
Ash born with aura and psychic powers

Ash was playing in virdian forest when he was 5 years old and flock of spearrows attacked him but ended up saved by mew and awakened his aura and psychic powers. Follow his journey smart ash,op ash,mature ash and also in Kanto leadue he will face Tobias but to find out who will win read about it and he will not catch legendary Pokemon but make his normal to able to defeat them. And don't worry each chapter atleast have 4,000 to 10,000 words.

DaoistcRNLqo · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs


"Well, this currently looks unique doesn't it," said Brock, as he, Ash, Misty and Amber stood in front of Celadon City gym, which looks like a Pokémon, Gloom.

"It sure does," said Misty.

"Let's go inside," Ash said and went ahead, while the others followed after him.

Once they all entered inside of a gym they saw several girls working something, but the most distinctive thing is the smell that was around the place.

"What is that smell," asked Brock? "It sure is...strong… to say the least."

"The gym leader Erika is making perfumes in this place. I guess you can say that is her other job, besides being a gym leader," replied Ash, which got him questioning looks from everyone.

"And how exactly you know that," the group heard a voice from in front of them, and when they looked they saw one of the girls who are working in the gym, standing there?

Ash looked at her and replied. "I know a little about every gym leader in Kanto. That is how I know that Erika is making perfumes here."

"Oh," exclaimed the girl. "Ok then, but who are you all," she asked.

"I'm Ash, and I came here to challenge Erika to a gym battle. And they are my friends, Brock, Misty and my little sister Amber," replied Ash and pointed at the others.

"Well, I'll gladly accept your challenge Ash," said another girl who just came in through the door.

"Great," said Ash, and then they all went to the other part of the gym, which had a battlefield in it.

Ash stood on one side of the field, Lucario and Pikachu next to him like always, while Erika went to the other. Misty, Amber and Brock went on the side to watch the battle.

"Good luck Ash/brother," shouted Brock, Misty and Amber!

"Thank you," thanked Ash, before he saw the girl from before stand on the referee's position.

"This is a gym battle between the Gym leader Erika, and the challenger Ash. This will be a three-on-three battle, with the trainer who loses all of his/her Pokémon first being the looser. The gym leader choses first Pokémon," the referee announced.

"Tangela, come to battle," called Erika, and released he first Pokémon.

"Squirtle, you are up," Ash released his Squirtle, who came out of his Poke Ball and gave a war cry.

"Are you ready," asked the referee, and after both trainers nodded she said?


"Tangela, use Vine Whip," said Erika.

"Squirtle, jump high and use Scald," said Ash.

Tangela used its Vine Whip and started attacking Squirtle from all sides since there are a lot of Vines, but Squirtle just jumped up and fired a stream of scalding hot water surrounded by steam from his mouth at Tangela.

"Tangela dodge," screamed Erika, worried for her Tangela's safety.

But, the stream was very fast and Tangela couldn't dodge it in time, and was hit by a boiling water, which caused it to scream from the pain.

"Great job, Squirtle," Ash praised his water type, who just nodded in return.

"Oh no, Tangela, are you Ok," shouted Erika in worry?

Tangela tried to stand up, but because of all the burns on its body it couldn't do it and just fell down unconscious.

"Tangela is unable to battle, the winner is Squirtle," said the referee!

"Tangela return," said Erika, and returned her Pokémon. "You tried your best so don't worry about anything."

Erika then took another Poke ball and called. "Weepinbell it's your turn."

Weepinbell came out and stood in front of Squirtle.

"BEGIN!" Yelled the referee.

"Weepinbell, use Razor Leaf," Erika called her first move.

"Squirtle, Water Gun," said Ash.

Weepinbell started spinning in midair and sent a lot of Razor Leaf's at Squirtle, who simply took a deep breath and fired a Water Gun, which went at Razor Leaf's and broke through them like a hot knife through butter and headed straight at Weepinbell.

"Weepinbell dodge," screamed Erika, just in time for her Weepinbell to barely move to the side and evade Water Gun attack that would have probably defeated him.

"That was a close one," said Erika with a sweet drop while looking at Ash and his Squirtle. They were very powerful that's for sure.

