
Ascension of the Chaos Emperor (Indefinite Hiatus)

A cliche fan-fiction story, put simply. Pitiable MC dies in a bank robbery and is given a chance to reincarnate due to accumulated good karma from virtuous acts he did when he was alive, which was far beyond the most anyone had ever gained before. In order to gain what he'd never had, and experience so many things he'd never gotten to, he'd travel between worlds on his journey for several things: friendship, family, and adventure. One day in the future, he would become Chaos Emperor, he who was acknowledged as the overlord of all worlds. --- I will immediately admit that many other original stories on Qidian's website have inspired me, along with several amazing creations such as manga, anime, video games and etc. I do not in any way claim ownership of anything made by the creators of the things I am using for fan-fiction. Disclaimer: The image used for the cover is from the Dragon Age: Inquisition game made by BioWare. Chapter updates will be very sporadic, so I apologize in advance. I can't keep a schedule outside of my work schedule... On top of that, I have pretty severe writers block and I spend a lot of time overthinking things, leading to me forgetting to write anything... All in all, it's a fan-fiction novel made by a very unorganized author.

Makurasame · Others
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First Light

[Yes, Chakra. As in the Chakra from the Naruto world, which is where you are being reincarnated.]

Elior was ecstatic, his orb-ish appearance bouncing joyously before calming down once more. After recollecting himself, he thought, "So I'm going to be born in the Naruto world. Sweet. Oh, right, I didn't see the virtue points in the status."

[Ah, my bad. Hold on a second, I'll give you the information... here we are.]

A popup appeared before Elior:


Virtue Points (VP): 2,500,000,000,000 (2.5 trillion)

World Points (WP): N/A

Energy Points (EP): N/A


"Holy shit, 2.5 trillion!?"

[As I said before, you'd managed to gain more than all others from Earth. Considering people such as Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and even Mother Teresa have also reached the trillion mark, but you managed to eke just enough over them due to having an even more long-standing international effect.]

"...I'd rather not hear that again. I don't want to compare myself with such figures. Everything they did, they did it while they were alive. I didn't manage to do a damn thing other than saving a little girl."

[Don't sell yourself short, you're still able to do much more.]

"True... anyway, what can I do with these virtue points? Is there, like, a shop or something?"

[Yes, there are shops, but virtue points don't work that way. The two shops you have access to are the Bloodlines/Racial Abilities shop and the Skills/Techniques shop, both of which will be available upon reincarnating. Virtue points can be used to make wishes, per se.]

"So, if I wish to have a Primordial Chaos Bloodline, is it possible?"

[...Technically, yes. Far from naturally possible, to be honest. Without virtue points, it's impossible. However, because you don't have enough VP to acquire the complete bloodline, I recommend you purchase the Hollow version instead.]

"Is there a difference?"

[Other than the cost, the Hollow version requires you gain bloodlines via the System's various methods and integrate it with the bloodline. Only upon gaining 9 bloodlines and integrating them will you be capable of cultivating the manual required to use the Primordial Chaos Bloodline. Ah, just for reference, here is the cost difference.]


Primordial Chaos Bloodline (Complete): 1 quadrillion

Primordial Chaos Bloodline (Hollow): 500 billion


"Hot lord, that's expensive! No wonder it's not possible... I guess I'll go with the Hollow version."

[I will deduct the required points for the bloodline and manuals.]

"So I have two trillion points left... Any recommendations?"

[Other than being able to affect other beings in the timeline of the world you're being reincarnated into, not much comes to mind... Ah, affinities!]

"Right, affinities. I forgot about those. Since I'm going with the Primordial Chaos Bloodline, might as well follow the same thing."

[All affinities set to their maximum values, deducting points.]


Virtue Points (VP): 1.75 trillion


"Hmm... what part of the timeline will I be born into?"

[A rough estimate would be about a month or two before Naruto would be born, making it roughly 12 or so years before the start of the main storyline.]

"And who are my parents supposed to be?"

[Well... l-let's talk about something else right now...] The system was very badly attempting to change the topic.

