
Artifact creator

Archaes is a young boy of 9 year's old,who is nothing but a street rat that eats after others leftovers. But fate always comes with changes and surprises,so did his fate. The story of a how a mere street rat became the one of the greatest figures in history.

ShreShan · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Ch29: Training,Naming and Reaching.

As the days turned into weeks, Archaes's squad continued to train relentlessly, honing their skills and growing closer as a unit. Each morning began with a grueling exercise regimen, followed by tactical drills and weapon practice. The camaraderie among them was palpable, their bonds solidifying with each passing day.

One misty morning, as the Sanctuary sailed through calm waters, Archaes gathered his squad on the training grounds for a session focused on coordination and strategy. He stood before them, his demeanor calm but commanding.

"Today, we'll be running through a series of mock skirmishes," Archaes announced, his voice steady. "It's crucial we understand each other's strengths and how to cover each other's weaknesses."

Elara twirled one of her sabers, her eyes gleaming with excitement. "Finally, some real action. I was starting to get bored."

Draven, leaning against a nearby post, nodded. "Agreed. We need to be prepared for anything."

Elowen, ever the voice of reason, added, "Let's make sure we don't injure each other in the process."

Borin chuckled, adjusting the straps on his explosive-laden belt. "I'll try to keep the explosions to a minimum."

Rhiannon, standing beside Elowen, strung her bow and checked her arrows. "I'll take the high ground and provide cover."

As the exercise began, Archaes orchestrated the team's movements with precision. Elara charged forward, her blades flashing in the early morning light, engaging imaginary foes with a combination of speed and finesse. Draven moved like a shadow, slipping in and out of sight, providing intel and striking from the darkness. Elowen stayed close to the others, ready to heal any injuries while occasionally launching a well-aimed spell to support the team.

Borin set up traps and detonated controlled explosions, creating barriers and diversions. His booming laughter echoed across the training ground. Rhiannon's arrows flew with deadly accuracy, each one finding its mark, her eyes never missing a detail.

After several intense rounds, Archaes called for a break. The team gathered around, catching their breath and sharing feedback.

"We're getting better," Elara said, a satisfied grin on her face. "But we still need to work on our timing."

Draven nodded in agreement. "Communication is key. We need to anticipate each other's moves."

Elowen wiped sweat from her brow. "I'll work on faster spell casting. We can't afford any delays in healing during a real fight."

Borin clapped a hand on Archaes's shoulder. "You're doing a good job keeping us in line, boss. What's next?"

Archaes looked at his team, feeling a swell of pride. "Next, we'll focus on adapting to unexpected situations. We'll run scenarios where things don't go as planned and learn how to improvise."

Rhiannon raised an eyebrow. "You mean like when Borin's bombs misfire?"

Borin laughed, a hearty sound that made the others smile. "Exactly! We need to be ready for anything."

As the sun climbed higher, the squad continued their training, each member pushing themselves to the limit. Archaes knew that their unity and preparedness would be crucial in the unknown lands ahead.

One evening, as they gathered for a meal, the atmosphere was lighter. Elara, always the prankster, had somehow managed to sneak a small frog into Elowen's herbal pouch. When Elowen discovered it, she let out a yelp, causing the others to burst into laughter.

"Elara!" Elowen exclaimed, though she couldn't help but laugh herself. "One of these days, I'll get you back."

Elara winked. "I look forward to it, healer."

Draven, ever the silent observer, simply smirked. "I'm just glad it wasn't one of Borin's bombs."

Borin, mouth full of stew, raised his spoon in a mock salute. "You never know, Draven. You never know."

Rhiannon, smiling at the banter, leaned back and looked at Archaes. "We're ready, aren't we? No matter what comes, we'll face it together."

Archaes nodded, feeling the weight of leadership but also the strength of his team. "Yes, we are. We've got each other's backs, and that's what matters most."

Corax, perched on Archaes's shoulder, cawed in agreement, as if to punctuate the sentiment. The squad laughed, their spirits high and their bonds unbreakable.

As the Sanctuary sailed ever closer to its mysterious destination, Archaes's squad continued to train, plan, and grow together. They were more than just a team—they were a family, bound by trust, respect, and a shared determination to carve out their place in the new world. The challenges ahead were daunting, but with each other, they knew they could face anything.

