
As Satoru Gojo in the DC Universe

'Strange' is a term that can be defined in a number of ways. Though waking up as Satoru Gojo in a messed up world was certainly strange. Now follow the new Gojo on his path to becoming the strongest. Will he reach said goal, or merely die a meaningless death. Or maybe he will ascend as the honoured one.

Ekisdaiou · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Kicking Intergang ass

Oswald Cobblepot was a simple man. A simple business man. Unlike the loonies around Gotham City he did not care to kill or put down Batman or the rest of his crew. Sure Batman would be a major blow to any criminal business but most of the time his presence was useful for dealing with rival gang's and those aforementioned loonies. All Oswald cared about was expanding his business and making a profit. Sure he went about that by doing something illegal but if a profit was to be made who was he to question how it was done?

No one business was too questionable. As he said, he was a simple business man with a simple desire for a decent enough profit. His wants were simple.

"So I'm assuming you have what I asked for?" Oswald asked the man standing infront of him in his office with a simple black suitcase in hand. Deathstoke The Terminator, most would think him crazy for having a man who could kill you in atleast a thousand different ways, in such close proximity. But most would be too busy being surprised at the prospect of someone like Deathstroke actually agreeing to meet face to face. Though the two men of his certainly looked fearful, though they were not here to guard him or anything like that. Oswald was no idiot, Deathstoke could kill him and his two men in an instance if he so pleased.

But he made sure to always know who he was dealing with. Deathstroke was not the kind to kill without something to gain, and as long as you do not piss him off then you have nothing to fear for.

"It's why I'm here." The mercenary spoke, his voice a muffled boom that seemed to carry a passive authority even with him just speaking a simple sentence. "The question is, do you?" Oswald merely gestured to one of his men. They stepped forward as they opened a suitcase to display its contents to the mercenary.

It might have seemed comical to have a singular flash drive in a case but for the two men, that did not seem like an important aspect. Deathstroke reached out a hand and took the flash drive from the case, no one stopped him, no one could. The man examined it as if there were something only he could see, he nodded as he placed it back in the case before he pushed out his own suitcase.

One of Oswlads men took it from his hands, opening it he revealed the contents to Oswald who hummed in satisfaction. In deals such as this an equal trade was offered in place of money. That is how most of these business operations went with him.

"A pleasure doing business with you, Terminator." Oswald spoke as Deathstroke took the suitcase with the flash drive. The man said nothing as he turned to leave but he was promptly stopped as Oswald spoke again.

"Though usually I am not one to let my curiosity be known but I can't help but wonder what you have planned with that flash drive." Deathstroke merely glanced at the man.

"I expected you to he smarter then to ask these meaningless questions." Was all he said before exiting the office of Cobblepot.

Oswald merely smiled depsite being blatantly insulted.

With Deathstoke, as the mercenary exited the office he pulled out a small black burner phone as he dialled a number.

"Have you reached the base?" He asked immediately not wasting time with meaningless 'hello's' or any kind of chit-chat.

["Yes we have arrived. Your orders?"] The voice obediently asked.

"Garner the attention of the whole base and hold them off. I expect a task such as this to be trivial to you. This is not mentioning you have help, I expect you to make good use of him." Deathstroke stated.

["Understood, father."] With that Deathstoke merley ended the call after a talk that could not even be considered brief.

The ideal plan was for him and Rose to have acted as the decoys whilst a third party would sneak through the base to get what they came for. That third party would of course have been Catwoman. But alas she refused the job, which was actually a smart move Deathstroke would admit. So instead they have this boy to work with. From what he had studied in his brief scuffle with Ravager, he had enhanced strength, agility and senses. And that last attack he landed on Ravager suggested some manner of electrokineses. That was not mentioning that strange forcefield ability of his that managed to stop fired bullets in their place. Though another note to be made was that he seemed to possess some degree of martial prowess.

There was also something to do with his eye's. In the beginning of the battle he made way for a single eye, he assumed it was due to heightened senses that he was able to dodge those bullets point blank from Ravager.