"Weepinbell, use Sleep Powder," called Erika.

Weepinbell released a blue, shining powder from his mouth, and sent them at Squirtle trying to put him to sleep.

"When the Sleep Powder is close, use Protect, and then Ice Beam," Ash said.

Squirtle quickly surrounded himself in a greenish barrier, which stopped Sleep Powder. Then, he deactivated the barrier and fired Ice Beam from his mouth.

Weepinbell and Erika didn't even have time to blink, and Weepinbell was already covered in ice.

"Now finish this off with Scald," said Ash, and Squirtle fired another Scald, which struck the Ice encased Weepinbell and sent it on the other side of the field, now free of ice but unconscious.

"Weepinbell is unable to battle, the winner is Squirtle," announced the referee!

"Weepinbell return," said Erika. "Your Squirtle really is very powerful Ash, I congratulate you for training him so well."

"Thanks' a lot, Erika, but Squirtle was already quite powerful when I caught him, I only helped him became a little stronger," replied Ash, at which Squirtle gave a smirk.

"Great battle, big brother, keep it up," yelled Amber from her spot near Brock and Misty!

Ash just smiled when he heard Amber.

"Well let's see how you do against my strongest Pokémon," said Erika and called out her Gloom.

"A Gloom ha," thought Ash. "I should have known."

"Ok Squirtle return," said Ash and returned his Squirtle who saluted at him.

"Ra, it's your turn," Ash released his Charmander.


"Gloom use your Sweet Scent and send it at Charmander," yelled Erika.

Gloom released a brownish dust from the top of his head and sent it at Charmander, who just stood there.

Ash quickly picked some horrible smell and his eyes shot wide open.

"Ra, Protect quickly," yelled Ash, and just as dust was about to fall on him, Ra used Protect, which stopped Sweet Scent and sent it in other directions were it dispersed before it could affect the others.

"Wow, that was close," said Ash and whipped his brow from the sweat that suddenly appeared.

Everyone looked at Ash wondering, what was that attack that made him act and sweat like that. So Misty asked. "Hey Ash, what was that?"

"If that dust have fallen on Ra, that would have been it for him in this battle," Ash replied with a sweat drop. "That was the worst smell I have ever experienced," Ash said to Erika. "What part of that is sweet, I'll never know?"

"That was my Gloom's special attack, it's also what we use for our perfumes," replied Erika, with a smirk on her face.

"That move should be forbidden by the Pokémon League." Ash thought out loud, which caused everyone to laugh.

"Ok, let's just continue," said Ash, and Erika just nodded.

"Ra, use Flamethrower," called Ash.

"Gloom, dodge and use Razor Leaf," said Erika.

Ra took a deep breath and fired Flamethrower at Gloom, who dodged to the side and sent Razor Leaf's at him.

"Protect, and then Fire Spin," said Ash, after which Ra activated Protect and after Razor Leaf was stopped he blew a fire attack, which started spinning and hit Gloom creating a fire vortex around him.

"GLOOM," screamed Erika while watching her Gloom being surrounded by Fire Spin.

When Fire Spin disappeared, it showed Gloom on the ground badly burned and unconscious.

"Gloom is unable to battle, the winner of the battle is Charmander. And the winner of this match is Ash," announced the referee.

"That was great, Ra, congratulation on your first gym battle win," said Ash and patted his Charmander who smiled in return. Ash then took his Poke ball and returned him.

"You to, Squirtle, congratulation," he said as he looked at Squirtle's ball, which wiggled to show him that he heard him.

"Congratulation brother, that was great battle, you are really great trainer," said Amber with stars in her eyes, which caused Ash to smile at her.

"Thanks' sis," he replied and patted her on the head.

"Here you go, Ash," Erika said and gave him the Rainbow Badge, which he took from her and raised it in the air.

"Alright, only two more left," Ash shouted, which caused everyone to smile.

"So you only need two more badges, where are you going next," asked Erika?

"I'm going to Fuchsia City, and then at Cinnabar Island. Of course, we'll have to visit Safari Zone while we are at Fuchsia City, there is someone there that Pikachu and a few other of my Pokémon want to see," replied Ash, and earned a smile from Pikachu.

