
As Satoru Gojo in the DC Universe

'Strange' is a term that can be defined in a number of ways. Though waking up as Satoru Gojo in a messed up world was certainly strange. Now follow the new Gojo on his path to becoming the strongest. Will he reach said goal, or merely die a meaningless death. Or maybe he will ascend as the honoured one.

Ekisdaiou · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

A deathly stroke?

Yeah no.

Selina Kyle might as well have been one of the most accomplished thieves there was. Once she set her eye's on something, it was only a matter of time before she got what she wanted. It's how she made a living, sure she tried much of everything else but nothing had that specific kind of thrill stealing did. And hey if she enjoys her 'job' then why not continue it? Sure being in Gotham most of her spoils are confiscated by either Batman or his merry family. Even now she always founded herself creeped out on how easily that mini-Batgirl could sneak up on her.

But that was neither here nor there, the point was that she was quite the accomplished thief. No one would tell you otherwise. To put thing's into perspective, there isn't any big wig in Gotham City she hasn't screwed over yet. Whether it was keeping the stolen object she was hired to steal, stealing from those who hired her or even just giving ol' Batman a useful tip. Yep she had quite the record of screwing other's over.

But even then the amount of job offers she got was not small. Other's recognised her skills, they respected it. Hence they were willing to risk even hiring her.

But sometimes she did not know if that was either a good thing or bad thing. The job's she were offerd weren't from mere nobodies, hell most of her would-be client's weren't even from Gotham. Which is why Selina sat on her bed in her rather luxurious apartment pent house, frowning.

One of these 'big wigs' were looking to hire her right now. The pay was absurd, ludicrous even and she was half tempted to say screw it and do the job. But hence the first two word's, 'yeah no'. Selina loved money as much as any sane person. I mean who did not love money? But that was neither here nor there.

The point is the the one who offerd the job is quite notorious, hell even saying they were just 'notorious' was a big understatement. They were on the League's radar so no, Selina would not involve herself with any of that. But she was cautious, there might be repercussion for outright refusing 'him'. But yeah even with the absurd amount money offerd she would not do the job.

But there might be a way for her to avoid any kind of repercussions by sending in a substitute she vouched for.

"Sorry, about this. But you do look like you're able to handle yourself." Selina mutterd to herself as she called someone.


"That hag really doesn't hold back, huh?" Gojo mutterd as he walked through crowded streets. Stretching his limbs, he heard all the satisfying 'pops'. He got weird looks, though whether it was from that or his bandaged face was unknown.

True to her word's, training with Lady Shiva had immediately begun. Though she did ask him to remove the upper region of his clothing to get a better look at his physique. Of course he was not as ripped as the real Gojo yet, but he was pumping in exercise everyday. Though he wanted to follow a diet as well, his new addiction to sweets would unfortunately not allow that.

But barring that training was rough, or could have been rough. His new teacher did not teach him any new fancy martial arts, the first session just consisted of the two of them going at it non stop. She wanted to test his stamina no doubt, to see how long he would last. Of course she was dominant most of the time, but he didn't really mind. He was an amature still and Lady Shiva had been at it when he was still a tickle in his father's ballsack.

Either way, she gave him no tips. It was just non stop fighting for the past week, though other's may see something like that as meaningless he actually learned much. Fighting mostly consisted of her exploiting openings and dancing through obvious and telegraphed attacks. Of course due to constantly fighting he did learn what not to do and when it was best to do something. Though thanks to Six Eyes he did manage to absorb information much more quickly.

But other then that, it felt good. Good to actually put effort into something, he was never that ambitious before. But he was actually working towards something and that felt good.

Gojo smiled to himself. He should reward himself, a few dozen sunday desserts should be enough.

Unfortunately this was Gotham City. A city quite literally cursed, so the good mood of one young man was simply a big fat no-no. So how did the city throw a big middle finger at the happy Gojo?