But there was more to that boy, it is said that eye's are the window to the soul. That you can tell much of a person by just looking at their eye's. Strangely enough Slade found this to be true to some wild extent.

It was easy to tell when someone was fearful, hesitant, angry and so one. Eye's glint, eye's narrow small details tell you what a person was thinking. Said small details were especially easy to note thanks to his own heightened senses. He had gained an ability to completely read a person from just looking at them with a single glance of his single eye.

It was odd what that single deep blue eye which reflected all held. It was as if he viewed everything as unreal, it was strange to put into words but it was as if he took nothing seriously. Not in a way that he was just some carefree fool, no those eye's held a much deeper meaning than that.

The boy did seem like he could be useful. It was just such a shame that he would need to be silenced. Though in his short time in Gotham he had managed to identify the boy. Though that was easily done as he made no effort to hide his tracks, it only took a bit of digging.

Name: Satoru

Surname: Gojo

Sex: Male

Nationality: JP

Identification number: 1272090630912

Country of Birth: Japan

Status: Citizen

Age: 16

Date of birth: 7 December 2000

Legal Guardian: Akane Gojo (Status: Elder sister)

Though more information on this sister of his was impossible to gain. But that was not important for the moment, this sister of his could be used if he proved too difficult to get rid off. But for the time being she could be ignored.

(A/N: Just a note while I do have an ID I'm still not sure how identification numbers are generated so that was a random input.)


When it comes to tactics, Deathstroke could be considered a mastermind. His strategic mind was unparalleled, allowing him to assess any situation and devise the most cunning and ruthless plans. He could adapt to almost any situation and his plans were not bound by any moral code, as he was always willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals. This included using violence, manipulation, and even killing innocent people if necessary.

Few could match his tactical mind.

Yet here Rose was thinking that just maybe her father had gone senile in his old age.

("Garner the attention of the whole base and hold them off. I expect a task such as this to be trivial to you.") She repeated his orders as she cleaved straight through a man as she immediately jumped to the side to avoid a bolt of plasma shooting past her.

"Trivial, trivial, trivial...." She honestly felt like laughing as she ran towards her next target, her Intuitive Precognition already warning her of the cheap shot from the side. Ducking her head low she avoided the plasma bolt as it sailed overhead, coming to a skidding stop infront of another target she raised her blade high. Bringing it down with a vengeance, his fancy high-tech armor did nothing as she cleaved though him and his torso in one fell swoop.

As the target's upper body fell to the floor dozens of the men fired simultaneously, all of them were armed with rifles that fired plasma rounds. Meaning finding cover was useless as the plasma rounds would burn right through any kind of cover. And due to their armor it was pointless to fire normal rounds their way. Said armour was a full body sleek black armoured suit complete with a helmet. The material was tough but flexible, too thick to be Kelvar but she did not recognise the material.

Either way she had only managed to get this far with brute strength and careful positioning. There were gaps in the armour she was able to exploit, hence she chose to stick with her sword. Though the environment helped too, the array of Tropical island trees that were spread out threw their aim off.

Yep she was on an Island. When her father said the job would be taking place in Metropolis she of course did not expect this. It seemed he meant it would be taking place near Metropolis. He was definitely going senile.

"Hm?" She suddenly noticed the shooting stopped and what followed much to her irritation was one annoying voice.

"Rosie! How's my favourite murder machine doing?" There that annoyingly familiar head of snowhite hair peaked out.

"Fuck off..." As those words were heard an exegerated gasp exited the white haired menaces mouth.

"Tsk, tsk. Young lady have I not told you to watch your tone? It's fine, back in my day...." With his chest puffed out and a finger raised to air he droned on as if he were a teacher reprimanding a student. Were it any other day, and were he not such an annoying little ass then she might have appreciated the foreplay...

What? Oh right.

He was no longer wearing those bandages over his eye's. Why he had them over his eye's when he could see, was really anyone's guess.

