
Ascension Trial

A child born with demon blood, an orphaned half-orc searching for answers, an elven criminal turned paladin and a girl with uncontrollable magic find themselves working for a powerful underground figure to stop a greater evil from taking over the world. (The novel is based on a DnD Campaign I created years ago)

B_Olfert · Fantasy
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107 Chs

The Grand Derby

Ulmark Eddison told the Silver Sect all about his dealings with John Kris and his family. He told them about his competing brewery, the Kraken Brewery where he recently invented a dark beer using the roots of darkwood trees. It was becoming popular in the city and growing beyond. Kris who had apparently been working on a dark beer as well, claims Ulmark stole the recipe. One night after John Kris had confronted him at a party, he found himself heading home and a couple of thugs jumped out of the shadows and nearly beat him to death. If it hadn't been for a random passerby, they would have. After the incident, he couldn't say anything to the authorities, since Kris is a major benefactor of theirs. Instead, he hoped to move past the incident. It had occurred nearly a month ago and this meeting in the stables was their first encounter since. Both men have a horse in the Grand Derby and know that a win will increase their business, as well as the large purse that the winner receives on top of any bets won. Although they care more about the honor and respect of winning.

Ulmark finished his story as they walked around the track. While they did a dark smoke began to rise in the distance. Ulmark noticed it first. A sudden realization of fear came across his face.

"My brewery!" He was off, running out of the track towards the fire. The Sect followed. Surprisingly, for someone of his status and age, he ran the whole way. Rounding the final street corner he reached his family business. An orange inferno had the building completely engulfed. Ulmark fell to his knees. Unsure of what to do, the Sect silently stood behind him. There were dozens of people watching while a few men attempted to put out a section where the fire was most accessible to the street, carrying buckets from a nearby well. A pair of soot-covered people were among them. The female noticed Ulmark.

"Dad!" She ran over, followed by the male survivor.

He looked to her, "Daughter, what happened?"

Tears streamed down her face streaking through the dark ash that coated it. She flung her arms around him, blotting his nice clothes in soot. "I...I...Don't know, we were in the office going over paperwork and suddenly there was a fire."

"You saw no one?" Ulmark asked.

"What do you mean?" You think someone did this on purpose?" She pulled back from the embrace looking at her father, confused. Her fiance grasped her hand.

"And you," Ulmark turned to his daughter's fiance with a furry. "Your father threatened me again and now my brewery is burning down and here you are. Seems too perfect to be a coincidence."


He stepped forward still holding his fiance's hand. "Sir, you know how I feel about your daughter. I would never do anything to harm her or her family. Please, you must believe me. I love your daughter." A few tears started to well up in his eyes.

Ulmark's anger seemed to subside, "I know, I'm sorry, it's just.--" A loud crash interrupted him as the roof of the building collapsed inward pulling in the eastern wall. The fire crackled with delight at the added fuel. Ulmark hung his head and wept. His daughter knelt beside him and hugged him.

The Silver Sect watched the family huddle together as the fire raged on leaving nothing. The attempt to dose the fire was futile and eventually, they gave up letting the flames engulf the building entirely.

"Did you hear Ulmark say that his daughter's fiance is a Kris?" Garrok said as they stood off the side.

"If Kris' son is engaged to his enemy that would add to his anger, I doubt he approves," Erigos said.

"If he is willing to go to such lengths we should keep an eye on John Kris. Who knows what he may try tomorrow," Rothox said.

Eventually, the fire burned out and the Eddison family began to comb through for anything that could have survived. The Silver Sect had to uphold their promise back at the Lavish Stable, so they set off in the hopes they could aid Ulmark Eddison the next day at the Grand Derby.

Taking turns they watched the stables overnight, keeping the few intoxicated citizens away; fulfilling their duty. The rooms were very comfy and well worth the price of watching the horses.

The next day was hectic. It seemed as if the entire city was focused on one goal. Hoping to beat the crowds to the track the Silver Sect left early, using Alissa's charm to get into the stable area. Alissa seemed to have an idea. She approached a friendly stablehand asking which horse was John Kris'. He pointed to an all-black stallion. Alissa walked up to the horse while the others watched, curious as to her plan. Using her magic they watched as she started to talk to the horse and apparently it to her. She convinced the horse not to come last and if he did then he would be set free. This the horse liked neighing his approval. Upon her completing the spell they left the stables before anyone noticed, but the young stablehand who stared at her dumbfounded. Just as they were leaving, Garrok noticed a large white horse. He felt drawn to it. Garrok walked over to the large beauty and held out his hand. The horse sniffed his hand then lowered his head to allow Garrok to touch him. He decided that that was the horse he wanted. He would have to find the owner later to strike a deal.

