
Ascending to Supremacy

- WISH FULLFILLMENT! For fuck sakes. - Old man had mastered many martial arts and the art of weapons. He tried his luck on blacksmithing after having some fun with his wives, only to die of over exertion when he begins. He met a Primordial and you know the rest.. wishes.. blah blah blah... ... If you wish to support me, go ahead and donate to- https://ko-fi.com/sinningsovereign ... I don’t own any of the anime, manga, movies, novels, fan-fics, comics, and tv shows I may ever mention and integrate into this Fan-Fic of mine.

Sinning_Sovereign · Anime & Comics
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404 Chs

Rinko Returns

Discord Link ~ https://discord.gg/smAesXp






"Slurp! Good Morning Sora-kun," said Kyouka in between gasps of air from giving Sora a blowjob.

Opening his eyes slowly, Sora smiled at the mature beauty who was giving him head. He caressed her face and said, "Goodmorning."

"You should get ready for school," said Kyouka as she gave Sora's cock one last kiss before riding him.

"Maybe you should let me go then."

Sora chuckled as he moved on to fucking Kyouka before making her orgasm and blowing his load inside the milf.

Getting off the bed, Sora went on to get into his clothes before grabbing his stuff for highschool.

A month had already passed by and Rinko was coming back today. The first stop of her return? His house!

The month was very plain and nothing entertaining happened. He fought a couple more Kengan Matches and everything was over already. Argus gathered a lot of money already and they weren't greedy enough to send Sora out to fight anymore.

With the amount of money they now had, Argus was now well equipped and staffed to make Sword Art Online the best possible Virtual Reality game.

Sora had already joined the main team in helping to create the game.

Sora introduced many new weapons, beasts, materials, items, armors… He even added some extra skills for all skills relating to the armed and unarmed ones.

He added the basic moves of all the weapons into the game and also some advanced techniques. Since the interface of the game helped the player in executing the skill, it was all safe for the players to use advanced techniques.

If they tried using their techniques with their real bodies that were untrained, they would suffer some damages that will take quite a while to heal.

There were many other skills that also received more moves or were even improved upon them like the Martial Arts skill and the Meditation skill.

Sora even went as far as to make the game more realistic by not only making things in real life possible in the game, like the Yin Force or even the Spinning Force. He also made the NPCs carry an adaptive consciousness which will be of great help.

The adaptive consciousness of the NPCs made it possible for the NPCs to make quests based on circumstances and the actions of a player. The NPCs also learned slowly from their interactions with players, making them smarter as time went on.

He even made in-game streaming possible!

Ding Dong!

"Who could that be?" thought out loud Sora as he looked back at the sleeping Kyouka.

Covering Kyouka with a blanket, Sora headed out and opened the door to his house.

"I'm back!"

Before Sora could say something, Rinko entered the house yelling. She turned to look at Sora with a wide smile before shoving some ingredients into his hands.

"Cook me some food! Please," said Rinko with a charming smile.

Shaking his head with a small smile, Sora shut the door and went to cook some food. Once he finished making the food, Sora and Rinko began eating.

"So… looks like I won the bet," said Sora with a cool smile.

"Wh-what?!" Rinko widened her eyes in shock at Sora's words.

She had been gone for a month, so Rinko didn't know what was going on inside Argus. The business trip she was on required her to be in an area with no reception, so she wasn't able to keep track of what had happened all month.

"Go ahead and call if you want," Sora gave Rinko a small smile as he gestured to her.

"N-no… it's alright, I believe," said Rinko with a red face. "I… I need to go! I'll see you tomorrow for some more food."

Rinko stood up quickly with a red face, her eyes avoided Sora, not daring to see him from the embarrassment that won her over.

Hum hum!

Sora looked at Rinko leave with a wide smile as he knew that he had already made a spot inside Rinko's heart. He looked at Rinko with a warm gaze, thinking back to her cute reactions a couple seconds ago.

"Goodbye honey! I expect you here tomorrow," teased Sora as he waved goodbye to the tripping Rinko.

"... goodbye..." murmured Rinko with a quiet voice and a flushed look on her face.

Once Rinko left, Kyouka came downstairs and ate with Sora before both left the house. Kyouka went off to work and Sora went to school, where his disciple, Saki, and Chitoge were waiting for him.

Training Baki had been going smoothly, he was learning everything at a quick space and made Sora proud. He even tried teaching Baki some really advanced techniques, which ended badly. Baki didn't have a body as strong as Sora's, so he couldn't execute the move correctly, making him get hurt badly.

Luckily, Sora was there when it happened. Sora healed him almost in an instant with acupuncture and massaging with his Saintly Hands.

Baki recognized Sora's extraordinary skill with acupuncture and asked something rather unexpected. Agreeing to Baki's request for help, Sora is going to head over to Baki's house the next day.

Arriving at school, Sora passed a group of delinquents that were lined up. All the delinquents evade the group of lined people, afraid of possibly angering one of the many people there.

If they angered even one of them, they won't even be left with air in their lungs. They would only be drowning in the sea with cement on their feet pulling them down.

"Good morning Boss!" roared all delinquents in tandem, scaring nearby delinquents.


Nodding internally as he looked at the nicely dressed delinquents greeting him at the entrance, Sora called out in a loud voice.

