
Arthemis ; The god of Ellenora.

The god of love, his name is Arthemis. Reincarnated as a human for thousands of years in order to get a soul that took his heart in an accident. That soul was lost ten years ago and was inside Ellenora, a cold girl with no love. Will the God of love be able to get his soul in Ellenora? Check it out on Web Novels!

Avengelisha24 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Life like Flowers

Not all the kindness we receive can be translated as love or sincerity. Sometimes, it comes because it has its purpose.

Like flowers, it is indeed beautiful. However, it has different meanings.


"Hello, sir. Can I help you?" greeted Ellen a second time when she saw that her guest was daydreaming.

"Hello." Again Ellen said hello and just then and there, Arthemis came to his senses from his reverie.

"He is. Good morning." Arthemis replied in a tone of voice that sounded heavy.

"What flowers do you want to buy, sir?" asked Ellen, jacking up and looking at the man who was taller than her. About 8 centimeters tall Arthemis is more than Ellen.

"Yellow carnation, Marie gold, black rose, Zennia, Gladiolus, Serunai, and White chrysanthemum," Arthemis said. With one breath Arthemis finished his words quickly.

Hearing Arthemis' words so quickly made Ellen only able to swallow hard with force because he hadn't had time to memorize and even recorded the one-on-one flower names mentioned by Arthemis quickly just now.

"Excuse me, sir, can it be repeated? I haven't had time to record it yet." Ellen said and Arthemis nodded his head indicating that he agreed.

"In that case, this time Mr. can slowly say the name of the flower. Let me record the one-on-one order, sir." Ellen said again.

"All right," Arthemis said and Ellen retorted with a knotty smile.

After that, Arthemis began to mention the one-on-one flowers he wanted to order. Each of those flowers was recorded by Ellen in a transaction book until it was completed.

"This is it, sir?" Ellen again asked to reassure Arthemis that there were no flowers he would order any more.

"He is." Arthemis softly in a flat tone. But it is undeniable that he still steals glances at seeing Ellen.

"Alright sir, please wait a while sitting in the lounge or want to look around the beautiful flowers while I prepare your order, sir," Ellen said before she left and Arthemis seemed to agree with Ellen's remarks.

After that Ellen passed away from the presence of Arthemis. While walking, Ellen went back to reading the flowers of a different kind ordered by Arthemis. Suddenly he fell silent instantly when he realized that every meaning of the flowers he had written was almost the same.

Grief, departure, death, and separation.

It was the meaning of the flowers that Arthemis ordered. Without saying much or asking, Ellen painstakingly arranged the flowers that Arthemis ordered.

When she finished assembling and then given the fragrance, Ellen took two fresh dandelion stalks and then inserted them in the middle of the flowers.

"Excuse me sir..., the flowers are ready." Ellen handed Arthemis a bouquet as he stared at the man's clothes.

"It seems that he wants to go to the funeral." Ellen thought when she saw the color of the clothes worn by Arthemis. It was all black and there wasn't even a single bright color on his clothes.

"How much is this, miss?" asked Arthemis in a very gentle tone of voice. Unlike his tone when he first greeted Ellen.

"Any membership cards?" asked Ellen before receiving the ATM card from Arthemis.

Hearing Ellen's words, Arthemis shook his head lightly. "No, I don't have it."

"May I make one membership card of my flower shop for you, sir?" Ellen and Arthemis agreed.

"Please," Arthemis replied.

After that Ellen immediately went to the counter and sat down in front of the computer. She began to be busy listing guests who wanted to become members of her flower shop.


Ellen felt happy. With the increase in membership in her flower shop, she is increasingly gaining a lot of trust from her customers so that her store can also compete in the online market which is certainly wider.

Nevertheless, Ellen's flower shop, which he named Leon Blossom, is very famous and has produced a lot of rupiah coffers for Ellen. Although not much, it is very sufficient for every need.

After finishing the data, Ellen asked for Arthemis' identity card but Arthemis was reluctant to give it. Because the answer is definitely that Arthemis does not have such a card. Plus, he's not from this world.

