Queen Cersei Lannister asked. She stood next to the king who ignored her, the queen wore a red cushioned dress embroidered with gold thread and fox and rabbit fur covering her neck and wrists.

"That's Alvyn, Your Majesty, a ward of my Uncle Ned and a candidate for my sister's personal guard."

Jon replied, with a slight smile, receiving a bag with golden dragons from young Tyron Wyce.

"Do you trust this commoner to maintain your sister's integrity, little Stark?"

The queen turned her green eyes to Tyron for a moment, keeping her gaze lightly on her baby, Waylar, and his wife, Wylla before asking Jon the question.

"But of course, your majesty, Alvyn is not just a simple warrior, a disposable infantryman. He is the finest warrior in our ranks and even the commander of the Wolf Horde, Jorah Mormont, said he had seen strength and savagery only in young wildlings in the true north, beyond the wall"

The queen's eyebrows rose, not at the sound of the horn, which began the confrontation of Bryan Fossoway versus Donnel Locke, but at the mention of wildlings.

"I only see reasons not to trust this... Savage, little wolf. Who knows when his savagery might one day turn against his delicate sister?"

Jon took a long look at that smug smile Cersei had given him. He thought he felt angry at her for calling Alvyn that way, but he could only laugh at the mention of Dyana's delicacy.

"I can be sure that Alvyn will dread the days he spends with my sister, Your Majesty, they will be fruitful and I hope to see the whole of him when he returns from Casterly Rock."

The queen narrowed her eyes and her gold-flecked emeralds shone brighter that way and Jon's smile became smug.

"What did you say?"

She questioned. She thought she was playing with a boy from the north, who never got used to the game like she did, who would only irritate the boy and make him blush in embarrassment.

"Didn't you know, your grace? Your father, Lord Tywin Lannister will marry Prince Tommen to Dyana, clearly there will be more than the first union of House Stark to the lions of the rock after centuries of the arrival of the Andals, Lord Lannister has plans regarding the fleet unfortunately destroyed by the Ironborn. But I know that Lord Garvy and Orwen Wyce have fortuitous plans for their distant relatives in the west that will benefit both our kingdoms."

Jon poured two glasses of wine and offered one to the queen, who took it from his hands before taking a deep breath and watching as Donnel Locke was sent to the ground by Ser Bryan Fossoway.

The round of 16 unfolded with excitement in each clash and the results were obvious after the unexpected defeat of Tanton Fossoway.

Ser Edwyd Fossoway took down Daryn Hornwood in three rounds, Ser Jon Fossoway took down Robin Flint in four rounds and the quarterfinals of the first bracket were between: Alvyn from Wintertown against Jon Fossoway and Ser Edwyd Fossoway against Ser Bryan Fossoway.

In the second round, the round of 16 was Ser Jaime Lannister against Omer Blackberry, Ser Meryn Trant against Ser Harry Sawyer, Sandor Clegane against Ser Robin Potter and Smalljon Umber against Ser Lyle Crakehall.

The Kingslayer took down Omer Blackberry with ease in the first round, Ser Meryn Trant took four rounds to take down Ser Harry Sawyer and Sandor Clegane after taking four rounds against Ser Robin Potter, he fell and challenged him to a fight where the Hound threw a powerful punch right in the forehead of being Robin who fell to the ground unconscious and declaring victory for Sandor.

However, the most exciting was Smalljon Umber against Lyle Crakehall where both got off their horses and started what would be the rematch of the melee final with Smalljon and Strongboar. The fight unfolded with ferocity, Smalljon knew Strongboar's weaknesses and again used these weaknesses to punch wounds that had not yet healed and even the steel scales covering his chest were not enough when Smalljon tore them off with his fingers and delivered a hundred punches to the exposed chest that left Strongboar almost unconscious. However, Lyle did not give up and resisted the punches and with a powerful punch to Smalljon's chin, the fight took a different direction and Smalljon met defeat with punches as powerful and noisy as hammers struck on the still hot iron on the anvil. In the end, Strongboar and Smalljon fought until they lost consciousness and the king announced a draw for both with Jaime Lannister directly advancing to the semi-final due to their indisposition.