"Boss!" Yuji stepped out from the line of delinquents before appearing before Sora.

"How are the other two generals? Himekawa and Kanzaki," asked Sora casted a side glance at Yuji.

"They're doing well! We now have 17 schools under our rule and all gangs in a 26 mile radius under our control," said Yuji with glee.

Yuji would have never guessed that Sora would make the Twin Dragon Gang famous. They had now become a strong and imposing gang that can make people quiet down in an instant.

"Have you gotten a hold of the other two strongest of the school?" asked Sora as he headed to class with Yuji next to him.

"No. The Red Tails and it's leader are still nowhere to be seen. Tojo on the other hand hasn't come to school lately because of many part time jobs he has."

"Alright then, just tell me when they appear."

Sora rubbed his chin with a smile as he thought about the Red Tails, an all women group. He even heard that the leader of the Red Tails was such a beautiful woman with excellent swordsmanship.

Nodding at Sora's words, Yuji bowed to Sora and left to run a couple of other things Sora had put him in charge of.

Walking into the classroom, Sora sat behind Baki like always. The only difference this time around was the fact that Saki was seated right next to him. Chitoge sat on the seat in front of Saki.

Class went on like every day as Sora set his sight out the window, ignoring the current lecture. Usually, Sora wouldn't ignore the lecture but since Hiratsuka had come to school since yesterday, Sora didn't particularly pay attention to the substitute teacher.

With his eyes focused outside, Sora noticed a motorcycle pass on by at fast speeds. However, in the eyes of a trained person, it was rather slow.

'I should get myself a motorcycle to travel around,' thought Sora as he gave a light smirk.

He'd been bored the past couple of days since nothing interesting had been occurring. Nothing happened in the whole month besides him entering the Large Success stage and gaining the strength of 5 ox.

Sora's strength now was nothing to scoff at anymore, a single punch of his could instantly kill a person.

Along with the increase in strength, Sora also received a boost in vitality, spiritual energy, and Ki.

Strangely enough, he also felt two weird energies slowly start to form within his body, both starting off as small clouds within his main dantian. One was white and filled with a calm and healing feeling whilst the other cloud was black and filled with a dreadful and destructive feeling to it.

Sora could only look at both the clouds within his dantian. He couldn't move the two clouds of energy no matter how hard he may try.

Besides all that, Sora had also regained his Nature, instantly increasing his strength by 100% passively. His strength quickly rose up to 10 Ox, making his strength even more terrifying than before.

'I should get Yuji to buy me a motorcycle.'

Sora imagined himself riding on a motorcycle, relaxing himself as he speeds through the streets on his motorcycle. A pair of sunglasses on his face as he enjoys the feeling of the wind brush against his face.


The bell rang and school was finally over.

Everyone quickly fled the classroom to head home and back to their groups of friends. They had nothing to do anymore at school so they quickly left.

Not being able to see a beauty for two days straight made the delinquents unhappy rather quickly. They even lost the motivation to continue studying if Hiratsuka wasn't there to guide them as they gazed at her wonderful and slender body.


Hearing someone call him, Sora stopped and turned around to look at Saki who was looking at him with a rather depressed look on her face.

"What is it, Saki?" asked Sora as he looked at Saki.

"Can I… stay at your home?"

Lately, Saki had been feeling strange at home whenever she ate with her family. She would feel her dad gaze at her strangely whilst she ate, it made her feel uncomfortable.

Saki felt like something bad would be happening soon, she didn't understand why. Home no longer felt safe for her, she even told her mom that she will be staying at a friend's house.

"Sure. You can stay over whenever you wish to," Sora said as he gazed at Saki with a kind gaze.

"Thank you!" said Saki as she walked up to Sora and stood next to him.

"No problem. You have already been cleaning the house this whole time. Don't even mention eating there, you can even stay the night whenever you wish."

Sora didn't mind Saki staying over, in fact he even encouraged it.

With Saki staying over at his house, he won't have to look for time to talk to her at school. He can just talk to her at home and whenever he coincidentally runs into her.

"I will be dropping off some stuff at home, so you can make yourself at home whilst I go train this guy," mentioned Sora as he gestured to Baki who was walking next to him.

Saki moved a little forward before seeing Baki, she turned her sight onto Sora before nodding, "Okay."

Unexpectedly, Saki felt rather depressed at not being able to spend some time with Sora. She wasn't expecting to hang out with Sora, but it made her sad hearing him say he had to go somewhere else.

"Do you want to come al-?" Sora noticed the look within Saki's eyes and asked.


Without thinking, Saki answered before Sora could even finish asking the question.

Saki blushed and looked away, not wishing to speak any further before walking forward to Sora's house without waiting for him.

"Haha, that girl got ahead of herself," chuckled Sora as he looked at Saki leave.

Arriving at his house, Sora found Saki waiting for them with a blush on her face. Sora just smiled before entering and leaving his stuff. He changed into some lightweight clothes before going outside and leaving with Baki and Saki.

"Where are we heading?" asked Saki curiously.

Looking at Saki blankly, Sora and Baki turned to look at each other with wide grins before turning back to Saki.

"You'll see!" they both exclaimed as they resumed on their trip.

Saki looked at Sora and Baki with a weird look before just following them without asking any more questions.

'Fine! Keep your secrets,' thought Saki before following Sora and Baki glomily.