"I'm sorry I can't give it to a stranger," Arthemis said. Hearing Arthemis' words, the look on Ellen's face changed instantly. The girl showed a sad look on her face. Although there was no bond, Ellen inexplicably felt sad. It's just sad.

"In that case, let me tell you my name," Arthemis said when he saw Ellen put on a sad face.

"May." Ellen smiled faintly and then immediately looked back at the computer screen.

"First name?" asked Ellen without waiting any more.

"Ehmm...," Arthemis trailed off. He was still thinking for a while, looking for a proper name to tell. He can't tell his real name, Arthemis. Perhaps, Ellen considered him a freak.

"Alex," Arthemis replied firmly after a few minutes of spending time thinking.

"Alexius. That's my last name." Arthemis replied again as he addressed Ellen with a faint smile.

Seeing Ellen nodding while returning his smile made Arthemis feel a little guilty for lying to Ellen but couldn't help it. If he said such an honest thing, it would make Ellen feel even more lied to.

Human beings are indeed complicated!

"Here, sir. Thank you." Ellen said as she gave Artemis a new member card. After receiving the member card from Ellen, Arthemis immediately passed away. Without any thanksgiving or just returning Ellen's smile.


Ellen exhaled a long breath after watching the customer's car, which had the name, Alex, leave.

To be honest, Ellen only breathed a sigh of relief afterward because, from earlier, Ellen was awkward and nervous just serving her customers.

The blush on Ellen's smooth white cheeks appeared. At the same time, her heart was pounding in disbelief because it was the handsome and perfect man who made her feel like she was in the seventh sky.

While she was rubbing her chest lightly, Wulan—the best friend hiding behind, immediately came out to Ellen. The bad girl startled her best friend.

"Woy!!!" Wulan exclaimed making Ellen stifle in shock.

"Ouch..., Wulan." Ellen sighed as she rubbed her arm that Wulan had hit.

"How come to those smiles? See what the hell? The person has already gone that." Wulan said with a smile.

"Who's smiling?" Ellen turned to ask. The girl was lying to hide her taste.

"You are. See! Just cheeks until they blush red." Wulan said with a big smile.

"What the hell, you know. It's not clear!" Ellen's said as she stepped into her flower shop.

"It must be a heart pounding again, right," Wulan shouted to **** Ellen.

"Watch out for a crush!" added Wulan and Ellen who heard this could only shake her head softly.

A few minutes after Ellen walked in, Wulan also went inside. The girl brought the daisy flowers she had brought just now from the garden.

"Yes, El the flowers you told me to take." Wulan thrust the flowers to Ellen. But Ellen hadn't had time to grab the flower basket, Wulan had already pulled it back.

"Remember our promise just now?" Wulan asked about the appointment on the date just now.

"Dating right? So really!" Ellen said as she pulled the flower basket from her best friend's hand and started stalking the roots of the flowers that were still attached.

"Ohya El.., this is where we date later," Wulan said as she took out a box-shaped and small piece of paper to Ellen. The paper contained the address and name of the place where they left later in the evening.

"What's that?" Ellen said without looking at the piece of paper that will be handed him. The utu girl is just cool with her daisy flowers.

"Address." Ketus Wulan. The girl was exasperated that Ellen ignored her.

"Where is the place?" Ellen asked her best friend.

"The Sky Resto and Cafe," Wulan replied concisely.

Hearing the familiar place name in her ear made Ellen ask again.

"Where was it just now?" Ellen took out the scissors from her arms and grabbed a piece of paper from Wulan's hand.

"How come here, anyway?" Ellen complained as she looked at her best friend.

While Wulan, who was being stared at by Ellen, could only give her shoulders a little, resigned.

"So what about that place, El?" Wulan curiously asked Ellen when she saw that her best friend looked nervous.

"No, it's okay." Tukas Ellen lied to Wulan. Even though the place they will visit later tonight as their first date is the first place where Ellen finds Arthemis in the form of a human, not a god.