
Ascension or journey from world to world

The cover I used does not belong to me. I found it on the Internet, and it belongs to the corresponding person. Also, all the works that I use in this fanfiction do not belong to me, and in no case do I pretend to be. This is just fan-made literature written for fun. English is not my native language. This story is about a young man and his travels to different worlds. Dying in his native world, a young man meets a god who fulfilled 5 of his wishes. What will be next? This we will find out later. I can say that I have plot ideas. Let us begin this journey.

PerfyX · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Additional information

Firstly: the cover, anime, manga, novels used in this fanfiction DO NOT BELONG to me and I do not pretend to be. I just use information from relevant sources to write fan literature.

I want to warn you that English is not my native language and I speak it at the minimum conversational level. I will try to correct the errors that I find. Also my assistant will be Google Translate.

I would like to say that I will not change the strength of the canonical characters and make them either too strong or too weak. But I ask you not to forget that this is fanfiction and there will be differences from the original works in it. I will use my own imagination to fill in some of the empty spaces that took place in the plot.

Feel free to comment on my work. It doesn't matter whether you liked the chapter or not, whether it is a positive comment or not. Any criticism will help me fix and improve the quality of my writing. However, do not forget "What one likes, not the fact that another will like it."

Also, if you speak Russian, you can read it in the original, the name will be the same. (Russian is one of my main languages)

I will try to issue a fixed number of chapters per week. However, this is not guaranteed, because I write fanfiction just for fun.

This will look like a conversation:

"My name is Michael, nice to meet you."


[My name is Michael]

The sacred gear , mental conversations with other people, zanpakuto

{Yare yare dezu}

Once again I want to remind. English is not my native language .

Thank you for reading :)