
Ash born with aura and psychic powers

Ash was playing in virdian forest when he was 5 years old and flock of spearrows attacked him but ended up saved by mew and awakened his aura and psychic powers. Follow his journey smart ash,op ash,mature ash and also in Kanto leadue he will face Tobias but to find out who will win read about it and he will not catch legendary Pokemon but make his normal to able to defeat them. And don't worry each chapter atleast have 4,000 to 10,000 words.

DaoistcRNLqo · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Safari Zone and Grandpa Canyon

It was a day after Ash had a battle in Fuchsia gym, and the group is now in front of the main entrance of the Safari Zone.

"So, do we go inside and sign up or something to be able to catch some Pokémon or how does this work," asked Misty?

"There is a warden at the entrance, we should go see him first," replied Ash.

When they got at house that was near the entrance, Ash and the others saw Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy there, which surprised them.

"Hello Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy," said Ash as he and the others approached them.

"Oh, hello there kids. Are you here to catch some Pokémon," asked Joy?

"Yes we are," replied Leaf. "But what are you doing here, shouldn't this place have a warden?"

"Well, the warden retired a few weeks ago, and until the new one is appointed, we are here to keep watch of everything," replied Officer Jenny.

"Oh, I see," said Leaf.

"Well, come on then, if you want to catch something you have to sign up first," said Nurse Joy and led them inside to sigh them up.

"Ok, give me your Pokedex's or any other identification if you have and I'll finish everything else," said Jenny, and then took the identification's from them. Ash and Leaf gave their Pokedex's and Misty and Brock showed their trainers ID's.

Jenny then went to the computer and after a few minutes had all of them signed up. "All finished," she said and gave them their stuff back.

"Here are 30 special Safari Ball's for each of you. You can only use them to capture Pokémon in Safari Zone, but you must not battle them, you must only throw the ball, and hope that it will be able to catch something," Nurse Joy gave them Poke Ball's and explained the rules.

"That sucks," commented Misty with a frown. "We are basically relying on pure luck."

"If we let people capture Pokémon here however they want, then there wouldn't be any Pokémon left," said Nurse Joy, and the others saw the logic in that.

"Good luck," said Jenny. "Oh, and you have to be back by seven in the afternoon, and if you get lost, try to send some sort of signal so that I can find you," Jenny added,

"Thanks' Officer Jenny, Nurse Joy," said Ash and then left with the others.

"Are we going to go all together, or are we going to separate," asked Brock?

"I think we should spread around, that way we'll be able to cover more ground, and I also need to go with Pikachu and find his Eevee friend's, and we might take some time there," said Ash.

"Won't you try and catch some Pokémon," asked Leaf?

"If I have a chance to catch something I'll try, but the main reason I came here is because of those Eevee's," replied Ash.

"Ok then, let's spread and we'll meet at the entrance at 7 tonight," said Brock and left on one side, while others went on the other sides.

"Do you remember where they live Pikachu," Ash asked his Pikachu, who was on his shoulder?

"Yes, I do remember, I just hope that they are still there and that nothing happened to them," replied Pikachu.

"Don't worry, I'm sure they are all fine," said Ash, and then let Pikachu lead the way.

After about half an hour, Ash, Pikachu and Lucario came in front of a small cave on the far side of the forest, where there were no other Pokémon.

"Are you sure this is a place Pikachu, because it's quite far from the road, and I wouldn't even bother coming here if you didn't bring me," asked Ash.

"Yes this is the place," replied Pikachu.

"But how were you captured all the way here, and the same goes for Vaporeon, Jolteon and Flareon, I really don't think Damian would have come all the way here," Ash asked a little surprised?

"Well, I went out looking for some food and went a little too far and that is when that guy showed up and managed to catch me," replied Pikachu. "The same thing happened to the three of them."

"I see," said Ash. "Well anyway let's go inside and see if they are there. But first," he took out three of his Poke Ball's. "Come on out everyone."

Out of the Poke Ball's came Vaporeon, Jolteon and Flareon who Ash switched with Crobat, Bulbasaur and Squirtle just before they reached Safari Zone, and looked around. When they saw were they are, all three of them started crying and run inside of the cave. They were quickly followed by Ash, Pikachu and Lucario.

The three Eeveelutions ran so fast that by the time Ash and his two Pokémon managed to catch up, Vaporeon, Jolteon and Flareon were already surrounded by their parents and siblings, and all of them were crying their eyes out because they were reunited again.

Pikachu then went to them and joined them. When younger Eevee's saw Pikachu coming toward them, they took a battle stance, but were quickly stopped by two older Eevee's and their three evolved siblings.

Two older Eevee's recognized Pikachu and gave him a big hug, because they were happy to see him after all this time without knowing what happened to him.

Pikachu, Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon introduced Ash and Lucario to their family and they all spent the next two hours talking about how they were captured and what happened afterword's, all the way up to how they came to be a part of Ash's team.

After two hours, Ash finally decided to ask. "So what are you all going to do now that you are home," Ash looked at Pikachu and three Eeveelutions, who started to think what are they going to do now?

"As I promised four years ago I brought you here to your friend's, and now I want to know if you are staying here with them or coming with me," this time Ash only asked Pikachu.

For the next few minutes no one said anything, it was complete silence, as Pikachu, Vaporeon, Jolteon and Flareon were thinking what to do next.

On one side, they were finally reunited with their family and they don't want to separate from each other again, but on the other side, they have Ash who has helped them a lot, and without him they wouldn't even be here now. To leave him would be wrong, and they all would be just as sad as if they were to leave their family behind.

That's when they all gathered together, and started talking to see what would be the best decision to make.

They talked for about fifteen minutes before a surprised gasp came from every Eevee and its three evolved Pokémon. Apparently Pikachu said something that surprised them all.

After another five minutes, they finally came to an agreement and then they all stood in front of Ash and Lucario, and looked at Ash.

"So what have you decided," asked Ash?

"We had a bit of a problem because no matter what we chose, we would be leaving someone behind, and then an idea came to me, and I suggested it to them. After some convincing, they all accepted," said Pikachu.

"And what was your idea," asked Ash?

"I suggested that Eevee's come with us and became a part of your team," replied Pikachu and made Ash's and Lucario's eyes widen a lot.

"Are you serious," asked Ash after a few moments of silence?

"I 'am, that is the best thing we can do. If they come with us we will always be together and there will be no danger of someone else capturing them like it happened to the four of us," replied Pikachu. "And of course they accepted as it is the best decision they can make."

"And you all are ok with coming with me and becoming a part of my team," Ash more stated then asked but it was a question, and he got his reply when they all nodded their heads?

