
Art of I Don’t Care

Living a life where people talked to you and you didn’t care? Asked you stupid questions and wish you can say I don’t care? Even if the world is ending? Well have no fear! I don’t care!

Daoist_Ornelas · Movies
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11 Chs

Reaching the destination

Having Eddy drive while I was sitting in the passenger with a handgun, was pretty awkward. And even since we have no more bodyguards to protect us we really can't trust no one, since someone tried to kill me, but having Joe back safe and sound was as good for now, until we got to our destination,

"All right well here is the White House, what do we do now?"

"We enter of course Eddy, this is their car so they want it back-"

"Come in, kids can you hear me?" A voice popped out from the speaker of the car

"Uh y-yes sir?" Maria was freaked out

"Listen to me to make sure no one else is following you around, I need you to drive a full circle and back here, we will monitor the events and let you know if it's clear.." we'll we needed to follow orders I waved Eddy to go ahead and go.

We we did a full circle around the blocks we finally came back around, and we were ordered to enter the back way and have them check us,

"Okay guys go ahead and step out and we are going to check the car to see if anyone has come along, so all of these are your friend Mr. Thomas?" I looked back around, let's see Elizabeth, Maria, Eddy, Joe Ethan. I think that's right, I nodded and they went ahead and let us in,

"Wait Thomas, come her for a second, the rest of you go," I felt like I was in a movie

"I know you still have the hand gun, for safe purposes let me conceal it while you talk to him, I do not want to frighten him or lose my job," knowing jobs are needy nowadays I went ahead and listened. Because I really don't care.

As I entered inside of the White House I was fairly amused of all the rooms, all the columns and how clean it was, but knowing this it means business with the president.

"Right this way Thomas, your friends and already in waiting, and don't worry we will protect you guys for now on until then, now I can feel safe.

"Thomas!! Finally it is nice to meet you, now I know your not a talker but I want to thank you for saving our country! Those aliens wanted something but they abducted you and you just told them to go away! That is courage right there!" He than turned around and went behind the desk to grab something I look to my left to see my friends standing there, like I'm getting a Nobel piece price, but all I said was,

"I Don't Care!" He yelled that out

"That's what it says on this medal, for what you told those aliens and they left, quite the words but it worked I will be honest, so I will present you a medal," do they tell him what we went through or that would be too much

"Once again Thomas thank you that is all I wanted, to give you my thanks, but your friends I know you guys came down a long way so let us have lunch!" I know everyone was starving and are really tired, so it would be nice.

We headed into a big hall with many tables one that was long enough for everyone and the president to sit down,

"Do not worry these are the finest chefs and they will be cooking for us, so all this is on me please sit and wait for the enjoyment that is to come." He than walked off out of our view

"Hey Thomas do you think this is weird?" Of course Maria has many questions to ask, and so do I and so I nodded

"Well Maria it's the president he has to act this way for us to be calm-"

"But that's the thing Eddy he doesn't know what happened to Thomas earlier today, I wouldn't be calm if I knew something happened, this is a little to weird, and I thought he was gonna ask questions we didn't agree to no meal," now everyone around her started wondering as well, the guards were normal but that spirit did say one of them will come the one that does care...

"Okay guys I'm back I just had to wash my hands I've been writing to many papers today regarding the next election, stressful week, but the chefs told me only 5 more minutes until the feast, because I care for this country." He wouldn't say that out of the blue, and the bodyguards would be in here with him, something is definitely off

"Oh Thomas if you may come I want to show you a poster we have made of you for saving our planet, it's in a artist room so if you don't mind," why only me but I looked at my friends and there heads are down so I understand I have to do this on my own, so I stood up and walked towards the door and he closed it behind me,

"Follow me," we were walking down a long hallway and finally hit a room down the hall, it was a bit different

"Don't mind the mess he loves to use red, but the poster should be around here somewhere. Hmmm wait here while I look for the artist," he took off outside the door, again no bodyguards, I knew something was up so I seen splatter of paint of what looks like the color red. But I looked closer and I seen a hand covered in blood. Now I know this isn't the president it's-

"You guessed right Thomas, THE ONE WHO CARES!!!" It was the president. But the devil spirit possessed him, well shit I gotta deal with this again,

"What I have here Thomas is a piece of paper, but not just a normal piece of paper. It's something that you need to sign in order for you to finally give this power up and you'll be gone for good," he was holding a paper with one hand and a knife with another

"Our dear lord wants you to sign this so he can possess this power for himself, and rule this world, so how about it, and you go free but under our rule.." I know I didn't want that but saying I don't care won't fix this, I'm going to need help to get out of here, but I know I really can't do anything, but if I end this now my friends and I can go home and be done with this, but at what cost?

