
As Satoru Gojo in the DC Universe

'Strange' is a term that can be defined in a number of ways. Though waking up as Satoru Gojo in a messed up world was certainly strange. Now follow the new Gojo on his path to becoming the strongest. Will he reach said goal, or merely die a meaningless death. Or maybe he will ascend as the honoured one.

Ekisdaiou · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
29 Chs


He was very pissed.

Everything was going so well. He had recoverd that flash drive with no small amount of effort. He lost a good chunk of his men to get it, but in the end it was all going to be worth it.


He had brought a private warehouse and even bribed a number of those pig's called cop's to stay clear of that area. He had outfitted his men with fire power so heavy that even Batman might have stayed clear.


Because that flash drive was valuable, too valuable. With it he could gain back what was rightfully his, this city. Gotham City, it belonged to him. Or it did once upon a time. There was not anything he did have control over, be it transporting and controlling the product of firearm's or narcotics. He owned most of Gotham, area's, trade roots and more. His influence was unwaning, Gotham was truly his.

But then that bastard came along, with that red helmet. Due to 'him' his influence on this city was gone, just like that. Other lesser crime lords fought for the scraps he left behind as he sat in Blackgate. But he made his return and made sure other's knew there place at the very bottom. But he still had not reclaimed what was his. That bastard Penguin worked much too quickly.

That was fine, he would bide his time. Which is where that flash drive came into the picture, popping it into a secure suitcase he had intrusted it to one of his more competent men. It was too dangerous to keep anywhere too close to him, but he had not thought that a problem. But it seemed his men were more incompetent than he thought.


Black Mask idly watched the footage played before him on the monitor placed on his desk as he tapped at the arm of his chair impatiently. Were one to ignore the pitch black skull mask grotesquely fused with his face then his apperance might have only been considered normal, fancy but normal. He was dressed in a simple sleek white three piece suit, it was easy to see that it was made of the highest quality. But that was neither here nor there.

The footage was from the camera's installed by his warehouse. Though they were low quality as he never really of investing much in them, it was not as if he was going to keep the warehouse around for much long. That place was too much of a dump to even be useful.

Black Mask scowled as he looked at the one responsible. Even if the footage was blurry, this figure stood out too much. He was dressed in a sleek black outfit with no colour in his hair, it was completely white. Said hair was spiked upwards by bandages covering the upper regions of his face. An appearance that definitely stood out.

He watched as the assailant took out the dispatched men outside the warehouse with ease, they did not even have time to react. He seemed to disappear and reappear erratically all over the place, knocking out his men with a single punch. But did this punk truly think he would get off that easily? What he stole was what Black Mask needed to progress his hold on the city. Just because he had some fancy vanishing trick did not mean he would survive for long. Whether they were metahumans or just vigilantes, no one would get away with it for screwing with him. That flash drive was something not so easily forgotten.

And he would get it back no matter what, and he would make sure the punk knew what would happen if he messed with the wrong people. It was a simple matter of paying someone to enhance a picture of him. Then a simple bounty was placed in his head. Other's might have seen it as too extreme to be putting 10 million on some nobodies head. Black Mask did not, that amount might as well have been chump change compared to what he could gain by regaining control of Gotham.

And throw around some money and everyone comes running like dog's. To get the full amount of the reward it was simple, bring the punk to him alive. He'd have a swell time skinning the bastard alive as he begged for his life.

The punk had made poor choice in making an enemy out of him.

His anger slightly subsided as his phone buzzed on his desk, picking it up he clicked his tounge. But he answered it as he brought the phone to his ear.

["Roman, you disappoint us."] Black Mask resisted the urge to curse and scowl as he heard the distorted voice on the other end. It was difficult to tell how old the person on the other end was, and if they were either a man or a women.

"I'm working on it, I already know who stole the damn thing."

["Yet the flash drive is still not in our possession."] Black Mask was beginning to get irritated at having to think about the damn flash drive so much, he did not even know what was on the damn thing.

"I'll get you the damn flash drive." Black Mask just barely resisted raising his voice at the prick on the phone.

["Time is running out Roman. Should we not get what we want, then we'll have to cut ties."]

"Now hol-" Before he could get another few word's in the call abruptly ended. He gripped the phone so hard he thought it would break under the pressure.

"I'll kill that punk!"


"Mini-Deathstroke?" Right then and there, Ravager decided she did not like this punk one bit. Her exposed lower face contorted into a scowl as she reached for one of her blades on her back. It was a simple silver straight sword, with a slight orange hue at the handle. But annoyance would have to be pushed aside for the time being as she had a job to do, failing at that would mean pissing 'him' off.

And so she charged blindfolded fool.

Gojo watched the girl charging him as he studied her apperance. She stood out, that's for sure.

The main colors of her costume were orange and blue, with red accents on the trimmings and dense white lenses for her mask. The suit seemed sleek yet his eye's did not miss that it was made from a durable and flexible material, this seemed to allow the ease of movement and protection in battle. It consisted of a tight-fitting bodysuit that coverd her entire body, including her arms and legs. Along with the bodysuit, she wore a black and blue armored vest with protective plates that covered her chest and abdomen and the majority of her joints, yet she didn't seem burdened by that.

In addition, her costume had several visible pouches and slots, which she seemed to be used to carry various weapons, ranging from a few guns in holsters and small knives.  Her mask only coverd most of her face, leaving the lower section of her face visible as well as her flowing white locks. The mask had a black and blue color scheme, with each half having their respective colour.

("Suppose if it's Ravager then I can put a little effort.") Gojo raised a hand to his face as he exposed his right eye. The single deep sky blue eye which seemed to reflect everything even in the darkness, immediately changed his view of everything.