"Well, good luck on the rest of your journey," said Erika, and after Ash thanked her he and the others left the gym.

After they left the gym, Ash decided to take Amber around the Celadon City and to have some fun with her, Misty and Brock for the rest of the day, because tomorrow she will go to Pallet Town with Red and Delia.

The group spent the entire day having fan, and when the night fell they all went back to the Pokémon center to have some rest.


Next morning the group woke up early and went to have breakfast. After they finished, they all started to head out of the Pokémon center, when they ran into Red and Delia, who were just entering the front door.

For most of the day, Ash and his friend's spent with Red and Delia. Ash told his parents everything about Amber and how he found her and Mewtwo in Team Rocket underground lab, and decided to help her when he saw her father dead.

Amber also spent a lot of time talking with Delia and Red so that she can get to know them better as they are her new parents, and she will live with them from now on.

Once it was around three o clock in the afternoon, Red and Delia said goodbye to everyone and decided to go back to Pallet Town. Amber also said goodbye to Ash and everyone, and left with them. She took her three Pokémon, (who were inside of the Poke Ball's Ash found in a lab and gave them to Amber, along with evolution stones and items he found there as well), with her.

Once they parted ways with Red, Delia and Amber, Ash Brock and Misty went back to the Pokémon center, where they spent the rest of the day, and the night, before they left in the morning, and started heading toward Fuchsia City.


It has been two weeks since Ash, Misty and Brock left Celadon City and started going toward Fuchsia City. And while it doesn't really take that long to go from one City to the other, Ash and group made quite a few stopes along the way to train their Pokémon, but they also made some unplanned stops.

Soon after they left Celadon City they came into HopHopHop Town, and there the group encountered a mystery with some children missing and a lot of Pokémon suddenly becoming sick.

But that mystery was soon solved because Ash was able to sense a wave of Psychic energy going around the Town, and after following it, along with Officer Jenny, they found a Pokémon Lover Club, which was using Hypno's Psychic powers to help them fall asleep as they were having trouble sleeping because of the noise in the big City.

Once they found the source, they went and found the missing children in the park, hypnotized and acting like Pokémon, but that was also taken care of with the help of Drowzee, who has reversed the effect of Hypno's hypnosis.

Since it was already late afternoon, the group decided to stay in the Pokémon center for the night. During their stay in the Pokémon center, Brock saw a Psyduck who didn't have a trainer and didn't have where to go, so he took him with him, even though this Psyduck sims to have constant headaches and appears to be quite stupid.

After they left HopHopHop Town, Ash, Misty and Brock spent the next three days traveling.

On the third day, they stopped by Caesar Street, a place for breeders, famous for its Pokémon beauty salons. It was Brock's wish to stop there as he can learn a lot about breeding, and also because there was a girl there that Brock wanted to meat.

Her name is Suzie, and she is the owner of the Beauty Salon, and is a breeder who has received the most superior ranking in the Pokémon Breeder Contest for three years straight.

When Brock saw her both Ash and Misty, along with Lucario and Pikachu could tell that Brock is in love with this girl.

They all went to meet her, and quickly managed to became friends, after Brock showed his skills in taking care of Pokemon. During they conversation, Brock expressed his desire to stay with Suzie and help her, and train as well, but Suzie said that she still has a lot to learn and that she was thinking about going on her own journey to learn as much as she can.

At the end of the day Suzie has made decision to go on a journey, and has asked Brock if he would want to take her Vulpix and take care of her for a while, since he has shown to be able to feed her, which is something no one else but Suzie was able to do so far. Even though Brock was a little sad that he won't be staying with Suzie, he accepted to take care of Vulpix.

After that they said goodbye to each other and after Suzie left, Ash, Brock and Misty went to spend the night at the Pokémon center.

The group's next stop was four days later on the outskirts of Fuchsia City, where there was a tournament for Fighting-Type Pokémon being held. They met a trainer named Antony there, and his dream was to win the tournament with his Hitmonchan.

The group has also met Antony's daughter Rebecca who has asked Ash to defeat her father because than he might decide to come back home and spend more time with her and her mother, instead of spending all the time training.

