
Artifact creator

Archaes is a young boy of 9 year's old,who is nothing but a street rat that eats after others leftovers. But fate always comes with changes and surprises,so did his fate. The story of a how a mere street rat became the one of the greatest figures in history.

ShreShan · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Ch17: The start of it all.

Archaes, now fourteen, had grown significantly in skill and knowledge over his two years of travel. His understanding of the intricate images in the alchemical book had deepened, revealing the hazardous nature of most concoctions aside from the mana-infused water. These mixtures offered various ways to melt, corrode, and rot almost anything, while others were explosively volatile or lethally poisonous. Unfortunately, he had only fifteen concoctions left to create, the rest hindered by the scarcity of necessary materials.

He also honed his blacksmithing skills, his metal ingot serving as a reliable anvil. With the help of mana-infused water, he crafted various tools, which boosted his earnings and reputation. His arcane abilities flourished as well, with the recent development of "chill breath," the exact opposite of flash fire, adding to his arsenal. Though still a novice, his proficiency with multiple weapons improved his combat readiness.

One crisp morning, Archaes stood by his makeshift forge, his breath visible in the cold air. "Chill breath really does come in handy on mornings like these," he muttered, releasing a controlled stream of cold air to freeze a small patch of water on the ground. Corax, perched on a nearby branch, cawed in agreement.

As he hammered away at a glowing piece of iron, shaping it into a sturdy axe head, he reflected on his journey. "I've come a long way from that orphaned boy in Crolas," he mused. "But there's still so much more to learn and discover."

After finishing his work for the day, Archaes took out the alchemical book, flipping through its pages. "I wish I could find the materials for these remaining concoctions," he said to Corax, who hopped closer to peer at the illustrations. "Who knows what secrets they hold?"

In the evenings, he practiced his combat skills, alternating between his whip, a sword, and a dagger. Though not yet a master, he felt more confident with each passing day. "I need to be ready for anything," he told himself, his movements swift and precise.

Despite his growing prowess, he remained humble, aware of how much he still didn't know. "Every day is a lesson," he reminded himself, "and every challenge an opportunity to grow."

As he lay down to sleep under the stars, Archaes couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. "The world is vast, and my journey is far from over," he whispered, staring up at the night sky. "I wonder what new discoveries tomorrow will bring."

As the night deepened, Archaes lay on his bedroll, staring up at the starlit sky.The gentle rustling of leaves and the distant calls of nocturnal creatures provided a soothing backdrop. Corax was already asleep, nestled comfortably against his side. Archaes turned the ring on his finger, its silver surface catching the moonlight.

"This ring," he whispered to himself, "it's where it all began."

His mind drifted back to that fateful day in Crolas, a grimy child surviving by his wits and nimble fingers. "I still remember the merchant's angry face," he muttered, a faint smile playing on his lips. "That was the day everything changed."

He recalled the rage that had boiled within him after being scolded, leading him to pick the merchant's pockets and find the ring among the coins. "I had no idea what it was then," he mused. "It felt like just another trinket, but somehow, I knew it was important."

Leaving Crolas, the city of his birth and early struggles, had been a leap into the unknown. "I was scared," he admitted softly, "but I was also determined. I couldn't stay there forever, just scraping by."

The journey to Inca, the apprenticeship with Harlan, and the valuable lessons learned in the smithy flashed through his mind. "Harlan was tough, but fair," he reflected. "He gave me skills that have kept me alive."

Then came the grueling months in the mines of Lumeria, the discovery of his magical abilities, and the relentless pursuit of knowledge and power. "Magic... who would have thought?" he chuckled quietly. "From a street rat to a mage, of sorts."

Archaes's thoughts wandered to his travels, the cities he'd seen, the people he'd met, and the treasures he'd discovered. "Each place, each encounter, has shaped me," he thought. "And this ring has been with me through it all."

The ring, once a mere curiosity, had become a symbol of his journey. "It's a reminder," he said, tracing its intricate patterns. "A reminder of where I came from and how far I've come."

As he closed his eyes, exhaustion finally taking over, Archaes felt a deep sense of gratitude and purpose. "There's still so much to see, so much to learn," he whispered to the night. "But I know I'll find my way. I always have."

With that thought, he drifted into a peaceful sleep, the ring warm against his skin, a silent promise of the adventures yet to come.

The next day, Archaes set out on the road again, Corax flying overhead. The morning sun cast a warm glow on the path ahead, and the air was fresh with the scent of dew-kissed grass. As he walked, Archaes's mind wandered to the myriad items he had collected during his travels. Suddenly, he remembered the intricate key and the parchment with a mysterious pattern that he had found in the old man's bag back in Lumeria.

"How could I forget about those?" he thought, patting the side of his bag.

He stopped by a stream, deciding it was the perfect spot to examine the items. Sitting on a smooth rock, he carefully pulled out the key first. It was a small, intricately designed piece, its metalwork delicate and complex. He turned it over in his hands, noting the fine craftsmanship.

"What could you unlock?" he wondered aloud. "And where?"

Next, he unfolded the parchment. The mysterious pattern on it seemed to pulse with an unseen energy. Lines and symbols crisscrossed the page in an elaborate design that was both mesmerizing and perplexing.

"I've looked at this before, but never really tried to understand it," Archaes muttered. "Maybe there's a connection between the key and this pattern."

He spread the parchment out on the ground and placed the key beside it. The symbols on the parchment seemed to shift slightly, as if responding to the presence of the key.

"This has to mean something," Archaes mused. "But what?"

He studied the pattern closely, his mind working to decipher the symbols. "There has to be a clue here," he thought. "Something I'm missing."

Hours passed as he sat by the stream, lost in thought and investigation. Corax cawed occasionally, as if offering moral support. Eventually, Archaes noticed that one of the symbols on the parchment resembled the head of the key.

"Could it be a map or instructions?" he speculated.

He traced the lines on the parchment with his finger, trying to see if they led somewhere specific. The symbols seemed to form a path, leading to a central point.

"Maybe it's a map to a hidden location," he said, excitement building in his voice.

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the ground, Archaes carefully folded the parchment and tucked it back into his bag, alongside the key.

"Looks like we have a new mystery to solve, Corax," he said, standing up and brushing the dirt from his clothes. "Let's find out where this key and map lead us."

With renewed determination, Archaes set off down the road, his mind buzzing with possibilities.