
Arrange Marriage or Love Marriage?

Karuna singhania, she belongs to a typical Indian family where a girl have many restrictions but thanks to her parents they gave her some freedom in life and now she is a successful teacher. But now when she had achieved almost all her career goals her parent's wants her to get married and settled down. ____________________ Read to find out:- With whom Karuna will get married? To her parents choice? Or her own choice? She will have an Arrange Marriage or a Love Marriage? _________________________________________ Join Karuna in her journey of love and marriage which is full of interesting twists. _________________________________________ A reviews by my reader:- Wonderful story. Just come across it and read it in one go and it became one of my favourite stories. _______________________________________ A/N: Hey my lovely readers. If you are a fan of reading romantic drama with some comedy and interesting twists then YOU ARE MOST WELCOME because you are in absolutely right place. I will suggest you to give this book a try and trust me you are going to have fun while reading it just like I had while writing it. Thanks, Prisha Agarwal.

prishaagarwal_95 · Teen
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2 Chs

1. Marriage proposal.

The best and most beautiful thing in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.


Karuna Pov

"I'm back", I announce the moment I enter into the house and headed directly to my room upstairs.

Today's school was tiring. One of my colleague was absent and I had to take all her classes along with mine which means double workload. 😣

Returning home after such a tiring day and then lying on the bed is heavenly feeling.

Well my house is not too big nor too short, it's perfect for my small family of four members.

It's only two story building with one dining cum living hall where we all usually spend most of our times and do some spicy family gossips.

The room of my lovely parents is at ground floor. I like the interior of their room, it's very simple and sober. Anyone can predict that the ambiance belongs to an old couple.

Kitchen is Maa's (Mother) favourite place where she love to do enormous mouthwatering experiments.

There is also a puja room (God's room) interlinked with a small storage room.

My room along with my younger brother, Karan Singhania, room are upstairs. They are perfectly decorated as per our choices and needs.

My favourite spot in this house is my mini balcony. I spend most of my time there other than the living room.

After few minutes of relaxing I got up from the bed and change my uniform into something comfortable.

You all might be wondering, why being a teacher I'm wearing an uniform?

Actually in "Denobili High" all the teacher's have allotted an attire which they're forced to put on.

For female teacher it's white saree having black border with black blouse and for male teacher it's white shirt with black pant.

After changing the clothes I again lie back down on the bed. I love to lie down because I personally believe, it helps to reduce all the stress and calming our mind.

"Karuna come down, lunch is ready.", I heard Maa's voice.

"Coming Maa."

I rush down the stairs because I'm damn hungry.

"What happen beta? You seems very low.", She enquires.

"Nothing Maa, today Miss Rita was absent. So, I had to take all her classes along with mine.", I said sulkingly.

"Awe! My daughter had a tiring day today."

"Hmmm!", I pouted sadly.

"Well, I know an awesome trick to brighten up your mood.", She said suspiciously.

"How?", I ask being confused.

She remove the lid of the dish and it's soothing aroma hit my nostrils.

I inhale deeply and peek into the container to check what it is?

"Yummy soyabean!" I squealed in joy.

I love soyabean. Maa is the best. She always figures out what I need and what I don't.

Unable to resist anymore, I attacked the delicious looking supper.

"Karuna, Ummm! I wanna tell u something.", Maa said hesitantly fidgeting with her fingers.

"Yes, Say Maa. I'm listening.", I shift the focus of my attention from eating to entirely on her.

I don't know why? but I'm not feeling positive about whatever she's going to say.

"Mr Tandel has offered his son's Marriage Proposal for you and your Paa is also looking forward to this proposal. So.., I was saying that he'll be coming soon along with his family to see you.", She said.

I knew it! I already had my doubt that Something like this is gonna happen.

My entire family is behind me, they all wanna get rid of me which means they all want me to get married as soon as possible.

According to their super theory, if I delay anymore regarding my marriage then my parents will not be able to find a suitable match for me.

I consider myself very lucky because I'm blessed with such wonderful parents. I must've done some very great deeds in my past life to get them as my parents in this life.

It doesn't matter, whatever the circumstances are? They're always ready to stand with me as back support and always respect my decisions.

"Okay! When will they come?", I enquired calmly.

"Tomorrow.", She said.

I chocked on my food after hearing her response.

"What! Tomorrow! and you are telling me this today?", I shouted shockingly.

"I was worried about.... about how you'll react beta."

"Oh God Maa! Then why are you informing me now? You should've told me tomorrow when they are already here standing infront of me.", I said angrily.

"I'm sorry beta.", She apologized in lower tone.

I took a deep breath to control myself. It's not appropriate to shout on her because my shouting will not bring out any conclusion, it will only upset my parents.

"It's ok Maa, You don't have to apologise. It's just that, you should've informed me before. At least, I could've got some time to prepare myself mentally about all this.", I said disappointedly.

I lost my appetite.

Now I understand, Why she cooked my favourite meal?

"So, that's why you made soyabean today?", I enquired.

She smiled sheepishly and I shook my head amusedly on her tactics.

It doesn't matter if I lost my appetite or I'm full. I can never say no to soyabean and she knew it very well.

I silently ate the meal and came back to my room.

I lay down on the bed and began to think while looking at the Celling.

So, tomorrow someone is coming to meet me.

What should I do?

I don't have any idea about these Tandel's.

I can't ask anyone. Because if I do? then what they'll think of me? Specially Karan, he won't leave a single chance to tease me.

He will assume that I'm so desperate. Which clearly I'm not. I'm just worried.

Worried about how will I be able to judge this man? and conclude, if he is the one for me or not? and that too in the very first meeting?

'knock! Knock!'

Suddenly, a knock on the door interrupted my chain of thoughts.

I stood up abruptly and went to open the gate.

Maa is standing outside with an envelope in her hand.

"Yes Maa?"

"Beta this is the 'Bio Data' of the boy who'll be coming to meet you tomorrow.", She said and handed over the same envelope to me.

"Thanks Maa."

She smile sweetly and went away.

The moment she left I shut the door and sat down at the extreme edge of the bed with that envelope lying in the centre.

I genuinely needed something like this. Now, It'll be easy for me to judge him. At least now I can predict how this man is going to be with the help of all the information written on this document.

I hope everything goes well tomorrow. It's time to know technical information about this Tandel boy using his bio data.


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