Ash promised to Rebecca that he will defeat her father, but she has to understand that, that might not make him come back home. She didn't care and wanted to at least try, so Ash has signed up to compete with his Primeape.

He has completely dominated every battle, since his Primeape was already very powerful when he caught it, and has only became more powerful since then. Because of that, Ash managed to reach the final, where he was facing against Antony and his Hitmonchan.

While Antony's Hitmonchan was much stronger than the other Pokémon that Ash has faced in the tournament until now, he was still nothing compared to Primeape, and was able to wipe the floor with him.

After the tournament ended with Ash as a champion, he had a talk with Antony and told him about his daughters wish. Antony realized that because of his desire to win the "P1 Grand Prix", he has forgotten about his family, but has promised to Ash, that he will go back home. He did exactly that, after he saw his daughter waiting for him.

Two days after the "P1 Grand Prix", Ash, Brock and Misty came to a most disgusting place they have been on their journey so far.

The name of the place, is Gringey City, and the City was so polluted that even Pokémon who have lived there have started to become very sick. From what they knew, Gringey City was originally bustling with activity, but the city eventually over-expanded the factories and power plants, resulting in the town becoming virtually abandoned as well as the sea nearby becoming polluted.

Ash, Misty and Brock went around the City and have discovered a large group of Grimer blocking the tunnels which deliver water to power the hydroelectric generators, and because of that there was no electricity in the entire City.

The Grimer were all led by a Muk, so Ash has decided to capture him, thinking that Grimer's will leave the tunnels and maybe even City itself, though that is highly unlikely because of how polluted the City is and Grimer's love place's like that.

And that's exactly what happened. Once Ash managed to catch Muk all the other Grimer have left the tunnels so the power has come back to the City, but they still stayed in the City and will stay there if something is not done to clean this place up.

And Ash had the idea how to start the cleaning.

He called Dr. Urahara in Rota Kingdom and told him about situation in Gringey City, and asked him if he can find a way to help with this problem.

Urahara, told him that he will call Red, Riley and Pokémon League, as well as the other Aura Guardian's, and they will all try to come with a way to clean the Gringey City and make it at least habitable enough, so people and Pokemon who live there won't get sick.

Ash and the others have then spent the rest of the day and night at the Pokémon center in Gringey City resting, before they left in the morning.

Once they left Pokémon center they were greeted by the people who lived there and they all wished them good luck on their journey.

Of course, Ash, Misty and Brock, have all spent several hours every day training their Pokémon ever since they left Celadon City, and all of them have become more powerful.

Horsea and Krabby have become very strong and are close to evolving.

Feebas is doing quite well in her training, but it's going slower because she is still young and because she needs to be in the water to be able to train, and there weren't many rivers and lakes since they left Celadon City.

The egg that Misty received from the Silph Co. President, has hatched into Eevee, but she is still young and will only start training in a few weeks. It was after Eevee hatched that she realized what the President meant when he said that this Pokemon can become Water Type if she so choses.

Everyone else were already powerful and are only increasing that power.

Brock's Pokémon are training just as hard as Misty's and have become much more powerful than before.

Steelix and Sandslash, who are fully evolved have been learning new moves and increasing the power of their attacks.

Rhyhorn has evolved into Rhydon in his battle with Graveler, and both have learned new moves.

Golbat has been training like crazy, and is battling against Ash's Golbat every day. But he still didn't evolve, and is much weaker than Ash's Golbat.

The Psyduck that Brock caught in HopHopHop Town was a bit of a problem in the beginning, but after Ash asked Alakazam to teach him Calm Mind, and to help him with training, the things started going for the better.

Vulpix have also done training, but not much since she is not really interested in battles, and only did train to stay in shape.

And Magby has started his training and is learning from both of Ash's Charmander's, along with Ash's Larvesta. He has progressed quite far.

Ash has started training his Pokémon even harder than before, and they are progressing much faster than Misty's and Brock's.

Both of Ash's Charmander's have done a lot of training with each other, and were actual able to evolve at the same time during one of the many battle's they had against each other. They have also helped train Magby and Larvesta, before and after evolving.