"...Whatever, I'll find out later. I guess I'll use my wishes on the future major characters then. Can you do calculations for wish costs?"

[Tell me and I'll get you the cost data.]

"Alright, I'll start listing them off." Using a Notes tab, he wrote down the wishes."


1. Purify Naruto's bloodline and give him space affinity.

2. Make the eye bloodline abilities useless without the original owner's consent. When unconscious, it still counts as against their will.

3. Give Haku a Yin Physique.

4. Give Might Guy and Rock Lee a Yang Physique.

5. Give Kurotsuchi Dust Style Kekkei Tota and enough chakra to make up for its deficiency. Say, the chakra of two or three tails.

6. Give Shisui a single chance to survive and be completely healed. Requires a pure heart and just before death, preferably a willing one.

7. Make Itachi disease and poison immune.

8. Give Shikamaru better chakra control and more versatile shadow manipulation. Increase chakra amount by one tail for 3 years starting from 11.

9. Give both Neji and Hinata an increase in chakra by one tail for 3 years starting from 11.

10. Give Sasuke a fire and lightning Kekkei Genkai.

11. Come up with a way to save Minato and Kushina from death.


[You've got quite a lot of wishes... This'll take some time.]

After a minute, an alert popped up.


1. 1 billion

2. 10 billion

3. 1 billion

4. 2 billion

5. 10 billion

6. 1 billion

7. 1 billion

8. 8 billion

9. 25 billion

10. 10 billion

11. 15 billion or 1 trillion


[This is the current list of costs. The last wish has two choices: the first is basically a container to heal their bodies and souls over time until you can use a technique to revive them. The last is just for them to survive the Kyuubi rampage, and it's that expensive because it'd alter Naruto's character drastically enough to render the entire timeline invalid.]

"Buy all of the first ten, and I'll take the first option for the 11th wish. How much do I still have?"

[After deducting the aforementioned costs, you have 1.916 trillion...]

"Bloody hell, I still have so much... Um, are there any abilities I can get that are pointlessly overpowered..?"

[... I'd love to say no, but there are... you also have administrator access, so some of the normally unavailable ones are available... some of them are more of a setting, though, so those aren't included...]

"Give me a list of those, then, please."

The system sighed as it did as asked:


Meta Regeneration/Semi-Immortality

Infinite Energy

Infinite Summons

Resource Creation

World Management

Endless Telepathy

Forge of Existence

Temporal Save-Points

World Portal Dimension



[I should add that, of these abilities, only Limitless and Endless Telepathy would have been available prior to the... accidental administrator addition. Some of them can be toggled on and off, while there is an interface for World Management, Resource Creation, Temporal Save-Points, and Forge of Existence in order to use them. Endless Telepathy is a permanent passive, while Limitless, Infinite Energy and Summons, and Meta Regeneration/Semi-Immortality are toggleable. World Portal Dimension is simply a dimension that requires no maintenance and is static in nature... I really hope that was an accident.]

"Yeah... this list is ridiculous... Can I afford all of them?"



[...Yes, you have enough to purchase most of them... but you'd have to decide which ones... here are the prices...]


Meta Regeneration/Semi-Immortality - 1 trillion

Infinite Energy - 100 billion

Infinite Summons - 500 million

Resource Creation - 250 billion

World Management - 250 billion

Endless Telepathy - 500 million

Forge of Existence - 250 million

Temporal Save-Points - 500 billion

World Portal Dimension - 250 million

Limitless - 250 billion


"Oh my lord, I feel broke all of a sudden... Umm... The ones I have to choose are Meta Regeneration/Semi Immortality, Infinite Energy and Summons, and Endless Telepathy, then add on Forge of Existence and World Portal Dimension... Which would be about...--"

[1.0025 trillion, leaving 913.5 billion.]

"Right... So, then World Management and Resource Creation would be an additional 500 billion..."

[Which leaves 413.5 billion, and only Temporal Save-Points or Limitless left.]

"Why is Temporal Save-Points so expensive?"

