
As We Claim Our Wicked Fates

Three best friends, two choices, one fate. Waking up with splitting headaches in a wrecked carriage, three girls were met with unfamiliar faces and attires that seemed oddly out of date for the year that they were currently in. But when realization hit, that those unfamiliar faces that were wearing those oddly outdated clothings were no other than themselves, the only thing they could do was stare at each other for a long period of time, until another realization came crashing in.. stepping out of the havoc, and looking around the scene, the three became more aware of the situation they were in. "The carriage that the sisters were riding on fell down a cliff..", they muttered those words like it sealed their fates. They were in a fantasy novel.. a fantasy novel they just started to read together before everything they knew became someone else's memories. Someone that's role is to eventually die.. a heinous villainess. And now, with the obvious death route that's laid for them to walk on, the three of them only had two choices.. take the death flags that were given to them, or change the plot to their advantage. But with only having to read halfway through the storyline, will they be able to push through? With their impending death routes marching along the clock, will they be able to change their shared fates in time? One fate, one chance.. as the girls live on with their completely altered lives, will they be able to survive, as they claim their wicked fates?

Hyrsthyn · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 04

Not being able to move from their current positions, the girls just slowly turned their heads to look at the person who entered. Their eyes widening, while looking at the irritated face that stared right at them, visibly pissed.


"Well what do we have here, aren't you supposed to be laying down in bed my ladies?"-It was an elderly maid servant who spoke, before raising her brows at them, and so did the two younger maid servants who just entered the room behind her. Judging by their attires, the three instantly knew that the maid who spoke was the headmaid of the house.

"A hab a mad meeling amout nis"-Ines whispered muffled words, while her mouth was still covered by Erin and Nina's hands, which roughly translated to 'I have a bad feeling about this' in her friends perspective.

"Or was the carriage incident, another pretense to get attention? Or rather in this case, the young Marquis' attention."-She continued, before looking directly at Nina, openly glaring at her, which the two servants behind her did as well. Showing blatant rudeness to a lady of noble birth. The three of them exchanged knowing looks after coming to one conclusion, the three maid servants loathed the sisters, which they completely understood because  they once did too.. before fate played tricks and they wound up as the sisters themselves.

"If you wanted your little act to work out, you should have held it together a bit longer Lady Agnes."-She continued before gesturing the other maid servants to place the things they had brought down the table that was placed just in front of the bed in the middle, where they just were earlier. It was medical supplies.. a basin of hot water, clean cloths, and herbs that they didn't have any idea of.

"Or were you too eager to lunge at the young Marquis that you couldn't keep up with your charades, and waited by the door?"-She went on and on, still openly glaring at them.. particularly at Nina. Giving them the impression that this definitely wasn't the first time a confrontation between them had occurred. Erin and Ines looked at Nina's expression, which visibly displayed discomfort, before looking at each other. Annoyed.

"I know that we're meant to go through this kind of disrespect, but I swear if she doesn't stop.."-Ines trailed off, whispering to both Nina and Erin, to which Nina immediately shook her head no to. Not wanting to escalate things.

"No? Has your tongue disappeared that you can't even answer properly my lady? Where did the feisty little bitch go?"-She insultingly smiled, trying to anger the truth out of 'Fiore'.

"This old bi--"-Nina immediately held Ines back when she tried to step forward. Knowing that her temper will just worsen the situation.

"I'm sorry madam, but this is not a good time for this. The ladies have suffered memory loss due to the accident, and you are being very disrespectful.. please bear in mind that they are nobles."-Bane, who was silently watching from the moment the three maids entered, interfered politely, not liking the heavy atmosphere, along with the servants attitude. While the three stood silent, deciding to trust the situation to Bane. Hoping the head maid would at least tone down her attitude, if someone else reasons with her, seeing that she most likely won't be listening to anything they are about to say.

"And who are you? I don't recall a man servant working under my wing. Who gave you the right to enter this estate and interfere with the head maid's affair?"-The head maid questioned irritability, not liking his interruption.

"The Marquis told me that I should stay until he comes back, I'm one of the labor workers who found the ladies unconscious, by the cliff."-He replied calmly.

