
Ascension Trial

A child born with demon blood, an orphaned half-orc searching for answers, an elven criminal turned paladin and a girl with uncontrollable magic find themselves working for a powerful underground figure to stop a greater evil from taking over the world. (The novel is based on a DnD Campaign I created years ago)

B_Olfert · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
107 Chs


The Sect emerged from the forest coated in blood and guts. The lumberjacks that had remained, waiting for them to return, stood from their lunch around a campfire.

"What happened?" The foreman of the camp asked. A second later a dozen of his previously captured men walked out of the jungle. "You found them." He and his other men rushed towards their fellow tree fallers, embraced them; put their arms around them, and led them towards the food.

"How can I repay you all?" The foreman turned to the Sect.

"Passage to Xesa," Garrok handed the foreman a sac containing a bloody head.

"That I can arrange." The foreman could smell it, and see the dark red stain on the bottom. He left it closed.

Xesa, also located on The Stein river is the second largest in Sa'vour. Known for its horse breeding and breweries, that give meaning to the river's name. The buildings are multiple storied timber frames built from the darkwood sent down the river from Bashville. Dotted throughout the city are countless stables because at the heart of the sprawling metropolis is the horse track. Breeders from across the Empire come to Xesa to participate in The Grand Derby and smaller races every week. The Sect had fortuitous timing as they arrived in the city. The Grand Derby week was in full swing with the championship race occurring in a day.

"It can't hurt to stay for the race, right?" Rothox asked the group as they made their way to their lodging for the night. The barge workers had pointed them in the direction of a popular inn near the center of the city.

"We should also get some supplies for the next leg of our journey, as well," Erigos said.

"I'd also like to find a horse. I've been meaning to get one for a while now. Seems like the right place to do so." Garrok watched handfuls of horses being lead about the street. "Staying an extra day would be useful."

At this point, they reached the recommended place to stay while in the city, The Lavish Stables. A well-dressed man standing at the door overheard Garrok's question.

"You're in the right city," he laughed. "There are horses for sale on every corner, especially during Derby week."

"Good to know," Garrok glared at the stranger as we walked through the front door of the inn.

"Just make sure not to get swindled, lots of that going around, especially since you're an outsider. These traders know how to spot a greenhorn."

Garrok stopped, turned to look at the man . He felt his anger rising but thought against getting mad. The man was just being helpful, he wasn't trying to be rude.

Garrok decided to be friendly, "I'll keep an eye out for that. Do you have a place I should go?"

The man seemed happy he asked. "I'd just go to the track, you'll get the best deals there, especially after the race." He leaned in as to tell Garrok a secret. He gave him an expectant look waiting for Garrok to lean in too. He did.

"Try and target the losing owners, they tend to let their emotions get the better of them. Just because a horse lost a race doesn't mean it ain't a good horse." He winked then returned to his position ar the door. Garrok gave him a nod of appreciation before following his companions inside.

"What did he want?" Erigos asked as he rejoined the group who stood just inside the chateau.

"He gave me horse buying advice."

"Huh, nice guy." Erigos looked past Garrok at the door.

"....yeah, not used to people being so friendly with me." It was a weird feeling having someone be randomly nice to him. Normally people were nice out of fear or because he had earned it by helping them.

The Lavish Stable was a well-managed chateau. Unlike the tavern inns, they were used to staying in, the Lavish Stable had dedicated lodging with many amenities, such as floors of well-kept rooms, a front desk with a seating area, a tavern attached to the side and a large stable for horses and other animals. Garrok began to realize the man at the front was the doorman and maybe not just a random stranger. As they all walked up to the desk at the back of the main room, a female elf, with her brown hair tied up, wearing a dark green gown designed for practicality addressed them.

"Hello! Welcome to the Lavish Stable. How may I assist you today?"

"We would like two rooms please," Erigos said.

"How many nights would that be for?" She opened a ledger on the desk.

"I believe two?" He checked with the group and they all nodded. "Yes, two."

She checked the ledger for a few seconds. "You are in luck, we do have two rooms left. I'm surprised, this is our busiest weekend. The rate will be five gold per night per person."