One day, the usually quiet Sanctuary was in an uproar. Rumors swirled among the recruits and staff, buzzing with speculation. Every squad leader had been called in for an emergency meeting, leaving everyone wondering what was the matter.

In their usual spot, Archaes's squad gathered to discuss the possibilities. Elara leaned against a wall, twirling a dagger between her fingers. Borin fiddled with a small explosive, while Draven observed from the shadows, his eyes sharp and focused. Elowen and Rhiannon sat together, whispering their theories.

"Do you think it's about landfall?" Elara mused, her eyes glinting with excitement.

"Could be," Borin replied, tightening a strap on his belt. "Maybe they spotted something interesting."

Elowen looked thoughtful. "It must be important to call all the squad leaders."

Just then, Archaes returned, his expression serious but calm. "We have an announcement," he began, gathering their attention. "We're close to our destination. We expect to make landfall in a week at most."

Draven stepped forward, his eyes narrowing. "How did they find out?"

Archaes raised an eyebrow, slightly surprised. He had expected Draven to know due to his habit of wandering around the Sanctuary. "There's an observatory at the center tower of the Sanctuary," he explained. "They've been monitoring our progress closely."

Elara grinned, excitement radiating from her. "Finally! It's about time we got to the action."

Rhiannon nodded, her expression more reserved but equally determined. "This means we need to be ready. We should finalize our preparations."

Elowen sighed. "And it also means we need to name our squad."

The group fell silent, contemplating the importance of their squad name. It was more than just a label; it was a symbol of their unity, their strength, and their mission.

Borin broke the silence first. "How about something explosive? Like 'The Detonators'?"

Elara rolled her eyes. "We need something that represents all of us, not just your love for blowing things up."

Rhiannon spoke up, her voice thoughtful. "What about 'The Shadows'?"

Draven tilted his head, considering. "It has a nice ring to it, but it doesn't quite capture the whole essence of our team."

Elowen smiled softly. "How about 'The Guardians'? We protect each other and aim to uncover and preserve the secrets of the new land."

Archaes listened to each suggestion, weighing them carefully. Finally, he spoke. "All good ideas, but we need something that encompasses our diverse skills and our shared purpose."

Corax, perched on Archaes's shoulder, cawed softly, as if in agreement. The team looked at each other, waiting for their leader's decision.

Archaes took a deep breath. "I think our name should reflect our mission to uncover and protect the unknown. How about 'The Seekers'?"

Elara's eyes lit up. "I like it. We're always seeking something—knowledge, adventure, treasures."

Draven nodded, a rare smile playing at his lips. "It fits. We are seekers of truth and power."

Borin clapped his hands together. "The Seekers it is! Let's show everyone what we can do."

Elowen and Rhiannon exchanged a glance, both nodding in agreement. "The Seekers," they echoed, feeling a sense of unity in the name.

Archaes felt a surge of pride. "The Seekers it is, then. Let's prepare ourselves. We have a week to ensure we're ready for whatever lies ahead."

With their new name decided, The Seekers redoubled their efforts. Each member focused on honing their unique skills, driven by a shared determination to succeed. Elara sparred tirelessly, her movements a blur of lethal precision. Draven practiced stealth maneuvers, disappearing and reappearing like a wraith. Borin fine-tuned his explosives, creating devices with devastating potential. Rhiannon sharpened her archery, her arrows hitting targets with unerring accuracy. Elowen prepared healing potions and reviewed medical techniques, ready to keep her team in top condition.

Archaes supervised and supported each of them, ensuring that The Seekers were a well-oiled machine. He practiced his own combat skills, blending alchemy and weaponry with seamless efficiency. Corax, ever vigilant, provided an extra pair of eyes, scouting and alerting the team to any potential threats.

As the days passed, the anticipation grew. The Sanctuary's approach to their destination was palpable, the air thick with expectation. The Seekers knew that whatever awaited them on landfall, they would face it together, ready to uncover the secrets of the new land and claim their place in history.

On the final evening before landfall, The Seekers gathered for a meal, a quiet determination in their eyes. Archaes raised his cup, a rare smile gracing his features. "To The Seekers. May we find what we seek and protect each other along the way."

The team echoed his toast, their spirits high and their resolve unwavering. They were ready for whatever lay ahead, united in their purpose and driven by their shared ambition. The new land awaited, and The Seekers were prepared to face its challenges head-on.