
Arthur Liones in Highschool Dxd!

Arthur Liones. A college student who dies at the age of 18 is reincarnated into DxD as the inheritor of the shadow monarch system among other things! Follow him on his journey through the world of DxD. (Kinda on hiatus right now as I’ve started college again, I’ll probs update at some point soon, I’ve started a chap and have ideas, just have no time. Sorry my duds) OP MC (Skip first three chapters if you want to, its baso an intro, nothing necessary, but you might enjoy it) A/N: Hear me folks! Hear me. If you find the mc cringe and write a review based on that. Im sorry but your review is getting yoinked, I've kept a couple from when i first started the story because there wasn't really a warning, but there has been one for a while, and if your going to leave a review, at least read until chap 15. Thanks Please read the authors notes, I explain the things I do in my stories! The MC is going to be a little edgy when fighting others who would see him or his loved ones harmed. i like them that way :) (I don't own Highschool DxD, all rights go to Ichiei Ishibumi. I only own my OC's and some other ideas) Will most likely be a harem (up to you guys really but I like em personally) Lemons might included if you’d want them. (Never written them before) Mc will be cringe so don’t read if you don’t like that. First 10 chapters will be a cringe fest Schedule is set on my profile, though it could alter some days based on my motivation, ideas etc. Friendly comments always help! :) I’m just doing this for fun, and have a lot of free time due to being on summer holiday getting ready for my third year at college! Book will follow what people want and based off the suggestions I get! I will try to follow good spelling and grammar, feel free to point any mistakes out, this is my first time writing. I appreciate all reviews I might receive. (Unless your below 5 IQ that is)

lazybod · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
47 Chs

Kono powa!

Arthur POV

"Rias Gremory has surrendered. Riser Phenex is the winner." Grayfia stated after hearing Rias's resignation.

'Right, well that happened. Riser actually trained. That's....Nice. Looks like I'm going to have to get involved after all.' I thought while watching Riser get teleported out.

I looked over to the Phenex couple to witness them looking at the screen with a smug smile. 'Ah feels bad man.' I thought to myself, knowing that their smile wouldn't be there for long.

Moving my gaze over to the Gremory couple. Zeoticus looked happy as he watched the screen, however noticing me gazing at him, he made eye contact and flinched before looking to the floor. Venelana however was just staring at me with an impassive face causing my eyebrow to raise in confusion.

And surprise, surprise, the most reactive person in the room was Sirzechs, who was currently releasing some sort of miasma as he glared at the screen with clenched teeth. However his eyes flashed over to me.

I turned around to leave through the door and teleport to the infirmary where Rias and her peerage currently were, however I stopped as I heard someone address me quietly "Make sure you do as you said you would"


I turned around once again to see Sirzechs still staring at me. "Excuse you?" I asked, though I was certainly not as quiet. Sirzech's eyes roamed to the other people in the room as they each looked to me, confused at my sudden question.

"Do not presume to order me you fuck. I will do what I want, when I fucking want to hm? How does that sound?" I stated, ignoring the confused looks and outrage on the others faces.

Sirzechs nodded before teleporting away. 'Fucking cock biter' I thought as I watched him leave.

"Excuse me, can you pleas-"Lady Phenex started, though I didnt stay long enough to hear the rest.

I teleported to the infirmary, directly next to Rias. At my sudden appearance, she jumped in surprise. I found her next to the bed of Akeno, who seemed to be sporting a couple injuries such as burns and cuts.

[New skill:

Instant healing- The user can heal any minor or major injury. Can also reattach limbs if not destroyed.]

I cast [instant healing] on Akeno and watched as her burns and cuts faded away with a green light. Seeing Rias look from Akeno to me, I smiled in reassurance. "She'll be fine. I've healed her injuries" I said to Rias, earning myself a grateful smile.

Though she looked down to the floor, sadness overwhelming her features. "We lost" She said, downtrodden. "I know. You did your best though, that's what matters. From what I saw, he must have trained quite a lot over the 10 days to get as much power as he currently has. Though if you think about it, this was good for you." I said, causing her to look up in confusion. "You got some experience in rating games and hopefully renewed motivation to train even harder than you were. And we both know for a fact that you aren't going to have to marry him." I said to her with a small smile. She nodded her head and looked me in the eyes.

"Yeah. Thank you for being here with me." Rias said meekly. I laughed and ruffled her hair. "Hehhh, see. Nothing to be so down about! I'll get your friends healed and on their merry way. You'll no doubt be having a pre engagement party, and while you're there, I'll come and beat his ass for thinking he even had a chance of marrying you." I stated with a smile.

Rias chuckled and nodded her head, he cheeks colored red. "Right, I'll go heal the others and head home. Message me when your engagement party is and I'll come have some fun with the blond prick" She nodded at me once again and I turned to the door intent on finding the other members of her peerage.