"Wait, I'm sorry did you say five gold as in forty total?" Garrok pipped up.

She leaned around Erigos, "That is the total, yes."

"I'll find somewhere else, ain't made of coin." Garrok turned to leave.

"There will be nowhere else that has rooms" The elf raised her voice.

Garrok slowly turned back to her, "Either way I'd rather sleep outside than pay that amount."

She could tell she was losing them and they couldn't be the only place on the city left vacant, it would be embarrassing. She made a judgement call. "We could do a special rate for those that work for their stay!" That got his attention.

"Go on."

Unsure of who to look at she moved her gaze back and forth between Erigos and Garrok, as she spoke, "Well, we have had some issues with the people breaking into our stables. Startling the horses who then wake our guests and some of our guests are very important to the weekend. If you are able to prevent these...drunkin tourists from disturbing our guests I will let you have the rooms for half price."

Garrok was in full control now. Erigos could tell he was going to try and get the rooms for free so he placed his hand on his arm and spoke first, "That is acceptable, very generous of you."

The elf sighed with relief and handed over two keys. Erigos handed her the coin.

"Your rooms are on the second floor at the end of the hall. Do make sure you return to watch the stables by nightfall."

They left the items and gear that they didn't need in the city in their weekend abode before heading out to explore. After buying the needed supplies they found themselves near the race track. The thunderous sound of dozens of hooves pounding the earth had drawn them in. The entrance to the track was guarded. Two armor clad men with crossbows stood at attention. As they approached one spoke up.

"How may I help you."

"We want to see the races."

"Very well, you'll have to go around that way," He gestured to his right. "That's the main entrance for guests. This area is off-limits."

"What area is this?" Alissa asked.

"The stables. So unless you are an owner or jockey please move along."

Before they could stop her Alissa walked closer to the guard. "But I am a jockey, look at me, I'm tiny."

His eyes glazed over before he replied as her charm spell took affect, "My mistake, please." He stepped aside, his partner hesitated but did the same.

"They are with me," she waved her hand towards her friends.

"Of course. Come in." The guard bowed slightly as the Sect walked in. Rothox could see a haze over his eyes.

Out of earshot of the guards, Erigos leered at Alissa, "You are not to charm people unless it is necessary."

She shrugged, "Whatever, it's not like he got hurt." She skipped further into the stables. Shaking his head, Erigos followed. Garrok and Rothox weren't far behind, both impressed with her confidence.

A grand structure at least twice as large as the Lavish Stables Inn and it's own barn housed all the horses for the weekend. At this time there weren't too many people at this end besides a few stable hands and two men that appeared to be owners discussing privately. This caught the group's attention. Wanting to listen to the argument that was clearly escalating the Sect slowly etched into a nearby vacant stall. Assuming the horse was one of those currently on the track, as a fairly fresh pile of shit wafted into their noses. From this location, they could make out what was being said.

"If you think you'll get away with this type of behavior, you will get caught," said the more slender, taller man to the shorter stout one. Both were well-groomed and dressed in fine garments.

The shorter man replied, "I haven't done anything yet, but you deserve whatever is coming to you and your dastardly family. You don't belong in this city. Mark my words."

"Is that a threat?"

"You bet it is. You had better watch your back, Eddison." The short man waged his finger in the other gentleman's face before he stormed off in the other direction. Once he was out of view the remaining man grunted in frustration and headed in the other direction, towards the Silver Sect. As he passed their hiding spot he stopped and looked at them.

"Spying on me for Kris are we."

"Kris?" Garrok asked.

"Oh no!" Erigos exclaimed. "We merely heard the commotion. Our apologies." He and the others stood up out of the hay.

"Not like it matters anyways. Everyone already knows John Kris hates me and my family, and I him."

"Who is John Kris?" Erigos asked.

"You don't know the Kris family? The owners of the Stein Brewery..." They all had blank expressions. He continued, "They are the wealthiest family in the city, they make the Stein Lager, the most popular beer in the Empire I'd reckon." That was familiar, everywhere served the Stein Lager.

"Why do you hate each other?" Alissa innocently asked.

He paused and looked at her, and with out flinching he said. "He tried to kill me."