
As a Mangaka at TYPE-MOON!

I originally thought this was a world like any ordinary urban novel... Drawing manga and traveling is quite enjoyable. But could you please tell me what's the deal with this magus named Emiya Kiritsugu who suddenly appeared in my face? Who changed the setting? And it seems that now I can enter the world of the manga I created and get a reward?

XElenea · Anime & Comics
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310 Chs

[285] The Arrival of the End

"The Holy Grail—"

Drawn by the collision in the sky, Alucard turned his head.

Directly below the Grand Temple.

The Holy Grail was there, seemingly intentionally left by Rider.

However, Alucard wasn't the only one rushing towards the Holy Grail— There was another Servant who noticed the Great Holy Grail.

The Lancer from the Red faction, Enkidu!

"This is something I can't let you take so easily —" Enkidu said as countless chains shot out from him towards Alucard.

"Ha!" Alucard laughed, and the places on his body hit by the chains all turned into blood, transforming into countless bats flying forward, "Chase, chase! The Holy Grail can only be mine, and it can only be me! Fate — this is destiny!"

"Same here." Enkidu smiled, "It's also my Master's destiny... I have to take action."

Chains versus bullets.

Oddly, there was no sound.

It was straightforward.

In the background, the sound above their heads had already far surpassed the collision of bullets and chains, exceeding the sound of the two talking.

In the sky, a torrent, seemingly capable of destroying the world, raged.

Countless rocks fell and slowly shattered.

But in the peculiar silence formed by the massive roar, two sounds were extremely piercing —

Snap — Snap —

The sound of hands touching the Holy Grail.

Almost simultaneously, two pairs of hands touched the Holy Grail.

Oddly enough!


Chirp —

Enkidu's arms were like a sword, no, it was a sword. It pierced through Alucard's heart, and in the next moment, hands continuously waved, turning Alucard quickly into a puddle of blood.

But —

Mist rose.

The blood turned into mist, formed behind Enkidu, and suddenly grabbed Enkidu's head, slamming it to the ground!

Splat —

Almost at the same time, countless knives pierced Enkidu's body, stabbing through Alucard.

Blood remained on the corners of his mouth, no, his whole body was covered in blood!

But Alucard was smiling.

There was no intention to let go at all. Suddenly swinging forward —

Enkidu was thrown into the wall formed by the bats.

Then, two guns appeared in Alucard's hands, and countless bullets were shot like rain!

Laughter echoed.

However, the sound couldn't penetrate outside. The sound above was too loud, completely suppressing everything on this side.

The beam gradually pierced through the temple.

The main temple collapsed.

The magnificent structure named Radiance, over 2,000 meters long, the eagerly awaited inherent barrier —

In an instant — vanished into thin air.

"So that's how it is..." Ozymandias showed no surprise, no impatience.

He just sat on the throne as a matter of course, welcoming the pillar of light that pierced the temple and arrived before him, "Well, this time it ends here. But, Golden King, how will you fare after receiving my blow?"

With such a smile.

Thoroughly killed by the Sword of Rupture, returning to the Throne of Heroes.

At the same time —

Enkidu's chains pierced through Alucard, blades thrust through his limbs, and chains entangled him on the ground.

Finally, the radiance of EA penetrated the temple! It fell onto the earth!

In the next moment.

Countless vines appeared around, gathering the Holy Grail in the center and protecting it there —

"Enuma Elish!"

As before, not for attack but solely for defense, this Noble Phantasm was used.

"Did it fail... that Pharaoh." Enkidu raised his head, looking at the sky, and as the dust gradually settled, the world quieted down. His voice could finally be heard.

"Impressive, as expected of Gil."

Enkidu smiled a little, "Even facing that Pharaoh, did we win as a matter of course?"

He understood that the Pharaoh had underestimated the situation for a moment.

If, at the same time as Gilgamesh's EA descended, Ozymandias could launch the magical artillery called "Dendera Electric Bulb," the outcome might have been different.

That artillery would undoubtedly consume most of the power of EA.

Without that power, even a temple that could crush a part of the world wouldn't be able to completely destroy it as it did now.

Not only that...

Look around.

You can clearly hear the sound of flowing water.

The water is flowing towards Enkidu —

Zamalek Island.

This island, located at the center of Cairo, within the Nile River, completely disappeared —

Only the place where Enkidu stood, using his Noble Phantasm to resist, preserved the land beneath his feet and the Holy Grail on the side.

"Huh? Where's Alucard?"

Enkidu's expression changed, and he quickly raised his head, looking through the dust... There was a presence rushing from behind Gilgamesh!



Alucard appeared behind Gilgamesh, grinning.

In the next moment, numerous thunderbolts struck him —


Covered in blood, pale-faced Gilgamesh revealed a smile, "You thought you could ambush me when I seemed weak? Don't be too arrogant!"

"No, you're wrong. I did successfully ambush you."


Gilgamesh's expression changed slightly. A charred arm pierced through his chest.

Crushing his spiritual core!

"What's wrong, King of Heroes? Can't move now? Just because your spiritual core is shattered, is that it?"


Listening to the voice below trying to say something, Gilgamesh, with a smile, stopped for a moment, "No, forget it... Let's end it here."

"Huh? What do you mean—?"

"Let me make a prophecy here! Alucard... you will be killed, killed by my dear friend... How about it? Is there any other ending besides this?"

"Heh... Hahaha — killed by him? Is it him? Is he a hero of humanity?"

"Why bother saying it! Isn't the answer clear?" Gilgamesh's body slowly began to etherealize, "I've already seen it, you know, seen... that guy is coming."

Having already endured Ozymandias's grand temple and being heavily injured, Gilgamesh exited at this moment!

Alucard slowly descended to the last piece of ground, looking at Enkidu with a smile, "What will you do? That Gilgamesh said you could kill me, right..."

"Well... that's right." Enkidu nodded, "If he said so, then it's not wrong. I will, indeed, send you back —"


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