"Cmon Thomas you better do this for your sake, and your friends and your mother, our other puppets failed, but I know this won't this time, I care too much for our lord to lose this, and to battle against someone who doesn't care is the battle of all ages. So you sign with your blood, or I will.." he got a little closer but I don't know what to do in this situation. I have plot armor but I don't know what the author has in mind, cmon dammit.

"Thomas cmon we aren't gonna wait like what you did with the others, it's here and now." He got a step closer, so I asked

"Who asked?" He stepped back like I stabbed him,

"Ughhhhh dammit, YOU WORDS WILL NOT WORK!!!! AHHHH SAVE ME THOMAS!!!" I know the president is still there but the words are powerful but he cares to much for him to let go, so I can't say that and expect it to be fine again

"You and your friends, that Joe boy wasn't supposed to come it was only going to be you and the oth-"

"Who's Joe?" Got him

"AHHHHHHH WHY!??!??!!" He fell on to his knees and dropped the knife and paper, so to make things better I went up to him and kneeled down,

"Thomas you don't understand your power, you have created multiverses around this story, more and more will come for you, we only care to stop this," at this point he was desperate to pull his hair out, but I went into his ear and I ended it all...


For once I felt actual power


Is this it?


"AHHHHHH! DAMN YOU THOMAS!!!!!" And I saw the spirit flying up in the air,

"You will pay for this, no more of us trying, fine you can fight what's to come on your own, see you in hell.." and it took off and dispersed.

"Thomas..." the president I kneeled down with my hand on him

"Thank you... again, you got that thing out of me in a hurry. Let me call my men and we will head to the dinner.." I helped him up and he walked off to do what he needed and I waited in the dinner room, and all the others asked,

"What happened? What took so long Thomas?" The only thing I could do was shrug my shoulders, and have him tell the story, so I sat back down and waited for him to come

10 minutes later

Two bodyguards came in first then the president,

"Hey guys, I just want you guys to know that was actually me, and Thomas saved me," he put his hand on his head feeling down, then everyone looked at me

"Thomas you saved him? Don't tel me it was the same spirit that got Ethan?" I shook my head

"I Don't Care" and they know which one it was,

"For some odd reason it wanted me to sign this paper for Thomas. I couldn't help myself, but thank you Thomas for freeing me from it, I owe you greatly, now back to business, I have heard of what happened to the other bodyguards protecting you, I am greatly sorry for this to happen, but I wanted to thank Thomas peacefully but I guess that couldn't happen, so let's have our dinner and talks, and we will be in our way," now I felt comfortable that this was the real president, and the chefs came out with the food. Time to dig in.

30 minutes later

"Wow this was really good! Thank you Mr President!"

"No worries friends of Thomas are friends of mine, and also you live in this country, it's my duty to help the people, now show you guys leave back, Thomas received the medal I wanted to give without that thing in me, but oh well, to make a safe trip back, You guys will have have a helicopter above, and two more SUVs behind you guys for safe keeping, I have set this up accordingly, please continue on and follow you dreams!" Now he was in a good mood, I guess it was time for us to finally go back, huh this wasn't a war after all.

8 hours later

"Ahhhh finally no more bull shit, I'm sure Thomas got rid of that last one that was following us, so is it all good now?"

"Well Maria I would still keep our guard up, this happened randomly and for it to end like this is fishy. So everyone please be okay in school, okay Thomas and Eddy. Let's go," I hopped into his truck, and Maria and Elizabeth went Into their car, and it was back to our normal lives, for now....