"Ok, if that is what you want, then who am I to say no to that," Ash said, and everyone started cheering.

After their cheering stopped, Ash took out five Safari balls and caught five Eevee's. He then returned his three Eeveelutions, and then left the cave so he can continue to explore Safari Zone since he still has almost six hours left until it's time to go back.


Once Ash, Lucario and Pikachu left the cave where Eevee's lived, they went all over Safari Zone and tried to catch some Pokémon. In some cases Ash was successful and was able to catch a Pokémon, but in others he wasn't, as those Pokémon wanted to remain free and live without trainer.

But the most interesting thing that happened to Ash was when he came across a lake that was quite far from the main road, and it looks like that trainers don't came here very much, because it's full of different Pokémon. And the most interesting among them was a Dragonair, who lived in the lake, with Dratini, which was her son.

Dratini took quite a liking at Ash, and they spent over an hour together, during which Dragonair showed up, and joined them in conversations. The two Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon were quite interested in Ash as he was able to use Aura and Psychic powers and was able to understand them.

When Ash decided it was time to go and continue his search for some other Pokémon, Dratini got sad, and asked if he can join Ash on his journey, which surprised everyone there, but especially his mother Dragonair.

Ash asked Dratini if he was sure of this, and he replied that he is sure, but he wants his mother to come with him, as he doesn't want to leave her back here.

After some thinking, Dragonair agreed to come, but she stated that she is not interested in fighting. Ash didn't have a problem with that, and told her that she can stay at Professor Oak's ranch where all of his Pokémon are staying when they are not with him.

Dragonair agreed, and then Ash caught her and Dratini in Safari Ball's and continued his search across the Safari Zone.


It is now seven in the afternoon, and Brock, Misty and Leaf are in front of the house at the entrance of the Safari Zone, along with Officer Jenny and Nurse Joy. They all came back from their search several minutes ago, and are only waiting for Ash.

"I wander why Ash is not here yet, it's not like him to be late," wandered Misty?

"I don't know. I hope nothing happened to him," replied Leaf.

"Oh I wouldn't worry about Ash, during this time we have traveled together, I have learned that he is someone who can't be hurt just like that, and if something is wrong, we would have known by now," said Brock, which got him a confused looks from Leaf, Jenny and Joy, and a knowing look from Misty, since she knows what he means by that.

Just as Leaf was to ask what he means by that, they all saw Ash coming toward them.

"I see you are all here already," Ash said when he came in front of everybody!

"Yes, we came about ten minutes ago," replied Brock.

"Why were you late, It's not like you," asked Misty?

"We went a little too far, and it took me some time to came here because I didn't' even notice the time until it was too late," replied Ash, while rubbing the back of his head and smiling.

"Ok, now that you are all here, let's go inside so I can register all the Pokémon you have managed to catch, so you can put them in your own Poke Ball's," said Officer Jenny, and then she went inside with Nurse Joy, and were followed by Ash and the others.

Once they entered inside, Jenny went to the computer and said. "Ok, who will be first to go?"

"I'll go first," said Leaf, and came closer to Jenny.

"Release all the Pokémon you have caught and I'll register them," Jenny said.

"Ok," Leaf replied and let all the Pokémon she caught from Safari Ball's.

Out of the Poke Ball's came; Gloom, Parasect, Seel, Shellder, Scyther and Tauros.

"Ok, so you managed to catch 6 Pokémon, not bad," stated Jenny, and Leaf just nodded.

"You caught some interesting Pokémon, Leaf, congratulations," said Ash, and smiled, which Leaf returned. "But how did you caught Scyther, they are not easy to catch?"

"Well, I talked with all of them, and I managed to convince them to join me on my journey," replied Leaf, while smiling sheepishly.

"Why didn't I think of doing that," wondered Misty and frowned? "All I did was throw balls at them."

"Hahaha, well you should have thought more," said Ash with a laugh, which caused Misty to glare at him.

"Everything is Ok now, Leaf, you can put your Pokémon's inside of their Poke Ball's, after they are all checked by Nurse Joy to make sure they are all healthy," said Officer Jenny.

"Thanks', Officer Jenny," said Leaf, and returned 30 Safari Ball's she received, while Nurse Joy took all six of the Pokemon Leaf caught to check their health.

"Whose next," asked Jenny?

"I'll be next," Misty said and let four Pokémon's came out of Safari Ball's. Those Pokémon were; Seel, Slowpoke, Magicarp and Oddish.

"So you caught four Pokémon," commented Bock. "Not bad if you just threw Ball's at them like you said."

"Are you telling me that you also talked the Pokémon you caught into joining you," asked Misty, now getting quite angry, because she turned out to be a fool, and didn't think that there was a better way to catch Pokémon then to just throw balls and pray to god that it will be a success?

"Yes, that's exactly what I did," replied Brock. "I also showed them that I'm a good breeder and cook, so some of them got interested and decided to join me."

At hearing this Misty just sighed, and let it go. There is no reason to keep thinking about this as it can't be changed.

"All done, Misty," said Officer Jenny.

"Ok then, I'll be next," said Brock and released his new Pokémon, while Misty went to Nurse Joy, who was close to finish checking Leaf's new Pokémon.

The Pokémon who came from Brock's Safari Balls are; two Nidoran (M, F), Growlithe and Tauros.

"You also got four Pokémon," said Ash.

"Yeah. I talked with two Nidoran and Growlithe, and convinced them to come with me, as for Tauros, I just caught him," replied Brock.

Few minutes later, and all of his Pokémon were registered, so he went to stand in line to have Nurse Joy check them as well.

"It's finally your turn Ash. So let's see what you got," said Jenny.

Ash pulled out 12 Safari Ball's and released all the Pokémon that were in them. Once they all came out, everyone's eyes widened because of the Pokémon that Ash was able to catch.

The Pokémon were; Eevee x5, Dragonair, Dratini, Electabuzz, Rhydon, Seadra, Tauros and Ponyta.

"Wow, I cannot believe what Pokémon you were able to catch," said Jenny while picking her jaw from the floor.

"Yeah, they are great, aren't they," said Ash with a smile. "But it was them that chose to come with me for one reason or the other."

"Well, it's not really important for whatever reason they came with you, all I can say is congratulation, because these are some amazing Pokémon," said Jenny, and then started registration of all of them.

Half an hour later all of Ash's new Pokémon were registered, checked by Nurse Joy and caught in his Poke Ball's. He then used his Pokedex and sent all of Eevee's, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Dragonair and a few others at Oak's ranch. He also sent Leaf's, Misty's and Brock's Pokemon to their houses, or on Oak's Ranch in Leaf's case.

