
As We Claim Our Wicked Fates

Three best friends, two choices, one fate. Waking up with splitting headaches in a wrecked carriage, three girls were met with unfamiliar faces and attires that seemed oddly out of date for the year that they were currently in. But when realization hit, that those unfamiliar faces that were wearing those oddly outdated clothings were no other than themselves, the only thing they could do was stare at each other for a long period of time, until another realization came crashing in.. stepping out of the havoc, and looking around the scene, the three became more aware of the situation they were in. "The carriage that the sisters were riding on fell down a cliff..", they muttered those words like it sealed their fates. They were in a fantasy novel.. a fantasy novel they just started to read together before everything they knew became someone else's memories. Someone that's role is to eventually die.. a heinous villainess. And now, with the obvious death route that's laid for them to walk on, the three of them only had two choices.. take the death flags that were given to them, or change the plot to their advantage. But with only having to read halfway through the storyline, will they be able to push through? With their impending death routes marching along the clock, will they be able to change their shared fates in time? One fate, one chance.. as the girls live on with their completely altered lives, will they be able to survive, as they claim their wicked fates?

Hyrsthyn · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 03

"Tell them that the Marquis' beloved fiancee is in a dreary state."-He added, in a serious voice. Before he flung the door open..


Current time...

"My ladies, we have arrived."-Bane shouted from outside, after the carriage came to a stop. Cutting the girl's trip to memory lane, short.

"Already?"-Lila muttered before looking out the carriage's window.

"That was fast."-Helia was the first to stand up, followed by her sisters, after Bane opened up the door for them. Helping them one by one as they step out of the carriage.

"Thank you, Bane"-Fiore who was the last to step out, thanked Bane and patted his back, after seeing nervousness across his face. Obviously still thinking about what happened in the academy.

"It will be fine, I'll be the one to talk to father if it ever comes up."-She assured him and smiled, feeling guilty about all the stress that the boy has been going through because of them. Since it's his job to supervise them and report any incidents or problems that may arise, to the Duke.

"Thank you my lady.. next time, I will just make sure to find you faster."-Bane replied, making Fiore laugh, suddenly imagining how he must have ran and stumbled everywhere at the academy earlier, just to get to them.

"Don't worry Bane, cause next time, I'll make sure to knock them out cold, so there won't be anyone snitching."-Lila who overhead them chimed in, wiggling her brows up and down, as she walked ahead, trying to catch up with Helia.

"And if they do, just gaslight them into thinking it was a dream."-Helia stopped walking and nodded, after hearing what Lila said. Fiore glared at the two, and gestured for them to zip it, before turning to look at Bane, who now had a horrified look on his face.

"Please don't.."-Bane, unfamiliar with that one word, felt terrified, knowing that whatever it is, it definitely meant something to be worried about.

"Whatever it is you're thinking.. it's not that. Why don't you go on ahead? I'm sure you have other things to attend to. As for us, we'll be heading straight to our rooms."-Fiore stopped him from further overthinking and pushed him to go on ahead of them. Which he quietly complied to, a bit relieved.

"You two seriously need to watch your words around Bane. The boys got a weak heart for that."-Fiore reprimanded them after Bane headed into the mansion.

"Sorry, I meant to reassure him..but guess not."-Lila scratched her cheek, feeling a little guilty. While Helia looked at the front door of the mansion, where Bane went into, smiling.

"I'm sorry, but he's just too adorable when he's flustered, I can't help myself. He reminds me of the kids we used to play with back then, in the orphanage."-She reasoned, obviously fond of the young boy. They all were.

"I know, but still.. let's avoid putting him in those situations, he has already been through a lot."-Fiore replied remembering how Bane struggled with the incident reports he had to work on, within the year, of every mess they got involved in.

"Like last weeks incident.."-She trailed off before looking at Lila who instantly laughed. The scene where Bane, almost fainted when she went back with Helia and Fiore to the carriage with a fist of hair clutched in her hand, playing back in her mind.

"Which brings us back to what happened to Lila.."-Helia teased, making Lila's laugh instantly die down. Giving Fiore the turn to have a laugh.

"I'm never gonna live this one down huh."-She pursed her lips and sulked.