"Will Smalljon be okay?"

Jon asked Maester Luwin, who was looking after Smalljon in a room at the inn near Wintertown's main square. The quarter-finals were postponed to give the competitors a rest, thanks to the king's concern, sparked by Jon's suggestion to postpone the show.

"Multiple invoices on the jaw, chest and abdomen with heavy pockets of blood on the skin, my lord, I did everything I could to help him survive at least this night, I gave him milk of poppy to support the pain. But I'm afraid that Lord Umber will not be able to fight with the same ability again if he recovers."

Maester Luwin's words weighed like an anvil on those present in the room, the majority of whom were the entourage that Last Hearth had sent to the tournament, there were also Alvyn and Robin Flint.

"Then it's best to leave him alone. Let's all go to the great hall of Winterfell, I hope the wine, ale or this fermented milk from Frostport will ease our worry about Smalljon"

With Jon's order, everyone up to the maester left the room, but not before Tyron Wyce, who always accompanied Jon at the tournament and banquets, closed the door and left just the three of them there.

"Did you bring the waterskin?"

He asked and from behind the blue cloak, Tyron takes out the skin filled to the brim.

"Give it to him little by little, then he wakes up and tomorrow we'll teach that son of a whore a lesson"

The quarterfinals of the first bracket began. Being Jon Fossoway, wearing his scales in the shape of steel apples with colorful mosaic in the colors of his house, trotted with strength and speed towards Alvyn of Wintertown who still without identification, wearing black plate armor and the favor of Lady Dyana on his right arm, he rode even faster and in the first encounter the spears found their targets: Ser Jon delivered a powerful blow to Alvyn's shoulder that sent the spear straight into the knight's stomach, causing him to fall backwards but without losing his balance your mount. The stands continued to shake and fans for the warriors fueled the fire of combat.

"Tommen will like your guard, Lady Dyana"

Said Princess Myrcella, as the second round continued and the spears were broken, but the competitors remained on their mounts.

"My brother says otherwise, he wants Alvyn to be feared. That's why he gave him the chance to joust as a knight without even being a page."

The third round was about to begin and the sound of horses trotting began again.

"Tommen has lived with our grandfather for a long time, I think his guard will fear being ser Gregor before Tommen feels threatened"

The princess didn't like how the lady of Winterfell referred to her brother and I continued to respond to her.

"Watch as your guard falls to Jon Fossoway"

She pointed, waiting for the last clash of spears, but a feint from Alvyn aiming at the gap between the armpit and the breastplate of Jon's armor is effective and the knight of Cider Hall is sent away from his horse, against the wooden wall of the arena and then the ground kissing his face hard. Alvyn falls from his horse but quickly gets up and draws a dagger that he carries at his waist, waiting for the rider he never found.

"The princess is correct. Alvyn fell gracefully. I think you must have martial skills in addition to embroidering dresses and capes, your highness."

Lady Dyana responded with a smile and Sansa tried to hide her reaction, but her snorts of laughter gave her away.

The confrontation between Edwyd and Bryan Fossoway ended with a hard-fought victory for Edwyd, who after nine broken spears managed to disagree as Bryan. Ser Jaime Lannister found it difficult with Sandor Clegane but after four spears the lion took down the Hound and secured his place in the semi-finals. Many did not understand why Ser Jaime faced his own vassal, until Ser Meryn Trant of the kingsguard was seen entering on his white steed and then Smalljon Umber was seen entering with his red stallion and wearing only leather and a Weirwood spear with ancient runes of the First Men's painted with Heart Tree sap. The first assault began and everyone thinking it would be an almost unanimous confrontation for Meryn ended in a fatality when the Umber warrior pierced Meryn's stomach with enough brutality to deform the metal covering the stomach and make the royal guard's stomach mush. The tournament paused and those shocked by Meryn's brutal death retreated so other spectators could watch the semi-final.

The match between Alvyn of Wintertown against Ser Edwyd was nothing short of disappointing, when Ser Edwyd was sent flying to the ground thanks to a clean strike from Alvyn, who only came away with a spear very well defended by his shield.

