
Asgard's god of nature

this msg is for those who are new to this novel, I am a new author that's why the first few chps are bad I have improved a little after that plz continue to read. Hello guys! I am a new author and this is my first work I don't have the story planned so I am gonna write what come to my mind. English is not my first language so please expect grammar mistakes,I apologize in advance. I wrote this story cause I was bored and not many good fanfics are out there right now. updates will be slow as I mentioned before I don't have this fanfic planned. now sorry for ranting and all.so on to the story. you know the story a guy from our world gets reincarnated to marvel universe (MCU).Born in asgard as Thor's younger twin brother.He is going to be as mentioned in the title a god of nature but as as well as animals,combat and magic. love interest will be lady sif and if I feel like it I will and another one and let me tell you I am against sex before marriage so I will make it so that by the time of canon mc will be married. disclaimer:I do not own marvel or any character related to this novel expect oc

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Divinity and Magic

hello guys!so I want you to know in advance thier might be mild s&m element in this fic and mild means mild

Thor's and Jarl's age is 20

Loki's age is 19

Sif is 19

As I became 20 I can also finally learn magic and more about my divinity well you might be thinking why now well it is because that although I went through Asgard's Library and learned a lot I didn't try to do magic on my own as it can be extremely dangerous but I still wanted to because it is deeply connected to my divinity as divinity is the manipulation of divine energy and divine energy is an energy that is extract from one or more aspect of reality and asgardians are more connected to an aspect of reality than most other races but that does not mean that every Asgardian is a god no not every Asgardian can access to thier aspect for that thier is a ritual that lets an asgardian to get closer to thier divine aspect even then most are not able to do it but what I am talking about is for normal asgardian not royalty they are able to access it as long as thier body is strong enough,that is also the reason for when my divinity started to heal me it must be BECAUSE I was getting stronger that my divinity started to show and it's aspect may be related to healing or something.

and as I was saying before magic is related to my divinity because it is a type of energy manipulation too so I went to my mother frigga to teach me magic but she said she wants me to at least learn to use my first weapon then she will teach me and she also told me that Loki also approached her to learn magic but was met with the same answer,now if I wanted I could get some other magic user to teach me but I still followed my mother's advice to at least master a single weapon and I did now I am going towards her room to learn magic.

I reached there and told the female guard to inform my mother that I am here she answered:"yes my prince" then went in to inform her and came back and said "the Queen will now see you your highness"

I nodded and entered.

when I entered i saw my mother with a few maids who were arranging some really thick books when she saw me enter she motioned the maids to leave.

frigga:" great to see you son eager to learn magic I see unlike your brother Thor to whom I offered to teach but he declined saying it is for women" she said first happily but sad in the end.

Jarl:"don't worry mother you know how Thor is he is always fooling around with his friends or training his body and always gets in others talks"

frigga:" yeah I wish he at least tried but let's not go there we are going to start your magic training, so tell me what is magic?"

and began my magic training.

time skip....

5 years.....

I completely mastered the basic of all types of magic my mother taught me and began to learn intermediate level of magics in the subjects that interested me namely illusions , conjuration , transfiguration my favorite and also figured out what my divinity is truly with my mother's help and it is...