
Artifact creator

Archaes is a young boy of 9 year's old,who is nothing but a street rat that eats after others leftovers. But fate always comes with changes and surprises,so did his fate. The story of a how a mere street rat became the one of the greatest figures in history.

ShreShan · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Ch28:The unconventional ones.

Archaes, now on the lookout for one last member to complete his squad, was surprised when Elara approached him with a potential recruit. She had brought along a girl who she claimed had exceptional archery skills.

The girl stood there, her expression one of complete disdain, her bow slung across her back,her black hair and eyes made her look even more scary.

Borin, ever skeptical, grumbled, "I'd like to test her in battle." He pulled out one of his bombs and lit the fuse.

Before anyone could react, an arrow zipped through the air, severing the fuse with precision. The bomb fell harmlessly to the ground.

Draven, impressed by her skill, asked, "Elara, where did you find her?"

Elara grinned. "She's left every squad she joined up until now. I brought her here because she deserves a place where her talents are appreciated."

The girl, still scowling, added, "The men in those squads were nothing but perverts."

Archaes spoke with as much professionalism as he could muster,"You, don't need to worry about that here,we respect boundaries."

Archaes than looked towards their healer and asked,"You're looking concerned,is there a problem?"

Elowen, worried, voiced her concern, "Our squad might get disbanded due to lack of members. Some squads have twenty to thirty people."

Archaes reassured her, "It will be fine. The rules don't state any mandatory count of members."

Draven then asked, "What are the rules for a squad, anyway?"

Archaes listed them out:

1. "Any new discovery made by a squad would be credited to its leader or whoever the leader chooses."

2. "Fighting between squads is prohibited."

3. "All squads will be provided with monthly rations during the expedition."

4. "Any usable, extractable, or reachable resource found by a squad will be under the jurisdiction of the squad leader."

5. "All squads must keep a record of all kinds of new species of flora or fauna, and make a monthly report about it."

6. "In the event a squad is wiped out, all the others must come together and end the threat."

7. "At the end of the expedition, should a permanent presence get established, all the things discovered by the squad will be theirs to own and use however they see fit, after a ruling system is established."

After listing the rules, Archaes noticed his squad members exchanging looks.

Borin broke the silence, stating, "These rules are way too much in favor of a squad leader."

Elara and the new girl, who introduced herself as Rhiannon, nodded in agreement.

Elowen added, "I think,it's because most of the squad leaders, except Archaes, are members of nobility or children of other influencal figures."

Draven remarked, "It's quite obvious. For the wealthy, wealth is never an issue, but it's also never enough."

Archaes nodded, a sly smile playing on his lips. "Exactly. That's why we're here—to steal everything from right under their noses."

The room fell silent again as the squad members considered their leader's words. There was a mutual understanding that, while the rules were indeed skewed in favor of the nobility, they had the skills and the cunning to turn those rules to their advantage.

"Alright," Borin finally said, breaking the tension. "If we're going to do this, we need to be smarter and faster than the rest."

Elara twirled one of her swords, her violet eyes glinting with excitement. "And more ruthless."

Elowen looked at Archaes with a mixture of concern and admiration. "We're going to need every bit of your leadership, Archaes. We can't afford to make any mistakes."

Rhiannon, who had been silent since her outburst, finally spoke up. "I don't trust easily, but I'm willing to give this a shot. Just don't let me down."

Archaes looked around at his assembled squad, feeling a sense of pride. They were an unconventional group, each with their own strengths and quirks, but he had no doubt they could work together to achieve something great. "We'll make our own rules as we go along. Stick together, and we'll come out on top."

Draven stepped forward, his voice steady and determined. "Then let's start by laying low and gathering intelligence. We need to know what the other squads are planning."

Elara nodded, sheathing her swords. "And I can train anyone who needs it. We need to be ready for anything."

Elowen offered a small smile. "I'll make sure we're all in good health and have the necessary supplies."

Borin grinned mischievously. "And I'll have a few surprises ready for anyone who tries to mess with us."

Rhiannon simply nodded, her expression resolute. "I'll keep an eye out for threats. No one will see us coming."