"Hah, I wonder how much they paid you people to put up with this, this time."-The head maid sarcastically replied, eyeing Bane from his feet and upward, judging him. Making Erin, Ines and Nina start to feel annoyed.

"One more insult and I swear I'm gonna do it"-Ines whispered through gritted teeth, not really having the patience to deal with the nonsense the maid is pulling any longer.

"Just a little longer Ines.. you can't."-Nina whispered back, firmly holding her arm.

"She's right, we can't be reckless right now Ines. Bare with it a bit more."-Erin agreed, even though her anger is almost reaching its limit just having to listen to the people in front of them as well.

Nina let out a heavy sigh, feeling frustrated, cause as much as she wanted to retaliate, she's also scared about how it may affect what's about to happen next. Since in the novel, the part after the carriage incident wasn't really discussed or talked about. The scenario where the Marquis took them in, was put at the end of the chapter, where the accident took place, as a closing scene. Then it was just casually skipped to the next scene, where the sisters were taken back by the Duke, to the Alcaeus estate. Where they were pampered and spoiled even more than they already were, to help them get through the trauma that the accident brought upon them.

And that's what they need to happen right now.. For their 'Father' to take them out of there, as soon as possible. And in order to do that, they needed to be as patient as they can be and let the story flow on it's own.

"I don't understand what you mean, but I assure you that the accident they went through is not an act, madam, we found their wrecked carriage at the bottom of the cliff."-Bane explained, his head bowed down, politely begging the head maid to understand the situation.

Watching this, the three suddenly felt guilt wash over them, looking at the young boy, plead and beg for their sake, made them feel the responsibility to do the same for him in return.

"Oh please, a low born--no, dirt poor people like yourself, would do anything for money, so why should I believe you?"-The head maid laughed insultingly.

Bane kept his head bowed down, and stayed silent, feeling humiliated by her words, but despite that, he still wanted to try and explain himself for a second time.

And as he was thinking of how to explain himself further, he felt a hand placed on his shoulders, it was Ines, who smiled at him before pulling him behind her, leaving him standing beside Nina and Erin.

Ines' eye twitched after hearing the head maid's last words, finally having enough of their disrespect, but before she could even utter a word, Nina tapped her shoulder and suddenly stepped forward, smiling calmly at the head maid, who instinctively stepped back out of intimidation.

Ines amusingly smiled, knowing that the old maid's words just landed a blow in Nina's nerves. Turning her head, she saw Erin with the same amused face she had.

"Snapped?"-She asked, referring to Nina's patience.

"Nah, still intact but barely."-Erin smirked, before looking at Nina, who was calmly smiling.

"Look madam, as expected, she can't keep up with the "nice" act anymore."-One of the maid servants she was with whispered, but purposely made it loud enough for them to hear it. Fishing for the reaction that they have been trying to get ever since they entered the room. But Nina continued to smile.

"As that boy mentioned earlier, we are having a slight difficulty with recalling some of our memories because of the accident.. and judging by how you are speaking to me right this moment, I'm guessing this is not the first time we've met, so do you mind telling me your name again?"-Nina politely asked, making the head maid roll her eyes in annoyance. Still convinced that they are only pulling an act.

"Do you seriously think that I will fall for your schemes little lady? I know you.. you're a scheming little bitch who pulls desperate stunts, just to get our young lord's attention, so you're a complete fool if you think that I'll play your stupid charade."-She scoffed, before laughing insultingly.

"Oh my, that's an awfully long name, so I'll just stick with madam, if that's fine with you."-Nina replied happily, stopping the elderly head maid from laughing, and glared at her. Visibly pissed off by her lively tone, taking it as sarcasm.

"Hah, are you seriously going to keep up with that act? You're just making a fool out of yourself my lady."-The other young maid she was with chimed in, putting sarcasm as she addressed her, purposely letting "Fiore" know that she doesn't treat her with much respect for a noble.

"Oh and you are? Have we met? I'm sorry, I'm not really good with remembering faces like yours."-Nina replied while gesturing to the maids face, still smiling. Making Ines laugh out loud.

