

He is spoken of as the prince of evil spirits. The inveterate enemy of God and Christ, who takes the guise of an angel of light.  He is as deadly as his father Lucifer, who can enter people and act through them; It is mainly believed that through his subordinate demons, Lucifer, can take possession of human bodies, afflicting them or making them diseased. Yes, it is true, but he is far more deadlier than that. Not only can he possess the body of humans and afflict them, but he controls their mind and hypnotised them to their death. He never shows mercy, as mercy is not a word to him. Through his subordinate demons, he could carry out his devious plans and control the earth from hell. His subordinates are sinister and mainly evil, with no heart and conscience for the humans. Asebia, the God of Sin....the Last Prince of hell. He is the only son of Lucifer who causes the other six deadly sins. He is their Master and they are his followers. He is dangerous....a force which cannot be held. He is a ferocious beast who neither had compassion or love for anyone. He causes sin....he kills.....and he conquers. No one has ever seen him, no one even knows what he looks like. But if you wanna meet him, you would never remain the same. He is Asebia, the God Of Sin, the Crown Prince of Hell.

Tehillah20 · Fantasy
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18 Chs


In the day of Satan,

A demon took me for a long walk

in the daylight.

He was telling me many things

with beautiful words,

Advised me so wisely,

Telling me for not too kind to people.

He said, "Why should you love and care about people that never appreciate your kindness?

Don't you see that they only take a benefit from you?

They don't mind to hurt you whenever they have chance.

You are wasting your time! You are wasting your life!"

In the day of Satan,

A demon took me for a long walk

in the daylight.

Crowning my head

with all the brilliant ideas

about what I should do and I should be as a human,

Filling my heart

with all world's temptations,

Shining my way

with his adorable light,

And showing the much happiness and glory I could get

if I let myself following his path.

In the day of Satan

A satan took me for a long walk

in the daylight.

He made me fell in love with all of his beautiful words

that I was so ready to take a step

to follow all the words and the path he said and offered.

But then my inner soul came

and whispered,

"Are you sure that you're ready for following his path?

What is your motive of doing goodness, anyway?

To get people's attention or appreciation?

Or just for goodness itself?

Is your kindness just like the woman's make up

that will vanish as soon as you wash your face?

Are you sure that you're ready

for making him a King in your life?"

In the day of Satan

A satan took me for a long walk

in the daylight to his kingdom

to marry me and crown me as his queen.

But then I realized that

I'm doing kindness actually for the kindness itself

I'm doing goodness surely for the goodness itself

I'm doing merit definitely for the merit itself

Not for people I've helped

Not for people I love

Not for heaven's sake

Not even for the universe

If people can't appreciate me,

that's their problem, not mine.

If people can't accept

my unconditional love for them

with the proper way,

that's their problem, not mine.

If people turn to be backstabbers

instead of showing their gratitude

for what I've done for them,

that's their problem, not mine.

In my life,

there's always a day of satan.

It is the day when satan take me for a long walk

and telling me all of the world's temptations

with the words that much sweeter than sugar.

But this time I've decided

to not listen to his words.

This time I've decided

to not help him in building his throne

or making him my King.

And this time I've decided

to stop my steps with him

and go back to what I should be:

A person with the genuine love and kindness.

Today, in the day of satan

I let a satan down

and let him reveal his true face:

A furious red and ugly guy with horns on his head

and a burning trident in his hand,

as I've refused to be his queen

and ruined his plan to build the throne...

Satan is love and love is Satan

You are one and the same,

In texture, scent and beauty,

You all blend into one

Commanding three quarters

Of heaven's loyalty

Ninety percent of human allegiance,

The church and the mosque are your marionette

All the temples are your domain,

African Shrines are your beautiful turf

As synagogues thrive from your love.

Satan, this sonnet is for you

My lyrical dedication to your glory,

An Ode of all odes to you Satan

As for you will reign

In the natural systems

As the sole queen of my heart

Your regal time in my love-sphere

Will infinitely pullulate in times to come,

Of your nature I know not

Of your abode I know not

Whether you are in ethereal

Or in the realms of hell

I know not but to your glory,

Of your race I know not

Notwithstanding your black label,

But your glory and mighty I know

You reign the earth and the heaven

With unmatched stature, unprecedented

Your foes forlornly left minus option

But only to desperate wistfulness,

Your works are a tor among mountains

In seas, oceans, landmasses and heavenly systems,

You designed colonialism at Berlin conference

You inspired slavery in the powers that be

You inspired heart of apartheid among Israelis

Against the foolish Palestinians,

You masterminded forceful occupation

Of the oil wells and Lands of Palestine by Israelis,

You designed Apartheid in South Africa

And nascent racial hatred in America

That saw death in Ferguson and the poor lad

A ****** Treyvvon who is better dead!

And it all went all without simple fetter

My dear sweet heart, the one and only one,

Satan the dearest Lucifer Alias Ibilis,

Your accolades are unique

And true Spectacle of spectacles,

They stand garlanded out of the rest

To sure glory of my dear little dove,

The flower of my heart,

Was the gift of nuclear power

to the stoogish Einstein your protégé?

Was the gift of *** to the Irish Scientists

Your efforts and sweat of your brow?

Is Ebola your latest tool in depopulation move?

Will you spare the black souls my dear love?

My heart misses you dear little love,

Where and when can we meet?

For us to have our light moment

To have a heart to heart chat

In the fullness of flowery flora

And monkey Fauna of Africa,

Can we meet on the **** shores

Of warm and elegant Lake Turkana?

The beacon of natural beauty

On which human sorrow melts

Into the mellifluous warmth

Of your love and delicacy of you romance,

I look forward dear for this day,

On which I will be swallowed

Into your softly touch and caresses

As your warm kisses land on my lips

I will softly moan to the warmth in you love.

Can I come along with my friends, dear sweetie?

For they are unhappy and proscribed to a legal corner

In this dark abyss of African political culture

They are Lesbians and gays, drug dealers,

Polygamists and polyandrous ones,

The laws of the day have pigeonholed them,

Let them come to your table for a treat

On buckers and Nyama Choma of he goats,

For truly they are your current brainchildren

Forlornly isolated by black primitivity.

I will sing to you all lyrics my dear

As your works are marvelous and wonderful

They crystallize into a power of powers

I will sing to you; 'the poem to Satan' of dear Marx,

And 'evil's idol' in the glory of your love,

Will sing for you 'the night in the forest'

And 'Ode to my mother' of Adolf ******

As I shower your reign with classical lyrics,

In praise of your power on human heart,

None else calls the tune of human piety

As you powerfully do my dear lollipop.

I am now tired

And the lamp of my house now faintly goes

As my heart yearns for sleep

Into which I will dream

The blissful dreams

Propelled by the sweet scent

The sole outfit of your lovely reign.


There are two prologues which have been uploaded and the book will start during the next chapter. I am truly sorry if you find the poetry quite boring but if you read it, you'll understand later on why I posted it.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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