Now she had been bread to be a killing machine, to study the best way to kill a person. To never question why, to just do. Scenes of tradegy were dull in her eye's because of what she had already experienced. Saying she was any measure of normal would be such a bad joke, a joke not even worth laughing at. But she admitted she was still a young women, and despite how her father trained her even she had some interest in some thing's. Even if she would never dain to admit to it.

This guy was quite the looker she would admit. Alright that would be an understatement, with a perfectly sculpted face like that she would understand if any women would throw themselves at him. That is not mentioning his eye's that could only be described as otherworldly. They were a deep, clear and vibrant blue that seemed as everlasting as the oceans and as clear as the sky's. No those eye's were the sky's themselves, even now she could see how his eye's reflected all. The clouds, the tree's and the very nature of everything. She even saw herself in those radiating orbs.

"What? Somethin' on my face." Gojo asked after noticing her starring at him for a whole while now.

"It's nothing." She mutterd as she sheathed her blade, approaching him she was quick to take note of the various unconscious forms of the Intergang members. Keyword unconscious. "They're still alive." She noted.

"Bravo! Brilliantly deducted Sherlock!" He said with a mock hand clap and a exaggerated British accent. The only response he received was a dry look practically visible despite her mask. Gojo just shurgged his shoulders. "Eh, don't get me wrong. I don't have something stupid as a no kill rule, I just can't be botherd with something as mundane as sparing or killing. If someone survives my attacks, they survive. If they die, they die."

"Good." Rose spoke as she unsheathed her sword before promptly stabbing it into the throat of one of the downed men. Staring straight at the still smirking Gojo she spoke. "A moral compass gets you nothing but killed."

"That all depends if you're too weak." He spoke matter-a-factly as he threw his hands behind his head. "But that's neither here nor there. So what's our next step, boss lady?"

"Fa-Deathstroke only told me to garner attention." She started.

"Yeah I know that already. We've been doing just that for hours now." He whined with a sigh. "It's honestly getting boring fighting the same guy's over and over. I mean fighting that one mini-mech was kinda fun but they only brought like three." He complained like a small child who did not get their prefferd toy and the McDonald's drive through.

"Let me finish you idiot." She spoke with a small glare to a bored Gojo. "I'm guessing while we were the centre of attention he's already tracked down their main base on this Island and is in the process of retrieving what we came for." Rose deduced.

"Makes sense I guess. But aren't we doing most of the work while he gets to sneak around?" Rose did not say anything back as it was the truth. And she could not be botherd by defending someone who did not genuinely care for her.

But this was another supposed 'test' of his. Or that is how he would word it. A 'test' to put all the training he ingrained into her to the test, to see if she was still useful to him. It irked her, had she not shown her use for enough time's? Had she not showed her loyalty enough time's? She even gouged out her own eye for that man. Yet here he was sending her to what could basically be her death.

"By the way do you have any sweets on you? I ran out." She stared at that grinning face with a dull gaze. They have been fighting Intergang member's on the Island for hour's on end now. She very much hated to admit it but in the first few hour's she would have most likely died or have been seriously injured. This idiot was unfortunately a big help, as much as she hated to admit. "I'm guessing that silence is a no? Unless....."

"Why would I carry around something like sweets?" She asked, and she was actually posing a genuine question.

"Why wouldn't you?" Gojo asked back as if to ask, 'are you serious right now?' "Sweets are the nectar of the God's!" He spoke as if announcing the importance of something divine.


"Eh, you'll understand the awesomeness of sweets some day." He mutterd. "But by the way, what are we actually stealing from this Intergang base? I mean they have a whole base on this Island, they must have some important thing's here."

"I don't know." She readily admitted. "The old man never gives me that much info when we're going out for job's. I'm suppose 'to figure everything out with the given information'." Gojo's mouth opened to speak but he was promptly stopped when the two heard the rapid heavy approaching footsteps of what was sure to be more Intergang member's.

"What a shame. We were having such a nice talk too." Gojo spoke with a regretful sigh as Rose scoffed.

"Just shut up and fight."