"Honestly, I think none of us will be forgetting that encounter.. but not just because of that"-Helia spoke, grimacing at the memory, as the three of them started to make their way through the mansion's front door.


Eyes closed shut, hoping that the man in front of them wouldn't notice them feigning unconsciousness. Ines, Erin, and Nina laid as motionless as they could.

Aidan Percival Vaughan, looked over them for a short while before gesturing for his servants to lift the ladies up and carry them inside his estate. They were lifted up one by one, Erin being the first to get taken into the Vaughan's mansion.

"I will be taking my fiancee inside ,myself."-Aidan Vaughan stopped one of the servants from lifting Nina up and took her himself. Which made Nina, who has been praying in her head, for him to not come close to her, pray even harder.

"I'll be taking my lady inside."-Bane, who was quietly watching by the side of the carriage ,ever since their arrival at the estate, volunteered, after seeing a man servant try to lift Ines up, but had a hard time doing so. Which the man immediately agreed to. Not knowing how to lift up Ines' unusually stiff, unconscious body.

"Thank you"-Ines whispered, feeling relieved, after Bane lifted her up and walked towards the estates main entrance. Thinking that she would've been found out and got questioned about what happened,if he hadn't. Bane, who didn't know what to say, just nodded his head and quietly followed the people inside, until they came into the room where Nina and Erin were brought into. A huge room, where three beds were placed in the middle.

"You, send word to Duke Alcaeus about what happened. And you, get every single thing that the physicians may need to aid them ready."-Aidan Vaughan commanded his servants, while carefully laying his fiancee's body on the bed placed in the middle.

"And also, wait until the morning before you tell my sister about what happened. I don't want to wake her with bad news, in the middle of the night."-He added, referring to his younger sister Evie, the one who sent the invitation for the tea party that the sisters were supposed to attend, before the carriage incident happened.

Philomel Evangeline Vaughan, Aidan's younger sister. The female lead's best friend in the OG storyline. And also the one that served as the bridge, for the two to meet.

Wanting to be friends and get to know her big brother's fiancee, she invited the Alcaeus sister to attend the tea party she hosted that very day. To start off a friendship with his sister-in-laws.. that was her plan. But instead of getting on good terms with Evie.. Fiore saw her as a competition. A competition for Aidan's attention. It didn't matter, if she was her fiance's little sister.. Seeing Aidan treat her so gently, got on Fiore's nerves. Which resorted to the sisters, tormenting and bullying her. Wanting her to stay out of sight, whenever they were within the same place.

Not wanting to ruin their engagement, Evie kept it all a secret from her big brother. Thinking that her brother and Fiore got engaged for love, given that her brother never once talked badly about the lady... even with the lady's overbearing and uptight personality that is well-known among the nobilities.

In order to not burden her brother with her own problems, Evie tried to bear with Fiore and her sisters bullying, for as long as she could. That is.. until the female lead entered the picture.

"Every single one of you, step out. Head to the front and wait for the physicians there. Drag them here as soon as they arrive."-Aidan commanded before he himself walked to the room's door, but stopped in front of Bane, who was fiddling with his fingers, standing stiffly beside the door.

"Are you one of the people, who found them down that cliff?"-He questioned. Assessing his looks, trying to figure out if he works for his estate.

"Yes my lord."-Bane replied shortly, feeling nervous under the young lord's scrutiny.

"Very well then, stay in this room until the physicians arrive. I'll be handling the incident report of this matter and come back shortly."-Aidan calmly stated, before walking out the room, followed by all the others, leaving Bane standing alone, with the three ladies still laying in bed, motionless, until the door completely closed.

"Uh.. they are gone now my ladies."-Bane spoke lowly, after making sure that everyone has gone far from the room. Three heavy sighs were let out by the three simultaneously. Feeling a rush of relief, after finally being able to move and breathe freely.

"Thank goodness.."-Nina propped herself up,before looking around the room.

"Thank you.. Bane was it?"-She questioned after her eyes landed on him, who was still standing by the door. Being cautious about the situation.

"Yes, my lad--"

"THANK YOU BANE!"-Bane was caught off guard after Ines suddenly lunged at him with a hug, right after she got up from the bed.

