
Ascension or journey from world to world

The cover I used does not belong to me. I found it on the Internet, and it belongs to the corresponding person. Also, all the works that I use in this fanfiction do not belong to me, and in no case do I pretend to be. This is just fan-made literature written for fun. English is not my native language. This story is about a young man and his travels to different worlds. Dying in his native world, a young man meets a god who fulfilled 5 of his wishes. What will be next? This we will find out later. I can say that I have plot ideas. Let us begin this journey.

PerfyX · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Great Tomb of Nazarick

The 2138 year.

In the center of the hall was a large round table surrounded by 41 luxurious seats.

Only two places were taken.

One figure was a wizard's clothes.  Black mantle with gold and purple edges.  A huge collar complemented this robe. The mantle was open in the center, revealing a view of the ribs and the red ball.  Instead of a head was a skull, with red lights burning in the eye sockets.

The second figure was a black slime.

"... I have to go. Let's meet next time in <Yggdrasil 2>."  said black slime, waving his black tentacle.

Slime has disappeared.


"Don't joke with me!" Striking the table shouted the skeleton.

"Let's meet again…"

"See you in another game ...."

"All of you repeat these phrases again and again!"  the skeleton shouted.

"This place, the Great Tomb of Nazarick. We built it together! We spent a huge amount of time on it! How can you throw it all so easily!

No... it's not like that ... you are faced with a choice, a choice between a game and reality.

But ... why did you also drop all this?  You stood at the origins and supported us all ... supported me.  We have known each other for 13 years. You are my closest people .... both in the game and in real life.  Where did you disappear .. "said the skeleton sadly.

The skeleton went to the wall on which there was a single staff.  The weapon of the guild master, a symbol of the guild of the Ainz Ooal Gown.  Weapons are superior to divine items.

Together they created this staff.  Especially for the guild master. But all the time, the staff did not leave this place.

Reaching out, the skeleton grabbed the staff.  The staff began to release a dark red aura, from time to time human faces appeared there.

[As Ray said, "A weapon worthy of the god of death."  ]

The skeleton began to leave the room and go towards the throne room.

Nazarick was filled with luxury, it was a very beautiful place.

Suspended from a high ceiling, one could see evenly spaced chandeliers emitting a soft warm glow.  The smooth floor of the wide corridor reflected light from the chandeliers above, shining like a mosaic of bright stars.  If the doors in the corridor were open, luxurious furniture in the rooms would attract the attention of many.

If other players saw this, they would be shocked.

Everyone believed that the members of the Ainz Ooal Gown guild, the most hardcore role-players, and their base should be appropriate.  But that was not so.

There were 6 floors in the Great Tomb of Nazarick.  But after the tomb was taken over by members of the Ainz Ooal Gown guild, they remade the tomb.

Now it had 10 floors, each with its own characteristics.

Floor 1-3 ─── Catacombs

Floor 4 ─── Underground Lake

Floor 5 ─── Glacier

Floor 6 ─── Jungle

Floor 7 ─── Underground Volcano

Floor 8 ─── Wilderness

Floor 9 ─── Royal Suite

Floor 10 ─── Throne Room

The last 2 floors were the most basic.

The skeleton continued on his way, looking around and from time to time meeting the maids.

Soon a giant staircase appeared in front of him with a sumptuous red carpet covering the middle.  The skeleton slowly descended the stairs and reached the tenth floor, the lowest floor of the Great Tomb of Nazarick.

The place where he arrived was a wide, open lobby, where several servants were waiting for him.

A butler with gray hair and a squad of combat maids.

The last line of defense of the Ainz Ooal Gown guild.


Looking at the butler and the maids bowed before him, he raised his hand to his chin.  Since he always used a teleport to move from room to room, Skeleton did not come here very often, which made him look at them a little nostalgically.

"Sebas Tian. Exactly. You are the NPC that created by Touch Me."  said the skeleton.

"And you … combat maids, Pleiades. You were the last line of defense, but for all the time no player has gone beyond the 1st floor."

[As a guild master, it's time to command.] Skeleton thought.

"Follow me."  he ordered.

