
Art of I Don’t Care

Living a life where people talked to you and you didn’t care? Asked you stupid questions and wish you can say I don’t care? Even if the world is ending? Well have no fear! I don’t care!

Daoist_Ornelas · Movies
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11 Chs

Forces are helped

Knowing I was in pain last night, I couldn't bare to move, and knowing I have to go to school again, I attempted to get up, until I looked at my phone,

^Hey it's Maria, don't know if you saved my contact or not, I seen the guy that talked to you last night, he gave me some weird plans. But at this rate we need any help, meet me at the park in Flores drive, and we'll meet with him there^

Thinking, fuck I gotta do more work, but my mom busted in,

"Are you finally up? Cmon your going to be late, even tho it's not your fault for it, but at least call me when this happens!" And she took off with anger, not the first time I pissed her off. But, eh I don't care.


Of course school was a normal day. Instead of my two friends being Joe and Luke it's now Eddy and Ethan, what a turn for the worse damn, but before I left school,

"Hey Thomas. Ethan told me what's going on, I want to tag along with you guys maybe help out," and he held his hand out for a hand shake. I held out a fist to fist bump, I appreciate him, but won't forget what he did to me.

"Ok I'll take that as a 'yes but if you fuck up your dead'?" Well he isn't wrong.


Knowing I didn't have a vehicle to drive, and I didn't tell my mom about anything, I had Eddy tell her we have to go somewhere for a group project, just wait till she get my report card. Eddy went ahead and took Ethan and I to the desired park that Maria wish to visit,

"Is this it?"

"Well it's a park Eddy so probably"

"No is this the right street, I don't see Flores-" and I went ahead and point down the road, they seen Maria's car,

"Oh shit, thanks,"

And drove there to find only Maria and Elizabeth, a lot more characters, more dialogue, fun right?

"Hey it's about damn time guys, Eddy? Well Thomas and Ethan did crash yesterday. But does he know the plan?"

"Yes Maria, I told him what's taking place, but I want you to know we have parents too, and if they think something happens to us hell will be let loose-"

"Yes that would be a problem factor. But no worries we will contact them as a 'field trip' of some sorts," the same man that talked to me, but with another man with him, this is serious for once,

"For all of you to know we have been keeping watch on you guys of what happens, for instance, Thomas being abducted by aliens and some how they leave all of us alone, kinda crazy to think, but I'm not here to talk stories. We are the Federal Bureau of Investigation, no we don't look through your phone and out the cameras we can't do that we follow amendments. But we have many cases of witnesses watching you guys. And this isn't no secret. And the reason we are talking to you first is because if any other government officials hear of this power you posses Thomas, then they will search for you, that is why we come her because the president of the United States would like to talk to you, and also give you thanks for the whole you know, saving our planet." There was a slight pause in this,

"So your telling me all this is because Thomas has a power and you guys are going to use him?" Maria butted in,

"No, we will protect him, I assume all of you are his friends, knowing he has no physical strength we can only do that to help him, anything else he has. We also got word that many other beings around us that may come for Thomas, which is why we want to talk to everyone, knowing he can't talk, I need to know if you want this or not Thomas," and he looked at me with a fighting passion, but one thing is for sure, I need to protect my mom at any cost, can't just have random beings show up to my house, and so I nodded,

"And so it's decided, look I'm going to let you know, we aren't going to hurt you in any way, the president wants us to protect you, for what you did is what he favors, until what ever is done chasing you, then we will leave your hair for good," and everyone looked at each other. Knowing this is a bad idea or not, I just don't care, I need something to go farther in life, I know the author needs some story to, so fuck you, I don't care,

"So when are we going?" Eddy asked accordingly,

"We leave when ever Thomas is ready, behind me is a SUV, knowing this who ever possessed a vehicle and brought it will will stay here for the time being and to be announced when we leave for the White House, knowing you are kids, you certainly don't need to be checked, we have background checks anyways. So when ever Thomas, right now, or wait another got damn chapter," no one else heard the last part, just me, but eh fuck it, I don't want to do any school work and I sighed, and walked to the SUV and turned around and waved everyone else to come along, and they all stepped in closed the door and we took off, knowing it'll be a far drive in North Dekota, they gave us I pads do look at anything to keep our time as we headed off to our new chapter.

/ Moments as we left

"They just left. The hell is the FBI doing in this? No matter, we must follow, he is your friend after all right?"

"Who is Joe?"

"Oh come on man. It's the 100th time, let's go, looks like there gonna be trouble, so I guess we have to get our hands dirty, don't worry Jered I'll get Thomas and your queen, I don't know what he looks like but he said I'll know which one.."

/ 1hour later after take off

"Uh so what are you going to tell our parents again?" Maria looked unsure,

"Good question, since most arcs involve kids and they just go without there parents noticing I think we'll do that for more of an effect of this time around," and Maria didn't even understand him, of course me and you did. But wait you don't care,

"So Mr FBI sir, how long will this be?"

"As long as it needs to be, depending on how Thomas feels on this, knowing it's the president, I wouldn't doubt he would accept anything you say, only just Thomas because you know he saved the world, but if you are his speakers we will understand,"

I am confused as everyone is right now too, most government, or private business for you guys out there, they say things that don't make since and we just follow, I feel this should turn for the better, I hope.

