
Arrancar Ascension: Apex Predator of Hueco Mundo

In the unforgiving landscapes of Hueco Mundo, Esteban Vortice emerges as an entity of disorder, chaos, and entropy. His existence, a result of a turbulent vortex of chaotic reishi energy catching and carrying countless Hollow souls combined with a transmigrated human soul, from another universe, caused by a spontaneous spatial rift, disrupts the fragile balance of life and death. Then as Esteban navigates the delicate dance of his newfound existence, he becomes a potential adversary for factions such as the Soul Society, who are devoted to maintaining harmony, or other potential competitors vying for the throne or the original protagonist himself. Embodying his raw power and primal instincts, Esteban sets out on a journey to ascend the hierarchical ladder of the Hollows, with his eyes set on becoming the apex predator in the world of Bleach. This path to power is not only paved with formidable adversaries and chaotic battles but also unexpected alliances. Despite his disruptive nature and his insatiable hunger for power, Esteban forms surprising friendships that further complicate his character and journey. The narrative further intensifies as Esteban encounters some of the most powerful and captivating women of the Bleach universe. These relationships, layered with allure add another dimension to Esteban's character, showing that even amidst chaos and disorder, connections can form and perhaps even thrive. . . . . . . . The Patreon link with up to 30 advanced chapters there -----> patreon.com/hanma_jack

Hanma_Jack · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

Against the Current: Ukitake's Temporal Battle

A while back concurrently, three figures stood in the sky, their eyes reflecting a blend of pride, defiance, and determination.

Ukitake, his long white hair flowing with the wind, surveyed his opponents. Barragan, the God of Hueco Mundo, exuded an aura of confidence, his skeletal visage and dark eyes a clear representation of death.

Beside him, Giriko, with his peculiar time-related powers, carried a smirk that spoke of arrogance.

Barragan, leaning on his massive axe, started the banter, "Shinigami, do you honestly believe you stand a chance against me?"

Ukitake, in his calm and collected manner, replied, "It's not about believing. It's about doing what's right. Even if the odds are against me, I won't back down."

Giriko chuckled, "Such lofty ideals, but time is on my side. I'll enjoy watching you squirm as your moments slip away."

Barragan glared at Giriko, annoyed, "Do not get ahead of yourself, human. I do not need your tricks to handle this one."

Giriko clapped back instantly, "You might be the so-called 'God of Hueco Mundo', but remember, even gods have their limitations."

Ukitake, witnessing their banter, found an opening, "Divided you stand...", He said, "It seems pride blinds you both."

With that, the battle commenced. Ukitake, agile and swift, moved with the grace of a dancer, avoiding Barragan's decay touch and Giriko's time-warping techniques.

But, the might of his opponents wasn't something to be underestimated.

Giriko tried to set a time seal on Ukitake, but Barragan's impatience got the better of him, and he lunged forward, only to unintentionally disrupt Giriko's technique, "Damn it! Stop holding me down!", Giriko shouted.

"I told you, Giriko. I don't need your help!", Barragan replied, swinging his axe, missing Ukitake by mere inches.

However, despite their bickering, the power of Barragan and Giriko couldn't be taken lightly. They managed to regroup, dodging Ukitake's attack.

With each passing moment, Ukitake adapted, learning to predict their movements, capitalizing on their ego-driven decisions.

He was a strategist, and he knew that sometimes the greatest weapon one could wield was the enemy's own pride.

Then with a deep inhale, Ukitake's spiritual energy started to surge, the intensity evident in the winds around them picking up.

Holding out his dual-bladed zanpakuto, the atmosphere became dense with energy, the skies darkening as torrents of energy lashed out, intertwining like the ebb and flow of the ocean's waves.

Each strike, whether offensive or defensive, was mirrored and redirected by Ukitake's Shikai. It was a dance of precision, elegance, and deadly force.

Barragan, feeling the weight of Ukitake's Shikai's capabilities, realized that he couldn't afford to be complacent. Releasing a dark, sinister aura, he brought forth the depths of his Senescencia.

A murky mist emanated from him, slowly consuming the battlefield. Anything it touched started aging rapidly, turning to dust in mere moments.

Barragan's Senescencia, more potent than before, threatened to envelop everything in its path. Both Ukitake and Giriko found themselves dodging the onslaught of the aging mist.

But in one particularly wide sweep of Barragan's hand, the Senescencia closed in on both Giriko and Ukitake.

Ukitake, agile and alert, swiftly redirected the flow of the deadly mist using his Shikai, creating a momentary gap.

However, as the effects of Barragan's Senescencia drew nearer to Giriko, its devastating aging effect grazing his clothes and turning them into tatters, anger consumed him.

The reality of being caught in the crossfire of two incredibly powerful beings, one of whom was supposedly on his side, was too much.

With a growl of indignation, he glared at Barragan, "You dare treat me like a mere afterthought?!", His fury was palpable, "You may be the 'God of Time', Barragan, but you're about to see there's more than one ruler of time in this world!"

Giriko's spiritual pressure surged dramatically. The air around him pulsated with newfound energy, swirling in a dizzying array of lights, "Fullbring Awakening!", He shouted.

Suddenly, the entire battlefield started to twist and warp. In some pockets, time accelerated, turning seconds into minutes, while in others, moments seemed to drag on endlessly.

The visual distortions were clear indicators of Giriko's newfound capabilities—areas of acceleration had a blurring, fast-forward visual effect, while decelerated zones resembled slow-motion playback.