Sebas and the maids bowed respectfully, indicating that they had accepted the team.

In the end, they arrived in a massive domed hall.  A large four-color crystal embedded in the ceiling emitted rays of white light.

There were niches in the wall, exactly 72.  In each of them was a golem similar to demons.

This room was called the "Lesser Key of Solomon," also known as Lemegeton.  This was taken from the name of the famous grimoire.

Passing through the room, he stopped in front of the huge double doors.

On the left door was a goddess, on the right was a devil.

They were so realistic that you could expect them to jump out of the door.

Opening the door, he saw a giant room.

The interior was huge: a space wide enough to accommodate hundreds of people, and the ceiling was so high that you had to look up.  The walls were white, decorated with many gold ornaments. The rows of luxurious chandeliers hanging from the rainbow-colored gemstones hanging from the ceiling radiated a fantastic splendor.  From ceiling to floor, a total of forty-eight gigantic banners with various patterns adorned the walls.

At the end of the room was a low staircase that had about ten steps, paved with gold and silver, and upstairs stood a magnificent throne that looked like it was carved from a giant crystal.  Behind the throne was a huge dark red banner with an embroidered coat of arms of the guild.

"Wow. I wonder every time. A magnificent sight."  said the skeleton.

The skeleton entered the room and started walking toward the throne, looking at the NPC next to him.

Dressed in a pure white dress, she was a beautiful woman with the face of a goddess.  Unlike her dress, she had shiny black hair reaching her waist.

She had vertical golden pupils.  Horns adorned her head like a crown.  On her back were huge black wings, like an angel.

"Mmm. It seemed to me that the wings should have been at the waist .." said the skeleton aloud.

Her name was Albedo, the leader of all the guards of the floors of the Great Tomb of Nazarick.  She was the NPC that controlled the guards, and that meant she was taller than all the other NPCs in the Great Tomb of Nazarick.  It was for this reason that she was allowed to stand in the Throne Room.

Going up to the stairs, he ordered Sebas and the Pleiades to stop following him.

Sitting on the throne, the skeleton began to recall the past.

 [Ray...Bella .. Daphne .. Astoria .. Narcissa .. Fleur .. Gabrielle.  Why did you disappear? We have been enjoying life this way for the past 13 years.  Where did you disappear ... I miss ..]







"What? Was it a joke? Did they decide not to shut down the server? I need to contact the game masters."

The skeleton raised his hand and tried to use the settings.

"Wha .. that why nothing happens is weird." Said the skeleton.

He tried to use the game functions, but nothing worked.

"... What the hell is going on here ?!"

His angry scream echoed in the Throne Room and then disappeared.

"Is everything all right, Momonga-sama?"  a gentle voice was heard.

The skeleton began to look for the one who said it.  And that turned out to be ... Albedo.

Albedo looked anxiously and walked closer.

"No .. everything is in order. I just can't contact the game masters."  answered the skeleton.

"I beg your pardon, but I don't know who the game masters are. I apologize for not being able to help you." Said Albedo.

[There is no mistake.  She says! Her lips move.] Thought the skeleton.

"Sebas, Pleiades!" Cried the skeleton.

"Yes."  they answered at the same time.

[Impossible.  They act like living things.  In <Yggdrasil> there were no such functions.  This is ... another world .. no, no, no. I do not want it.  Calm, calm. There must be an explanation.] Thought the skeleton.

"Get out of the Tomb and check the surroundings. If you see intelligent life forms, try to bring them to Nazarick. Do not join the battle and do not move further 1 km from the Tomb."  said the skeleton.

"As you command, Momonga-sama. I will do it immediately."  answered sebas

[In the game, NPCs created by players could not leave the guild base.  Need to find out if this has changed.]

"Pleiades, return to the ninth floor and guard him against possible invaders."  Said the skeleton.

"Got it, Momonga-sama."  the maids answered and began to leave the throne room.

"Did I do something wrong ?"  the voice of Albedo was heard.

"No. It's all right." Answered the skeleton.

