
Ashes Rise

attention! Ashes rise will be going live in the next 24 hours what?

Seji_Sinner · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 3 This is familiar?

As the day progresses not much more happens, After school I walk to the gate and I see my sister waiting for me, these days they were a happy memory and now I'm back. it's a little much I sigh and wipe a tear away.

"-hey big brother let's go home"

okay, lets go how was your classes?

"-they were okay the new kid brought a lizard and the teacher freaked out and sent him to the office."

oh sounds like a fun time.

as we get home I see my dad waiting for us as we approach the house he calls me over.

"-Son come here for a minute."

okay, I say as I walk over to the garage door he tells me to follow him, whats up dad?

"he opens the door and waves me in, come see"

I already know what's behind the door and how much he put into it, it warms my heart thinking about it.

I walk in and see it, its a red metallic gaming pod.

dad is this for me?

"No its for the mice, what do you think You idjit."

he smacks me on the back of the head as he says this

I smile thank you so much dad, I walk over and hug him.

"I know your mother and me cant give you all whatever you want but we do love you and we try our best to make sure you know that son.

Dad, I don't need materialistic things to know how much you care, I love you and I love mom, You guys are good parents, I'm a lucky kid I say with tears in my eyes.

"cough" he wipes a tear away pretending he had something in his eye.

"well get in and get it set up, we can talk more later."

He says as he walks to the door, he turns around and says "don't let this affect your school work"

I won't dad I promise.

He smiles and leaves, I turn around and look at the game pod.

all emotion leaves my face and my heart rate slows down, There are many decisions I am about to make that will impact the future and the people I care about I can't fuck up now.

I walk to the pod and press a button on the pod and the top lifts up and I lay down and it closes.

synchronizing starting.....

new user detected...

would you like to pair with the pod Y/N?

I click yes.

downloading format....

What is your user name?

Wakeless Sin, I say


welcome Wakeless, to ashes rise here anything is possible with hard work and dedication

would you like to complete the tutorial Y/N?

I click no, I don't need help with my class decision I already know what I will be choosing.

Class selection, please choose from these basic classes.






Witch Hunter:



Demon underling:


Well there they are all of them are just starting classes but you can evolve them, In my last life I played as a Knight, I choose the demon underling. Not many ever choose the demon underling because it seems a little demeaning and Not great at the start.

but a few did and a lot of people later regretted not sticking with it.


blackness engulfs me, then light comes as my eyes slowly open.

"Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border,

right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that

thief over there." says a man in blue chainmail

'-Damn you Native Rebels. Allmark was fine until you came along. Empire was

nice and lazy. If they hadn't been looking for you, I could've stolen

that horse and been half way to HammerWind. You there. You and me — we

should be here. It's these Native Rebels the Empire wants. says a guy in black clothing

We're all brothers and sisters in binds now, thief. says the man in blue.

Shut up back there! Says the imperial guard driving the cart.

I look around, well I'm back now, I look at the guard and then at the others, I kick the man in blue in the stomach and a fight breaks out everyone in the cart starts fighting and the other imperial guard hops back and separate's everyone and as that happens i take my cuffs and put them over his head and start pulling, dropping him to the ground and using my knee as leverage until he stops moving.

I grab his sword as the rest of the captives look at me wide eyed

I walk to the one driving the cart and shove the sword through his chest. and hop over and stop the cart from moving.

I get two notifications

75 Exp earned low level guard killed

75 Exp earned low level guard killed

I look for the keys on the guard and find them on his hip, I take them and uncuff myself, and throw the keys back into the wagon, the guard next to me drops a silver coin and a sword and the one in the wagon drops some bronze coins and a sash.

Its going to be a slow start bear with me Im still trying to determine the series of events I know the general direction id like to take but how to get there is the question.

Seji_Sinnercreators' thoughts