
As a Mangaka at TYPE-MOON!

I originally thought this was a world like any ordinary urban novel... Drawing manga and traveling is quite enjoyable. But could you please tell me what's the deal with this magus named Emiya Kiritsugu who suddenly appeared in my face? Who changed the setting? And it seems that now I can enter the world of the manga I created and get a reward?

XElenea · Anime & Comics
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310 Chs

[14] Editor's Evaluation

"How was it?"

Looking at Iwamoto Yu, who had just finished reading all 29 chapters of "Battle Royale," Kazuya asked.

"Well... the story is very interesting. The art style is excellent. Everything inside it gives a very realistic feeling, and it has a strong sense of immersion... I even saw a shadow of myself in one of the characters, even though I died early..." Iwamoto Yu said, pausing for a moment.

"Hmm? Is there a problem?" Kazuya  asked.

"Yes," Iwamoto Yu nodded and said firmly, "Well... this manga, 'Battle Royale,' cannot be serialized in JUMP!"

"Well... when I think about it carefully, you're right," Kazuya  thought for a moment and nodded.

"Exactly... because it's too realistic. It even made me doubt if this had really happened in reality," Iwamoto Yu sighed, "And JUMP's principles are effort, friendship, and victory! But... in this, I can't see any of that. The worst aspects of human nature are laid bare here. Everyone is like that... although some characters have moments of humanity, there is no concept of 'good deeds lead to good rewards,' they all just die."

"Go on," Kazuya  frowned.

"And the protagonist of this manga, apart from looking good, is just a scumbag, right?" Iwamoto Yu said, "But this kind of scumbag is the protagonist of this manga. Even though he lost a hand and an ear during the process, he still survives until the end... it even gives me an uncomfortable feeling like, 'How can such a scumbag survive until the end?' So, ironically, the most satisfying part of this manga for me is the death of the protagonist at the end. It gives me a refreshing feeling."

"I see..." Kazuya  nodded, "I tried to prioritize realism, but I didn't expect it to have such flaws..."

Indeed, this thing was too realistic...

There was no trace of artistic embellishment, was there?

"But, Kurokawa-sensei, this manga is undoubtedly quite interesting. If possible, I hope it can be submitted to 'Weekly YOUNGJUMP.' It's more suitable for their audience compared to 'Shonen JUMP!'"

"Well, feel free to do so," Kazuya  nodded. This work seemed to have failed in some way...

Although it had failed, it had also provided valuable lessons. The next manga could be improved.

Iwamoto Yu also breathed a sigh of relief. If his words hadn't had any effect, he would have had to take drastic measures.

However, now, although he hadn't asked him to change this manga, the next manga didn't need to pursue such realism.

But not asking him to change also had its own selfish reasons...

Because this manga fascinated him.

And what attracted him was none other than that sense of realism!

Although it was unlikely to be serialized in Shonen JUMP due to its launch reasons and the audience it faced, there were fewer restrictions in "Weekly YOUNGJUMP."


As Iwamoto Yu had expected, "Battle Royale" was soon serialized in "Weekly YOUNGJUMP." However, to his disappointment, he wasn't the editor in charge of it, which meant...

Kurokawa Kazuya had gained another responsible editor.

Although this editor was handed a manga that had already been completed and not serialized, he couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the photocopy of the manuscript in his hands.

According to what the chief editor and she had been told, this was a manga drawn by a mangaka from "Shonen JUMP" in his spare time. Because it didn't fit the tone of "Shonen JUMP" at all, it was brought over here for serialization.

They said the chief editor had given this manga unanimous praise.

"The mangaka... I remember, is it Kurokawa Kazuya?" Okada Tomomi knew this person's name; he was currently a mangaka serializing in "Shonen JUMP."

In the future, she would have to go over to discuss the payment, but right now, this manga would be serialized in the next issue.


"Are all mangaka this talented nowadays? They can draw so much even while serializing in JUMP..." Okada Tomomi sighed with emotion.

"Oh, you're talking about Kurokawa-sensei, right?" Her colleague said.

"Yes," Okada Tomomi nodded. "And he just landed in my lap like this... I haven't even met him yet."

Sugura Fumiko smiled and said, "Yes, it's the first time something like this has happened here, right? But, should I tell you some inside information?"

"What? What is it?" Okada Tomomi asked, curious about the person she would be responsible for.

"You see, Kurokawa-sensei, he's rumored not to need assistants."

"Huh? Really?"

"Yes, it's true. But don't spread it around," Sugura Fumiko said. "And, not needing assistants, he's drawn this new manga... I overheard that the manga he's currently serializing in JUMP, the completed original manuscripts have been enough for serialization for a long time. Now, I heard he's even creating a new manga."

"Is it true?" Okada Tomomi widened her eyes, a bit skeptical about this.

He was already serializing one, and now she had the second one; if he continued... it would be the third...

And he didn't need assistants.

Was he even human?

In her mind, she conjured an image of a man with eight hands, eyes gleaming like a monster.

"It's definitely true. Well, he's going to be your responsibility next, right? You'll find out everything you need to know."

"Yeah, yeah," Okada Tomomi nodded, swallowed hard, and then opened the manuscript in front of her.


After traveling for several hours by train, Okada Tomomi finally arrived in this town, Moriah. She looked at the house in front of her and breathed a sigh of relief. "Really... don't most mangaka live in Tokyo? It's so far..."

Before coming here, she had specifically gone to inquire about the situation from her colleague Iwamoto Yu, who is now responsible for him. According to him, she couldn't visit on Saturdays and Sundays, only on weekdays from Monday to Friday.

He even shut out the chief editor on Saturdays and Sundays.

It was said that on Mondays, Iwamoto Yu and Yoshikawa Daishi stayed in a hotel in Moriah overnight to see him as soon as possible. They rushed here right after his little sister went to school.

It's really tough...

This time, she wasn't here to discuss the manga; it was about discussing the payment...

Now, although he was a newly serialized mangaka, he was already enjoying the payment of a popular mangaka who had been serialized for several years.

Although he was also beginning to gain popularity now.

"Let's ring the doorbell now..."

Thinking so, she reached out her hand and pressed the doorbell button on the wall.


Just then!

The door of the room suddenly opened, and a hand grabbed her arm!


If you're interested in reading more, feel free to visit my patreon which already contains 20 chapters: 