"Albedo, I want you to tell the guards of all floors, with the exception of the fourth and eighth floors, to meet at the Coliseum on the sixth floor, exactly one hour later."  said the skeleton.

"Got it. I'll tell the guards immediately."  said Albedo.


"I will go to the Coliseum on the sixth floor."  said Ray.

"I'll go with you."  said Daphne.

"We will return to Avalon. Over the past 13 years, we have spent very little time there."  said Bella.

The girls nodded.

"Mmm. Good." Ray answered.


Sixth Floor of the Great Tomb of Nazarick.  Coliseum.

Ray and Daphne watched Momonga test his spells.

Aura and Mare watched everything from the side, probably their thoughts were: [Momonga-sama is so cool!]

Raising his staff, Momonga called upon the primordial elemental.

"Aura, Mare, do you want to fight him?" He asked.

"Really!? Can we really be?"  Aura asked joyfully.

"Ah ... I remembered that I needed to do something."  Mare answered and began to leave.

But Aura grabbed his arm and forced him to help in the battle with the elemental.

It took a little time, the battle was completely one-sided.

After that, Momonga offered them glasses of water, but they immediately began to refuse.

{It will be necessary to teach them common sense.} Ray said.

Daphne nodded.

"Oh, did I come first?"  there was a voice.

The tone of the voice was formal, but it was clear what the young girl was saying.

A shadow appeared on the ground and formed a door from which a man came out.

This man was a young girl dressed in a black ball dress, her skirt was very voluminous.  Hands covered long silk gloves. Her skin was pale. Silver hair was tied in a ponytail. Her eyes fascinated, they were red with a vertical pupil.  She looked about 15-16 years old, an innocent appearance together with a mature aura created a beautiful sight.

"Didn't they tell you not to use the <Gate> in the Great Tomb of Nazarick. As guardians of the floors, we must prevent teleportation, but you yourself are breaking the rules."  Aura said coldly.

{Hahaha, they really look like their creators.} Ray said.

{Yes.  Duet of perverts.  They always fought like a cat and a dog.} Daphne answered with a smile.

Aura and Shalltear began a verbal battle.

"Fake boobs."  Aura said coldly.

*Head Shot*

"Pffhahah."  Daphne laughed.

If Ray had not created a barrier, they would have long been found.

"Bukubukuchagama always knew how to find the words, this talent was transmitted to Aura," Ray said with a smile.

"Argh. This pervert who voices the H-games."  said Daphne.

Chagama always tried to seduce Ray, of course, the girls didn't like it.

"Poor Shalltear, she forgot about her second form."  said Ray, watching over Shalltear.

Over time, all the guards arrived.

"Everything seems to be here."  said Momonga.

"Momonga-sama, it seems one is not there yet."  answered the Demiurge.

Demiurge was dressed in a classic costume.  He was wearing glasses, and with all his looks he looked like an ideal businessman or lawyer.

[One?  Isn't it two?  ] Thought Momonga.


Ray looked at Kitsune and smiled.

Daphne saw who Ray was looking at and asked:

"Shouldn't she have been noticed?"

"She is a master of illusions, of course, they will not notice her."  answered Ray.


"No, this guard should not leave his floor."  Momonga answered although he himself did not know which guard Demiurge spoke of.

"Then, let's take our oath of allegiance."  said Albedo.

Everyone nodded and knelt.

"The Guardian of the first, second, third, and fourth floors, Shalltear Bloodfallen, swears allegiance."

"Cocytus, the guardian of the fifth floor, swears his allegiance."

"The guardian of the sixth floor, Aura Bella Fiora, swears allegiance."

"Also ... guardian of the sixth floor. Mare Bella Fiora, swears allegiance."

"The guard of the seventh floor, Demiurge, swears his allegiance."

"Overseer of the Guardians of Albedo, swears his allegiance.

With the exception of the eighth-floor guard, Aureole Omega, everyone has gathered in front of you. "

[I'm sorry, what?  But really ... wait, but how?  But what about Victim and Gargantua?] Momonga began to panic and unknowingly turned on his aura.


* Clap clap clap *

"Enough, Momo-chan, you push them with your aura."

A voice came across the arena.