Ravager even appeared more slower depsite the absurd speed she was charging him with. Of course he also took note of the other person hidden in the area, maybe they were trying to jump him? Eh, it didn't really matter. Even in numbers a weakling was a weakling still.

With Ravager, as she neared her target she raised and swung her blade in a downwards arc. But Gojo had long since moved to dodge, he shifted his weight to the side as the blade harmlessly sailed passed him. Ravager faked backing away only to lunge forward again. She changed her aim as she swung at his neck, he merely ducked his head low as the blade whistled through the air above him.

Stopping the blade above him, she once again brought it down. Though he had long since moved back as the blade missed again. But she was already charging forward with a thrust of her sword. Again her attack missed, as Gojo dodged in a more unexpected way. With her thrusting the blade forward she'd expected him to dodge to the side, but he merely slighly leaped backwards and out of reach. Though she was not botherd, as she was already on him with her blade moving in swift blur whilst gunning for his chest. Again he smoothly dodged with ease, same annoying grin on his face.

"Think I should take a quick nap. Wake me up when thing's get entertaining."

She retracted her blade with slight click of her tounge as she gripped it more tightly and raised it high. She brought it down with more excessive force, with the amount of strength put into it, it would cleaved through any normal human. And the blade might as well have been a blur for how swift and quick it was, it would have been hard to dodge.

Unfortunately she was not fighting any normal human, her blade cleaved though nothing but air as she suddenly felt contact at her back.

"By any chance are you actually trying?" Standing back to back with her, he posed the question as if it were genuine.

Ravager shot forward as she twisted her body around, her boots digging into the sandy ground and kicking up the dust.

("He's fast, shit. Tch, I reacted too late too. 'That' went off only a while after he was already behind me. But my adrenaline is increasing, this punk might actually be trouble.")

"You've got alot of lip, prick. I'll be happy to cut that annoying tounge of yours out." A threat that was more so a promise. One she would happily want to deliver.

"You're welcome to try. But with how slow you're going, I'd be more impressed if you didn't bore me to death before you actually hit me." Gojo spoke with the same grin he had since the start of the match.

"You're on punk!" She rushed him again, closing the distance she shoved her blade forward in an overhead thrust. Only to immediately feint it as she pulled back the blade. She spun around, the added momentum guiding her blade fiercely towards her target's exposed abdomen.

Only like before, he had already long since moved to dodge. He backed away and the blade did not even graze his clothing. Yet she expected as much as free arm reached for her gun holster. Swiftly she pulled out her Glock G44, and aimed it right at his face. At this range it be near impossible to dodge a bullet, for anyone normal that is.


Two shots ripped through the barrel as the gunshots reverberated throughout the silent area. Gojo's head blurred slightly as he leaned his head to the side, bullets harmlessly whizzing his face. True Infinity was active there was really no need to do all of this excessive dodging, but it was fun to see the frustration of opponents who could not hope to hit him.

Ravagers eye's widened, though not because of the display of him dodging bullets point blank. Her adrenaline was boosted to max as she tried to leap backwards, in that split second she had saw him finally attacking.

Though in real time the boy was still idly standing there, but then in the next instance he was suddenly infont of Ravager who was still in the process of jumping back. Intuitive Precognition was one hell of an ability to have, seeing a few seconds into the future helped her predict opponents movement's when her adrenaline was boosted to the max. With it she could also dodge before the enemy even attacked. However despite the ability she needed to rely on her body being able to react quick enough to actually dodge.

Which was not possible here as his right fist was already clenched and had long since shot forward to her unprotected stomach.

"Black flash..." That was all she heard him mutter before his fist appeared to make contact. In that moment shockwaves seemed to ripple through the air as intense black sparks of lightning seemed to cackle and all around Gojo's fist. Spreading around with intensity the ground itself was effected by the force as dust was kicked up,  and despite their dark dampness the sparks seemed to light up the dark area.


A pain ripped through her entire body as she experienced the full absurd force of the hit. Saliva mixed with blood flew from her mouth as her feet left the ground, the force of punch sent her launching back. Though her journey mid air came to a quick halt as her back violently collided with a compressed cube of scrap metal, the collision so hard her back dented it as she seemed to bounce off of it before she fell to the ground.

*Cough* *Cough*

More blood left her mouth with violent coughs as she struggled to even stand. The pain still reverberated through her body even as her healing factor kicked it. That single punch caused too much damage, funnily enough the punch had not even fully connected. The sheer shockwave that punch generated did this to her.

"Yeah. I know I can. I definitely can." Gojo suddenly utterd odd word's that seemed to hold no meaning as his grin morphed into a full on mocking sneer.

He saw Cursed Energy in a new light, that single Black flash strengthened his connection to it. He felt more in tuned with it than he ever had before. So his right hand was slowly raised, his index and middle finger was extended along with his thumb as if he was pointing an imaginary gun at the downed Ravager.

"Technique Reversal: Re-"

"That's enough." A loud voice boomed through the desolate junkyard. Gojo took his eye off Ravenger as he turned to the approaching footsteps he heard

As expected.

The man stood tall at around 6 feet 4 inches, with a muscular and imposing physique that was clear to see even with his attire. His body was covered in a sleek, black and orange armored suit,

similar to Ravenger.

His mask was covering his whole face and was similarly coloured as Ravengers, one half a deep dark blue that almost looked black and one half a mellow orange. It was a menacing, metallic mask with one eye covered, while the other eye was fully exposed showing his intense gaze that might have made anyone else back away though the sheer intimidating glare.

He was outfitted with a number of weapons, ranging from the two swords on his back to several guns in holsters placed on his body. Along with that he had a utility belt filled with more weapons no doubt.

Deathstroke The Terminator, or Slade Wilson.