
Arrow: Rebirth

One moment Oliver Hyde is binge-watching the Arrow tv show with his wife Bobbi. The next moment their living room is engulfed by a blinding white light and he finds himself in the body of Oliver Queen stranded on Lian Yu. The icing on the cake? His memory of future events is fucked. (Cover Picture Is Not Mine....I Yoinked it from Pinterest.) (Fair Warning. There may be some steamy scenes.) (I Don't own any of the Marvel, DC and CW characters and Pictures used in this story and what not yada yada yada)

ItzMenace12 · TV
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Honor Thy Father - Part 2

"I hired you to protect my son. Now, I'm not a professional bodyguard, but it seems to me that the first requirement would be managing to stay next to the man you're hired to protect," Moira scolds as she paces in front of the Diggle in the living room. "With all due respect, ma'am, I never had a client who didn't want my protection," Diggle says standing straight, hands behind his back. "I hired you. That makes me the client. Now, where do you think my son is going on these chaperone-less excursions?" Moira asks standing in front of him. "Ma'am, I truly do not know,"

"And he truly doesn't," Oliver says walking into the living room. "Then perhaps you'd like to share with me, you know, where it is you run off to," Moira says with a stern glare at Oliver. "I've been alone for five years," Oliver says with a strained chuckle. "I know that, Oliver," Moira says softly. "No, you don't," Oliver says harshly and then takes a calming breath, "I've spent five years on that island alone. With zero human interaction and with just my own thoughts keeping me company,"

"It's gonna take me a while, to get used to having people around me. Just give me some time please?" Oliver says with a small smile to Moira. "Okay, I'll try," Moira says with a pitying smile. "Just promise me you will at least try and let Mr. Diggle know where you run off to. I lost you once. I can't go through that again," Moira says looking at him pleadingly. "I'll try," Oliver nods. "Thank you," Moira hugs him and then walks out of the living room.

"Sorry to give you so much grief," Oliver apologizes turning his attention to Diggle. " I served three tours in Afghanistan, Mr. Queen. You don't even come close to my definition of "grief."," Diggle says curtly. "But I tell you what... You ditch me one more time, no one will have to fire me," Diggle warns walking out of the room. "Welp. That went well," Oliver mutters turning to leave and seeing Thea standing by the entrance. "Sup Speedy. Going out tonight?" Oliver asks gesturing to her red dress.

"Uh yeah. I'm going out with some friends," Thea says shifting nervously. "Well, how about you ditch your friends and go out to dinner with me?"Oliver asks. "...Dinner?" Thea asks shocked and confused. "Yeah, I know this amazing burger joint called Big Belly Burger," Oliver nods with a smile. "I think I'm a bit overdressed for a burger joint," Thea looks down at her dress. "You look fine. Come on let's go," Oliver waves off walking past her. "How do you know about this place anyway?" Thea asks following after him. "I found it by accident, the last time I ditched Diggle," Oliver smiles mischievously. Thea laughs shaking her head.


"You're right, these burgers are amazing," Thea says groaning blissfully after taking a bite from her burger. "Told you so," Oliver grins after taking a bite of his own burger. They sit in comfortable silence eating their burgers. Thea finishes her burger and cleans her hands with a paper napkin. She stares at Oliver her eyes searching. "Why are you doing this Ollie?" Thea asks puzzled. "Doing what?" Oliver asks feigning ignorance.

"This..." She says gesturing at the two of them. "You suddenly want to spend time with me. After mostly avoiding Mom, ignoring Walter, and judging me," Thea says frowning at him. "I'm sorry about that..." Oliver apologizes with a slight wince. "It's just... It's hard for me to adjust to all the new changes happening around me" He sighs turning to look out the window. "I avoid Mom and ignore Walter because to be perfectly honest with you I really don't know how to act around them,"

"And... I don't judge you Speedy," He turns and gives her a smile. "I wasn't lying when I said that you were my light Speedy. Every single day on that Island it was thoughts of you that kept me going. And to see how much my death has affected you... I can't but feel like I failed you Speedy," He says guilty and ashamed. "Ollie..." Thea says softly and reaches across the table grabbing onto his hand and lacing their fingers together. "On the Island, I did a lot of reflecting and realized I wasn't a good person...". "Ollie that's not true..." Thea says interrupting him.

"It's true Speedy..." Oliver insists. "No, it's not," Thea shakes her head vehemently. "Sure you were a jerk to other people, but you were still an amazing brother. You were always there when I needed you and you would always take time out of your day to hang out with me," Thea says smiling at him. "Maybe you weren't a good person as you say, but you had a good heart, Ollie. I think the only reason you were acting out is that people kept having these expectations of you," She says with a knowing smile. "Like Mom and Dad trying to make you just like them. Or Laurel wanting to move in together and trying to turn you into a man you're not ready to be," Thea says chuckling at his shocked face.