Momonga and the guards began to look for the one who said this.

They all prepared for battle, but ...

A flash of gold and orange flashed across the arena.

"RAY, RAY, RAY, * uuwaaaaa *, I, I, I thought you left us."  they heard crying and found the culprits.

A girl with fox tails dressed in a kimono sat on a guy with white hair and cried.

Momonga began to tremble.

 "Rrraaay.." came a whisper.

The guards had tears in their eyes.

"Lord Ray."  they said in a whisper.

They were sure that it was him, they just felt it.


Ray began stroking the girl on the head:

"Aureole, I'm here. Don't cry anymore; I won't go anywhere."  he whispered.

The girl shook her head.

"Please call me Susu, as you did before."  with tears in her eyes, the girl asked.

Ray smiled and continued to stroke her.

"Daphne, take Susu to Avalon, I'm sure she missed you." Ray said.

Daphne appeared right out of thin air, which surprised everyone present.

"Well."  she replied, after which she looked at Momonga and nodded.

Momonga walked slowly towards Ray and whispered:

"Ray, Ray, Ray, it really is you ..."

Light began to cover Momonga and in his place …...

 ….... a girl appeared in his place ... she had long silver hair and bright purple eyes.

The guards were shocked.

Ray walked over to the girl and hugged her.

"Sorry."  he whispered.

The girl did not answer and began to cry.

She cried softly, but Ray was hurt by the sight.

"Sorry ..." he repeated.

{Albedo, take all the guards away and contact Sebas, he will tell you about the situation.} Ray mentally said.

{As ordered, Lord Ray.} Albedo joyfully answered and began to carry out the order.


[This is it .... this is it... I missed you so much what should I do.  I want to say so much ...] the girl thought.

"Yu, my Yu."  whispered Ray and kissed her.

This kiss broke all the barriers that held back Yukino ... Suzuki Yukino.

"Ray. Why did you all leave me .... why did you leave me .. I love you so much, I wanted to admit so long, but was afraid that you would refuse me."  whispered Yu, looking directly into Ray's eyes.

Ray saw pain and loneliness in her eyes.

They knew each other for 13 years, she always loved him, the girls treated her like their sister.  But she was afraid to confess. She was always alone, except for her mother she had no one. She did not want to destroy what was built over many years.  But when they disappeared, she cried, cried and regretted not telling about her feelings.

"Yukino, I love you too. I didn't want to put pressure on you and waited for you to confess. Forgive me for leaving you. But we were always there."  whispered Ray.

"Then, then make me your wife. I don't care what we are in another world. I don't care what happens next. I love you and want to be with you and the girls. You are my family."  said Yu, and kissed Ray.

Ray teleported them to his bedroom in Nazarick.

He marked her and turned her into a dragon.  Then they made love. Yukino was a very gentle and quiet girl, Ray was very careful with her so as not to hurt.

A few hours later, they finally fell asleep.  But before that, Ray conveyed the memories so that Yukino swallowed them in a dream.

It was the first night of the last year when Yukino fell asleep with a blissful smile.


Morning in Nazarick.  Ray's bedroom.

Ray felt heavy on his chest and opened his eyes.

On his chest lay a girl with silver hair.

Ray hugged the girl and kissed her forehead.

"Wake up, Yu. We have a lot to do."

"Nnn, another 5 minutes."  answered Yu

Ray leaned over her hair and inhaled its fragrance.

"Mmm, you smell like Hibiscus essential oil. No wonder you are the goddess of death."  whispered Ray.

"Hehehe, do you like it?" Asked Yu playfully.

"Like."  Ray answered shortly and kissed her on the lips.

"Yu, now this is the real world, and all NPCs are alive." Ray suddenly said.

"I see .... so what are we going to do?"  asked Yu

"We will train you and you must also become a worthy queen. Your other sisters do not want to be rulers. But you, you will be an ideal queen. You are very careful and always think a few steps forward. Do not worry, I will always help you and decide difficult questions. Narcissa is also talented in politics, Albedo has organizational skills. The three of you will cope with this task. "  answered Ray.