Having entered through the stables they avoided paying for tickets and were able to sneak into the stands as they started to fill up. The last day of races had begun. From the beginning, the event was full of excitement as a few of the Sect took to betting on a few horses they favored in the lower-tier races.

Finally, after a few hours, the Grand race was upon them. The crowd was packed, with last-minute attendees resorting to standing room only. The group looked around for the Eddison family. They found them in a private area at the top of the wooden stands. A few spots over they saw the Kris family as well.

"Ladies and Gentlemen!" A middle-aged man walked out in front of the crowd. He wore an elegant cloak with a horseshoe pin, the symbol of the track. This was the owner of the track, Giovanni Lashly. "The final race is upon us. This year we have a record-breaking grand prize. As you know the prize money is largely advertisement-based, as well as donations from generous folk such as yourselves. The amount this year is one hundred thousand gold coins."

Murmurs carried through the crowd at the vast amount of money. For most of them it would change their lives forever, for the select few it would merely fill up their coffers.

"Without further adieu, let the Grand Derby Championship race commence." Giovanni left the spotlight and headed to his private seat right at the front on the finish line.

From the stables, the ten horses were led out. A variety of breeds and colors. The Sect not knowing much about horses were unsure of which horse was the best. Garrok noticed the large white horse among the lot. The only other horse they recognized was Kris' black stallion. As the horses made their way into the starting blocks, the crowd began to settle. The starter got to his position and a hush fell over the grandstand as he lifted his single flag. With a whoosh he brought it down and the contraption keeping each horse from moving swung open at the same time.

The crowd erupted in chaos as the horses took off. Everyone began yelling and screaming at the horse they had chosen to win, chosen to bet their entire life savings on. Nine horses began the initial straight, the tenth horse, John Kris's horse stayed in the blocks. Rothox watched John's jaw drop as his horse stood motionless. The jockey whipped the beast in a futile attempt to make it move. The horse did move, it viciously bucked the small man off its back.

Ulmark was ecstatic as his horse, a brown thoroughbred, had a great start, sitting in the third position. Rounding the penultimate corner his horse moved into second. He began to yell his lungs empty and his throat dry. The large white stallion was leading going into the final straight with the Eddison family horse gaining. It continued to gain as the two lead horses crossed the line neck in neck. No one knew who had won but one man. As the dust settled the man paid to watch the line whispered into Giovanni's ear.

Giovanni stood and turned to face the audience. They all waited for the single name. "The winner of this year's Grand Derby Championship is...Kraken Whip!"

Ulmark Eddison nearly fainted at the news. His horse had won. He grasped his daughter in a fatherly hug, tears of joy streaming down his face. Rothox who had been watching the family's booths the entire race noticed that John Kris was not in his box with his gobsmacked family. He spotted him moving towards the Eddison's, a look of pure evil on his face. Rothox sprung into action. Jumping and slipping between elated and disappointed people, he reached a spot with a direct line of sight on John. Dagger at the ready. He watched as John pulled out his own knife, a long thin blade, easily concealed, from his robes. Every step took him towards Ulmark whose back was turned, still embracing his daughter. Rothox attacked, his dagger twirled through the air. As John's hand shot forward to stab the exposed back of his enemy, Rothox's dagger impacted his shoulder spinning him sideways. The knife in his hand dropped as he lost grip. Yelling in pain, Ulmark turned around at the noise. He spotted his enemy clutching his shoulder, a dagger deep in the flesh, and on the floor a separate knife. Ulmark looked over and saw Rothox and he put two and two together. He cocked his fist and knocked out John Kris.

Guards were summoned, and Rothox was questioned as he had clearly attacked a member of high society. The Sect and Ulmark were able to collaborate on his story. With the help of Erigos' magic, they were able to get the truth out of John Kris. Under the truth spell, he admitted to burning down the brewery and orchestrating the first attack on Ulmark. It was decided that because of the crimes he committed, he would be tried at the capital. The Sect agreed to help guard the caravan to Zarcum since they were already heading that way.

Once Kris was taken away Garrok went to find the owner of the white stallion. It turned out to be one of the other brewery families, the Fedlings. Jameson Fedling was so excited that John Kris was out of the picture he proudly gave the horse to Garrok. Jameson just needed the remainder of the day to 'milk' it before letting Garrok take him.

The Silver Sect fulfilled their final night of duties at the Lavish Stables while the rest of the city celebrated or drowned their sorrows away. In the morning, they met the Embers designated to take the prisoner to Zarcum. They set off down the Emperor's Road towards the capital.