
Ascension Trial

A child born with demon blood, an orphaned half-orc searching for answers, an elven criminal turned paladin and a girl with uncontrollable magic find themselves working for a powerful underground figure to stop a greater evil from taking over the world. (The novel is based on a DnD Campaign I created years ago)

B_Olfert · Fantasy
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107 Chs

The Mountain Pass

The further north they traveled the more the temperature dropped, not suddenly but gradually until they reached the edges of the mountains. On their right was the raging waters of the Meir River. The wide river spawns deep in the Trezen Mountains flowing south into The Scar. Due to the stoney cracked nature of the land around The Scar, the area became flooded over time and eventually became the floodplains which in turn created the majestic waterfalls in Meirgrand. The Meir and the smaller rivers that feed it were also responsible for the creation of the deep swamp.

As they journeyed through the lows of the valley that signified the start of the mountain range the Sect had to make a choice. The road forked; one path leading deeper into the mountains and the other along the edge of the swamp and the river. A crude sign with two arrows was placed in the middle of the road. Both arrows read 'Culku City'.

"It appears it's a matter of preference," Harim said. "Does anyone care which path we take?"

"Mountains, who knows what's in that swamp," Erigos spoke up quickly.

"Same could be said about the mountains." Rothox replied.

"True but at least we can see whatever it is, lots more open space. Who knows what could be lurking in there."

"Did you forget about the crawlers? They aren't just in The Scar." Rothox explained.

"We were caught off guard in The Scar, we won't be again. I would just prefer not to go near the swamp."

"Bad experience with them?" Rothox laughed.

"Actually yes…" Erigos turned away.

Alissa, who had been quiet this whole time, turned to Rothox. "There was a swamp near Avent…...where we are from."

"Lis…" Erigos attempted to stop her.

"They deserve to know," she glanced at him. He shrugged in defeat. "When he was a kid he fell in, almost died."

A slight awkward silence fell between them.

"I just don't trust them."

"We'll take the mountain pass." Harim ended the discussion. They spent another night camped on the side of the road, each taking turns keeping watch. Morning came and they started on the mountain pass.

The next day the mountains grew larger and the road began to curve Northeast. A few hours into the second day the path narrowed between two large ledges. It was just wide enough for a cart to get through. Rothox was leading the group and once he passed through the close quarters something blocked the sun for a brief second. He glanced up and saw a mass heading towards him.

"Back!" He yelled, and dove to the side just as the large boulder slammed into the ground and rolled to the feet of Harim who had stepped back after Rothox's warning. They didn't have time to figure out what had attacked them as another boulder sailed through the air. The second boulder impacted the wall of the ledge, causing a large chunk of the rock to break apart, pelting the group. The impact caused the ledge to start to collapse. Two more boulders flew through the air. They didn't seem to be targeting them but rather the narrow gap, the hidden attackers attempted to block the path as each boulder forced the Sect back down the narrow path, separated from Rothox. The barrage seemed to have stopped for the time being.

"Rothox, you alright?" Harim called out through the wall of rocks.

"I think so."

"Can you see who attacked us?" Erigos asked.

Rothox looked over the mountains, squinting in the bright day light. He spotted something large; a very large moving. It looked like a man, but it stood easily over ten feet. "Hey, guys...Do giants live in these mountains?"

Harim responded, "Definitely a possibility."

"I think that's what attacked us," Rothox said as two large giants stepped out from their cover, both holding large clubs. They began to run, each lumbering step carrying them closer, quickly.

On the other side of the now blocked path they felt the ground begin to shake. Unaware that the giants were causing the localized earthquakes.

"Guys…you better find a way through, and fast."

"Can we climb over?" Erigos turned to Harim for answers but as usual he was already doing his own thing. Running at the nearest rock wall he pushed against it, spinning back towards a boulder, landing on top he kept running. Jumped towards the other ledge, pushed off it straight up and grabbed the lip. He pulled himself on top.

"Or you can just do that." Erigos rolled his eyes.

Harim could now see the two giants barreling towards Rothox. The first giant swung its large club. Rothox dodged the blow slipping underneath The second giant hit him mid stride sending Rothox flying twenty feet to the side. He slammed into the mountain unmoving for a second. He was slow to get up, nothing broken for now. The one giant faced Rothox, the other noticed Harim, who at this height on the ledge was taller than the giant.

It tried to swing at him but he was too nimble. It attacked again and Harim used the large motion to run at the giant. Sliding to avoid the swing he leaped off the rock landing a flying kick in the giant's face. Impacting its large already broken nose. As he flew over the head of the giant he withdrew a dagger from his belt and stabbed it into the back of the exposed grey skin. He hung from the dagger, as it stayed in the body.

The giant angrily tried to shake him off but he held on. Erigos and Alissa watched as Harim dangled from the back of the giant. Alissa summoned her icy knife and tossed it at the giant, hoping to not hit Harim. The icy dagger found the chest of the giant before it exploded in a shimmer of sharp frosty shrapnel. The giant yelled in pain.

The other giant had grabbed the injured Rothox lifiting him ten feet off the ground. It squeezed. Rothox freed a hand from within the huge grasp and stabbed his dagger into the large finger. It let out a deep chuckle.

"Puny...weapon, no hurt." He squeezed harder. Rothox knew his bones were close to cracking. "Twack!" An arrow impacted the giant's shoulder. It turned to face the new attacker. Erigos had removed his bow. The grip lessened slightly, Rothox stabbed again and again. He found a nerve and the hand went slack dropping him ten feet back to ground. The large club came down again. He barely rolled out of the way. A massive foot came next as the creature tried to step on him. A second arrow hit the giant, and he stepped wide.

Rothox, still prone, rolled over and stabbed the foot and went to work on the leg, aiming for the weaker ankle muscles.

Alissa readied another spell as Harim flipped onto the neck of the giant and punched one of the large eyes. Blinding his one eye. Seeing Alissa casting a spell, Harim jumped back to the rock ledge. Alissa sent the burning flames into the giant, meeting the cold spot she had created on its chest. The giant staggered back as it's skin started to burn. His friend looked over and knew this was not going well. He attempted to kick Rothox who added two more cuts to his bleeding leg.

The giant turned and began to flee. The burning one took another flying kick from Harim as Erigos shot it. He tripped backwards, with a thunderous crash. His friend stopped and looked back at him just in time to see the Silver Sect finish him off. The last giant limped away, leaving the failed ambush.

Rothox was battered and bruised and he was certain his shoulder was dislocated, everyone else was fine. Alissa and Erigos were able to find another way around the now blocked road.

"Let me take a look at you," Erigos grabbed Rothox and began to heal his body with his divine energy.


"Of course, it's what a paladin does."

"I mean for the arrow. I thought he was going to crush me." Rothox wasn't very good at compliments.

"It's what a friend does." Erigos said again, as he passed his healing hand over the dislocated shoulder. It popped back into place.