
Arrakis is a Black half-breed.

The popdance in the world GP (reincarnate), black blood. As a child, even before he has awakened the memory of his past life, he tries to suppress his magic. It becomes obscure. But at the same moment when the obscurus first manifests itself, there is a magical release, there is a conditional division of the core of magic into the obscurus and the normal core. ====================================== (The author does not own the picture or the original fanfic all done purely for entertainment purposes) https://ficbook.net/readfic/7288338

LordPuska · Movies
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36 Chs

Chapter 22 Conversations heart to heart. (Part 2)

I planned to meet with the director as soon as I returned to Hogwarts, even earlier. In my academic success, I was on a par with the best students of Hogwarts in its entire existence. Whom did I more resemble the director, who did I look like, himself or Voldemort, or maybe Barty Crouch? One way or another, but he could not fail to notice me.

Until now, all my success in the knowledge of magic has been based on a rare or unique combination of magical gifts lying in the field of blood magic and mental magic. To some extent, these abilities echoed the main power of the Shortening Path, the Kwisatz Haderach of Dune. Still, my ability was different and had stricter boundaries. Access to the memory of ancestors was limited by the moment of transfer of genetic material, and most magicians acquired a family and continued their lineage at a young age, when they still could not boast of great knowledge. In order to be a "genius", in school, the memory of ancestors was more than enough, but for something more - no.

None of the ancestors enriched me more than Orion, who continued his lineage already having the knowledge of a master of enchantments in the field of protection. My closest relative, my father, Sirius Black, gave me knowledge of animagy. Other relatives gave much less. General school knowledge in potions making with rare splashes of something special, some of the family rituals, stick dueling and fencing with melee weapons, etiquette and dancing, a good set of European languages ​​- that's all I could get. It's not small, but not enough to be on par with Dumbledore or Voldemort.

What path of further development remained for me? The knowledge gained allowed me to make a personal breakthrough in the understanding of magic, but from the top I reached, I already saw the boundaries that I could not cross. Traveling around the world like Tom Riddle, gathering knowledge of magic from around the world? Find a teacher whose knowledge in any area is above average, in the hope of making a new breakthrough in this or that discipline of magical art? These paths were too long. I had already spoiled myself with everything ready and now I was looking for workarounds.

Wizard's blood is one of the most powerful magical substances. Even Muggle blood carries a bit of magic. Dumbledore's blood could open new horizons for me, all I had to do was find the key to this DNA code, find the right ritual, brew the right potion ...

My surrogate ability Kwisats Haderaha was somewhat similar to the ability of vampires to know through blood. Yes, it was different and very different, but it was in this area that the workaround had to be found.

Classes with Snape brought me the missing pieces of this scientific puzzle, my "quest" for gaining new knowledge has ceased to be impracticable. Not me, the first one who was attracted by the ability of vampires to gain knowledge through blood. Such knowledge was not publicly available or very widespread, if anyone succeeded, then he kept the recipes in the deepest secret. However, unsuccessful recipes or partially successful ones were available in rare specimens of specialized literature.

Snape gave me a lot of self-study material. I had to hide from Snape, not to show my interest in blood as such, fortunately, that he began to give material about extracts and essences, about pure extracts and the beginning of alchemy. There, blood was often used to produce powerful catalysts. In addition, in the area of ​​enchantment, the spell apparatus vestigium looked very promising for my research. My dean suggested where to look for the origins of this useful spell. I already had a draft of the ritual and an approximate set of necessary ingredients for the potion.

So the moment came, which I had latently expected all the time I studied at Hogwarts, and which Director Dumbledore postponed for two years, sending me to France. Now it's time to find out my role in the old schemer's game. Am I worthy to join the ranks of the knights of light, goodness, justice?

I had reason to suppose the director's positive decision on my issue. I am a personal apprentice to Flitwick and Snape, which means that I will not be cut off from magic for the entire duration of the contract. Excluding me from school becomes pointless. Dumbledore once allowed a werewolf to study at school, and now he invited this werewolf to take the place of the DADA teacher. Why am I worse? Throughout my studies, I did not show my peculiarity in any way, no one suffered irreparably from my nervous breakdowns. My gaze is closer to that of Dumbledore, not to that of pureblood wizards. Of course, there will be questions about the Obscura and about Potter, I was expecting them.

"Licorice toffee," I said to the password, going up to the hidden entrance to the director's office. The gargoyle drew back and I walked forward onto the spiral staircase, going up to the director.