"When did you get so smart Speedy?" Oliver asks chuckling in disbelief. "Hey! I was always smart," Thea says giving him a playful glare. "Whatever you say munchkin," Oliver laughs reaching over and ruffling her hair. Thea smacks his hand away with a pout, causing Oliver to laugh again.


Walter walks off of the elevator, followed by Moira, Oliver, and Diggle. "As you can see, Oliver, we've modernized quite a bit," Walter says gesturing around the interior of Queen Consolidated. "Wow," Oliver whistles impressed. "I remember when your father used to bring you here when you were a boy. You always were so excited." Walter says glancing at Oliver as they walk down a hall. "Dad let me drink soda in the office," Oliver says smirking. "Ah, so that's why you enjoyed coming," Moira says amused.

"The Queen Consolidated's success of late is a result of its targeted diversification. We have been making impressive inroads in cutting-edge fields like biotech and clean energy," Walter says to Oliver as they stand in his office. "That is impressive stuff indeed," Oliver nods his head looking between Walter and Moira. "Sweetheart, Oliver, Walter, and I have something to discuss with you. Come, please sit," Moira says gesturing for him to take a seat. "Mom, it makes me nervous when you ask me to sit down,"

"The company's about to break ground on a new site for the Applied Sciences division, and we would like to honor your father by dedicating the building in his name," Walter says coming to stand next to Moira. "Nice," Oliver nods looking somewhat confused. "And we'd like to make an announcement at the dedication that you will be taking a leadership position in the company," Moira says smiling at Oliver. "No," Oliver says resolutely. "No, your...Your Company," Moira says astonished.

"No, I don't want to lead anything. Besides, Walter is doing a very good job here," Oliver says smiling amicably at Walter. "You said that you wanted to be a different person. You are Robert Queen's son," Moira says frowning. "I know, but that doesn't mean I have to become some Robert Queen 2.0," Oliver says through grit teeth. "Everyone here understands that this transition is really difficult for you," Walter says placatingly.

"No, you don't," Oliver scowls at Walter. "I don't know if everyone just keeps conveniently forgetting but where on that Island would I have gotten my master's in business administration?" Oliver asks staring at the two. "Look, I'm not qualified for any of this. And you trying to constantly turn me into someone I'm not is draining," Oliver sighs tiredly watching as Moira's eyes soften with guilt and shame. "I'm just trying to be the best version of myself that I can be," Oliver says softly and walks out of the Office with Diggle right behind him.


Oliver breathes a heavy sigh as he settles in the back seat of the town car with Diggle next to him. They sit in uncomfortable silence. "You know, I spent the first 27 years of my life in Starling City and the next five in Afghanistan. You want to know what I learned?" Diggle asks taking a glance at Oliver. "There's no place like home?" Oliver asks drily. "No, just the opposite. Home is a battlefield. Back home, they're all trying to get you. Get you to open up, be somebody you're not sure you are anymore,"

Oliver gives Diggle a glance and turns to look out the window deep in thought. "Or I could be wrong. Maybe after five years alone, you're not as messed up in the head as you have every right to be," Diggle shrug facing forward.


Oliver picks up a rock and places it on a pile he made for his father's makeshift grave. Oliver stares at the makeshift grave for a moment and walks away into the forest. A few hours later the sun has set and Oliver is sitting in front of a fire he made trying to keep himself warm. "Good thing I went on all those camping trips with Jayson," He mutters rubbing his hands together.

His ears perk up and his head snaps to his right hearing the sound of a branch snapping in half. He squints his eyes trying to see in the darkness. He hears another sound of a branch snapping to his left. "Please let it be a rabbit," He says softly picking up his makeshift bow. He notches an arrow listening intently for sounds, staying on alert. After a few minutes of tense silence, he sees a rabbit hopping out of a bush.

"Scared the shit out of me little guy," He says lowering his bow and watching the rabbit hop by into another bush and disappear into the night. He sighs and lies down on the makeshift bed he made from the life raft closing his eyes. The fire crackles providing him with warmth and the soothing sounds of nature lull him to sleep. All the while a pair of eyes under a hood observe him intently in the darkness of the forest surrounding his little campsite.

[Flashback End]

Another Short Chapter... I Was Kind Of Busy With Other Stuff So I Just Wrote This Quickly... I'll Try And Write More Longer Chapters... Anyway Hope You Enjoy...

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