Then they all went to the Pokémon center, which was nearby, to spend the night, before they continue their journey in the morning.


It has been a few days since Safari Zone, and Ash, Brock, Misty and Leaf were going toward a place called Grampa Canyon.

When they were in Pokémon center near Safari Zone, Nurse Joy told them that they can go there and if they are lucky, maybe find a fossil of a prehistoric Pokémon, which they can revive in a Pokémon Lab on Cinnabar Island.

While they were going there, the group met a few new people, and managed to catch some new Pokémon.

Soon after leaving Safari Zone, the group got in the Stone Town at the base of the Evolution Mountain. On their way to town, they saw an Eevee tied to a tree, with a bowl of some food and water left for her. Eevee wore a collar with the address on it, so they decided to go there and see why Eevee was tied up on a tree in the woods.

When they got to the address, they saw a big house, and what appears to be a party on the front yard. When they entered inside, Ash and the others met the three brothers who recognized Eevee and told them that it belongs to their younger brother.

Ash explained to the three of them that he and his friend's found Eevee tied to a tree in the forest, and wanted to know why that was.

The brothers then called their younger brother, and asked him why did he leave Eevee in the forest, and he explained that it was because the three of them were pressuring him to evolve Eevee, and he doesn't want to do that just yet.

In the end they all agreed that they should just leave Mikey to evolve his Eevee whenever he wants, and in whatever evolution form he chooses, his brothers won't force him to do it anymore if he doesn't want to.

The group spent the rest of the day at the party, and Brock, Misty and Leaf even got some evolution stones and items, because they were very cheap and they might need them in the future.

After they left Stone Town, the group continued toward Grampa Canyon, and on the way they came into

Mossgreen Village, where they met a girl named Cassandra, who lives with her grandmother and are running medicine shop.

Apparently she has a Paras, who is a bit of a coward, and she needs him to learn how to fight so he can evolve, so that she can use Parasect's mushroom to help develop a miracle Pokémon medicine.

Leaf then decided to help her with her Parasect, and they had a few battles in which Leaf's Pokémon had to hold back a lot because Paras would drop unconscious from a simple breeze that goes in his direction.

It took a whole day, and a few lost matches on purpose by Leaf, for Paras to evolve into Parasect.

After it was over, and Casandra thanked Leaf for her help, Ash and the others went back on their way toward Grampa Canyon.

The next day, they all run into a Jigglypuff, who had a problem with her singing, so Leaf caught her and decided to help her learn how to sing.


After one more day of traveling, the group has finally arrived at Grampa Canyon, and saw a lot of people going in and out of the place, all while carrying shovels.

"Wow, you would think that there is gold here and because of that all these people are here," commented Misty.

"Well, ever since the word was spread that there are Pokémon fossils here, which can be revived in Pokémon Lab on Cinnabar Island, everyone thought that they can get a strong prehistoric Pokémon to train," said Ash.

"Let's go and see if we need to sign up or something," said Brock.

Just as they were to go, someone called from behind them. "I had a feeling that you will come here."

Ash and the others turned around, and saw Gary standing there with a smirk on his face, dressed like an Indiana Jones, hat and all.

"Hi, Gary," said Leaf.

"I see you are here as well," said Ash.

"Of course I am, this is a great opportunity to learn something about prehistoric Pokémon, and to find some fossils to revive," replied Gary. "So I couldn't miss this opportunity."

"Well then, good luck with your search," said Ash.

"Thanks' Ash, but I don't need luck because I know I'll find something today," replied Gary with his usual smirk on his face. "Well, see you later." And he walked away.

"I swear he's becoming more and more annoying every day," sighed Ash, and the others agreed with him. After that, they went to sigh up if they have to, and if not, they can start digging right away.

About 10 minutes later, Ash and the others found a group of older people, standing near one of the small houses build for this situation. Upon looking closer, Ash recognized one of them.

"Well, well, if it isn't famous Dr. Urahara," said Ash after getting closer to the people, who turned around and looked at who said that.

"Well, Well, if it isn't even more famous, Grand Master Ash Ketchum," said Urahara with a smirk on his face, after seeing who was the one who called him. "How have you been?"

"I'm doing fine," replied Ash. "But what are you doing here?"

"Oh, I came here to check this place, it's always interesting to find something new to keep me occupied," replied Urahara, while cooling himself with his fan.

Ash then looked at his friends, and motioned them to come closer, which they did.

"This is Dr. Urahara, he is a best scientist in the world, and is one of the Aura Guardians, he's also the one who made my Pokedex," Ash said to his friends, and then he looked at Urahara. "And these are the friends I've been traveling with."

"It's always pleasure to meat such young and aspiring kids," said Urahara after he said hallo to them. "I hope your goals in life are fulfilled, no matter what they are."

"Thank you, Dr. Urahara," they all said as one!

"Oh please, just call me Kisuke," said Urahara with a smile.

Kisuke then introduced Ash and the others to the people who he was talking to. They were all researchers from all over the world who came here to see if there really are some fossils here.

When they ended the conversation, Brock, Misty and Leaf went to start searching the place for any fossils, while Ash was still talking with Urahara.

"So, how are things back in Rota?" Ash asked, while walking around with Urahara?

"Everything is normal," Urahara replied. "Nothing really happens in there so there are little changes. We do have some new recruits who have the potential to become Aura Guardian's, though."

"Oh, and how are they doing," Ash was interested in this?

"They are doing fine. Sir Aaron's Lucario is the one who trains them most of the time, while Red and Riley are searching the world for some new recruits and are helping people in need," Urahara explained. "Your dream of reviving Aura Guardians and bringing them to their former glory is closer and closer to fulfilling every day."

This brought a large smile on Ash's face. "Well that is defiantly good news. But tell me, what happened with Gringey City? Did you and the others come up with some solution for the problem there?"

"Yeah, about that," Urahara started his explanation on what's going to happen with Gringey City. "After you called, I got in touch with Red, Riley and the Pokemon League, who then got in touch with Elite Four and Blue. There was a meeting held between all of us and it was decided to collect a large amount of money from many rich people who would be willing to help in cleaning the Gringey City. After it was all collected, then the teams would be created that will start the destruction and relocation of many factories and power plants to other places all over the Kanto Region. Several teams were already sent to catch all the Pokemon, which currently live there, and move them to some other places, so they can be safe. Some people have already moved from there and the only ones left are those who must be there to work and keep the place running, but there have been security measures taken to ensure their safety and their health. It would take a while, but the destruction and relocation of all those factories and power plants would eventually stop polluting the air, and after few years it would be habitable again. That was the best we can do at this point, since the amount of pollution in there is unbelievable."