"Do you want to transfer the Great Tomb of Nazarick and all its inhabitants to Avalon?" Asked Yu in surprise.

"Of course. They are all loyal to us. Everyone has marks. And how can we drop them?"  answered Ray.

"You're right." Yu said and began to look at her fingers.

"Is there something wrong?"  Ray asked anxiously.

"No, no. I'm just thinking. What would happen if we didn't complete that legendary quest? I would remain a skeleton ... a living skeleton." Yu said in horror.

"You're wrong. We would find a way to create the perfect body for you."  Ray said with a smile.

"Nnn."  Yu nodded with a smile

"You are very beautiful. When I first saw you, you immediately reminded me of her .... the greatest necromancer.

 Eucliwood Hellscythe...

You are so sweet and tender.  Therefore, we were looking for quests, the reward for which would be an ability or an object with which you can change the appearance.  Who would have thought that we would find the hidden legendary quest "Supreme" and be able to become demigods. But it always surprised me why you didn't tell others that you were a girl and that the skeleton's appearance wasn't your real one. "Said Ray.

"... even though they were our friends and comrades. But the closest to me, you were always seven. I just did not want to reveal this secret. But why were the NPCs so surprised? Shouldn't they know the gender of the players?" said Yu  .

"Well ... Susu knew. We spent a lot of time with her. Although she was an NPC, they remember everything that was during the game."  answered Ray.

"Looking through the memories, I was surprised that you created Susu and remade many NPCs."  said Yu

"You already understood that I knew what was going to happen. That's why I prepared myself. If I hadn't changed NPCs, they would be arrogant and underestimate people. This would create problems for us ... you saw information about our next world  And I saw the capabilities of ordinary people.

As for Susu ... I did not create her.  I just redid Aureole Omega. "Said Ray.

"Yes, the next world ... a very dangerous place. But it is also very interesting. We are much weaker than the most powerful people from that world. But, if we want to leave, no one will stop us," Yu said thoughtfully.

"The mana we use is not very concentrated. Over time, it will get better. And we will be stronger just by using it.

As for the next world ... in order to achieve results, we will need to fight using only forces from that world.  But this does not mean that we completely abandon the use of mana. Oh no. We will not use it only during battles.

But for killing, gathering information, abduction, and similar tasks, we will maximize the benefits of mana.  Do not forget that with each new world, Avalon adapts to new energies. And in the future we will be able to combine all this.  "said Ray.

"Mmm. We will need to prepare very well."  said Yu

"Already reasoning as Ruler. I almost forgot ... I have a present for you."  said Ray smiling.

Yu blushed and waited.

Ray raised his hand and a huge Scythe appeared in it.  She was completely black ... except for the blade, the blade was purple.

As soon as Ray pulled a Scythe out, a violet flame began to appear of her.

"Hiiragi Shinoa's demonic scythe. I believe that this is the best weapon for the necromancer and the God of Death. I created this weapon using the best materials. It is stronger than the Staff of the Ainz Ooal Gown. But you do not need to put it in storage, the scythe can devour the staff  all its properties.

The weapons that we created will advance with us.  It is like the gods; a person had a favorite umbrella, after 1000 years this person became a god.  Throughout all time, an umbrella was always with him and at the end of his journey became a Divine artifact.  There will be no spirit in such a weapon, but it will be considered reasonable and will never obey anyone but its master. "Said Ray.

Yu listened with reverence, after which she carefully took a Scythe and she calmed down, the flame stopped appearing.

Yu looked at Ray.

"Bring the scythe to the staff."  he answered.

She did just that.  A violet flame engulfed the staff and returned.

"I feel a bound with this weapon."  said Yu

"Try to imagine how it disappears and reappears."  said Ray.

Yu nodded and closed her eyes.

Scythe has disappeared.

Yu opened her eyes and looked at her hand.  With a flash of the violet flame, a scythe appeared in her hand.

"Well done, you realized very quickly."  said Ray and stroked her head.

Yu closed her eyes and enjoyed.

* Knock knock knock *

A knock on the door interrupted them.

"Come in."  said Ray.