Pidgeotto has been training together with two Butterfree's and two Golbat's because they are all Flying Type's and are good for training with each other. She increasing her speed and power and is learning new moves. Even though Pidgeotto is strong enough, and can evolve right now, she wants to wait for a little while longer.

On the other hand, Golbat didn't have desire to wait, and has evolved into Crobat during battle against Brock's Steelix when he was pushed to his limits, and only evolved because Ash didn't give up on him and the battle, but instead believed in him. The battle ended with a tie in the end, simple because Steelix had more experience otherwise Crobat would have won.

Both Butterfree's trained mostly with each other, and some time with Pidgeotto and two Golbat's and later Ash's Crobat, and have progressed further than they thought possible. Also the two Butterfree's appeared to be in a relationship, as they were seen several times to be spending more time together than it was necessary, and it has nothing to do with them being the same species.

Bulbasaur, Squirtle, and Haunter have become very good friends and are always training together. None of them have evolved yet, but that doesn't mean that they didn't became stronger. Bulbasaur and Squirtle are actually powerful enough to defeat their evolved forms.

Larvesta is being training by both Charmeleon's along with Magby and is progressing quite well with her fire powers, and sometimes, she is training her Bug-Type powers with both Butterfree's.

Primeape is training with Lucario, since Lucario is a part fighting type and because of that is a perfect teacher for Primeape.

Vaporeon, Jolteon and Flareon are always training together under the watchful eyes of Pikachu. Each of them has some advantage over one of the other two and because of that they are perfect to train together.

As for Muk, he didn't get much training in the three days since Ash caught him, because of the obvious reasons, but he will... some day. He will be staying in Oak's Lab for the most part.

Ash has been training with Mewtwo every time everyone else is training. And his Psychic powers have started to catch up with his Aura powers because of all the training they did. Alakazam has been training with the two of them as well, and has been improving his Psychic powers even more.


Ash and his friends are traveling on a pathway through some mountains to get to the Fuchsia Gym. But it appears that they are lost again.

"Did we really get lost again," asked Ash, as he was walking through the forest?

"I guess we did," replied Brock as he looked at the map in his hands.

"Brock, I don't won't to offend you or anything, but you must stop using that map, and start looking at Ash's Pokedex," said Misty, since she was getting tired of being lost all the time.

"Misty is right, Brock," said Ash. "I mean this is getting really old."

Brock sighed as he heard what Ash and Misty told him and replied. "Maybe you are right, I should stop using this map."

"Good, now let's see where we are," said Ash, and pulled out his Pokedex. But just as he was about to look at it, there was a big explosion several hundred meters from them.

"What is that," yelled Misty as she looked at the large dust cloud, which appeared after the explosion?

"Let's go and see," said Ash, and they all run to see what that explosion was.

After a few minutes of running they came across a truck-filled road. It appears that all of them have had an accident and flipped over next to the road and on the road.

Just as they were to go and check if there are any injured people, a man came out of one of the trucks.

"God damn it, I can't take it anymore," screamed the man! "Those Diglett are going to be the death of me!"

"Hey sir, are you Ok," asked Misty as she and the others went closer to him?

"NO! I'm not OK," he yelled, which caused Misty to take a step back!

"Will you please calm down, and tell us what happened," said Ash, with narrowed eyes, apparently he doesn't like when someone is yelling at Misty.

The man looked at Ash, and then he took a step back when he saw Ash's narrowed eyes. But he quickly pulled himself together and sighed.

"I'm construction worker who is supposed to build a dam here, but because of those Diglett I can't," the man said. "They are ruining everything, and are preventing us from working."

"That's strange," said Brock. "Why would they do that? Diglett don't normally do that kind of stuff."

"I don't care why they are doing this, but it has to stop," the man yelled! "We called the best trainers from around here to came and exterminate this Diglett. Whoever does it, will get a reward of a week stay at the Giva hot springs resort."

Just then, there was a beeping of a car, which was approaching them. Behind the car, a few busses are coming as well. "Well, well, would you look who we have here," said a person who came from the car after it stopped?

Ash and the others looked back and saw Gary Oak standing next to his convertible, with a bunch of cheerleaders, inside of it.