"Just know you guys will be safe from here on out. Take a rest if you need too it'll be a long ride.." knowing that I didn't care, I went ahead and closed my eyes but Maria not trusting, she insisted on staying up the entire ride there. Just in case anything happens to us, but for all I know it'll either get serious, or a chunk of info we don't need.

/ 3 hours later

I woke up from my little nap and noticed everyone was asleep, a promise from Maria huh, but I noticed we came to a stop at a gas station, rude of them to not ask us if we want gas, but knowing I needed to piss and I was window seat, I went ahead and gone out inside to go piss.

Upon entering I noticed it was to quiet, but I went ahead and gone straight to the men's restroom, hoping it was clean,

"Woah hey sorry didn't mean to bother you, but you mind waiting because well someone shit on the floor and I gotta clean it up, thank you" and this guy just walked right past me into the restroom, I didn't know what he meant so I waited, a while, not even knowing where the FBI guys are at, I started to worry, they wouldn't leave us like that, something was off I could tell, so I knocked knowing I really needed to piss,


"Uhhh I'm almost done just a minute"

I didn't see no one else when I walked in, and this guy popped out of nowhere, so I tried again,


"Hey I said just a minute sir-"

"I don't care"

And it got quiet out of no where, and I heard shuffles and a bag zipped open so I backed up not knowing what it was,


I fell to the ground astonished what happened, what sounded like a shotgun shot through bathroom door was meant for me, I tried to take off as quickly as I could,

"Thomas..." I stopped to see one of the FBI agents laying down behind the register, bleeding, I kept low,

"Here.." he gave me a gun,

"Defend your friends and take off in the map in the car, I went ahead," *COUGH* - blood came out- " and told back up you taken care of the suspect, and you'll meet them in Washington, go" and before he dropped his hand I held the gun and his hand, knowing he tried his best to protect us, he basically gave me permission to shoot a random guy, but to know he caused this, I couldn't just run, I looked out the window to notice the kids in the car are out, knowing they heard a shot, I have to end this before cops show,

"I know your still in here Thomas, you think you could finally escape us, no, unlike you I know who Cares!!!" and I heard shuffles on the ground, what the hell is he talking about, knowing there are 3 aisles he could come out at anytime,

"We have been following you, to end this once and for all, you took Jared's queen, but we know you have been asking where's Joe, wouldn't like to know?" He grew even louder as he looked for me, shuffling more things to the ground, knocking many things down,


'BOOM' he shot again, I know the kids heard that one but I'm sure they wouldn't come, so I had to decide to guess where he is and take a shot to his head and end this, a random guy like that out of no where?

"Cmon Thomas I killed your pussy bodyguards, I know you have nothing just show yourself right now.." well you know what, this is a good time to test for plot armor, knowing I really didn't care, I slid the hand gun in my back pocket, I popped out in front of him with my hands down,


"You are lucky I ran out, come here and let me tie you up," he actually attempted to shoot with no bullets, I guess plot armor is good huh,

"Now Thomas.." he started to get real aggressive but I agreed and gone ahead while he got the zip ties on the ground, I pulled my shirt of the gun to hide it, and he grabbed both my arms and zipped tied it,

"Now go the restroom and wait for me there while I get rid of these rats, GO!" He didn't have to scream, but I gone ahead and went in what looked like a blasted door, but I saw a duffle bag and another person. With a bag on there head I really didn't care to know who it is so I just sat down in the hallway, not following his orders, gave him about 5 minutes. Knowing this the others should know somethings up. But they didn't bother to come in I don't know which one was safer,

"Hey I told you to get in there," knowing this could be my chance, I didn't bother to move,

"I will forcefully pick you up and put you in there with him," I looked to my left to see the man sitting on the toilet not moving, did he kill him already?

"Alright," and he sped walked to me and when he got behind me,

"Who's Joe?" I whispered,

"What??" He leaned in closer behind my head knowing this, I had the gun pointed upward behind me, knowing it'll get messy,


Blood splattered upward behind me, maybe some on me. But I killed a man I didn't want to look behind me for what I caused,

"What? What? Where am I? Im able to talk??" Wait that voice is so familiar, the man then took off the bag, it was Joe,

"Thomas? What the hell what did you do?? Well you saved me. But you killed him? What the hell-?"

"I don't care, Who asked?" And he sat there in disbelief, I'm a different Thomas than before than he know, but I'm glad he is ok I turned around so he could get some scissors and cut this off of me,

"Ok here you go Thomas, wow it feels better to talk again, I don't know what you did, but thank you, but still he's dead what should we do -"

"Nothing the others will figure it out," it was Maria who finally decided to come in,

"Don't worry Thomas we know what happened we saw it through the window, we know you have plot armor,"

Joe looked very confused but none the less, I took a couple of snacks and took off to the car, everyone was hella worried,

"Thomas you are ok?"-"Joe? What are you doing here?"

"I come to ask the same thing, I really don't know what is going on but a guy named Jeffery came after me after I wouldn't stop saying who's Joe, and Thomas just shot him in the head," everyone went silent, I still didn't care,

"Damn Thomas didn't know you where like that, but I'm fairly honest what happened?" Elizabeth was worried as all,

"I know Thomas doesn't want to talk so I'll tell you guys, lets go," I then put the gun in my back pocket and grabbed a note card and wrote on there what the agent told me, to show the rest so they know this wasn't for nothing, I looked back at the station to only realize, we are on our own, and to stop what is following us will only get harder, so this was a start of something I didn't want, but needed to finish...