
Asher Reborn

Asher, a royal vampire was killed by his brothers and he reincarnated on Earth. Before his death in the celestial world, he was sealed with three sealing arrays by a witch, sealing his powers and memories. He is now on Earth, how can he survive without his powers in a world filled with mages capable of destroying continents, without his memories about his purpose on Earth. Unknown to him, he is reincarnated on Earth to complete a task that would determine the fate of everyone, he is tasked with the destruction of the Phoenix, a mythical creature that would aid the defeated Primodial being in the destruction of the celestial world and Earth. This is the story of a royal Vampire, burdened with the fate of millions of creatures as he protects family, fight enemies and love ladies.

Emma08 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 26: First job as a drug dealer

Asher sat on a couch in the club as he waited for the clients that were coming to buy the drugs. People danced around him, some drank alcohol while some were kissing and having sex but he just sat down, watching everything around him. He smirked as he saw a beautiful woman in a black gown walk past him but he didn't approach her now, his clients should arrive soon.

Three ferocious looking men suddenly sat opposite him and Asher shot them an indifferent look before smiling.

" Trojan?" Asher asked the men that sat opposite him.

" It ended up dead. Snake?" One of the men responded.

" It's still biting." Asher responded and the men nodded in relief, what they had been saying was a code formulated by Sunny and the client that sent the three men.

" Where is the money?" Asher asked.

" The product first." One of the men retorted.

" No, the money first." Asher said firmly and the men conceded as they handed him a bag that contained money. Asher didn't check the money before giving them a small bag that contained illegal drugs.

They collected the small bag from Asher and they checked the product as Asher also checked the authenticity of the money they gave to him.

" It's all good." Asher said first as he placed the bag of money beside him.

" Same here." One of the men that sat opposite Asher said.

" Nice doing business with you." Asher stood up and he stretched his hands towards the men, one of the men took his hand.

" Same here, have a nice day." The man that shook his hand said to Asher and they left the club. Asher took the bag of money and he headed outside the club where he met with Elina in the car she brought to the club.

" Why did you ask me to meet up with you? I thought everything about distribution is your job?" Elina complained as Asher sat beside her in the car that she brought.

" Take the money and go back." Asher said and he gave the bag money to Elina and he climbed out of the car and he closed the door behind him.

" Aren't you coming with me?" Elina asked.

" No, I have something to do before I leave here." Asher responded.

" What's that?" Elina asked.

" Unfinished business." Asher said and he walked back into the club.

" Stay safe." Asher heard Elina say as he left. After walking into the club, he looked for the woman in black gown that he saw earlier. He wanted to talk to her before causing trouble in the club.

With his enhanced sight, he saw the woman by the bar taking alcohol, alone. He walked briskly towards her, when he got to her, he sat beside her.

" Give me a glass." Asher told the bartender and the bartender gave him a glass filled with alcohol. After taking the cup from the bartender, he took a sip and he turned to face the lady beside him.

" Nice dress." Asher commented honestly.

" Oh, thanks." The woman responded with indifference as she looked at Asher.

" It looks like this is your first time here." Asher said.

" Yes, a friend recommended this place. We should be here together but she couldn't come because she had to do something at work." The lady said.

" I can show you around." Asher said as a mischievous glint appeared in his eyes.

" I am Asher." Asher said and he stretched his hands towards her.

" Hannah." Hannah said as she shook Asher's hand. Asher smiled as he stood up then he pulled Hannah gently off the bar stool before twirling her.

" Let's dance." Asher said and he pulled Hannah towards the dance floor.

" You have a nice perfume." Hannah commented as they danced and Asher was bewildered, he didn't use perfume.

" I don't use perfume." Asher responded.

" I thought so because the perfume smells like that of a woman." Hannah said, Asher wondered how perfume got on his clothes. Oh, Elina, she must have put it on his clothes because she was the one that prepared his clothes. Although he did not want to wear the clothes that she prepared, he didn't have other clothes because he didn't have money to buy clothes.

" Your girlfriend?" Hannah asked.

" No." Asher responded sharply, he couldn't even imagine Elina being his girlfriend.

" I see." Hannah said before smiling and Asher also beamed a smile at her. The smile on his face quickly disappeared when he saw a woman go out of the club. Asher stiffened after seeing the woman because the woman is part of the dark witches that attacked Shawn's house.

" Hannah, I need to go." Asher said.

" Really?" Hannah said, disappointed.

" Yes, I want to continue this conversation but I can't, so give me your number." Asher said and he chased after the dark witch after collecting Hannah's number.

He made sure the witch didn't know that he was trailing her although the witch was suspicious because she kept looking over her shoulder. Asher was ready to fight her, even kill her but he wanted to see if she would meet with someone before attacking her. But he didn't have his sword with him so his offensive power was reduced but he was sure that he would overwhelm the witch.

After minutes of following the woman patiently, he saw her meet with another woman and he hid somewhere around where they met. But he couldn't hear what they were saying despite his superior hearing, maybe they casted a spell around them.

After talking for minutes, both of the women walked towards where Asher was hiding.

" Come out." The woman that he was following shouted and Asher scowled when he realised that they already knew he was hiding. Asher slowly walked towards them.

" Why are you following me?" The woman asked while the other woman just looked at Asher.

" You are a dark witch." Asher said and surprise flushed the two women's faces. They both got into a fighting stance as they prepared offensive spells.

" You took the life of someone I loved and you still have someone I care about with you guys." Asher said as he walked fearlessly towards the dark witches.

" I don't know what you're talking about." The woman he was following said.

" I know you wouldn't know." Asher said as his eyes turned blood red and his fingers grew claws.

" It is the Vampire." The other woman shrieked and she ran away but the woman he was following didn't run away.

" I can finally capture a Vampire." The woman he was following said and she conjured a dark arrow and she threw it towards Asher. Asher dodged the arrow quickly and he ran towards the witch, getting to the witch, Asher grabbed her neck and he lifted her. Asher was too fast for the witch to react to his attack, he squeezed her neck as he choked her slowly but he stopped when he sensed someone walking towards him.

" Let her go." Asher heard a familiar voice say behind him and he dropped the woman as surprise overwhelmed him.