"Stop that Ine-hmp"-Erin, who was just about to get up and pull Ines off of Bane, suddenly found a hand, slapped over her mouth, stopping her from further speaking. Turning her head, she saw that it was Nina.

"Lilianna, get off of him."-Nina slowly warned. Erin's eyes widened in realization. And so did Ines', who immediately backed away from Bane, who was now laying flat on the floor. Eyes wide in shock.

"I'm sorry, that wasn't uhm very ladylike of me.. I just wanted to thank you, are you hurt?"-Ines offered him her hand, to help him up, while trying to talk and act as noble as she could, after remembering who she was supposed to be.

"T-thank you my lady, I am fine, I just happened to stumble on my own feet."-Bane humbly replied after accepting Ines' hand to stand back up.

"But.. is it fine for you to move around already my lady?"-He curiously added, given that the lady and her sisters were just in an accident not too long ago.

"Oh uh, I'm fine.. but I-- I do feel a little light headed."-Ines was quick to sit down after pretending to stumble back a bit. Not wanting him to get suspicious.

"Then.. should I call for the lord of the house?"-He worriedly replied, reaching for the door's handle.

"No."-Ines, Nina, and Erin were quick to respond, before they exchanged knowing looks.. trying to come up with an explanation and what they should do next. Something that can get them out of their situation without getting further questioned.. especially once Aidan Vaughan comes back.

"Look Bane, the thing is.. we don't remember anything.."-Erin was the first to speak up.. then gave her best friends a quick knowing glance, telling them to just go with the flow of the lie she just made.

"When we woke up in the carriage.. we couldn't remember anything other than our names."-Nina, who was quick to catch up with Erin's idea and continued. Before looking at Ines, who just caught on and nodded slightly in agreement.

"So what we are trying to say is.. we don't know exactly who and where we are right now, and we're afraid of being questioned about it.. especially by people we don't know or even recognize.. that's why we pretended to lose consciousness.. so can you please help us?"-Ines added, trying to sound convincing as possible. Which seemed to work out well, seeing how Bane's expression was painted with pity.

"I-I'm so sorry my ladies.. I can't even imagine how confused you must have been about everything that had happened, but I'm just a lowly commoner, I can't do anything more than labor work."-Bane reasoned, while patting down his old and mud stained clothes, from doing all those labor work in nearby farms around his neighborhood.

"But if it is something I can do, please feel free to ask me."-He continued politely, making the girls feel sudden guilt, knowing that they're putting their burden over his shoulders. Giving them second thoughts about the plan they had in mind.

"Can you give us a second.."-Nina smiled at Bane, before pulling the two over to her bed, to have a quick conversation.

"So what do we do?"-Nina whispered after the three of them huddled in the middle of the bed they sat on.

"Ask him to vouch for our claim of having amnesia, after we 'regain' our consciousness"

"Get him to hold a long cloth, down that window over there, and we'll climb down to escape."

Nina and Erin snapped their heads to Ines, after hearing the latter suggestion.

"What.. I thought that's what we were going for.."-Ines awkwardly smiled, scratching her cheek.

"We can't run away in this situation, and most importantly, we're not involving that boy in the process.. given this novel's nature, he'll get executed."-Nina scolded, still whispering.

"Oh.. right sorry, that was thoughtless of me."-Ines grimaced with the thought.

"So.. make him vouch for us?"-Erin chimed in, to make sure if they would stick with the first one, that she suggested, or make up another one.

"Yeah.. we'll start there."-Nina agreed, before turning to Ines, asking if she agrees with the plan as well.

"Personally, I would like to jump out the window.. but then again, I don't wanna risk broken bones in this era. So I'm with you guys of course."-She replied nonchalantly before nodding to both of her friends. Who just nudged her sides and rolled their eyes playfully.

"Okay then."-Nina whispered and heaved out a sigh before turning to Bane, who was still quietly standing by the door, patiently waiting for their private conversation to end.

"Well first of, Bane do you happen to know who we are?"-Nina started off their conversation. Bane looked at her and nodded slowly.

"Yes, I do. You're the daughters of House Alcaeus, my ladies, Lady Agnes, Lady Helene, and Lady Lilianna.. Do you perhaps not remember the Duke as well?"-Bane asked, concerned about just how much of the girl's memories were affected in the accident.