"She meant ugly faces.. if you're curious by the way."-She bluntly said, after the maids looked at her after her loud laughter.

"You mustn't speak, if you're not spoken to Lady, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised, ladies like you wouldn't know the word, "manners" anyway."-The younger maid, who spoke earlier, retorted back before smirking in triumph. Happy with her comeback.

"You're right, I don't. But I do know the word "slap", would you like to see me give you one?"-Ines replied enthusiastically, wiping the smirk right off of the maids face.

"What? Don't you want it? Giving you something you deserve is good manners right? Great even."-Ines continued before standing up. Which made the maid step a few steps back. Along with the head maid and the other maid they were with.

"My lady.. shouldn't we stop this?"-Bane, who was standing beside Erin quietly since earlier, spoke. Worried about the situation worsening by the second.

"Oh don't worry.. we might've lost parts of our memories.. but I'm pretty sure, us being nobles means that we must be regarded with respect. My sisters are just reminding them of that."-Erin assured him, before sitting on the bed near the mirror, where they were standing earlier.

"Here, sit beside me."-Erin gestured.

"Are they going to be okay?"-Bane asked before he hesitantly sat beside her.

"Who? My sisters or the maids?"-She replied almost instantly.

"Uh. ..Your sisters, my lady.-He answered, sounding unsure. He was worried about the sisters, mainly because they just went through an accident, but then again, the situation in front of them says otherwise.

"I wouldn't worry about them, trust me."- Seeing the uncertain look on Bane's face, Erin couldn't help but laugh, before looking at the situation in front of them again.

"Do you think the Marquis would let you go if you put your hands on his people? Think again little lady."-The head maid confidently spoke to redeem herself from stepping back. Which the maids behind her nodded to. Feeling a sense of protection from the head maids words.

"I'm not quite sure what you mean, who's putting hands on who? We're just talking."-Nina calmly replied. But felt nervous deep inside.. the thought of the Marquis coming back, suddenly slipping through her mind.

"Play your words as much as you like, but once you put your hands on any of us, the Marquis won't just stand and watch."-One of the maids threatened, using the Marquis' protection as their upper hand.

"We heard it the first time missy, you don't have to repeat yourself, the Marquis loves his people dearly, we get it."-Ines rolled her eyes playfully.

"But then again.. do you think our Duke of a father would let a mere Marquis hold her beloved daughters accountable for hurting some servant's feelings?"-She continued confidently. But had her fingers crossed, praying that the Duke will indeed take their side if such situations come up.

"Would you like to confirm that scenario?"-Nina chimed in with a playful tone, hoping that the maids will get intimidated enough to finally leave them alone, before the Marquis comes back and sees the situation.

The maid servants fell silent, not really sure of what to say next. Since they knew that the ladies' father's status is far greater than their young lord's. And that they would be putting their Marquis' title on the line, if what happened reaches the Dukes ears. But being the dignified head servant of the Vaughan's house that she is, the head maid refused to end the conversation without the last word.

"Hah, noble ladies are supposed to be just and well mannered, but here you are acting like a bunch of brats, the Duke should be ashamed, adopting the likes of you."-The head maid scoffed in disgust before turning around to leave.

"Oh really? Well I thought dogs are supposed to bark, but here you are talking, so I guess we're both disappointed"-Ines nonchalantly replied, not even batting an eye. Which made Erin laugh out loud, while Nina barely held hers in. Trying to not add salt to the wound.

"How dare you!"-The head maids head snapped back, absolutely offended with Ines' words. The maids she was with holding her back from raising her hand, attempting to slap Ines, who was smiling innocently.

"Madam you shouldn't!"

"Madam, madam! you mustn't!"

The maids she was with, exclaimed in unison. Afraid of what might happen to them, if the head maid puts her hand on the Duke's daughters.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."-Nina stood in front of Ines, facing the angry head maid, trying to prevent the situation she was afraid of, from happening.

"She compared me to an animal! I'm just trying to teach her a lesson!"-She yelled, her anger finally hitting the roof, forgetting about the plan to leave them alone for their young lord's sake.