It was a couple days later when I received a message from Rias stating that her pre-engagement party would be that night. I dressed myself in a a black tailcoat suit while Nabe was in her normal maid uniform next to me, her intent to simply act as my personal maid throughout the night in case I needed something.

I teleported myself and Nabe straight into the engagement hall next to the doors, drawing the attention of those near. I took notice of all of the people in the hall. Only a few of the auras I sensed were recognizable to me. Those being, Rias's peerage, Sona's peerage and Risers peerage, I could sense Sirzechs and Grayfia around but not currently in the hall.

I took notice of the fact that quite a few of the women in the hall were staring at me with lust in their eyes and some of the men were taking in Nabe's form, which I certainly didnt appreciate. It'd be a shame for them to suddenly lose their sight.

"ARGHHH" One of the men who was ogling too much screamed. 'Oh no! Why is there a fork in his eye! He still has one eye left at least'. "AURGHH-W-W-WHYYYY" he screamed once more. 'How unfortunate, another fork pierced his other eye. He's blind now!'

I looked to Nabe with a smirk, though she looked at me as if I was a child. 'Why must you look at me like this' I pouted and she shook her head. "That was not necessary Arthur-sama." she scolded me. I scoffed at that. "A man staring at you with such lecherous eyes deserves much worse my dear." I said a little louder than necessary.

"Y-YOU! YOU DID THIS ON PURPOSE! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?!" The blind man shouted, looking in the wrong direction. "Im over here" I shouted out to him. He turned around but was still in the wrong direction. "No, a little left. Hm a little to the right. Yep, there you go" I said directing him as he tried to find my voice.

"I am Veru Shax! Heir to the Shax family!" He said pointing in what he assumed was the right direction. "I didnt ask" I pointed out to him. "Y-You!-" He started, but suddenly disappeared. "Oh wow, would ya look at that. I wonder where he went" I said with disinterest. 'Lets hope he enjoys the nothingness if he isn't already dead'


A screech from some type of bird permeated around the room. 'Well Risers here'

He was wearing some weird white and red cloak that revealed the top portion of his chest.

"Renowned noblemen of the underworld! On behalf of the house of Phenex, allow me to thank you for coming. The reason I have asked you here today, is that I, Riser Phenex would like to share with you this historic moment, as I am engaged to Rias Gremory, the next head of the distinguished house of Gremory. Now then, allow me to present to you...My queen. Rias Gremory!"

After her name was announced at the end, a magic circle appeared before the hall and out came Rias in a lovely white wedding dress.

"OH WOWW! RIAS YOU LOOK GREAT!" I shouted out across the hall.


Everyone in the hall turned on their feet to look at me.

"Human! What are you doing here?! You were not invited! Guards!" Riser shouted to me as he noticed my presence.

The guards rushed over to my position, but as soon as they came within my personal space, they dropped to the floor.


"What just happened!?"

"How dare this human come here and sully such a grand occasion!"

Shouts of angry devils erupted around the room, however a voice cut them off. "That's enough, he is here because I asked him to be-" "No I'm not" Sirzechs cleared his throat. "Ah. I was excited for the rating game between Gremory and Phenex and yet...I was underwhelmed. After all The Gremory side had less than half the amount the Phenex side has. So our guest here was invited to put on a show. A human vs the great phoenix. What do you say Riser?" Sirzechs asked the young man.

'Smart. If he turns down a fight against a human, the reputation of the Phenex house will be tarnished. Though im not even human anymore. He's practically forced to accept." I thought as I listened to Sirzech's words.

Anyone could see that Riser was irritated at the thought of fighting me, but alas he couldn't turn it down. "I accept Sirzechs-sama" the Lucifer nodded before looking to me. "Human, do you accept?"

"What do I get if I win?" I asked him. "You can choose anything and it shall be granted. Whether it is women, power or money. It is your choice." Sirzechs confirmed. 'Ez dub'

"Very well I accept. And in return for my services. I want Rias Gremory's engagement to be cancelled and all future ones." I said clearly.

"S-Sirzechs-sama, he's only human, you cant allow this!"

"N-No way!"

"Very well then. I accept. You shall be teleported to another dimension, here you shall carry out this fight." Sirzechs said. In the next second, both me and Riser were sent to a different dimension within a square arena.

(Viewers POV)

Without sparing any time, Riser rushed forward with flames covering his fist, most likely wanting to end the fight in the first five seconds. Though as most noticed, the human stood still.

"Hah, he's too scared to even move"

"Shitty human!"

"Go Riser-sama!"

Riser appeared in front of the human with his fist reared back.

The human lifted his hand, his thumb and middle finger together in the direction of Riser.


The human clicked his finger.


Riser was obliterated.

Hey guys, gals and other pals!

Here is another chapter!

Hope yall like it!

Bing chilling!

Byeeee <3

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

lazybodcreators' thoughts