
Art of I Don’t Care

Living a life where people talked to you and you didn’t care? Asked you stupid questions and wish you can say I don’t care? Even if the world is ending? Well have no fear! I don’t care!

Daoist_Ornelas · Movies
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11 Chs

Learning there’s more..

During the rest of the day I had many people talk to me, ask about what happened, how I told them to leave, what did I say to them, you know people care for you when you are in the spotlight huh?

So I felt really weird for Eddy to follow around me, and not have him tell me things like I was born just last night, but I gotta hand it to him. He doesn't let down easy,

"Okay Thomas so I know I've been following around you lately and I know that I suddenly changed, but c'mon like at least talk more to me, the government officials told the people on the news that the reason they got you was because you changed no human can do, by just saying 'I don't care' you changed and help a lot of people's lives,"

You know there comes a point in time where you try to understand the meanings of things, like yes I probably saved the earth, but to be honest it was 50/50, if they would've gotten another person, let's say Eddy, he would've learned about me in his past memories and learned what he did, and wonder why I said I don't care to them, being the hero in this story sucks, because you get asked all the questions,

"Like for me, after learning what you did to save us, you do care for us right? I mean what you told them that changed their mind about invading this place, and you saved us Thomas!"

You know I can tell that something was said while I was in that state but nevertheless I just looked at him and walked off, and of course he followed me, knowing he has to take me home, it'll be a slow time.


After getting done with school, I would usually go to my truck, but knowing I was brought here means I gotta wait for that person and also hear more from him, isn't this a ' you meet someone new to the story?' Author???

As I stood outside waiting for Eddy, which felt weird, I felt an unholy presence, it was Tanya, you know from chapter one, where I just told her to you know, do it by herself, or is it the 'forgive you character. Ah now I see Author,

"Hey Thomas, I just want to say thank you for what you did, I'm sorry I told Ethan to do that to you," I wanted to tell her that if she didn't then this book wouldn't be up to here, but who cares right?

"And here I want to give this to you for doing what you did," she handed me a box full of chocolate covered strawberries, like knowing she didn't asked you know if I was allergic beforehand, or anything, so instead of telling her, like everyone else, I nodded my head, and right timing,

"Oh hey Thomas sorry I'm late, I couldn't find my phone in class sorry, what's up Tanya you're apologizing too?" He gave her a happy look, like what they did was bad and that I will feel better, but she looked at him and put her head down,

"Look Thomas I may not show that I'm sorry, but please forgive me, I shouldn't have done that to you, Ethan doesn't know I'm doing this so if he finds out and gets to you, I'm sorry-" and she walked off in a hurry with her head down, I felt like I could've said something to her, but like I said, words or not, you don't care,

"Alright Thomas I'll drop you off, and if he ever thinks about going to you to talk to you, I'll talk to him first, because he doesn't believe what you did up there," of course Ethan would be the only one to know this shit is too bizarre, but hey there's no adventure to this, JoJo? No? Ok sorry.


During the ride of course he talked and talked, but I just sat there I was just happy to be home already, and knowing this my mom was happy,

"Oh Thomas thank goodness you are ok! Did he do ok today Eddy?" Like I'm a little baby that got taken care of, what the hell man,

"Uh yes ma'am everything was fine everyone had questions of what happened and of course he told them and everything was good,"

My mom had a wonderful look on her face, like I found a girlfriend or something,

"Well ok good, because I haven't gotten any calls about him to take him in to talk to him, so I think he is off the hook," and after that she waved him by and I went straight to my room, my walk to my room I wondered what aura am I giving off that they wanted to see, they came here for that and left, but I agreed with them, did I show them I'm too strong mindedly? Because physically I am not.


Up until that night I stayed in my room the entire day, either playing Rainbow Six Siege, or playing on my keyboard, nothing else, until I looked at the time at it was 9, realizing I have been in my room since 5, so needing to piss is not to problem I'll just open the door and go to the left, and oh my fucking god a new character,

"Hello Thomas. You do not know me. But I am here for one reason, and that is to talk to you," this person had their finger pointing at me like any movie that's good, but I ignored it and went straight into the restroom and started to piss. Knowing the shower curtains were shut I look to my left, and this person peaked out, I could see here face, yes a girl character, I love detail so here you go, she has long black lush hair, her eyes are brown, and she almost looks like any normal mexican girl, but different, like why is she in the restroom watching me piss,

"Look Thomas you can't hide from it I have many questions- my goodness what is that thing," and I can tell she was looking at my watch, like c'mon guys. Shortly after I flushed the toilet and turned off the lights and went back into my room and sat on my bed, knowing this lady had not left, I looked at my closet, knowing she would pop out,

"Heh, so you are serperior around your surroundings huh, what exactly did those aliens do to you Thomas? No government official has come over to ask, I'm none of that I have been watching you since they took you that day. Wondering why they would do that to you, a helpless boy, crying for help, nervous about anything, and now calm and collected?"

Well I can tell she thinks like everyone else, like I was scared or crying for help or any of that, of course that's normal, I'm not normal tho, I just stayed silent and let her say what she had to do maybe I could go to sleep,

"Hm so you won't speak won't you, well Thomas I'm gonna have to advise you of what you did cause an uproar, and someone in particular learned something of the same.." I'm sitting on my bed just hoping she could leave so I can sleep, it's all I'm thinking about right now,

"You might not care, but what they did to you is all I care for, what did they do to you,"she pointed at me, and didn't want to talk loud knowing we weren't alone, so I just had to tell her,

"I don't care," she put her finger down slowly, and she got on her knees,

"How do I gain this power god!" I emphasized the exclamation but she didn't really yell, she wanted to be dramatic,

"Nevermind I can't hold this look any more," and she sat down with her head down, me not wondering how she got in my house, and went back and forth like she was teleporting made me felt weird, but like I said I shouldn't waste my breath anymore, so I stood up from my bed and pointed the door, to let her know to leave,

"Okay okay Thomas I am going to be real with you, the reason I came and found out that there is someone else who holds this same power as you. Your aura of some sorts, the reason those things went to you is because you hold a stronger power, I mean hell I don't understand it. But my friend Elizabeth holds something that no one does, just recently she stopped talking and only says a couple words also, you know my friend Tanya right? Well she texted me a couple days back saying this guy told her boyfriend that he doesn't care, and didn't talk after that, and it caused an uproar, the same thing happened to Elizabeth but she said something different.." She slowly got up and went towards me.

"Do you want to know?" She got real close, she has pretty eyes and good hygiene, but I felt creeped out, I mean she did show up out of nowhere. But I wanted to know, but I don't know what school she goes to, her age, this was a missed part of the story author yes? And so I nodded, so she can hurry up and leave,

"She said, Who Asked.." and she stood back, and now I understand that dream I had, a female that said, 'Who Asked' I put my hand to my chin and started thinking. If I'm not the only one who understands this. Are there many others? Because now starting to think if I don't care, there must be someone who does, a polar opposite, one thing is for sure, if she has this power to put people down, another threat will come for her. Meaning I need to see this person to understand what got her like this, author make sure this gets interesting, I feel a Arc coming up...