"We honestly can't tell.. right this moment."-Ines replied, trying to talk as formally as she could.

"I think it'll take time but I'm certain that you will regain your memories some time soon my ladies.. and also, once the duke comes for you, maybe seeing him will help."-Bane carefully thought of his words. Wanting to at least ease the girls worries.

"Do you think that the Duke Alcaeus will come for us.. tonight?"-Erin questioned, trying to sound worried.

"I think he wil--of course he will! My ladies are his beloved daughters after all."-Bane replied with as much conviction as he could for their sake.

"Then we would really appreciate it, if you could help us explain what happened to us, if needed to. But as much as possible.. we don't want to get questioned by anyone, until we leave for the.. Duke's estate."-Nina explained, hoping that Bane won't think that their words are too suspicious and rehearsed.

"I understand my ladies, I'll do my best to help."-Bane smiled. Fully understanding of their situation. Which gave the three of them a sigh of relief, thankful that the impromptu lie they pulled worked out seemingly well.

"Thank you Bane.. but we promise to avoid any questioning as much as possible while we are still here, as well, so you wouldn't need to go through all of that."-Nina assured him, just relieved that they at least have one person that has their backs now.

"No problem at all my lady, I'm just happy to help even a little. Do you happen to need anything else by the way? Ahm water maybe? I can get pain relieving herbs outside too, if you need any."-Bane suggested enthusiastically, making the girls give a quick glance at each other. Already feeling fond of how pure and kind he is.

"No, we're fine, just a little nervous that's all.. just thinking about when those other people will come back here makes my head hurt."-Erin replied honestly. Throwing a quick glance at the room's door.

"Don't worry my lady, they won't be coming back that soon.. if anything maybe a few maids would come by, but only to drop off the items that the Marquis asked for, that the physicians will be using."-Bane tried to comfort her, seeing how anxious she was looking at the door.

"Then maybe we should get back to our places.. it will be a problem if they see us awake--"-Nina couldn't finish her words when Ines suddenly spoke excitedly.

"Can I ask for a mirror?"-She chimed in, her eyes full of curiosity.

"A mirror.. oh there's one over here, my lady."-Bane replied after looking around and finding one just beside the bed that was closest to the door, where Erin was laying at earlier.

"What for?"-Erin, who was sitting right next to Ines whispered curiously.

"I just wanna see something."-She replied before standing up and walking to where the vanity mirror was. Her friends giving each other a confused look, before curiously following behind.

"Oh my god.. We're hot as hell."-Ines' eyes widened, before doing a twirl, checking herself out in the mirror. While Erin and Nina automatically locked eyes with their own reflections.

Despite being villainesses that were known for their heinous and vile reputations in the society. One cannot deny that the three sisters held beauties that stood out among the nobilities.

Helia, who had straight, starlight-like, hip length hair and striking amber eyes, had refined and sharp features. Giving people the impression that she's a dignified and well spoken lady.. until she decides to open her mouth.

Lila, who had eyes that shined like ruby, and wavy jet black hair that reached just halfway through her back, had docile, doll-like features. A perfect picture of innocence.. the innocence that her character lacked excessively.

Bright emerald eyes, flowy waist length brown hair, that curled by the ends, and a face that illuminates elegance and softness. Fiore was the epitome of an angelic beauty. That completely contrasted her character's manipulative and desperate personality.

Godly beauties that served as facades to their ungodly nature.

It took a while before the three of them were able to snap out of the trance they fell into, while looking at their current bodies. It was Ines' excited voice that pulled them out of it.

"I've always cursed these three in my head, but godda--"-Ines' words were muffled when Nina and Erin suddenly grabbed her and covered her mouth, turning their heads to Bane, who looked confused, not really understanding the few words that reached his ears.

"We should really go back to bed before--"-Nina couldn't finish her words because of the loud slam that suddenly echoed in the room..

"What is the meaning of this?"-A voice rang out, right after the door flung open.

Not being able to move from their current positions, the girls just slowly turned their heads to look at the person who entered. Their eyes widening, while looking at the irritated face that stared right at them, visibly pissed.

To be continued...