
Asgard: God of Vengeance

Reincarnated as an Asgardian Prince in the world of the MARVEL universe. He was born as the youngest prince, a few hundred years after Thor and Loki. Born with eyes like no other, that made the all seeing Heimdall seem mediocre. Blessed with talent and burdened with future knowledge, Watch as he grows in power, as he strives to save Asgard from it's predetermined fate, He is Vengeance, Born to seek revenge and destroy the wretched cycle and the gods above, that toy with him and Asgard. He is Vali Odinson. -------- /This is more or less an AU FanFiction. MC is an OC and his name is borrowed from a character of Norse Mythology. I do not own any other character, other than a few OC's in the novel. Based the novel on the movies, but will start introducing comic elements as it goes on./ MC is a Grey character, if you dislike manipulative MC's, this novel is not for you. He's a realist, a bit cold and uncaring, bar his close family. No harem btw. /It’s my first novel, so yeah, help me out with some constructive criticism to improve my writing./

7rox · Movies
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33 Chs

Aftermath & Learning

More than 4 years had passed since Vali's battle with Amora, and the realm had been at peace ever since. Time flew by as a lot of things changed, mainly with Vali starting his education.

In the youngest Prince's chambers,

A silver haired man who seemed to be in his twenties seemed to have just woken up, as he leaned back with his head against the headboard of the bedstead and his eyes closed as he seemingly meditated. He had a 'chin length side swept centre part' hairstyle with a silver stubble beard and a bare muscular chest with a few barely visible scars.

The fully matured Vali Odinson was seemingly disturbed from his meditation when he heard ruffling sounds from the other side of the bed. A gorgeous brunette was found dressing up while seated on the bed with her bare back facing him, as she seemed to be in a hurry. She was soon fully clothed, standing beside the bed in a tunic and a cloak. This was Lorelei, who was almost seemingly late for work at the healing chambers. She walked a little funny with her first few steps, so she had to use a bit of healing magic as she swayed her hips and made her way towards the entrance of the chamber.

"I've got a lot of research to catch up on, see you later Vali." she spoke promptly.

"No worries, I'll meet up with you when I'm free. Don't forget to slap Skarf on your way out though" Vali replied casually with half closed eyes.

Lorelei made it out of the chamber, only to find Skarf leaning against the doorway with his eyes closed and drool over his chin. She subtly shook her head, before she slammed his hard head against the wall, waking him up from his slumber, as she walked away.

Vali had gotten together with her after finding out that she was busy person who didn't have much time for serious relationships. That worked well for him and they got together as friends with benefits. He had contacted her a year ago after starting his education, as he had decided to go with the mind arts as the first course of magic he would master.

As he was deep in his meditation, he thought of everything that happened in the last 4 years.


After the battle, faced with the awe of all the Einherjar and other guards that spectated the massacre, Vali shrugged it off before meeting with the Odin and Frigga who had just teleported there. They probably realized that they would be insulting Vali's intelligence by delaying their appearance any longer. The guards carried on with their duties and a few warriors alongside Vali's personal guards left to clear the aftermath of the battle.

Odin had a proud and dignified look in his face as he looked over the remains of battle in person. He was little taken aback by Vali's sudden kill to be honest, but he decided to leave that matter for later.

Frigga on the other hand, as much as she tried to imitate a proud parent's expression, couldn't hide the worry in her face. She was afraid that his divinity had gradually influenced his mind after watching him butcher those frost giants, after all, Hela had experienced something very similar.

She was soon pulled out of her thoughts and drawn towards Vali, as he gave her a reassuring look mouthing silently that he was alright. She looked worriedly at his waist and inspected the bloody gash he had received from a frost giant when contesting against Amora's attempted mind rape. The wound had already stopped bleeding, clearly attributed to his terrifyingly strong body.

He even took this chance and quipped, "See, I wouldn't have received this scratch if you had taught me some magic to put up some defenses" only to receive a glare from Frigga.

She replied promptly with solemnity, "Very well then, I will teach you all the defensive magic I know." and he could see her seriously considering padding him up with magical equipment even when she was supposedly joking.

It was a strange feeling for Vali, the care and warmth he received from his mother seemed to remind him of his responsibilities to the realm. Frigga and Odin were getting old, and he had many ways and various plans to extend their longevity, but now he had to concentrate on getting stronger and building his personal forces.