"Gary, what are you doing here," asked Ash?

"I was called to deal with some problem here," replied Gary, and then asked. "But what are you doing here? I thought that only the best trainers are called and you are not one of them."

Ash didn't say anything, and only raised his eyebrow.

"Hey Ash, who is this guy," asked Misty?

"This is Gary Oak, he is Professor Oak's grandson, and we've known each other since we were little."

"Hey Ash, is that you," the group suddenly heard?

When they looked at who called Ash they saw a girl around their age, with a long black hair and a pink hat on her head, dressed in a simple shirt and a short skirt.

"Leaf, it's good to see you again," said Ash, and then he almost fell to the ground because Leaf run and jumped at him to give him a hug.

"Wow, if I didn't know any better I'd say that you missed me a lot," teased Ash while being held tightly by Leaf, who blushed at his teasing, and let him go.

"I was worried about you ever since I heard what happened in Saffron City with you and Team Rocket," shouted Leaf, while pointing a finger at Ash.

"'Cough, Cough,' excuse me but can we get back to the reason you are all here," asked the man?

"Oh, I'm sorry, please continue," said Leaf.

"Ok, listen up," shouted the man to get everyone's attention!

"We are supposed to be building a dam here, but because of those Diglett, we can't. We called you all here so that you can exterminate them, and the one who does it will get a reward of a week stay at the Giva hot springs resort," said the man.

"Don't worry anything, I'll deal with this," announced Gary with a cocky grin and puled one of his Poke balls.

"Come on out," Gary said, and then the Pokémon started to come out of the Poke Ball, but suddenly, it returned before it can fully manifest.

"What the," exclaimed Gary after seeing his Pokémon not came out of its Poke Ball?

Then suddenly Diglett came out of the ground and took Gary's Poke Ball, which was lying on the ground, and returned it to him.

"Thank you, very much," Gary thanked the small Pokemon with a smile and while rubbing the back of his head.

"Wait, what is going on here," he suddenly yelled, and then pulled another Poke ball, but the same thing happened? His Pokémon refused to come out.

Then all the other trainers, called their Pokémon, but they all refused to came out. A bunch of Diglett came out of the holes in the ground and returned each Poke Ball to its trainer. At this point everyone was wandering what the hell is going on here.

Seeing that this is not working, the man started crying in rage and went to attack the Diglett by himself. He was failing miserably.

Ash decided to take things in his own hands, and went closer to one of the Diglett, before he kneeled down in front of it. "Can you tell me why you and the other Diglett are preventing this people to build a dam," asked Ash?

At this point everyone was looking at him and wondered what he is doing.

"Dig Diglett Dig Diglett," said Diglett and Ash only nodded his head.

"Thank you for telling me that, and don't worry, I'll take care of everything," said Ash and patted Diglett on the head, who smiled in return.

Ash then stood up and went back in front of everyone.

"You should all give up, your Pokémon won't help you," he said to all trainers, which confused them.

"And you should stop building a dam, because if you do, you will destroy their home," Ash said to the man.

"What are you talking about, Ashy boy," asked Gary?

"A little away from here, there is the place were all these Diglett live, and are calling their home. They have worked hard to build this whole place, and if this dam is built, this entire place will be flooded and everything will be ruined," Ash explained, much to the surprise of everyone.

"And do you have any proof of this, or are we just supposed to believe that you understood what that Diglett said," asked the man?

"I can use Aura, and because of that I'm able to understand what Pokémon are saying," said Ash. "But if you want a proof, then follow me."

Ash turned around and started walking away, and everyone started to follow after him. About five minutes later they all came to an amazing sight.

They saw Diglett and Dugtrio working together and planting the small trees in the ground. It appears that Ash was right and that this entire forest was built by them.

"Do you understand now," asked Ash as he looked at the man who had his head bowed down? "If you build the dam, everything here will be gone."

"I see now. I will stop building this dam, it's not worth destroying all this," the man said, which brought a smile on Ash's and everyone else's face.

"So that must be why everyone's Pokémon refused to came out of their Poke Ball's," stated Leaf. "They must have known about this."