The door opened and a maid, Narberal Gamma, entered.

Bowing, she began to speak.

"Ray-sama, Mo ... Yukino-sama. Bella-sama gathered everyone in the Throne Room."  said Narberal.

Ray walked over to her and stroked her head.

"Thanks for the work, Narberal. Lead us."

Narberal smiled and blushed a little.

[Ray-sama is so kind.  His hands are so nice. Unlike the 40 Supreme's, Ray-sama and his wives always appreciated us.]

"Please follow me."  said Narberal.


* Opens the door *

All the inhabitants of the Great Tomb of Nazarick were present in the Throne Room, including the wives of Ray.

"Greetings, Ray-sama, Yukino-sama."  they said in chorus.

Ray began to walk toward the throne.  He immediately noticed that another seven thrones appeared nearby.  On each of his wives sat.

Ray and Yu sat down on the rest.

"In the beginning, I want to thank you for gathering here all."  said Ray.

"Ray-sama, you need not thank us. It is our happiness to serve you."  said Albedo.

"You are mistaken, Albedo, everyone deserves it. I want you to know ... you are not just servants. You are our subordinates, our citizens. I want you to grow, develop and become better." Ray said.

Many had tears in their eyes, especially for girls.

"Thank you for your words, Ray-sama. We will not disappoint you."  said Demiurge.

Ray nodded.

"I'm sure that Sebas has already told us about our situation. We are in a different world. We are no longer in Yggdrasil. There are no enemies we can't handle. But you don't need to be arrogant. The strongest fighter in this world is stronger than Lupus Regina.  In addition, she has divine equipment. So she's able to fight many of you. " said Ray.

"But where does she get divine equipment?" Asked Shalltear.

"Just like we are now. Six hundred years ago, other players got here. They were called the Six Great Gods. They were top-level players, respectively, they had good equipment. It was this equipment that remained in this world. Also descendants these players are called <Demigods>. The strongest in this world, Zesshi Zetsumei is just a demigod. "  answered Ray.

"Bella. I want you to take the girls on a hunt. However sad it may be, they must learn to kill. It doesn't matter if it's a child or an old man, a woman or a man. Find the goals and guide the girls through baptism. The main thing is that the goals are not innocent.  "said Ray, looking at Bella.

Bella nodded and began to look at the girls.  Daphne was already killing, but the rest never killed, except for the players in <Yggdrasil>.

[In the future, different opponents will meet.  Many gods take the form of children. Their hand should not flinch.] Ray thought.

"Shalltear. Start collecting information. Your vampires are great for this. I want you to train a squad that will focus on gathering information. Train them if you have questions or difficulties, Bella will help you." Ray said, looking at Shalltear.

Ray thought a little.

"If you do this, I will let you drink blood right from my neck."  he said with a smile.

Shalltear's eyes widened and her cheeks turned red.  For vampires, drinking blood from the neck ... it's like sex.  Shalltear never drank blood, she ate the bloody fruit that Narcissa created for them.  For such a virgin vampire, this is the greatest reward.

"I will fulfill this order! Ray-sama. Just rely on me!"  she said aloud.

Albedo, Susu, Pleiades .... even the Aura and the homunculus maids ... all looked with jealousy.

Ray smiled wryly.

[In vain I did it.] He thought.

Astoria laughed at Ray's misfortune.

"Hahaha dear, you have to reward others as well."  Smiling she said.

All his wives were smiling.

Demiurge watched all this and thought:

[Should I become a woman?  So I could satisfy Ray-sama.]

* Cough cough cough *

"You will all be rewarded."  said Ray.

"As soon as we get a map of this world, I will give each of you a task."  Ray said.

"That's all, you can be free."


I am sure that some readers did not like what I did. I thought about this for a very long time. Surely some of you have noticed allusions to the Pantheon. Well, this should give you food for thought.

I have not created my Раtreоn yet. Maybe I will create it tomorrow? a week later? Hehe doesn't matter.

I want to share my plans with you. I will finish this ff when it has 300-400k words. As soon as I buy a new laptop, I will be releasing chapters faster.

Enjoy reading!

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