Archaes felt a renewed sense of purpose as he looked at his squad. They had a long road ahead, but together, they could navigate the challenges and come out victorious. "Alright, team. Let's get to work."

As they dispersed to begin their preparations, Archaes couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement. The odds might be stacked against them, but with determination, cunning, and teamwork, they would turn the tables and seize the opportunities.

Over the next few months, Archaes's squad evolved into a cohesive and tightly-knit team. They not only worked well together but also developed strong individual bonds, each bringing unique strengths and quirks to the group.

Elara, the crazy sword-wielding maniac, revealed a mischievous side, often playing pranks on Elowen. One morning, Elowen found her healing herbs replaced with colorful confetti. Elara, her violet eyes glinting with mischief, giggled in the background. Despite her wild antics, Elara was the team's primary close combat specialist, her agility and ferocity unmatched.

Draven, on the other hand, spoke only when necessary, his dark sense of humor often catching the team off guard. One evening, after a long training session, he remarked in a deadpan tone, "I heard the ghosts of failed recruits haunt this place. Makes for great company during night watch." The team exchanged wary glances before realizing he was joking. In battle, Draven was their scout and covert specialist, moving through shadows like a wraith.

Elowen was the gentle, calming presence in the group. As the healer, she often scolded Elara and Borin for their reckless behavior. "If you two keep this up, I'll run out of healing herbs before we even reach land," she would say, her tone half-serious, half-motherly. Acting as the group mom, she ensured everyone was in good health and spirits.

Borin, the explosive enthusiast, often clashed with Draven and Rhiannon over his preferred method of fighting. "Why sneak around when you can blow everything up?" he would argue, only to be met with disapproving looks. In combat, Borin's traps and heavy fire support were invaluable, even if his methods were unorthodox.

Rhiannon, the archer, took her time opening up to the group due to her past experiences with other squads. Gradually, she formed a bond with Draven over their shared philosophy of quick and silent combat. She also found a kinship with Elowen, who often saved her from Elara's pranks. In battles, Rhiannon's sharp eyes and precise aim provided essential ranged support and battlefield observation.

Archaes, the unconventional leader, ensured the squad functioned smoothly despite their quirks. He spent a lot of time with Elara, keeping a leash on her craziness, and shared his explosive concoctions with Borin and poisonous ones with Rhiannon and Draven. Initially, the team feared they were following a madman until Archaes clarified his intentions. Even so, Elowen made him swear not to use his poisons on innocents. In fights, Archaes supported Elara in close combat, his fighting style a mix of alchemy and agility.

Then there was Corax, Archaes's trusty crow. Initially aloof, Corax soon became close with all the squad members. He often perched on Archaes's shoulder but would also spend time with Draven, Elowen, and even Borin, pecking curiously at his creations. The crow had a special knack for annoying Elara and getting away with it, while Rhiannon admired his observant nature. Though Corax didn't contribute directly to battles, his presence was a constant source of companionship and intelligence gathering.

One evening, as the squad gathered around a small fire on the deck, Elara couldn't resist a final prank of the day. "Hey, Elowen," she called, tossing a small bag of harmless powder that erupted into a cloud of glitter.

Elowen sighed, brushing the glitter from her hair. "One day, Elara, I'll find a way to pay you back."

Elara just laughed, her violet eyes sparkling. "I look forward to it."

Draven, leaning against the railing, commented, "If glitter is our biggest problem, I think we're doing alright."

Borin, tinkering with a new explosive, added, "Just wait until we land. That's when the real fun begins."

Rhiannon, seated beside Elowen, nodded. "We'll need to stay sharp. This journey is only the beginning."

Archaes looked around at his team, a sense of pride swelling within him. "Remember, we're here to make our mark. We'll follow the rules when it benefits us, and bend them when it doesn't. Together, we'll find a way to thrive."

Elowen smiled gently. "And no matter what, we'll look out for each other."

Corax cawed in agreement, fluttering his wings as if to punctuate her words.

The squad spent their days training, honing their skills, and bonding over shared meals and stories. They became more than just a team; they were a family, each member bringing their unique strengths and quirks to the table. As they waited for the Sanctuary to reach its destination, they knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together.