"Yes, that is exactly why," confirmed Ash.

"Well then, I'm out of here, see you," said Gary, and went to his convertible, where he set next to the driver, after which they drove away.

Right after him, all the other trainers went back to the bus, and they left as well. The only ones left are Ash, Brock, Misty and Leaf.

"Well, now that the mystery is over, we can catch up a little can't we, Ash," Leaf questioned?

"Yes, we can," replied Ash. "Come on, let's go to that hot spring close bye." And then everyone went to the hot spring.


Ash and the others spent the rest of the day relaxing in the hot springs. Ash told Leaf about his encounter with Team Rocket, and what really happened, and she told him about her journey so far. Leaf's goal is to see every Pokemon in the world, and to catch as many as she can, while on her journey.

It was also discovered that it was Leaf's Bulbasaur, who defeated Ra while he was still with Damian, and Leaf was really sorry because of what happened.

At the end of the day, they all went to have some sleep, and in the morning they will all go to Fuchsia gym. Leaf will go with them, because she wanted to travel with Ash for a little while.


"We are finally here", said Misty with a sigh.

The group has left hot spring this morning, and was going through the forest most of the day trying to find the gym. And now that they managed to find it, after almost the entire day of searching through the forest, they were standing in front of a Japanese style building.

"Yeah, we are here. Let's go inside and find the gym leader," Ash said and went ahead with the others behind him.

"I wasn't expecting a Japanese style building to be a gym, and it was in the middle of nowhere," commented Leaf while she was following Ash.

"Every gym has something different about it, and its look is always based on the type of the gym, or the preferences of gym leader," explained Ash.

"Well that is something I didn't know," said Leaf.

A few minutes later the group entered in to the building and saw that it was mostly plain with nothing much inside of the hall.

They kept walking trying to find a gym leader when a Venonat appeared in front of them, and motioned them to follow him.

Ash noticed something strange about this so he used his Aura, and noticed that there are a lot of traps all over the building. And Venonat is leading them right toward them.

"Wait," called Ash, and everyone stopped and looked at him.

"What's wrong Ash," asked Brock?

"There are traps all over this place, and Venonat is leading us at them," Ash replied, and then said. "Follow me I'll use my Aura to find the safe path." He led them in the different way than Venonat and about ten minutes later, they managed to get in a big room, which looked like a gym but it was completely empty, well it would be empty if you would ignore two people hiding behind the wall on the other side of the room. But Ash was the only one who did sense them, the others didn't.

Ash then walked forward and shouted. "I'm Ash Ketchum, and I challenge you to a gym battle!"

Misty, Brock and Leaf looked at him confused because he was seemingly shouting at no one.

"Hey Ash, there is nobody here, so who are you challenging," asked Leaf?

"There are two people over there behind that wall," Ash said with a smirk while pointing at the wall on the other side of the room.

Suddenly, from out of nowhere, two people appeared in front of them all. One was a middle aged man while the other was a girl a little older than they were. They were both dressed in a ninja outfit.

"How did you now we were there," asked he man, suddenly very interested in Ash?

"I'm an Aura user, I could sense that you were there," replied Ash.

"Well then, if you are here for a gym battle then I accept your challenge. My name is Koga, and this is my younger sister Aya," said Koga. "Now follow me."

They all went outside of the building in the open ground. When they got were Koga was leading them they all saw a battlefield in the middle of the back yard.

Ash then stood on one side of the field, and Koga went to the other. Aya would be the referee, so she stood outside of the field, while Ash's friends just stood in the back, and watched.

"Good luck, Ash," both Misty and Leaf said at the same time, which made them look at each other, and smiled.

"This will be a two-on-two battle between the challenger Ash and Fuchsia City gym leader Koga. The first trainer to lose both Pokémon loses. The gym leader choses first," announced the referee.

"Venomoth, I chose you," said Koga and released his first Pokémon, Venomoth!

"Bulbasaur, you are up," called Ash, and his Bulbasaur appeared from his Poke Ball ready for battle.

"BEGIN!" Yelled the referee.

"Venomoth, use Stun Spore," said Koga.