Well you see, as he walked leisurely through the street's an extremely loud bang reverberated throughout the air in the distance. And from on high a bullet whizzed through the air and straight towards his head. It looked like a 50 BMG bullet, so it was most likely a sniper. The bullet never reached its target as it merely stopped mid air, near him.

Of course a small panic had already ensued due to hearing said gun shot so most people idly walking had long since picked up the pace. Citizens of Gotham were accustomed to random shootings so you could count on them to act quickly enough to avoid any kind of trouble.

As for Gojo, the boy frowned as the bullet fell to the pavement having lossed all its kinetic energy. Then he clasped his hands together and immediately he gone from there in a flash, he appeared atop a tall building overlooking where he had been standing previously. Reaching towards his eye's, he fiddled around with the bandages to expose his right eye.

("Nothing? Seriously? Did he escape that quickly? Maybe he managed to make it down and blend it with the crowd?") He was of course referring to the one who shot at him. He didn't know who was trying to kill him, but they could try all they wanted. Tiring as it is, he had been keeping infinity active for much longer. Sure it was draining on his brain but better safe then sorry.

"And just when I was in a good mood." Gojo mutterd to himself with a sigh before fixing his bandages. "But who'd wanna kill poor 'ol me?"

"Hm?" However that thought quickly left him as he felt his phone buzzing in his pocket, pulling it out he noted the familiar caller ID before quickly answering. "Sup?"

["Making quite the waves, aren't ya?"] Selina spoke much to his confusion.

"You lost me."

["Hm? What, no one tried to kill you yet?"] She asked as he raised an eyebrow beneath his bandages.

"Well someone tried to shoot me, don't know why though. But I'm guessing you got an inkling as to why that is, no?"

["Maybe I do, maybe I don't. But I am curious on what is in it for me."]

"I don't find out where you live and fill your house with kitty litter?" He merely received a sigh from the women on the other side.

["Fine, fine. You got bounty on your head."] She stated rather bluntly.

"Bounty? Now who would want to kill little 'ol harmless me?" He asked in an innocent tone.

["Remember that job a week back at that warehouse?"] She started as he gave a hum of confirmation. ["Well that warehouse belonged to Black Mask. Seems he's found out you were involved and now he's pretty pissed.]

"You sell me out or something?" His blunt question merely evoked an overly dramatic and exegerated gasp from the older women.

["Oh perish the thought! I would never."]

"Uh-huh. Anyway, how much is my severed head worth?" He asked purely out of curiosity. I mean who would not be curious on what the price on their heads would be?

["About ten million."]

"Impressive, very nice........wait wut?"

["Ten million, you're worth ten million."] He heard a whistle from her, seemingly impressed at the sheer amount. ["Congratulations, I don't think anyone's ever had a bounty that expensive placed on their heads so early."]

"Why though?" Gojo asked, still shocked at the absurd amount of money afford for little old him.

["Must be that suitcase. It must've been pretty valuable, and now Black Mask is pissed and thinks you have it."]

"Fantastic. Though I guess there are consequences to one's actions." He spoke with a shurg Selina could not see.

["You're sounding awfully calm for someone with that absurd a bounty placed on their heads. Hell even I'm thinking of cashing you on."] She joked but Gojo smirked.

"Nah, this is where the real fun begins. Can't wait to see what and who they throw at me. Gets my blood pumping."


"Anyway was that warning all, or was there something else?"

["Actually there is. I've got a job for you."]

"A job? Hold on, this isn't some ruze to just try and deliver me to Black Mask, right?" He could almost feel the blank stare from Catwoman.

["I know we hardly know eachother, but do you really think I'd be THAT scummy?"] She asked a bit bemused.

"Well yeah."


"Soooo, about that job....."

["You really need to learn how to talk to ladies or you'll be single forever."] She said with a sigh as Gojo merely gave another unseen shrug. ["Anyway as for the job, well fair warning the client isn't the best of people. But the job pays well and I've put in a good word for you."]

"How sweet."

["Yeah I know I'm just so great. Anyway, the job might be bloody but I'll send ya the details anon. Later."]