"I see," said Ash. "Well I wasn't expecting anything to happen overnight, but I guess it would take more time than I thought to clean that City. I just can't understand how it was allowed for that City to become so polluted in the first place."

"Well, apparently there were some people in the government that thought it would be better to sacrifice one place and build everything that would pollute the air there, instead to spread it all over the Region, and pollute many places. Though, they never thought that the amount of pollution would reach the level it did and make the place practically uninhabitable," Urahara said with a frown on his face, while wondering how can some people be so stupid as to not consider that the pollution could go above what they thought. They should have at least made some plans, just in case something like that happens, but they didn't even do that.

"Morons," Ash voice the same thing Urahara thought, with some anger in his voice. "They have ruined the health of many people and Pokemon with their stupidity. They should be sent in jail for that."

"Yeah, I agree with you, but I doubt it would happen in the end since what they did was technically not a crime, so they can't be sent to prison," explained Urahara, and Ash just scoffed at that. "But they did lose their jobs, since they proved they are not worthy of their positions, and their decisions have caused more harm than good."

This brought a small smile on Ash's face. "That's good. At least something was done, and wasn't just thrown under the rug.

"But anyway," Ash decided to change the topic seeing that there is nothing else to talk about Gringey City. "Have you found anything here since you came?"

"Yes, I did find something, but it is not what I was expecting," replied Urahara, and confused Ash by saying that.

"What did you find, and what were you expecting to find?" Ash asked.

"I was expecting to find some Helix fossil, Dome fossil or Old Amber, which used to be Omanyte, Kabuto and Aerodactyl, since they were a Pokémon which were considered to have lived at today's Kanto Region," Urahara started to explain. "But instead we found Jaw fossil and Sail fossil, which used to be Tyrunt and Amaura, and they were supposed to have only lived in a part of the world which is now known as Kalos region."

"That is interesting," Ash said with some surprise and interest in his voice. "But what does that mean?"

"Well, it could mean that every region used to be a one single land millions of years ago, before it separated in multiple different region's that we know today," replied Urahara.

"I see, so that is why you were able to find fossils which would normally be in Kalos, here in Kanto," said Ash.

"Yes," Urahara shortly confirmed!

"But why were you unable to find some of so called 'Kanto fossils?" Ash asked.

"I really don't know," Urahara sighed. "There were indications that there will be some fossils here, but until now no one has found anything."

"That's strange," said Ash, and started thinking why there is no fossils in the place where there should be a bunch of them,

"Actually, I might have an idea how to find out if there is some fossils here," Urahara said while looking at Ash with a smirk.

"And what idea is that, and why do I get the feeling that it involves me," Ash asked with narrowed eyes?

"It's simple really, all you have to do is use your Aura and search this place," replied Urahara smiling at Ash.

"Why don't you do it," Ash asked? "You can use Aura as well."

"Yes, I can, but my Aura is not nearly as powerful as yours, so it would take me forever to search this whole place, while you can do it in one go," Urahara explained his reason for wanting Ash to do this.

Ash just sighed, and nodded his head. "Ok, I'll do it."

"Great," said Urahara. "Let's go and find the middle of this Canyon so you could do it easier."

About 15 minutes later Ash and Urahara were in the middle of Grampa Canyon, and then Ash started concentrating his Aura. He tried to spread his Aura across the entire Canyon, and feel if there are any fossils here. Normally, a person can't use their Aura to locate an inanimate object, since one can only sense a soul, or a source of powers, but since fossils were not a normal inanimate objects, and were once a living Pokemon, they still have some residual aura around them even after millennia since their death.

While he was doing this, Urahara was standing on the side along with Lucario and Pikachu, and the three of them were watching him.

Then, Ash released a burst of his Aura, which was powerful enough to spread across the entire Canyon and even underneath it, but not powerful enough so that it can be sensed by the people who were in the Canyon right now.

After a few minutes of sensing around and trying to find anything, Ash's eyes shot wide open, and he then looked at Urahara.

"So, what did you find," asked Urahara, while looking at Ash with narrowed eyes? Whatever it is that Ash found, has surprised him, a lot.

"This is definitely not what I was expecting to find," Ash sighed.

"What is it," asked Urahara, now really curious?

Ash looked away from Urahara and sighed again. "There really are Helix, Dome and Old Amber here, it's just that they are a few meters below surface, and people here don't appear to be digging that deep," said Ash.

"I see, so that is why no one has found any fossil all this time, they are too deep," said Urahara.

"Yes, but that is not all. There are several other fossils that should be in another regions," said Ash.

"Oh, that is a surprise. I thought that there were only two that I found before, but you say there are more," said Urahara, quite surprised by this.

"There is one Root Fossil, one Cover Fossil, and one Claw Fossil," said Ash.

"So, it's two from Hoenn Region and one from Unova Region, on top of the two that I found that were from Kalos Region," said Urahara, with a smile. "This really is our lucky day, one doesn't find those fossils just like that."

"Yes, it was a surprise that they are here, but that isn't the most surprising thing I found," said Ash, now standing next to Urahara and Lucario and with Pikachu back on his shoulder.

"What did you find," asked Urahara again?

"There is a cave which stretches below this whole Canyon. And in the cave there are several prehistoric Pokémon. They appear to be asleep, or should I better say, they appear to have been asleep for millions of years now," said Ash, and Urahara's eyes almost popped out from their eye sockets because of how surprised he was.

"Are you sure about this," asked Urahara after a minute of staring at Ash?

"Yes, I'm sure," replied Ash.

"So what should we do about this," asked Urahara?

"Let's go and get two shovels, and then we will go and dig out those three Fossils that I told you about, I think I have someone who would want them," said Ash, and surprised Urahara again. "Then after we dig them out, we'll go and open the hole in the ground so we can get down there. If we can catch those Pokémon it will be great because I can fell that two of them are insanely powerful," said Ash.

"How powerful," asked Urahara?

"They are on the same level as the Pokemon of the Regional Champion," replied Ash, and Urahara's eyes widened again, but this time Lucario's and Pikachu's widened as well.

"How is that possible," yelled Urahara, getting a little unnerved by this? "There were no trainers back then so they shouldn't be able to reach that level on their own!"

"I don't know how they became so powerful, but we must catch them. We can't risk leaving them down there because they may awaken one day and break out from there. And if that happens who knows what they might do. The world is much different now than it was millennia ago," explained Ash.

