
As a Mangaka at TYPE-MOON!

I originally thought this was a world like any ordinary urban novel... Drawing manga and traveling is quite enjoyable. But could you please tell me what's the deal with this magus named Emiya Kiritsugu who suddenly appeared in my face? Who changed the setting? And it seems that now I can enter the world of the manga I created and get a reward?

XElenea · Anime & Comics
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310 Chs

[16] The Purpose of Making Money

Starting from Japan, their first destination was London, England, with the primary goal of visiting the British Museum. Afterward, they would head to Paris, France, with plans to visit the Louvre and Disneyland Paris. The latter was a place Kazumi wanted to go. She had already been to Disneyland in Japan and wanted to see what the one in Paris was like.

Their next stop would be Hawaii. Kazuya was quite curious about this renowned tourist destination.

As for language, they didn't have to worry. Kazuya was proficient in both English and French, enabling them to communicate smoothly. They were well-prepared with a high-quality camera.

He had done some research, and both the British Museum and the Louvre allowed photography. This was a big plus for them. The items inside could serve as excellent source material.

"Is this London?" After getting off the plane, Kazumi said with some discomfort. It was her first time on a plane, and she felt quite uneasy.

"Alright! We've finally arrived in London. Let's rest at the hotel today, and we'll start exploring tomorrow!" Kazuya said. While he had invested most of his money in real estate in Tokyo, even taking out a substantial loan, he had used the money to purchase more properties and continued this cycle. However, he still had funds for their trip. He had his reasons for investing in real estate.

Now, it's already 1985, and he vaguely remembers what happened next. The specific reasons are forgotten, but he just remembers that Japan experienced a period of significant economic prosperity from the end of 1986 until the beginning of 1991. Real estate prices skyrocketed. Although there may have been other factors, it was not something he could intervene in. He wasn't very clear about it, nor did he plan to get involved.

He had forgotten the specific dates from 1986 to 1991.

He roughly remembered that during that time, the Japanese yen had risen from 240 yen per US dollar to 120 yen per US dollar. He didn't need to wait until that exact moment, just to be safe, he could sell when the exchange rate was around 130 yen per US dollar.

He remembered the "Black Monday" in 1987 in the United States from reading novels, but he only knew it was on a Monday. He didn't bother with specific dates like that; he wouldn't get involved. However, if he replaced the specific date with a specific year, he could get involved.

There was only one reason he wanted to make money like this!

He wasn't particularly interested in money itself, nor did he have any desire to become the protagonist of an urban novel or the owner of a multinational corporation. He knew he didn't have the capability for that. Although he had some understanding of future trends, knew some general trends, and was prepared to invest in them, the fundamental reason was one and only one!

He needed money to create anime!

In this era, there were also animations, but the visual effects and quality were unsatisfactory to him. He wanted to bring "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure" to the television screen and turn it into an anime. However, in this era, achieving the quality he had seen in "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure" was probably impossible. But... if he had money, he could get closer, infinitely closer!

There was nothing in this world that money couldn't achieve. If something couldn't be done, it simply meant that there wasn't enough money!

He didn't want to produce subpar work; everything else could be compromised, but "Jojo" absolutely could not!

What he wanted to do was wait until the Japanese economy faced a major depression, gather a group of talented individuals, directly acquire several animation companies because those people had experience... then produce "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure." At that time, the main approach would be to spend money!

With money, combined with the image he had in his mind of the "Jojo" he had seen, there would be nothing he couldn't achieve!

Of course... he thought like this now, but he might encounter difficulties later. However, he absolutely couldn't lack money. No matter how long it took or how many times he had to start over, he had to achieve the best possible result according to his vision.

By then, he should be able to cash out billions of yen, a massive fortune even in this era!

He didn't know if this fortune would be enough to acquire studio... of course, that was a joke. He planned to spend it all on producing "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure," as many episodes as possible...

Whether anyone watched it or not, he didn't care. But it had to be done, and the sooner, the better.

This was the faith of a Jojo fan.

Anyway, he wasn't short of money... his monthly income from Jojo was enough to live comfortably...

Nevertheless, even so, he had no intention of being frugal in his life. He still set aside ample funds for leisure, enough to travel around with his younger sister.

Even if it was just a short weekend break, he often took her out for a relaxing time.

He felt that this was what life was all about.

Dreams existed, freedom existed... and there were no troubles. This kind of life felt like a dream, and sometimes he thought that if it were a dream, he would prefer to stay lost in it forever and never wake up...

"Wake up, little sleepyhead."

Kazuya patted Kazumi's small head.

"Mmm... let me sleep a little longer... just five more minutes..."

"Alright..." Kazuya chuckled and pulled back the curtains, looking at the streets of the country he had come to for the second time.

This was why he had deliberately chosen a room with a window.

He had been here in his previous life, and his personality was the same as in his past life. When he had money, he would travel everywhere, and he would spend until he had no money left. There was no restraint. No matter how much he earned each month, in the days just before getting paid, he would always end up eating instant noodles.

When he earned less, he would play nearby, and when he earned more, he would travel abroad. He had learned a bit of English and French at that time, bit by bit... besides that, he knew a bit of Spanish, but it was the kind where he could understand but needed several seconds to think for conversation and often made grammatical errors.

However, in his previous life, he had never been to places like the British Museum... he had been to King Arthur's tomb, gone to places for occult card draws, and well, he had gotten results. It turned out that the occult was invincible.

But this time, he wanted to visit the British Museum.

And this ample budget and preparation were something his previous self had never experienced.

"It's been five minutes already. If you don't get up, you'll have to stay in the hotel all day, and I'll go out alone."

"Wait for me!"

Kazumi quickly sat up and said, her whole demeanor becoming alert. Then she muttered, "Onii-chan always tries to scare me..."

"Haha, it's because it's not early anymore. Let's finish up quickly, so we can go to Disneyland sooner, okay? You wanted to see the difference between French Disneyland and the one in Japan, right?"



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