The eventful night ended with everyone returning to their commitments and the Asgardian royalty reuniting for dinner. Thor and Loki got back drunk, but soon got rid of any befuddlement after they saw their father seated at the table.

Odin who was silent all night long listening to Frigga and Vali's conversation, finally spoke up, "Did that fight satiate your battle lust, little one?"

'He must've seen me irritated and bored the last few years, and might've associated my restlessness with Hela's when she seemingly always craved for war' thought Vali as pondered over Odin's question as he munched on his food. There were even a few golden apples of Idunn taken from Frigga's personal stash as today was 'considered' a special occasion.

"I will always seek a good battle, but I have complete control over my senses and know when I should and should not engage in battle, father." Vali answered with gravity in his face.

Their conversation had even drawn the interests of the eldest Asgardian princes as they had their ears peeled at the mention of battle.

Perhaps satisfied by his answer, Odin simply nodded and jovially followed up with, "Take care of your brothers and go easy on them. It might be weird, asking the youngest to take care of his older brothers but I know that you're a lot more mature and shrewder, boy!"

"I'll make sure they're worthy of the title of Asgardian royalty, when I'm done with them in the future." Vali replied with great confidence in his tone as he stared at his brothers.

The eldest two had barely pondered over the meaning of the conversation, when they sat up straight with goosebumps after listening to their last exchange. They found themselves soon being stared down by a predator whose eyes promised pain and they couldn't help but resentfully look towards Odin.

They even attempted showing pitiful expressions to their mother, hoping she would bail them out but alas there was no escaping this time it seemed.

'I'll break them down and put them back together if I have to. He wouldn't accept having deadbeat siblings, one that would get manhandled like a toy by the Hulk and the other that relied more on a hammer than a blacksmith.' thought Vali in disgust as he contemplated how he was going to make them stronger. He'd have to take it slow over the first few years, that's for sure as they seemed to still be in their teenage phase and any attempts to straighten them would backfire.

The year went by pretty fast with Vali absorbed in his study of introductory magic and he had to admit, being taught by Frigga was extremely productive. Her library was filled with enchantments that almost blinded his 'truth eyes' and sadly almost this entire library of hers was restricted for him. 'Well, it was better to chew in small quantities than swallow and choke' he thought.

Everything went by so fast that he was soon off to the Academy as soon as he hit the age of 20.

[Flashback ends]

He soon got off his bed after his daily meditation and called out for his personal guard as he dressed up in his black cloak, that resembled a trench coat.

"Skarf, get in here!" he hollered.

Soon a sloppy half-asleep guard walked in, yawning casually bobbing his head side to side. If anyone looked closely they would witness sharp spirited eyes, akin to a hawk completely contradictory to his body's lackadaisical display.

"Inform the maid that I'm leaving for the Academy now and that I'm skipping my breakfast today. Oh, and make sure to break a few of her limbs if she attempts to inform my mother" muttered Vali casually as he walked out his chambers with Skarf following right behind him after nodding diligently.

Vali was 22 now, and it has been around 2 years since he had sent Frodi out on a mission, away from the realm. 'He should be returning in a decade I suppose' he thought.

As he walked out of the palace, through the crowded streets and towards the Academy, he couldn't help but think of how fast the 2 years went by since he first entered the Academy. He called it an 'Academy' for convenience's sake, but in truth it was just a group of interested Asgardians who gathered outdoors around a theatre stage, listening to the instructor speak. The instructors changed every other day depending on the courses being discussed such as introductory magic, geography, history and so on.

The last 3 years had been extremely productive for Vali, helping him set a base for his knowledge and find a direction to develop in. Now it was finally time for him to enter the library of Asgard, which held enormous resources, and actually learn something beside the basics, that would help him grow in power.


The next few chapters are going to have a few info-dumps that are necessary for the MC's journey so brace yourselves.

[ P@ treon.com/7rox ] or [ buymeacoffee.com/7rox ]

Won't be posting any advanced chapters there, though you can donate 2 or 3$ and buy me a cup of coffee for the time I've spent writing, if you're interested. Peace.

Spare a few powerstones please.

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