"Ok, then let's hurry and dig those three fossils and then go and capture them," said Urahara and then all of them went to find some shovels and start digging.


After Ash and Urahara found shovels, they went and dug three fossils that Ash was able to locate. They put them in the bag that Urahara was carrying, and then went a few miles from everyone else as they didn't want other people to know about what they are about to do.

While they were going toward the location where Ash decided to make a hole in the ground, they ran into Brock, Misty and Leaf, and after Ash explained what is going on, they joined them and then went to do the job.

"Ok, we are here," said Ash after they went a few miles from any other human being. "This should be far enough so that the others won't notice anything."

"How are you going to make a hole so we can go down there," asked Leaf?

"We are going to dig a hole, about two meters deep, and then put some bombs in it and then cover it up, while only leaving the fuse outside. That should be deep enough to not cause too much surface destruction and since we are few miles away from anyone else, the explosion shouldn't be heard." Explained Ash, and the others agreed since it sounds like a solid plan.

"How far below us is the cave?" Asked Misty.

"The roof of the cave is about 10 meters below us, and after we dig out two meters that should leave 8 meters to be blown by the bombs." Misty nodded in understanding.

It took all of them over half an hour to dig the hole, two meters deep, place the bombs and seal it back up with the dirt they dug out. There was only a small hole left, through which the fuse went, so once it's lighted, it can go through the ground.

"Ok, it's all set, now move back, I don't want to risk anything," said Ash, while holding a lighter that Urahara gave him. He was ready to light the fuse, and see if this would work.

Everyone then moved behind him, and after he lighted the lighter and then the fuse, he waited while looking as the fuse was slowly burning towards the hole, and then went under the small hole in the ground while still burning. A few seconds later, a big boom was herd, and the ground started to shake because of the explosion.

The explosion lifted the dust from the ground that started spreading all around the place of explosion and toward Ash and the others who were several dozen meters from the explosion.

It took several minutes for the dust to settle down so that the group can see if the hole is big enough for them to go down through it.

"Let's go and see if the plan worked." Said Ash, and started heading toward the hole, while the others were following behind him.

Once he reached the hole, he looked down, and saw that the explosion was a success and that the hole has reached all the way down, and opened the entrance to the cave.

"Would you look at that? It did work," commented Urahara, while looking at the hole.

"Yeah, it did," Ash said simply. "Now, I want you all to stay up here while I go down there and see those Pokemon, and capture them it I can."

"Are you sure you want to do this alone," asked Urahara after few moments of yelling that Misty and Leaf did because they thought that Ash is stupid if he thinks they will let him go in there by himself?

"Yes, I'm sure," said Ash, and before Misty and Leaf can start yelling at him again, he continued. "I can take care of myself, and I'll also have my Pokemon with me, so there is no need for the two of you to worry."

In the end, Misty and Leaf let him go, so Ash pulled out his Alakazam's Poke ball and let him out. "Alakazam, use your powers to lift me, Lucario and Pikachu and lower us down this hole until we reach the bottom, then stay here and keep watch, I'm not sure what might come out from down there."

"Yes father." Said Alakazam. He then used Confusion to lift Ash, Pikachu and Lucario, before he slowly lowered them down the hole.

After few more seconds, Alakazam stopped using his powers, indicating that they are all down on the ground.

"Well, now we can only wait and see if Ash will succeed or if something will come out from the cave." Said Urahara, and went to a nearby rock to sit down and wait. Brock followed his example and set on the other rock, but Misty and Leaf were too worried for Ash, so they decided to stay close to the hole along with Alakazam and wait for Ash to come out.

They all waited for about ten minutes, and there was still no signs of Ash coming out of the hole. They also couldn't hear a damn thing from down there, and they don't know if that is a good or bad thing.

After about five more minutes, they were all worried now, and Brock and Urahara stood up from the rocks they were sitting on, and went next to the hole were Misty, Leaf and Alakazam were waiting.

"Hey Alakazam, can you sense Ash and the others. Are they OK?" Asked Brock.

"I can't sense them at all. They are probably too far in the cave, and my powers can reach that far for me to be able to sense them," replied Alakazam.

"Hey Ash, are you alright," yelled Urahara in the hole, but didn't get any answer.

He then looked at the others, and they looked at him with a worried faces. "You don't think something happened to him, don't you," asked Misty?

"Hey Ash, say something," this time it was Brock who yelled, but he also didn't get any reply.

As the time passed, all of them were getting more and more nervous, because they don't know what happened to Ash.

Just as Misty and Leaf were about to ask Alakazam to lower them all down so they can go and look for Ash, a very loud screech came from below them, which made Urahara's eyes widened. "Everyone get away from the hole," he shouted and managed to push all of them on the ground away from hole, just before something flew passed them, straight from the hole and flew to the sky.

They looked up and saw a bigger than normal Aerodactyl, fly in the sky and a Kabutops landing on the ground near the crater. It appears that Aerodactyl carried Kabutops to the surface.

Just then someone else flew from the hole and everyone saw Ash, Lucario, Pikachu and Mewtwo floating from inside the cave, and back on the surface. It looked like Mewtwo used his Psychic powers to carry them all out.

"Hey Ash, are you Ok," everyone yelled when they saw him?

"Mewtwo, return," Ash said, and after Mewtwo returned in his Poke ball, he then looked at everyone. "I'm fine, so don't worry about me," he replied. "Now I want you to stay back and don't interfere in this because those two are much more powerful than any of your Pokémon." Ash warned them and then called Lucario to come to battle, which he did.

"Let's do this, Lucario," Ash said as he and Lucario were facing against Kabutops and Aerodactyl, who were in front of them.

"I challenge you both to the battle," yelled Ash, while looking at Aerodactyl and Kabutops!

They both looked at Ash and Lucario, and then smirked. "Let's see what you got, 'puny thing'," said Aerodactyl, but only Ash and his Pokémon understood him. (Aerodactyl and Kabutops don't know about humans, because when they lived before, humans didn't exist. That is the reason why he called Ash 'puny thing' and not human)

"Oh, you'll see what we can do," Ash said to Aerodactyl.

"Lucario, Extreme Speed at Kabutops, and then use Thunder Punch," Ash started the battle.

Lucario surrounded himself with energy and practically flew at Kabutops because of how fast he was.

In less than a second Lucario was in front of Kabutops, and punched him with his fist that was now glowing yellow and sparkling with electricity.

Kabutops tried to stop the attack by crossing his hands, but was still sent flying back and started rolling on the ground, while electricity was coursing over his body which caused him pain.