Venomoth started flapping its wings and an orange powder come out of them, and went straight at Bulbasaur

"Bulbasaur, use Protect," Ash said, and Bulbasaur created a barrier in front of himself, which stopped Stun Spore before it could reach him. "Now use Razor Leaf." Bulbasaur fired a storm of Leaf's at Venomoth, who wasn't able to dodge them all and was hit with some of them.

"Venomoth, stay strong and use Sleep Powder," said Koga.

Venomoth flaps its wings again, and a light-tan powder come out and went toward Bulbasaur.

"Bulbasaur, Leaf Storm," called Ash.

Bulbasaur surrounded himself with a lot of glowing leaves, which he then sent at Sleep Powder. Leaf Storm ended up puling in the powder, because of the wind, and went straight at Venomoth, who couldn't do anything and was quickly pulled inside a tornado crated by Leaf Storm mixed with Sleep Powder.

Once the storm let out, Venomoth fell on the ground covered in cuts, and unconscious.

"Venomoth is unable to battle, the winner is Bulbasaur," announced the referee!

"Good battle Bulbasaur," Ash said to his grass starter, who just nodded with a smile, very pleased with himself for the win.

"Wow, Ash's Bulbasaur really is strong," commented Leaf while watching. "And what was that move, I've never seen it before?"

"Yes, Ash trains his Pokémon really hard every day," said Misty. "As for that move, it's actually grass type move but it's mostly used by some grass Pokémon from other regions."

"I must ask Ash to teach my Ivysaur that move, it's too good to pass up," said Leaf.

Back with Ash and Koga, Koga has just recalled his Venomoth, and is about to call his next Pokémon.

"That was great battle Ash, but let's see how you do against this Pokémon," said Koga and called out his Golbat.

"Ok, return Bulbasaur," said Ash and returned his Bulbasaur.

"Crobat it's your turn!" Ash let his Crobat out from his Poke Ball.

"You have a Crobat," Koga said in surprise!

"Yeah. I caught him when he was Golbat, and he was able to evolve about a week ago," replied Ash.

"Are you both ready," asked the referee, and Ash and Koga just nodded? "Then BEGIN!"

"Golbat use Wing Attack," said Koga.

"Crobat let's show them the real Wing Attack," said Ash.

Gobat's wings glowed white, and he flew at Crobat, whose all four wings also glowed white, and went at Golbat with at least three times greater speed than Golbat.

In a second Crobat was in front of Golbat and started hitting him with his wings. Golbat couldn't even defend himself because Crobat was too fast for him, and after who knows how many hit's, Crobat sent Golbat on the ground.

"Golbat can you stand," asked Koga while looking at his Golbat?

Golbat somehow managed to stand up, and flew back in the air.

"Great, now use Screech," said Koga. Golbat opened his mouth and released thin yellow circles, causing a loud, piercing noise that went at Crobat.

"Crobat finish this off with Air Slash," said Ash, and then Crobat flapped his four wings and sent four slashes that cut clean through the Screech and hit straight at Golbat, which sent it back on the ground, but this time he was unconscious.

"Golbat is unable to battle, the winner is Crobat, and the match goes to the challenger Ash Ketchum," said the referee.

"Golbat, return," Koga said with a sigh. "You did good Golbat, don't worry about anything."

"Great job, Crobat, congratulation on you win," said Ash, and Crobat gave a nod in acknowledgment.

"That was a great battle Ash, you are the best trainer I have battled against in a long time," sad Koga after he came closer to Ash.

"Thank you, Koga, I always try to do my best and to never let my Pokémon down," replied Ash.

"Here's the Soul Badge, Ash," said Koga and handed Ash his badge after he pulled it from the scroll.

"That was great Ash, I really didn't think your Pokémon are so powerful," Leaf said, after she, Misty and Brock came in front of him.

"Why are you so surprised, I do train my Pokémon really hard," asked Ash?

"I'm surprised because you have only been trainer for a few months, and your Pokémon are already this strong," Leaf replied.

"As I said, I train them really hard," said Ash.

After that Ash and the others said goodbye to Koga and his sister Aya and left the gym.

English is not my first language so my grammar may be wrong.

DaoistcRNLqocreators' thoughts