"With the way you're acting right now madam, it's completely understandable, so please calm down."-Nina calmly spoke, trying to divert the head maids anger towards her. Which she successfully managed to. After the old maid's anger filled eyes, turned her way.

"That's it, just look at me.. cause believe me if you so much as try slapping Lilianna again, it'll be your face slapping the floor."-She warned her.. particularly from Ines, but the woman in front of her, took it as her personal threat.

"You little bitch--"-The head maid tried slapping her instead but was pulled by the other maids.

"No matter how hard you try the Marquis will never come to like you! You don't even have respect for someone who's older than you!"-She pulled her arms from the maids' grip forcibly, before straightening out her crinkled maid uniform.

"Respect goes both ways madam.. and being old doesn't give you a pass to bitch out"-Nina sighed, whispering the last part of her sentence.

"What are you whispering about huh?"-The head maid irritably scoffed. Walking closely to Nina.

"If you want to say something, don't just mumble, speak loud and properly like a proper lady you mannerless brat."-She poked Nina's chest aggressively. Making Nina stumble a step back, which Ines was quick to help with, steadying her back on her feet.

"I said, you are a bit too old to be a brat yourself."-Nina sighed, exhausted ,just wanting the banter to end, knowing that the Marquis may come back any moment now, but at the same time not wanting the head maid to think that she can just walk all over them that easily.

"Don't talk about manners when you're here, lashing out like a brat in your day and age. If you don't like being around a bitch like me that much, then please feel free to leave."-She continued, gesturing the head maid to the door.

"Oh and don't worry, whoever your young lord is, you can have him. Besides, who would want a man that is practically a property of his own servants? He sounds like a pushover to me, so count me out."- She added, thinking that they'll stop bothering her if she drops the engagement with their Marquis and leave him alone-- before turning around, just to put an end to the conversation. But did not expect, the head maid's sudden movement.

"How dare you insult our young master! Who the hell do you think you are?!"-She snapped before harshly pulling Nina's hair. Which set off the situation that Nina tried to prevent earlier.. which was, Ines lunging back at the old lady.

"Get your pruney hands off of my sister!"-Ines pulled back the head maids hair, twice as hard. Making the woman yell in pain.

"Ahh! It hurts!"-The head maid yelped in pain. But still did not let go of Nina's hair, who was wincing in pain.

"Let go of her hair or I'll rip your head off!"-Ines screamed, before pulling the head maids hair even harder. Finally losing her grasp on Nina's hair.

"Oww.. her grip is quite strong for an old lady"-Nina complained while holding the back of her head, before looking at the head maid and Ines in disbelief.

"Oh no"-Bane, who was sitting on the bed stood up immediately and checked if Nina was fine, before trying to get the women off of each other. But ended up getting pushed back by the commotion.

"Lady Helene.."-He turned to Erin, and was about to ask her for help to stop the fight, before it got even worse. But stopped mid sentence when he saw that, she was already walking towards them. Making him sigh in relief, thinking that it'll be fine once she talks her sisters out of it. But his thoughts couldn't have been more wrong..

"Madam!"- The two younger maids tried helping their head maid to get out of Ines' grasp by pulling her arms off of the head's hair. But was suddenly pulled back by their own hair.

"Two against three is not fair.. so let's make it even, shall we?"-Erin smiled before letting their hair go abruptly, making them stumble on the ground.. Ines doing the same with the head maid who grunted in pain. Before Erin lifted the basin of water that was on the center table, over their heads.

"Er-Helia!"-Nina walked over to Ines and Erin's side immediately, before shaking her head no, telling her that it's a bad idea. But Erin who has been holding her annoyance back since earlier just shrugged it off. Wanting to teach the servants, to never mess with them again.

"Here, something to cool your heads off with"-Erin smiled, and was just about to dump the basin of water on the maid servants's heads, when she heard the door's knob turning. Which the maids heard clearly as well. Taking it as their chance to get the upper hand.

"Please help us, they're hurting us!"-The three maids shouted for the people outside the door for help, before smirking triumphantly at the sisters. Marking their doom.

And as the knob was completely turned, and the door was pushed open, a loud splash echoed all over the room. Followed closely by the thud of the basin hitting the floor.

To be continued....