
Artifact creator

Archaes is a young boy of 9 year's old,who is nothing but a street rat that eats after others leftovers. But fate always comes with changes and surprises,so did his fate. The story of a how a mere street rat became the one of the greatest figures in history.

ShreShan · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Ch20:The old man of the bench.

The next day, Archaes woke up in a daze, still overwhelmed by the opulence surrounding him. Unlike the gaudy displays of wealth he had seen in Lumeria, the elegance here was true, born out of masterful craftsmanship. Every detail in his room, from the intricate carvings on the furniture to the luxurious fabrics, spoke of artistry and skill.

For breakfast, he had meat for the first time in his life. "So this is what wealth tastes like," he thought, savoring the rich flavors. After finishing his meal, he set out to explore the city and get a basic layout.

Elanoria was designed in concentric circles, with the Royal Palace at the center, a beacon of grandeur and power. The city branched out into five distinct districts, each the size of a city itself: the Nobility District, the Market District, the Residential District, the Industrial District, and the Mage District.

Walking through the streets, he marveled at the sheer scale and complexity of Elanoria. "So this is the heart of the kingdom," he mused. "A place where every brick and stone seems to tell a story of history and power."

In the Nobility District, he saw grand mansions and finely dressed people, their lives seemingly untouched by the hardships he had known. The Market District was a bustling hub of activity, with stalls and shops selling every imaginable good. "Here, wealth isn't just displayed; it's traded," he noted, watching merchants haggle over exotic items.

The Residential District was quieter, filled with well-kept homes and serene gardens. In the Industrial District, the air was thick with the sounds and smells of production, as factories and workshops churned out goods. "This is where the true work of the city happens," he thought, feeling a kinship with the laborers.

Finally, he arrived at the Mage District. This area was different, infused with an air of mystery and power. Towers and spires dotted the landscape, and robed figures moved with purpose. "If there's any place to find answers about the key and parchment, it's here," he decided, feeling a surge of determination.

As the day drew to a close, Archaes returned to his inn, his mind buzzing with the possibilities that Elanoria held. "Tomorrow, I'll begin my search in earnest," he resolved, ready to uncover the secrets that had eluded him for so long.

The next day, Archaes rose with the dawn and made his way to the Mage District, determined to find answers. The district's towers loomed over him, their spires piercing the morning sky. As he approached the central reception, he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension.

Inside, the air was thick with the scent of old books and the hum of arcane energies. He approached the receptionist, a young woman with sharp eyes, and showed her the key and the parchment. Her eyes widened slightly before she regained her composure.

"Please, have a seat in the waiting room," she said, her voice steady but curious. She took the items and disappeared through a side door.

Archaes waited, his mind racing with possibilities. After some time, a young woman with a stern expression entered the room. She held the key and the parchment in her hands.

"I am Marla," she introduced herself, her tone leaving no room for pleasantries. "Follow me."

Archaes obeyed, following her through a series of winding corridors until they reached the central tower. They stepped into a magic gateway, a shimmering portal that transported them to the top floor in the blink of an eye.

As they arrived, Archaes found himself in a grand chamber filled with ancient tomes and mystical artifacts. Standing in the center was the same old man from whom he had taken the items.

"Welcome, Archaes," the old man said, a knowing smile on his face. "I am Cyril. It seems fate has brought you back to me."

Archaes' eyes widened in recognition and surprise. "You... you're the one I took these from," he stammered.

"Indeed," Cyril replied, his voice calm and measured. "And I have been expecting you. There is much to discuss, young traveler. Your journey is only beginning."

Archaes felt a mixture of relief and curiosity. "Why didn't you stop me back then?" he asked.

"Because sometimes, the best way to guide someone is to let them find their own path," Cyril answered, his eyes twinkling with wisdom. "Now, let us talk about the key and the parchment, and the destiny that awaits you."

Cyril looked at Archaes, his gaze piercing yet gentle. "Tell me, young one, what do you know about the Ancient civilization?"

Archaes shifted uncomfortably, feeling the weight of the old man's scrutiny. "Only that they built the ruins of old," he admitted. "That's all I've heard."

Cyril nodded, as if he had expected this answer. "The place we live on, Archaes, is only a part of a much larger world," he began, his voice resonating with the gravity of his words. "The continental landmass we call home was settled by our ancestors. They came from somewhere else, driven by reasons lost to time and memory."

Archaes leaned forward, his curiosity piqued. "Where did they come from? And why did they leave?"

Cyril sighed, his eyes reflecting a deep well of history. "Our ancestors came from a distant land, across the vast and treacherous oceans. They were a part of an advanced civilization, one that mastered the arcane arts and built wonders beyond our imagination. But something happened—a great calamity, perhaps a war or a cataclysmic event—that forced them to flee and seek refuge here."

Archaes listened intently, absorbing every word. "So, the ruins of old... they're remnants of that civilization?"

"Yes," Cyril confirmed. "They left behind their knowledge and artifacts, scattered across our land. The key and the parchment you possess are relics from that time. They hold secrets, powerful ones, that could change the course of history if unlocked."

Archaes felt a shiver run down his spine. "And the key... what does it open?"

Cyril smiled enigmatically. "That, my dear boy, is for you to discover. The key and the parchment are but pieces of a larger puzzle. Your journey has led you here, but it is far from over. To unlock their secrets, you must delve deeper into the mysteries of the Ancients and perhaps even uncover the true legacy of our ancestors."

Archaes nodded, determination burning in his eyes. "I understand. I won't stop until I find the answers."

Cyril placed a reassuring hand on Archaes' shoulder. "Remember, you are not alone in this quest. There are others who seek the truth, and you will find allies along the way. Trust in your abilities, and the path will reveal itself."

With those words, Archaes felt a renewed sense of purpose. The road ahead was uncertain and fraught with challenges, but he was ready to face whatever came his way. The secrets of the Ancients beckoned, and he was determined to uncover them, no matter the cost.