"Lucario dodge," yelled Ash after seeing Aerodactyl flying toward Lucario with his wings glowing!

Lucario quickly jumped in the side and avoided Aerodactyl's, Wing Attack.

"Great, now use Flash Cannon at Aerodactyl!" Lucario fired a black and white beam at Aerodactyl, who turned around and fired Hyper Beam.

Two powerful attacks collided with one another and caused an explosion which lifted the dust from the ground, but it was quickly pushed back because two attacks were pushing at one another trying to overpower the opponent.

While Lucario and Aerodactyl were firing their attacks, Kabutops got up and rushed toward Lucario with his sword hands glowing.

"Lucario, Protect, now," Ash said, after seeing Kabutops coming toward Lucario with Swords Dance. Lucario stopped Flash Cannon and immediately activated a barrier, which was able to block Hyper Beam from Aerodactyl and Swords Dance from Kabutops.

The dust was lifted again because of a big explosion that happened, which covered both Lucario and Kabutops.

Once the dust settled down it showed Lucario and Kabutops staring at one another. Kabutops was breathing a little hard because of that Thunder Punch earlier and being hit by Aerodactyl's Hyper Beam but was mostly fine.

Lucario was also breathing hard, but that was because he pushed a lot of power into that barrier. He had to if he wanted to stop two very powerful attacks.

"Are you ok, Lucario," Ash asked, and Lucario just nodded?

"Then let's continue this. You know I believe in you and your power, and because of that we won't lose." Ash encouraged Lucario who smiled and straightened up.

Aerodactyl, who was still in the air, used Rock Slide and created multiple stone orbs around himself and then sent them all at Lucario, while Kabutops who saw this, used Rock Throw and slashed at the ground with his swords, which caused even more rocks to fly at Lucario.

"Lucario, Double Team to dodge that and then use Ice Punch at Kabutops." As soon as Ash said that, there were several Lucario running around and dodging all the stones that were falling on them. Several were hit by some rocks, but they all turned out to be just an illusion that Lucario was creating with his speed.

Lucario then came in front of Kabutops, and used Ice Punch which sent Kabutops flying back again. "Great job Lucario, now finish him with Flash Cannon!" Lucario quickly took deep breath, while still dodging Aerodactyl's Rock Slide, and fired it at Kabutops, who was able to get up.

Kabutops than surrounded himself in water and shot straight at Flash Cannon.

When the two attacks collided, they started pushing at each other just like before. Lucario was blowing a black and white beam from his mouth and Kabutops was holding it at bay with Aqua Jet.

Seeing this stalemate, Aerodactyl smirked and flew at Lucario quicker than he and Ash could react, and hitted him with Steel Wings, which made Lucario lose his focus on Flash Cannon. Kabutops used this opportunity to push more, and hit Lucario straight at his chest.

Lucario was thrown back because of two attacks hitting him in almost the same time, and was now lying on the ground with multiple wounds and blood all over his body from Aerodactyl's Steel Wing.

"Lucario, can you stand up," Ash was worried for Lucario?

"This is bad, those two are very powerful, and their team work is very good," said Brock, while standing on the side with Misty, Leaf and Urahara.

"What will Ash do now," asked Leaf?

"He can still use Pikachu and Alakazam, they are as powerful as Lucario, so he still has chance to win," replied Misty.

"I hope he can win, because those two look really dangerous," said Leaf.

Lucario was somehow able to stand up, but is very injured, and he won't be able to last much longer.

"Come on Lucario, remember I believe in you and I know you can do this!" Ash shouted.

Lucario casted a glance at Ash and saw a look of worry in his eyes, worry for him. While Lucario knew that Ash cares for him a lot, just like for all of his Pokémon, this is actually the first time he has showed that he cares so much in all of the years he has known him.

Years ago, Lucario, Alakazam and Pikachu have made a vow that they will all train as hard as they can, so when the time comes for Ash's journey to start, all of them will be so strong that they will never lose a battle.

And Lucario will not be the one who will break that vow. "I will win this battle if it the last thing I ever do!" Lucario yelled out loud, and then all of a sudden, he was surrounded by a white light, which grew more and more powerful each second.

Ash, as well as all of his friends, Aerodactyl and Kabutops, and all of the people who came here after they saw multiple explosions came from this place, and were now hiding behind the hill and looking this battle, all of them had their eyes wide open and were all thinking one thing.

'What the hell is going on?'

As the light grew more powerful, Misty, who was looking at this with Leaf, Brock and Urahara, asked. "What is happening with Lucario, why is he glowing like he's evolving, I thought that he's already fully evolved Pokémon?"

"I cannot believe what is happening," said Urahara, while Lucario was still glowing!

"What is it, what is going on," asked Misty again?

"Lucario is Mega Evolving," replied Urahara after a few seconds of silence.

"Mega Evolution, what is that," asked Leaf, surprised that there was another evolution out there and she has never even heard about it before?

"I'll explain later, let's just see what will happen next," replied Urahara. The light appears to be getting smaller.

A few seconds later, the light completely disappeared and showed Lucario, who was now looking much different than before.

"Wow, he looks amazing," said Leaf and Misty at the same time, while they eyes were sparkling.

"Lucario, you Mega Evolved, but how," asked Ash, as he was as surprised as everyone else. Especially because he knew that Pokémon that can Mega Evolve can only do that if they have Mega Stone and their trainers, a Key Stone.

Lucario looked at himself, and then he turned back and looked at Ash.

"I-I don't know," Lucario said, but this time he was actually speaking human language and he wasn't using Telepathy.

Once everyone heard him talking human language, almost every human that was there, dropped their jaws, and some of them almost had a heart attack.

"You know what, we'll figure this out later, let's just finish this battle," said Ash, and Lucario just nodded and looked at Aerodactyl and Kabutops, who were glaring at him, not really knowing what is going on.

"Lucario, Thunder Punch on Kabutops and then Flash Cannon on Aerodactyl!" Ash shouted, and Lucario instantly appeared in front of Kabutops and punched him with a Thunder Punch, which was so powerful, that it sent Kabutops flying back and break through the wall of stone that was behind him and landed in another and got buried under a ruble.

He then jumped high in the sky and in front of a wide eyed Aerodactyl. After taking a deep breath he fired Flash Cannon straight at Aerodactyl, who couldn't react in time and got blown away and landed on the same ruble under which was Kabutops and caused a large explosion.

Lucario than landed in front if Ash who congratulated him for a job well done, and they both gave each other high five.

All those who were watching this battle, were still wide eyed because of how Lucario practically wiped the floor with Aerodactyl and Kabutops after he Mega Evolved.