Ukitake's sharp gaze caught on the distortions. He had been in countless battles but never had he seen such manipulation of time. It was a power that seemed almost divine in nature, a force that could turn the tide of any battle.

However, it was Barragan who appeared genuinely shocked. The very essence of his being, the dominion over time, was being challenged.

He had ruled as the God of Hueco Mundo with the belief that his control over aging was unparalleled.

Yet here was this Fullbringer, manipulating time itself in ways that Barragan hadn't imagined possible in the living world.

Giriko, noticing Barragan's surprise, smirked arrogantly, "Thought you were the only master of time? Think again."

Barragan's skeletal visage was not designed to convey emotions like a human, yet in the fleeting stillness that followed Giriko's display, an unmistakable moment of contemplation was evident.

"Impressive...", His voice, normally filled with arrogance, bore a hint of genuine surprise, "Perhaps I underestimated you. After witnessing your leader's immense spiritual pressure firsthand on that hill and even now from this distance...",

'He rivals even Aizen. How could I have assumed his subordinates to be any less formidable? But how is this possible? I believed I was the paramount Hollow before... Damn...', Meanwhile, he thought inwardly quite begrudgingly.

Ukitake, not one to let his guard down, braced himself. With both Giriko and Barragan displaying tremendous powers, the battle was about to take an even more intense turn.

The relentless pressure from Giriko and Barragan was formidable. Giriko's newfound Fullbring Awakening gave him the ability to manipulate the flow of time, creating pockets of accelerated or decelerated time.

It was a power that gave him incredible versatility, allowing him to dodge Ukitake's attacks by slowing time around himself, or speed up time around Ukitake to pressure his defenses.

Giriko was like a puppet master, subtly and unpredictably shifting the flow of time. He would set traps of accelerated time that would cause the area around Ukitake to age rapidly, creating openings for Barragan to strike.

On the other hand, Barragan's Senescencia was a formidable force. The Respira, the miasma of aging, was a constant, oppressive threat.

Each time Barragan unleashed it, the air would grow heavy, and everything it touched would decay. It put constant pressure on Ukitake's Shikai, forcing him to constantly absorb and redirect the energy.

However, due to the otherworldy nature of that energy absorbed, it wore both on himself and his blades quite heavily, so he was quickly losing energy and his blades started rusting a bit.

The synergistic effect of their powers was devastating. Giriko would create a pocket of accelerated time, within which Barragan would launch his Respira.

Ukitake was left dealing with an attack that was not only incredibly destructive but also arrived faster than it should have.

The continuous assault was beginning to take its toll on Ukitake. His Shikai was struggling to keep up with the dual threats. His movements were slowing, his breaths becoming labored. Sweat trickled down his face as he felt his spiritual energy rapidly depleting.

It was clear that he was at a disadvantage, struggling to keep up with the deadly duo. He needed to take drastic action if he wanted to survive this encounter. And in the face of such overwhelming odds, he decided to take a leap of faith. He was going to use his Bankai.

As the pressure continued to mount, Ukitake's determination began to shine even brighter. "Enough is enough...", He whispered, his voice echoing with a serene intensity.

Taking a deep breath, he shouted, "Bankai!", The world around them shifted in an instant. The very atmosphere changed. Dark clouds gathered overhead, releasing a soft but unrelenting rainfall.

The dual blades he held combined, forming a singular, elongated blade that gleamed with a newfound power. An invisible barrier surrounded Ukitake, deflecting Giriko's time fields and Barragan's miasma, causing ripples to form in the air around him.

Four enormous shields descended from the heavens, encircling Ukitake. Each bore the image of twin fish, and together, they absorbed the energy of every assault that Barragan and Giriko directed his way.

Barragan, witnessing this new transformation, let out a guttural laugh, "So, you have more tricks up your sleeve!", He remarked with a grin, "Very well, two can play this game. Resurrección!",

His voice reverberated throughout the battlefield as he underwent his transformation, his skeletal form becoming even more menacing as a dark cloak enveloped him.

Giriko gritted his teeth, his Fullbring Awakening still active. He yelled to Barragan, "Don't underestimate him just because of his condition! I've seen how the Shinigami can turn the tables with their Bankai!"

Barragan scoffed, "Fear not, time manipulator. I'm not the king of Hueco Mundo for nothing."

As Barragan released his Respira, its destructive capability intensified. The miasma now spread further and aged everything at an even faster rate. However, Ukitake's Bankai worked tirelessly to absorb and redirect this energy. Albeit still at some heavy cost paid for it.

Ukitake, on the offensive now, lunged at Giriko, only for time to decelerate around him. But he expected this. Channeling the absorbed energy, Ukitake slashed his blade, sending a wave of energy towards Giriko's direction, intending to disrupt his time manipulation.

Barragan intervened, sending a torrent of his own energy to clash with Ukitake's. The resulting explosion sent shockwaves throughout the area.

As the dust cleared, Giriko attempted to use his Fullbring to speed up his own healing. He sneered at Ukitake, "You think you're the only one with tricks?"

Ukitake, panting slightly but eyes still sharp, responded, "This isn't about tricks or power. It's about will and determination.", The three fighters continued their dance of destruction, a whirlwind of powers clashing and intertwining, with the outcome still hanging uncertain.

Up to 30 additional chapters ahead are available on my Patreon. The link is below as well on this story's main page!






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