
Arrange Marriage or Love Marriage?

Karuna singhania, she belongs to a typical Indian family where a girl have many restrictions but thanks to her parents they gave her some freedom in life and now she is a successful teacher. But now when she had achieved almost all her career goals her parent's wants her to get married and settled down. ____________________ Read to find out:- With whom Karuna will get married? To her parents choice? Or her own choice? She will have an Arrange Marriage or a Love Marriage? _________________________________________ Join Karuna in her journey of love and marriage which is full of interesting twists. _________________________________________ A reviews by my reader:- Wonderful story. Just come across it and read it in one go and it became one of my favourite stories. _______________________________________ A/N: Hey my lovely readers. If you are a fan of reading romantic drama with some comedy and interesting twists then YOU ARE MOST WELCOME because you are in absolutely right place. I will suggest you to give this book a try and trust me you are going to have fun while reading it just like I had while writing it. Thanks, Prisha Agarwal.

prishaagarwal_95 · Teen
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2 Chs


There is always a different way of looking into things.


Karuna Pov

Hi!! I'm Karuna Singhania. I belong to a typical Indian family where a girl gets married as soon as she reaches her adulthood or the minimum age limit of getting married in India.

But thanks to 'my stars' and 'my lovely parents' I'm 25 and still unmarried.

'Wow! 25 and unmarried it's a very big deal in my family.'

I can guarantee most of my relatives must be suffering from indigestion because they can't digest this sentence.

Hey don't laugh, I'm not kidding, I'm serious. hahahaha.. 🤣

I've always been career oriented girl. In spite of getting pressurised by most of our relatives, my Maa & Paa never stopped me to pursue my education and achieve my career goals.

These good for nothing relatives always try to influence and manipulate my parents mind by saying that a girl shouldn't study a lot, it's not appropriate, etc, etc.

But somehow! I convince them not to get influenced by their irrelevant suggestions.

You all must be wondering how I did that?

Well, my tears are magical. Hehe..!

Maa & Paa can tolerate anything but not my eyes shedding tears.

While using that clever trick of mine, I successfully achieve almost all my career goals.

By profession, I'm an accounts teacher. I always wanted to be a teacher and here I'm.

I've very nice goodwill in the market. Each and every student wanna get taught by me and from all my teachings I earn enough to survive.

According to my relatives, this time including my Maa & Paa, it's high time that I should get married.

As I already said before, I belong to a typical Indian orthodox family where everyone believes in arrange marriage.

Yes, you heard me right. My whole family is strictly against love marriage. That's why I never let any male species come closer to me because I already know the results. 'heart break' 🙄

Yeah, I do have crush on some hot and good-looking men but I always kept my feelings up to myself and never expresse it to anyone.

Nowadays, my entire family is on a search mission called,

"Find the Groom for Karuna." 😥

Let's see! Whom they'll choose as my future husband!? 'Fingers crossed'🤞

If someone ask my opinion, What type of husband I want?

According to me, my man should be; 'loyal', 'caring', 'understanding', 'trust worthy' and the most important one 'he should be very much loving' and 'should treat me as his equal' like my Paa always treats my Maa.


✴️What are the qualities you want to see in your life partner?

✴️Are you excited to be the part of Karuna's life journey?

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