But that is when they all heard a ruble, under which were Aerodactyl and Kabutops, is moving, and after a few seconds both of them got from under the ruble. Aerodactyl flew in the sky, and Kabutops was standing on the ground, both of them were panting really hard and were in serious pain because of all the injuries they have received. But they won't go down that easily.

"Lucario, finish this off with Ultra Flash Cannon!" Lucario surrounded himself in Aura, then jumped at Aerodactyl and punched him in the face, which sent him on the ground right next to Kabutops, who was now trying to help him up.

Lucario took another deep breath, while he was still in the air, and fired Ultra Flash Cannon, that struck straight at Aerodactyl and Kabutops who didn't even have time to blink.

Once the beam hit the two of them and then the ground, it caused an explosion so massive that the entire Grampa Canyon started to shake and break apart.

People started to fall on the ground and scream because they thought they will all die when Canyon started falling apart, and when they saw a giant black and white beam shot in the sky, and then started to spread around.

After a few seconds of spreading in every direction, the beam stopped and started to shrink down. It took one full minute for the beam to completely disappear and to reveal what happened to the Canyon.

When the dust finally settled down and all people there could see clearly, they couldn't believe what they saw.

Everyone could see a crater that goes all the way down and opens a hole above the cave. The ground around the crater is completely destroyed and there were deep ravines all over the Grampa Canyon because of the explosion and the earthquake.

"That was great, Lucario, you have really become strong, didn't you." Ash praised Lucario, who was now on his knees and panting hard because of all the power he put into that Ultra Flash Cannon.

"Thank you, father, I tried my best to defeat those two, and it was a success," thanked Lucario.

"Now that you mention them, we have to go down there and capture them inside the Poke Ball's, I can't risk leaving them free." Ash said, and then he and Lucario went in the crater and, with the help from Alakazam, who came to them, went down in the cave where Aerodactyl's and Kabutops body's fell when they were hit by Ultra Flash Cannon.

While Ash and Lucario were inside of the cave, everyone who was outside and saw what happened started to speak amongst themselves.

"What the hell was that," someone yelled?

"What happened?"

"How is this possible?"

"How can a Pokémon be that powerful?"

Those were just some of the questions that were going around, but no one seems to have an answer on them.

"I cannot believe what happened," said Misty, watching wide eyed. "This is insanity!"

"Let's go and meet with Ash after he comes out from the cave. We have a lot to talk about, and I have the feeling that he will have to answer a lot of questions from all the people that saw this." Urahara said once he realized that there were people there who saw all that happened.

"I agree with Dr. Urahara, we need to speak with Ash and Lucario and find out how did Lucario evolved again when he was already fully evolved Pokémon." Brock said, and then they all went next to the crater and waited for Ash and Lucario to come out.


Few minutes later, Alakazam pulled Ash and Lucario out of the underground cave. Then, they all went to have a talk about what happened today.

For the rest of the day Ash was explaining to everyone about his powers and his Pokémon's powers and, where did those Aerodactyl and Kabutops came from. Even Officer Jenny who was there wanted to know about what happened.

The only thing he didn't explain was about Lucario's Mega Evolution, and that is because even he didn't know how it happened, and why he is still in that new form.

At the end of the day, when people were satisfied with Ash's answers, they all cleaned up, while Ash and his friend's, along with Urahara, went inside of the small house, in which Urahara was staying, and had a talk of their own.

"Now that we are alone, will you explain to us what Mega Evolution is, and how has Lucario evolved again?" Misty asked, while she, Brock and Leaf were sitting on one bad, and Ash and Urahara were across from them on chairs. Lucario, Alakazam and Pikachu were there as well, and even Mewtwo was there because he was quite interested in this new evolution that Lucario went through.

"Lucario has become very powerful, he's actually surpassed me in terms of power," thought Mewtwo.

"Mega Evolution is a special evolution that some Pokémon can go through. To be able to Mega Evolve, a Pokémon and trainer must have very special bond between them, but even then, they will also need two stones. One is called Mega stone which must be carried by the Pokémon, and the other is, Key stone, which trainer holds with himself," explained Ash, and then Urahara added.

"Also, there are multiple Mega Stones, one for each Pokémon that can Mega Evolve, and the trainer only needs one Key stone."

"Then how was Lucario able to evolve, when he doesn't have Mega Stone and Ash doesn't have Key Stone," asked Leaf?

"That… We do not know," replied Urahara, and Ash just sighed.

"The Mega Evolution is not something that is known around the world because it was discovered not that long ago in Kalos Region. And the only Pokémon that did Mega Evolve, were able to do it because they had Mega Stones, while trainers had Key Stones, well there was one more, but he was special case. Also, Mega Evolution is not permanent evolution, it can only last for a short time, depending on the strength of Pokémon. If you fight someone with Mega Evolved Pokémon, it will revert back if it's defeated or if the battle ends," explained Ash again.

They all looked at Lucario who was still in his Mega form, and then Brock asked. "Do you know what happened, and the reason for your evolution?"

"I don't know," replied Lucario, much to everyone's disappointment, but then continued. "During the battle, I was losing against those two and that is not something I'm used to. I haven't lost a fight against anyone unless its Ash, Pikachu and Alakazam, and that was only in our training. When Aerodactyl and Kabutops landed those two hits on me and practically defeated me, I looked at Ash and saw in his eyes that he was worried about me. I knew that he cares a lot about all of his Pokémon as his own family, but that was actually the first time in my life that I could see that he was worried, and then I remembered something," explained Lucario, and got curious looks from everyone there.

"What did you remember," asked Ash, from next to Lucario? He was really surprised by what Lucario said about him never showing that he was worried about his Pokémon, and he wondered why. Is it because they were always winning so easily, or is it something else?

"I remembered that day four years ago when the two of us, Pikachu and Alakazam made a vow that we will train as hard as we can, so when we start our journey, we will not lose to anyone," replied Lucario, getting a wide-eyed look from Ash and everyone else.

"Then I yelled in my head that I will win this battle even if it's the last thing I ever do, and then I started glowing," Lucario said.

"I see. So that's what happened," commented Urahara, and everyone than looked at him. "I think I have a theory of why Lucario, Mega Evolved."

"Well then, tell us your theory," said Ash.

"I think that Lucario's desire to win the battle, and not disappoint you is what played major role in this," started Urahara. "He was powerful, he is one of the Pokémon which can Mega Evolve with the Stones, but the most important thing is that he and you have a great bond, and you care for him a lot, which he confirmed when he looked at you. So, if you combine all that, with the fact that he's desire to win was so great, you get a Pokémon that can Mega Evolve without the stones," Urahara finished his theory.

