
As Yami Sukehiro in MHA

A normal guy reincarnated as yami from Black clover in MHA world I am a new guy so please review and say what upgrades I need to do.

Hacker_God_8503 · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Childhood and Quirk Doctor


I was having the time of my life except for the embarassing moments such as drinking milk and shitting myself. Whoever said being baby is a boring thing must never have had a hard life. However when I asked God to send me at the same time with the mc I was not expecting he would send me as his older brother I mean F**king 773H now I have take this crybaby into a decent teenager who can taken One For All from All Might before the 10 month time skip in canon so as to help him develop full cowling earlier than canon. Speaking of All Might I have to make sure he is not going to become a Sakura for All Might.


As Alex was thinking a blue screen appeared in front of him that stated

[ Name : Alex Midoriya

Age : 10 days

Quirk : Darkness

Control : -----

Power level : Low Below Noble ( 1-3 )



This startled Alex but then he saw that he doesn't have system points so cannot spam any of his attributes but can very well be trained. Then he saw that he had no control over his quirk, so he realised that he has not awaken it so he will have to wait till he becomes 4 then he can start with his quirk training. He thought to start his physical training after he was 7 as he doesn't want to stunt his growth.

- TIME SKIP - ( 10 Months )

Today was the day Izuku was going to meet his long lost friend/ future bully.


Man today mom was saying that we are going to play with one of her friend's son and I am getting strong Bakugo vibes. But it is no mistake as she was only seen with Bakugo's mother in canon. We reached their home and mom started to ring the bell.

Mom : * ring*

Mitsuki : Coming * opens the door * hey Inko how are ya

Mom : I am fine, look who I brought to play today.

Mitsuki : Hey little fellas, Katsuki is playing with his toys come and join him.

Then we played and in the evening we left and mom said goodbyes.

- TIME SKIP - ( MC 4 Years old )

Today we are 4 and we are going to the quirk doctor to check and register our quirk. During this time we played with Katsuki and made some other friends. Due to constantly playing with them my power level reached peak below noble. But the most important thing is I made Izuku realize that there are more noteworthy heroes other than All Might, because of that be is a fanboy but doesn't have the obsession as shown in manga. Now mom is driving the car and we are about to reach the hospital.

* At the hospital *

Nurse : Izuku and Alex midoriya please come in

Both : Yes!!!

Mom : Now now you two go inside and behave.


* After the test *

Inko : Doctor what quirks do my sons have

Doc : I am sorry Mrs. Midoriya but Izuku is quirkless and Alex has an unregistered quirk but his quirk is pretty weak.

Alex : {' WHAT!!!! but I have Yami's magic'}

As he thought a screen popped up

[ Quirk Control Basic Low ]

[ Power level : Low Noble ( 11-13 ) ]

When he saw the screen he found out that he can make his quirk stronger with better control.

Inko : * sad * Ok thank you doctor {' My poor babies'}

Doc : I am sorry, but can Alex name his quirk as we need to register it

Alex and Izuku were sitting there staring but couldn't speak former thinking ways to improve his control while the latter was just sitting there crying because of the news.

Inko : Alex baby please name your quirk

Alex : * Not showing his happiness * I will name it Darkness.

Doc : Ok but why Darkness ?

Alex just showed his hands covered in dark energy.

Doc : Ok and I am sorry once again.

Inko : Come on babies, goodbye doctor.

Doctor just waives us a hand.

- HOME -

Izuku : * tearing up * Mom can I be a Hero without a quirk

Inko doen't say anything and goes for a hug. But Alex has another plan

Alex : No because you are a crybaby.

Izuku : * starts crying *

Inko : ALEX!!!

Alex : No mom he has to hear, a crybaby can never be a hero. Have you ever seen a hero like All Might cry in front of problems, NO he faces them with a smile look I will show you * Opens the video of All Might saving all the civilians with a smile * Look at him tell me do you think he is not scared, do you think he is not afraid. All heroes are afraid of one thing or another but do you any signs of fear on their faces. A hero can be someone who protects civilians or fight villains and I will become the one who will do both even with this 'weak' quirk of mines.

Inko and Izuku were frowning at this point.

Alex : But you Izuku you can be a hero who can inspire people, people who think quirkless or late blommers are useless you have to become a hero to make them inspire that even a quirkless or late bloomer can become a hero.

Izuku started crying while hugging Alex while Inko was looking at them with with a smile and tear in her eyes.

Inko : {' You two are going to become fine heroes'}.