
Ascension Trial

A child born with demon blood, an orphaned half-orc searching for answers, an elven criminal turned paladin and a girl with uncontrollable magic find themselves working for a powerful underground figure to stop a greater evil from taking over the world. (The novel is based on a DnD Campaign I created years ago)

B_Olfert · Fantasy
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107 Chs

The Third Party

A rider and his large white mount rode out of Zarcum with haste. Two more riders followed a few paces behind. They turned north, riding at a fast pace into the sunset.

The half-orc clade in his new dark armor was an intimidating presence to the city guards of Merigrand, a few were visibly shaking on his approach.

"The city is closed," the Ember captain stepped out in front of the rider doing his best to be intimidating in front of his men.

"Not to me." Garrok produced a scroll from within his cloak and held it out to the captain. Even before he reached for the papyrus he noticed the Emperor's seal. He stepped aside bowing low.

"My apologies," he bowed as low as he could. Garrok spurred his horse forward and his two companions did the same.

As they rode through the city Garrok's thoughts wandered to his task. Ottothal wanted the armor of Tavasor, the same thing The Sultan was after. Ottothal had sent his spawns to intercept the transaction but it hadn't been there. After the Gala, and Garrok's introduction to his new role things didn't settle down. Ottothal discovered that another piece of the armor was in a museum in Meirgrand, unaware of what they actually had. He now had two reasons for his men to go there, so he sent his newly minted Champion and a few assassins to confront his informant and steal the item from the museum.

The two assassins went off to the home of Lord Jirax while Garrok went to the Museum of Dust. Garrok approached the cable car station and was forced to dismount. It was his first time riding a cable car, he didn't care for it. He had to leave his horse on the far side and he didn't care for that either. It was a long way down and there was nowhere to escape to. He didn't fear the height, he felt trapped floating suspended over The Scar. He liked to have a way to escape, there was no escaping this. The car shuddered to a stop on the Tier and he stepped off into a reception room for the cable car. It was much nicer than the station on the surface. The walls were carved smooth, marble that clearly had been brought in from elsewhere coated the floor. As he left the initial room, a group of guards wearing maroon uniforms hustled by. 'Curious' he thought before he turned into the museum.

More guards were talking with a hovering gnome. His little spectacles perched on his nose as angrily ordering them around.

The gnome turned as he entered, "The Museum is closed!"

'Why do people keep saying that today,' "Why?" he asked.

"That would be museum privilege." The security stood, ready, as he addressed this new foreigner in his museum.

Garrok walked right up the gnome, before the guards could stop him he was staring down on the curator. The gnome cowered slightly at the much larger half-orc.

"Well, if you must know, we had a theft," he floated down and back to get away from the towering half-orc while fiddling with his spectacles.

"What was it?"Garro asked. He had a feeling it was what he came for.

"A necklace, nothing more. Merely a trifle from before The Rebirth." The curator attempted to blow it off as unimportant or he really didn't think it was valuable.

"Fuck," Garrok spun around leaving the gnome confused and scared at the interaction. It seems Garrok had underestimated his old companions.

Vorthas and the leader entered into the Jade District.

"I hate rich pricks," the leader said, eyeing the large chateaus; villas; and estates. "Wish we could just burn them all."

Vorthas looked at him, his eyes flaming as fire started to grow in his hands.

"Not yet, in due time my friend."

The fire slowly faded.

"This is the place." They stopped in front of the largest estate in the district.

Two sentry's waited at the gate. They walked forward to intercept the leader and Vorthas.

"Do you have an appointment with Lord Jirax?" One called out, tightening his grip on his spear at the looming presence of Vorthas He was slightly older than his companion.

"Just tell your master that Ottothal sends his regards.

"The new Emperor?" the guard asked, looking at his partner to see if he believed these two estrangers.

"Or my friend here can kill you where you stand." The threat was easily grasped as Vorthas seemed to grow and the shadows with him.

"I'll...go tell him."

"You do that."

Not a few minutes later the sentry returned and escorted the two men inside. Every step the leader took in the large home, made him want to kill this man more. The lavish interior of marble and limestone combined with a dark rich wood wall paneling and furniture more ostentatious than he had seen in the Gazaer Palace. If this lord gave up an ounce of his wealth he could help the downtrodden in the Empire for years. The worst part was that Lord Jirax was a single man living alone in this large villa. The leader clenched his fist, fighting back his urges to destroy this house.

The guard took them up a grand staircase that split halfway up to the second floor, they went left and then back along a mezzanine towards the front corner of the house. The study door was slightly ajar and they could hear the sound of someone pacing inside. The guard knocked on the door, pushing it open that much more.

"Enter," his tone suggested an attempt to intimidate and seize control of the situation before they entered.

The leader stepped inside first. "Lord Jirax." He grinned as the Lord's control diminished as Vorthas entered as well. The guard made his way back to the front gate, leaving Lord Jirax to conduct his business.

"What are you doing showing up like this?" Jirax tried to regain his composure.

The demonblood looked around the room noticing a few things out of place. A bag was half packed, there were papers on his desk with his signature still wet. It looked like he was trying to leave in a hurry. "Running, Lord Jirax?"

He was caught off guard, "Just a... last-minute business trip.""Did something come up at the mine?"

"Ah...no this is... another business venture." He was a terrible liar. Sweat was dripping down his forehead.

"Hmm, I see. Before you leave…" He stepped closer. "Our employer would like to understand something in regards to the shipment."

"Oh, that...umm...it was never...sent" Lord Jirax was extremely nervous, his eyes kept looking at Vorthas. He wiped the sweat away.

The leader nodded to Vorthas. He pushed past and grabbed the Lord.

"Lord Jirax, what do you mean the shipment was never sent?" Vorthas held Lord Jirax by the throat with one hand, squeezing with enough strength to allow enough air to pass through the Lord's throat. He scratched and clawed at the large hands.

"At the mine," he squeaked out.

The leader gave Vorthas a nod, with a snap the body fell to the floor lifeless. The leader grabbed the papers and the packed bag before the two assassins left the empty villa. The guards let them go, none the wiser to what had just occurred. Within minutes they were down the street and back on their horses. They began to make their way towards the gondola to meet up with Garrok.

Garrok was waiting at the station when the other two showed up.

"How's the Lord?" he asked.


"The shipment?"

"The armor is still at the mine in Culku City. He served his purpose." Garrok didn't mind they had killed the informant, one less wealthy slave owner the better.

How'd your end go?" The Inferno leader asked.

"Someone else stole it."

"Really? Who would do that?"

"Doesn't matter, I'll find them."

"What are you going to do?"

"What I have to do. They'll most likely be on their way to the mine by now. I will go, alone. Tell Ottothal I will return with his prize."

"Whatever you say...Champion." He didn't bother to fight Garrok on the matter. He had only known him a short time and during that time he knew the man liked to work alone. He also had no interest in going up north. "Ottothal will not be happy if you return empty-handed."

"I won't." Garrok pulled himself onto his stallion and made for the bridge at the heart of the city. It connected the north and south sides of the canyon. The only way across with his horse, and he wasn't about to leave him again.

If he pushed hard enough he knew he would beat the Sect to the mine. They would probably take the mountain pass, safer but slightly slower than the Deep Swamp road. He would head that way, growing up in the swamp had its advantages. He rode over the docks of the floodplains right over the top of a group of four wading through the waist-high waters.