Gojo gave a farewell as he ended the call, shoving the phone back in his pocket.

("Well I guess I should have expected something like this, with me attacking that warehouse and all out in the blue. But eh, I'll deal with it later. Most known and top mercenaries or hitmen would be Deathstroke, Deadshot, Lady Vic and KGBeast. Well those are the few I can think of that actually stand out, sure there's bound to be more. But those four stand our as the top of the heap.")

"All I can handle."

Was he being too cocky? No, he might not be as strong as original Gojo yet. But he was getting there, even if he was simply training in hand-to-hand combat currently. Of course he was not neglecting Cursed Techniques, Blue was perfected to the max. Same with Cursed Energy manipulation, but with these few thing's in his arsenal he was still confident enough to deal with any hitman. But still, Reverse Curse Technique was...progressing.

The core of Cursed Energy was negativity in its simplest form. Negative emotions ranging from pure unadulterated anger to sadness, that was the foundation of Cursed Energy. Cursed Energy was like electricity, it was raw and untamed. Making it hard to use in its purest form, hence Cursed Techniques that acted as an outlet for that raw power.

But funny enough he never had any problem controlling Cursed Energy. He had been over thinking thing's, he knew what the core of Cursed Energy was. He just didn't know how to utilize it. A near death experience was not needed, no. He just needed to understand, more and more.

Still though, Red may just be possible in the future. But for now he had been developing something else, truly studying martial arts wasn't just so he could have something to fall back to. No there was a certain something he wanted to use, something that could be used more offensively. Though it was significantly weaker in damage output compared to Blue or Red, it was still pretty darn useful.

Of course that wasn't the only thing he was developing in his free time. He had Cursed Energy and extensive knowledge on Jujutsu. So he'd be an idiot not to utilize the full potential of a Jujutsu Sorcerer.

"Yeah, now I'm motivated."


"Tsk, tsk. Atleast don't go attacking me out in the open. Atleast the other guy's used sneak attacks." Gojo looked on with boredom at the sprawled out bodies of men layed before him. It was surprising how quickly the news of his bounty spread. Though he was yet to run into any big named character, for now it was just some random thugs who happend to get their hands on information of his bounty.

Alas they were no fun at all. Due to the absurd amount of money placed on his head, he'd atleast assume he'd run into some pretty dangerous opponent's. But nope, just some two-bit gangsters with too much ego. It was not as though it mattered much though, they were actually perfect testing dummies for a technique he has been perfecting.

"And here." It was the supposed meeting place of this 'dangerous' client Catwoman was talking about.

It was a Junkyard. It had a chaotic and cluttered appearance, filled with a vast array of discarded items, ranging from appliances and automobile parts to scrap metal and building materials. The yard was a large, open space marked by various crumbling structures and rusting machinery. The collection of items were too haphazardly organized, with towering piles of metal scraps, rusted vehicle shells, and piles of discarded appliances and machines on display for all to see. The site was rather dusty and seemed to be rarely swept or cleaned, with broken glass and debris scattered throughout the area. It was an all too common sight to notice all abandon cars with shattered glass, missing tires, and various dents.

Though the place seemed long abandoned. There was no one around, and the machinery used to compress the junk was rusted and unusable.

Gojo walked through the entrance, his feet taking him over the dusty ground filled with glass. Gojo for one didn't know what kind of weirdo would want to meet here, but he wasn't judging. Instead he was sighing. Why would Gojo sigh?

Well depsite the darkness now he could clearly see someone leap from behind one of the wrecked car's. And leap they did, somehow they reached an impossibly high distance with a simple jump. Said person also whipped out a gun midair, a quick glance told him it was a Glock G44.


The bullets exited the chamber in quick succession as they sped through the air and to their target. Each shot accurately aimed at his chest and above, of course bullets were nothing. Infinity was long since activated.

"Heh." Gojo smirked as the bullets merely hovered idly, no chance in reaching their target. They fell to the ground as the mysterious attacker smoothly landed on the ground a bit of ways away from him. He got a good look at her.