Smalljon, on the other hand, did not attend because he had a stomach ache and the final was between: Ser Jaime Lannister against Alvyn of Wintertown.

The final has arrived. Alvyn looked at Lady Dyana's favor, immaculate and still clean as the day Lady Dyana tied it together over her biceps. His dark armor, previously immaculate but with some scratches, was worn and in addition to stains of dirt and Edwyd Fossoway's blood, the dents on his chest made him look like a warrior who had survived a battle. He imagined if his father hadn't died, his mother wouldn't have contracted that disease and died, if they would have been in the stands for the people or with the lesser nobles in the stands intended for the king and his entourage. He didn't know his parents, but he knew Jaime Lannister, the Kingslayer.

He knew the deadly and graceful way in which his attacks fit perfectly into his opponents' guard, he had that gift! The gift of seeing weakness, the gift of seeing the world more slowly and feeling the weakness of victims. Jaime Lannister is a lion of the rock, he understands how his prey behave in the face of his sharp fangs, he knew where to attack and how to make each bite delivered to their fragile bodies count. He knew from the Westerlander's posture that he considered him an equal, but not from the beginning. Jaime Lannister saw Alvyn as a rat who knew where to bite to make it hurt more, but during the confrontations, Jaime noticed that Alvyn of Wintertown was not a rat, he was a cunning fox with the same way of seeing the world as him. But there was a difference: Jaime saw dragons, white bulls, and bright stars in the sky, but it was the first time Alvyn had seen a lion in the north.

The sound of the horn echoed and the trots of the beasts followed their straight path towards their prey. Ser Jaime deftly aimed straight for the belly as revenge for his companion Meryn Trant. But Alvyn saw his way and the target was Jaime's right shoulder, holding the spear.

Both read their opponents like open parchments and the first shock occurred!

The spears broke and Jaime felt his chest tingle as Alvyn's ribs shook when struck by the lion's spear.

The king laughed and congratulated them as they both remained standing, the queen gripping the wine cup hard enough to crush it.

Jon Stark smiled like a wolf watching the goats fight and the blood spread across the snow, Tyron Wyce remained expressionless and Lady Dyana rested her chin in her hands, carefully analyzing the remarkable change that the passionate orphan had made since his first fight in the round of 16.

The second clash of spears was faster than the previous one, with Jaime striking Alvyn's left shoulder and him eliciting a howl of pain as his ribs pressed against his lungs in the northerner's accurate blow.

There were more than five shocks that day. Alvyn of Wintertown broke Jaime Lannister's record in that tournament.

In the sixth spear clash, Jaime Lannister had stained his breastplate with blood running down his lips and Alvyn could no longer raise his shield due to the dents in the plates on the forearm that held it. The seventh clash was the most brutal when Jaime Lannister thrust his remaining strength into Alvyn's chest for the first time since the start of the match, only to come across a strong wall like the one in the far north and then forget to raise his shield, to the Alvyn of Wintertown's last blow took him to the ground with force and his white cloak caught the horse's saddle and then the animal dragged a fainted lion across the arena, eliciting laughter from everyone there.

The king laughed loudest then, he then pointed to Ned Stark who was next to him and asked him for Ice, the ancestral weapon of the Stark house. He walked past the stands and down the stairs with heavy steps, his belly rippling with each step and his breathing like that of a wild boar.

He approached Alvyn who had received the crown of queen of love and beauty, adorning the jousting spear. The king shook his head so he could crown his queen.

Alvyn ordered and the horse, exhausted from the day, approached the area where Lady Dyana Stark was waiting for her new personal guard. She took the crown and placed it on her head, making her the most beautiful woman in that arena. Jon smiled and nodded to Alvyn, who jumped off his stallion and knelt before the king of the seven kingdoms.

"I hate decorum and ready-made phrases. Therefore, Alvyn of Wintertown, do you swear before the eyes of gods and men to defend those who cannot defend themselves, to protect all women and children, to obey your captains, your liege lord, and your king, to fight bravely when needed and do such other tasks as are laid upon you, however hard or humble or dangerous they may be?"

"Yes, your grace"

"Then arise, Ser Alvyn Wynfall"

House Wynfall: A white shooting star on a black background.

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