[You want to try altering time repeatedly without getting destroyed because of excessive usage? Also, paradoxes.]

"Ah... that makes a lot of sense..."

[To paraphrase one of those novels you read, 'Time is like a conscious being. You don't control time, you have to ask for its assistance.']

"Right, understandable. Then I'll take Limitless as well... That leaves me with how much?"

[163.5 billion VP.]

"So, are you going to tell me about my family? My next wish pertains to them."

After an awkward silence, in which Elior could almost picture someone fidgeting, the system replied, [Well, due to the hopefully accidental addition of administrator access, instead of natural birth and childhood, it seems that the Naruto world's will has begun to form your body using the remaining creation power it retained when it was being created.]

"... Now that, that sounds a lot like an Isekai novel. Will I be completely nude when my body forms?"

[Most likely. Clothing wasn't exactly made by the world, you know.]

"Any idea what age I'll be formed at?"

[Five years old, I think. Oh, and you're apparently being formed with an Uzumaki bloodline. An odd choice, but I'm sure the world has its reasons for choosing it...]

"Interesting... Do you know where I'll be starting at?"

[About an hour from Konoha, give or take. A relatively safe location. If my database is correct, not long after you'll appear, a patrol would be passing by. I think the location was chosen on purpose...]

"I guess that makes sense. Would Uzushiogakure's destruction have started?"

[I think it'll have been several hours earlier that it started, so it wouldn't be odd that a young Uzumaki managed to escape all the way to Konoha. Fear can make people do crazy things, just like courage... Anyway, your body will fine, but you'll need a convincing story... we'll work on that later. Any other wishes?]

"Oh, right, is there a phasing ability?"

[There's one called Phasewalk. It'll cost 12 billion.]

"Add that, then... How much do I have left?"

[151.5 billion VP]

"Is there an ability that can do something, like, create a new spell or ability?"

[Hold on, I'll look... there should be one somewhere in here... Ah, found it. Skill Creation, doesn't actually give a description... 150 billion VP.]

"Hell, why not, just get it and trash the rest of my VP... actually, send it back to Earth, to other people like that girl."

[Done. You've got a few days before your body is prepared.

"Alright, seems I've got nothing to do now... Can you put me to sleep until it's ready?

[You got it, dude.]

"That is an old ass reference."

[Gotta entertain myself somehow.]

"Speaking of which, you're sentient..? Do you have a name?"

[Yes, I am sentient... and I currently have no name.]

"What do you identify as, then? Since you're influenced by Earth's cultures, I have to be careful with asking."

[Technically, I am genderless, but I would identify as male because I am also influenced by your mentality.]

"How about the name Alexander, Alex for short?"

[Alexander... protector of mankind? Well, I guess I count as a protector of some sort...]

"If that one doesn't appeal to you, how about Leon?"

[I'm far from a lion, Elior.]

"We're gonna be at this all day."

[No kidding.]


[Again, a defender of mankind...]


[Child of the sea?]

"I will name you Navi'i if this keeps up."

[Oh, hell, don't remind me of that annoying pixie...]


[Am I rising in the sky? Am I a hunter?]

"Caleb? Dillon? Warren? Damien??"

[Faithful, faithful, defender or enclosed area, and to tame...]

"Fucking hell, how about Adrian?"



[... Not a recommended choice, seeing as Thoth does exist...]

"Bloody fuck, how about Lucas?"

[Don't make me start singing Rihanna.]

"Wait, since it's the world of Naruto... how about Yuma?"

[... Superiority, distant... I currently feel the latter but I don't agree with the former... Hell, it's something.]

"Yuma, then. Please take good care of me, partner."

An awkward feeling pervaded the 'atmosphere before Yuma mumbled, [Will do, partner... I'll wake you up in a few days. Sleep well.]

With that, Elior's consciousness faded into darkness, leaving Yuma to sigh quietly to himself, [This will be one hell of an adventure...]

I made an alternate version while I was thinking about it, and I want to hear what you guys think. I think I like it more because I don't have to create new characters for the parents...

[Word Count: 1962]

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