"So that is your theory," commented Brock. "I must say it does sound believable."

"Yeah, it does," said Misty.

"But you said that Mega Evolution is not permanent, so why is Lucario still in his Mega form after almost half a day since he evolved," Leaf asked, making everyone's attention turned at Urahara again?

"I said that Pokémon who Mega evolve with stones are reverting back in their previous form, I didn't say anything about Pokémon who Mega evolve without the stones," said Urahara, and everyone got wide eyed.

"Does that mean that Lucario will now always be in this form," asked Misty?

"Most likely," replied Urahara. "This is only the second time that Pokémon Mega Evolved without the stones, so I'm not really sure."

"When did this happened before, and which Pokémon did Mega Evolve," asked Leaf?

"The only other Pokémon that was able to Mega Evolve by himself, and without the stones and trainer, was the Legendary Pokémon Rayquaza," Urahara's reply got everyone wide eyed again, even Mewtwo who was quiet this whole time.

"I have never even heard of that Pokémon," said Leaf!

"It's the Legendary Pokémon from the Hoenn Region," replied Ash. "In its normal form he was on the same level as Ho-Oh and Lugia, but once he Mega evolved, he became the most powerful Pokémon in the world, and only Arceus and maybe few others can fight him on even ground or hope to defeat him."

After he said that, there was silence for a few minutes, before Misty broke it. "So, what are you going to do now," she asked?

"Nothing," Ash replied shortly.

"What do you mean, nothing," Brock asked?

"I will simply continue my journey, and think of this as just another evolution of my Pokémon," replied Ash. "Which in truth, it is."

"Won't Lucario draw to much attention now," asked Leaf? "I mean, no one has ever seen a Lucario looking like this. And I don't even want to mention that he can actually speak human language now."

"So, what if he does," Ash just shrugged his shoulders. "It can only help if there are people who are interested in fighting him. That will make him stronger. And while it is weird that he can speak human language, it is not something new, as that Meowth from Team Rocket was able to speak human language."

"That reminds me. How can you talk like normal human, is it because of your Mega Evolution," asked Brock? "That Meowth was not a mega evolved Pokemon, and he could speak like human, but we never did find out how he can speak like that."

"It might be because of Mega Evolution, or it can be as simple as me being able to speak human language because my intelligence rose along with my power," said Lucario.

"He's right, there are some indications which suggest that Slowking can learn how to talk human language when they became smart enough," said Urahara.

"Ok, I think that's enough explanations for one day," said Ash and stood up from the chair. "Let's just get some sleep, it has been a long day."

The others agreed to this, and they all went to sleep in different parts of the small house.


The next morning when Misty, Leaf and Brock woke up and gathered together to have breakfast, they noticed that Ash, Urahara, Lucario and Pikachu are not there.

"Where do you think Ash and the others went," asked Misty, while looking at Brock?

"I don't know, maybe they went to check how the digging for fossils is going," Brock guessed.

"Let's have some breakfast, and then we'll go to search for them," suggested Leaf, and Brock and Misty agreed.

Half an hour later, while the three of them were having breakfast, the front door opened and in came Ash with his Pokémon and Urahara, carrying some bags.

"Oh, I see you are awake," said Ash and walked closer to Misty, Leaf and Brock. "I have something for you three."

"What is it, and where were you," asked Misty?

"We went to dig some fossils that I was able to sense yesterday," Ash replied. "And what I want to give you, is this." Ash pulled out several Poke Ball's."

"What are these," asked Brock, while looking at the Poke Ball's?

"When I broke into that cave yesterday, I fought and capture three Omastar and three Kabuto as well as one Kabutops, and I'm giving them to you," said Ash. "Actually, Kabutops is going with Kisuke, since I don't need it, and all three of you are getting the same Pokemon so you are equal."

"Why are you giving them to us?" Misty asked.

"I don't really need them as I already caught Aerodactyl and Kabutops, so you can have them," replied Ash. "I was actually planning for you to have them since I first felt them."

"Well, if you are really giving them to us, then we should accept," said Brock, and took two Poke Ball's since there were six of them that means two for each. Misty and Leaf took the other four.

"You can also have this," Ash also gave each of them, one bag.

Misty, Leaf and Brock took the three bags and opened them to see what's inside. Once they saw, they went wide eyed.

"Are these what I think they are?" Brock asked.

"Yes, they are the fossils of the Pokémon that I found yesterday." Ash replied.

"But you already gave us alive Pokémon, why are you giving us fossils now." Leaf asked.

"What I gave you before were, Omastar and Kabuto, which are the prehistoric Pokémon that were only found in Kanto Region. But those three are the Pokémon that were originally thought to have only lived in Hoenn and Unova Regions," replied Ash.

"Wow, but if that is true, then how were you able to find them here," asked Misty?

"They were here because millions of years ago all the regions were joined together and were a part of a Super Continent. These fossils lived back then, and once they died, they stayed here," said Ash.

"That is another thing I didn't know about," Leaf said, and Misty and Brock just nodded that they also didn't know that.

"So, what are they, and how will we be able to revive them?" Brock asked.

"The one that Leaf has is Root Fossil, which can be revived into Lileep, which is a duel-type Rock/Grass. Brock has Claw Fossil, which is Anorith, a Rock/Bug duel-type, and Misty has Cover Fossil, Tirtouga, a Water/Rock duel-type. I'll show you later what the Pokedex has on them." Ash said.

"Wow, this is great. Thanks a lot, Ash," Leaf said and then went and hugged Ash, which caused Misty to narrow her eyes at Leaf and Ash.

"You are welcome, Leaf," Ash said with a small smile. "You can revive them in Pokémon Lab at Cinnabar Island, which is where we are going next."

"Did you also find some fossils for yourself," Brock asked? "It wouldn't be right if you give us fossils and you don't take any, since you did find them after all."

"Don't worry about that," said Urahara. "I already gave Ash two fossils that I found here few days ago."

"Oh, and which ones did you get," Misty was very interested?

"I got, Jaw fossil which is Tyrunt, a duel-type Rock/Dragon, and Sail fossil which is Amaura also duel-type Rock/Ice," replied Ash. "I also found one more Helix and Dome fossil that I'm going to have revived and then give them to Amber, and another Pokémon that I found, that will be perfect for her."

"Oh, that is so sweet of you. Taking care of your little sister." Leaf teased him, but Ash didn't say anything.

After that, they all decided to pack their stuff and start their journey toward Cinnabar Island.

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