
Asgard's god of nature

this msg is for those who are new to this novel, I am a new author that's why the first few chps are bad I have improved a little after that plz continue to read. Hello guys! I am a new author and this is my first work I don't have the story planned so I am gonna write what come to my mind. English is not my first language so please expect grammar mistakes,I apologize in advance. I wrote this story cause I was bored and not many good fanfics are out there right now. updates will be slow as I mentioned before I don't have this fanfic planned. now sorry for ranting and all.so on to the story. you know the story a guy from our world gets reincarnated to marvel universe (MCU).Born in asgard as Thor's younger twin brother.He is going to be as mentioned in the title a god of nature but as as well as animals,combat and magic. love interest will be lady sif and if I feel like it I will and another one and let me tell you I am against sex before marriage so I will make it so that by the time of canon mc will be married. disclaimer:I do not own marvel or any character related to this novel expect oc

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35 Chs

Training, Divinity and progress

mc is 10 and 4 months in the previous chp

Thor is the same as mc

loki is 9 and 4 months

As we are assigned to our instructors,the instructors came one by one to pick us in group of chosen weapons I was assigned to the spear group as requested.after a few instructors came the spear instructor came and said.

spear instructor:"hello everyone my name is bor and am going to be your instructor for at least 10 years in which we will not only cover spears but all type of spear type weapons like pole, halberds, gundao etc. and find out which suits you more however we won't focus on weapons for now we will for the first four years will only get you ready for it by focusing on body conditioning and physical training as well as basics of all the weapons above to find your weapon".

time skip...

4 years....

in this four years I trained hard so hard that even my instructor had to intervene a few times to stop me but I did not do this cause I got crazy and forgot I am still a child no I discovered that I have a healing factor and not just the mild healing factor of asgardians no mine is special as it's wolverine level and I am feeling it growing with me.now normally it would be hinder me as my muscles are regenerated as quickly as distroyed but fortunately I did not stop my persuit of knowledge from the library in fact I spent the time not training in the library reading different topics and also found out I had eidetic memory yep the cheat everyone wants and through that I was able to remember everything I read I through which I found out it is related to my divinity and my healing factor showing is a sign that I am awakening my divine energy.and to stop my muscles from healing too fast I will have to access it something which is taught to every Asgardian when they are at least 25 years that is minimum age people develop there divine energy enough to be perceived but here I am talking about asgardians they focus on physical fighting than anything else and do not have the patience to meditate daily to perceive it early.so I did just that and through daily meditation I was able to perceive it but other than figuring out how to stop it from effecting my training by observing it.and finding that I am absorbing energy from some outside source and when ever I am Injured this energy in my body goes to the place of injury to heal it and I Learned to make it stop forcefully due to which my training speed increased to amazing levels and continued to observe it and experiment on it to refine my control over it but I am only able to stop it from flowing around my body or let it flow freely although I am making progress in controlling the flow.

Also when Loki turned ten he too had to choose which weapon to learn and he chose knives as he too was recommended to throwing knives

and bow as me but his true talent was in throwing knives and knife combat although he has talent in spears too which I think will be his second weapon.

Thor has made progress too but Getting in the talks of people chose to learn swords first despite me being against it he didn't listen.he also kept contact with his friends volstag , hogun and fandal.