
Artifact creator

Archaes is a young boy of 9 year's old,who is nothing but a street rat that eats after others leftovers. But fate always comes with changes and surprises,so did his fate. The story of a how a mere street rat became the one of the greatest figures in history.

ShreShan · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Ch21: The real begining.

As Archaes was daydreaming about the ancient secrets, a thought struck him. He looked up at Cyril with a curious frown. "If the knowledge of the Ancients is so powerful and valuable, why haven't there been any expeditions by the people in power?"

Cyril sighed, a shadow passing over his face. "There have been, my boy. Three, in fact—one from each race: Elf, Dwarf, and Man. But all of them ended in failure. The few survivors who returned brought with them calamitic creatures that followed them back, causing untold devastation."

Archaes' eyes widened in shock. "Then why try again?"

"This time," Cyril continued, his voice steady, "there will be a different approach."

"How?" Archaes asked, his curiosity burning.

Cyril leaned in, his gaze intense. "The kingdoms of the three races—Elf, Dwarf, and Man—have decided to unite their efforts. They are nurturing a new generation of gifted individuals, training them from a young age. These individuals, including you, will be equipped with the knowledge, skills, and resilience necessary to uncover the truth of the Ancients without repeating the mistakes of the past."

Archaes felt a mixture of awe and trepidation. "So, I'm part of this... new generation?"

Cyril nodded. "Indeed. Your journey thus far has proven your potential. You possess a rare blend of curiosity, determination, and innate magical ability. Under our guidance, you will hone your skills and learn to navigate the perils that thwarted those who came before you."

Archaes felt a surge of resolve. The weight of the task ahead was immense, but he knew he was ready to face it.

After making his resolve, Archaes asked, "When will this begin?"

Marla replied, "It will begin a year from now."

Cyril interjected, his voice firm, "I have to select one candidate from my side, and Archaes, you will be that candidate. You will train here in the magical district until the public reveal of this project."

Archaes felt a mix of excitement and apprehension. "When do I start?"

"Tomorrow," Cyril said. "Bring all your belongings here. Your training begins then."

Archaes nodded, determination solidifying within him. He left the tower, his mind racing with the weight of his new responsibilities.

As he departed, Marla turned to Cyril, her expression filled with concern. "Master, are you sure this is the right decision?"

Cyril watched Archaes until he disappeared from view. "I have never been more certain, Marla. He has the potential. He just needs guidance and training. Our future depends on the success of individuals like him."

Marla's stern expression softened slightly, though doubt still lingered in her eyes. "I hope you're right."

Cyril placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Trust in the process, Marla. Trust in him."

Meanwhile, Archaes hurried back to his lodging, his mind buzzing with thoughts of the future. He gathered his belongings, his heart pounding with anticipation. The path ahead was daunting, but he knew it was one he was destined to walk. The secrets of the Ancients awaited, and he would be ready to uncover them.

The next day, Archaes woke up before sunrise, his excitement and nerves making sleep impossible. He double-checked his belongings, ready to embark on his training. An hour later, there was a knock on his door.

Marla, standing there, was pleasantly surprised. "Already awake? Good. Follow me."

She led him through the winding corridors of the tower until they reached a massive room, the walls engraved with intricate runes that pulsed faintly with arcane energy.

Marla turned to Archaes. "Today, we'll be testing your capabilities to see what suits you best. Prepare yourself."

The day was a whirlwind of activity. Archaes was put through a series of tests: wielding various weapons, brewing alchemical concoctions, forging metal, and manipulating elemental magic. Marla watched closely, taking notes on his strengths and weaknesses.

As the sun set, Marla met with Cyril in his study, the day's findings recorded meticulously.

"How did he do?" Cyril asked, looking up from his parchment.

Marla began her report, her tone professional. "Archaes shows a grasp on multiple weapons but lacks a natural talent for any particular one. He's a good alchemist, with a variety of dangerous concoctions under his belt. His blacksmithing skills are decent, and he has a solid understanding of infusion. He has an affinity for all elemental magics except light and dark."

Cyril nodded thoughtfully. "And his limitations?"

Marla's expression grew more serious. "He knows little about the arcane side of mana. His lack of talent for a particular weapon limits his combat specialization. He lacks field experience, which means he hasn't been tested under real pressure. His alchemical concoctions, while effective, are all hazardous, indicating a gap in his knowledge of more benign or beneficial mixtures. Lastly, his physical strength is rather weak."

Cyril leaned back, considering the report. "So, he is versatile but not yet refined. A rough diamond, in need of polish."

Marla nodded. "Exactly. He has potential, but he'll need rigorous training to reach it."

Cyril smiled slightly. "Good. That's exactly what we'll give him. Start his training immediately. We'll make sure he's ready."

Marla bowed and left the study, ready to begin the arduous task of transforming Archaes from a curious wanderer into a formidable force. As she walked back to Archaes' room, she couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope for the boy who had stumbled upon such great potential.

Meanwhile, Archaes lay in his bed, exhausted but exhilarated. The day's tests had been grueling, but he felt a sense of purpose stronger than ever. Tomorrow, his true training would begin, and with it, the path to unlocking the secrets of the Ancients.