
Artifact creator

Archaes is a young boy of 9 year's old,who is nothing but a street rat that eats after others leftovers. But fate always comes with changes and surprises,so did his fate. The story of a how a mere street rat became the one of the greatest figures in history.

ShreShan · Fantasy
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36 Chs

Ch16:An ominous liquid.

Archaes returned to the inn, his mind still buzzing with the events of the auction. The next morning, he set out with a determined stride, ready to make the most of his newfound wealth.

First, he visited a local merchant and purchased a larger bag, sturdy and capable of carrying his growing assortment of tools and treasures. He then acquired a pair of tongs, a leather apron, and gloves to protect himself during his work. A sturdy pickaxe and a few iron ingots were next on his list, essential for his continued smithing and experimentation. Finally, he treated himself to a hearty meal at a bustling tavern, savoring the rich flavors and the sense of accomplishment.

By the time he was done, he had spent one silver coin, a small fraction of his new fortune, but enough to significantly upgrade his equipment and morale. Feeling well-prepared, he returned to the inn to gather Corax and his belongings.

"Ready to leave this place, Corax?" Archaes asked, looking at the crow perched on the windowsill.

Corax cawed in response, as if agreeing wholeheartedly.

With everything packed, Archaes slung his new bag over his shoulder, and they departed from Syphilis. The bustling market city had served him well, but it was time to move on to new adventures.

As they walked along the road, Archaes felt a mix of excitement and anticipation. The open road stretched out before them, full of possibilities. He was better equipped and more experienced than ever before, and he couldn't wait to see where their journey would take them next.

"Let's see what the world has in store for us, Corax," Archaes said, his voice filled with determination. "I have a feeling our best adventures are still ahead."

Corax flapped his wings and cawed again, echoing Archaes' sentiment. Together, they ventured into the unknown, ready to face whatever challenges and discoveries awaited them.

Archaes was traveling again, the open road a familiar companion. This time, however, he delved deeper into the mysteries of his abilities, pushing the boundaries of what he could achieve with mana. Every evening by the campfire, with Corax watching curiously from a nearby branch, he experimented with infusion.

"I think I've figured out something new, Corax," Archaes said one night, excitement dancing in his eyes. "Watch this."

Holding his whip, he channeled mana into it, feeling the familiar rush of energy. But instead of merely reinforcing it, he concentrated on movement. Slowly, the whip rose from his hand, slithering through the air like a serpent. With a flick of his fingers, it snapped and coiled, moving with a will of its own.

"See that? I can move it without swinging," he explained to Corax, who cawed in what Archaes liked to think was approval. "And it's not just the whip. I can do it with other things too."

The next day, as he traveled, Archaes found an abandoned cart by the roadside. Experimenting, he infused the wheels with his mana and then willed them to turn. To his delight, the cart started moving, the wheels spinning as if driven by an invisible force.

"This could be really useful," he mused, making a mental note of the possibilities. "Imagine moving a whole cartload of goods without a horse. Or..."

His thoughts were interrupted by Corax's insistent cawing. Archaes laughed, realizing he was getting ahead of himself. "Right, let's focus on what we can do now."

Over the next few days, Archaes continued to refine his abilities. He discovered another application for the mana-infused water. By using flash fire, he could heat metal to the desired temperature, and then use the water to quench it, controlling the process with precision.

It wasn't easy, though. "The trick is in the dosage," he muttered, carefully pouring a few drops of the mana-infused water onto a heated piece of iron. Too much, and the metal would crack. Too little, and it wouldn't harden properly. But with practice, he began to perfect the process.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Archaes sat by his campfire, a newly forged dagger cooling beside him. "I think I've got it, Corax," he said, his voice tinged with satisfaction. "This is going to make our travels a lot more interesting."

Corax fluttered down from his perch, landing on Archaes' shoulder. The young boy smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment and excitement for what lay ahead.

"Let's see what else we can discover," Archaes said, his eyes gleaming with determination. "The world's full of mysteries, and we're just getting started."

With renewed vigor, they continued their journey, the road ahead promising more challenges, more discoveries, and countless adventures.

Archaes was traveling, the dusty road stretching out before him as he continued to experiment with his abilities and the mysterious book he had found in the ruins. This time, he decided to try something new, something that involved using the mana-infused water alongside some common plants he had gathered along the way.

Setting up his small alchemical station with the apothecary briefcase, he carefully followed the intricate diagrams in the book. He ground the plants into a fine paste, mixed them with the water, and heated the mixture gently using his flash fire ability. The process required precision and patience, but after some trial and error, he finally managed to create the concoction.

He held up a small vial of ominous-looking green liquid, its surface shimmering with an eerie glow. "Well, Corax, this looks interesting," he said, turning the vial in his hand. The crow cawed, tilting its head as if in curiosity.

Not wanting to take the risk of testing it on himself, Archaes decided to pour some of the liquid on the grass nearby. He crouched down, uncorked the vial, and carefully dribbled a few drops onto a patch of grass.

Instantly, the grass reacted. The blades seemed to writhe and twist, growing rapidly and taking on a darker, almost sickly hue. Within moments, the once vibrant green patch had transformed into a tangled mass of dark, twisted vegetation.

"That's... unexpected," Archaes muttered, stepping back to observe the transformation. Corax fluttered down to his shoulder, watching the scene with beady eyes.

Archaes scratched his head, pondering the possible uses and dangers of this new concoction. "I wonder if it has any practical applications," he said aloud, thinking through the possibilities. "Or if it's just a dangerous experiment gone wrong."

He made a mental note to study the reaction more closely and to see if there were any references in the book about this particular mixture. For now, though, he was content to have discovered something new, even if it was a bit unsettling.

As he packed up his alchemical tools and continued down the road, Archaes couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and caution. The world was full of mysteries, and he was determined to uncover as many of them as he could. With Corax by his side and his growing arsenal of magical abilities, he felt ready for whatever lay ahead.