When I entered, the director had his back to me. Phoenix sat on a perch, portraits. Cozy. I imagined everything so myself.

"Come in, my boy," he said without turning around.

The office had many floors ok, completely cluttered with various objects about the purpose of most of which one could only guess. Some devices ticked and creaked, others pounded and whistled, and still others made some other sounds. Dumbledore was doing something with one of the appliances on the shelf.

"Have a seat," the director ordered, half-turning. - Maybe some tea? Lemon wedge?

The tea had already been poured, and a vase of lemon wedges, the director's favorite delicacy, was already on the table opposite the pulled back chair.

- Thank you, director, - I thanked for the offer and sat down at the indicated place. - To drink or not to drink? - I thought. - That is the question! Drink, of course.

There was no point in fearing potions in tea or special additives in lemon wedges. The director has plenty of opportunities to influence the interlocutor besides tea. Spray potions in the form of an aerosol, use some artifacts that are easy to hide among the junk on the shelves. But even without potions and artifacts, Dumbledore already knew my personality and my views, as I thought. He has already made a decision, and the conversation is to dot the "e" and a way to convey the decision to me.

Taking a lemon slice from a vase, put it in his mouth, chewed, washed down with tea.

The director was watching me. His look reminded me of people that they are feeding fish or some other pet recently taken home. I felt uncomfortable under such scrutiny. Putting the cup aside, I waited for the director's words.

- Arrakis, you have nothing to tell me?

"Hmm ..." I chuckled at Dumbledore's "cast". - What can I tell this that you would not know? - I answered a question with a question. It was a little rude, but it also showed that I was not going to play "unconscious". I kind of said, "I know that you know."

Dumbledore smiled.

What I don't like about these conversations with the director is sheer misunderstandings. For example, the director at this moment could consider the conversation over and let me go. Come on! Think! Why did you call? What did the director learn from the conversation? What are his plans and decisions?

- You know, Arrakis, - the director smiled, - almost no one drinks my tea, and everyone refuses lemon slices ...

"The tea is quite good," I said neutrally, although I wanted to blurt out about potions and other dregs. - Hagrid makes a similar collection, only he has tea without tea itself, only herbs, and as for the slices, they are really not an amateur.

"Tell me, boy," Dumbledore said, "what do you think of Henrietta Potter?

"She grew up within a strict framework, sir," I began to tell my observations, being quite surprised by the direct question and trying not to blurt out anything superfluous, not to betray my excessive information. - Hogwarts for her is not a second home, but the very first. Apparently, at home with relatives, she is not loved and appreciated. Despite everything, she was not disappointed in people. Most appreciates in others such quality as honesty. Therefore, for example, Ron Weasley was able to become her friend, precisely because of the straightforwardness that goes beyond all boundaries.

Dumbledore nodded, encouraging them to keep talking.

"Potter had no friends in the commonplace world," I continued. - Most likely, someone dared her rare acquaintances by spreading rumors or ... I don't know, something like that. Therefore, Hermione Granger, despite the desire to teach everyone, was able to become a good friend to Potter. Sometimes Potter is burdened by this trait of his friend's character, it is somewhat similar to the behavior of one of her unloved relatives, albeit without that harshness and aggression. However, if Granger does not systematically reduce his pressure, then by the fifth year she will quarrel with Potter - this is my forecast.

"Hmm," Dumbledore chuckled, noting my observations, their accuracy and completeness. - Miss Granger is growing up, and her outlook on life, habits, are undergoing changes. I believe that she will remain a good friend to young Potter until after Hogwarts. Well, and there - who knows?

My talkativeness seemed strange to me. I read so much in my past life about this in various fanfiction, that's why I paid attention now. Tea, after all? I didn't see the point of being particularly wise, so I decided to ask the director directly.

- Sir, let me ask you a question: What is my talkativeness? Is this some kind of magic?

Dumbledore chuckled at my question, indicating that he appreciated my directness. It was only after this that obliviate could follow. But no, Dumbledore replied.

"There is magic too," he said, "but the direct effect on you is limited. Even obliviate will only have a temporary effect, and ultimately turn you against me.

The director was polite, his voice sounded calm and even, his speech was mesmerizing. Numerous appliances, placed on the shelves, emitted irregular sounds, which slightly disorientated the senses, causing slight dizziness.

- Artifacts? I asked, circling the shelves with my hand.

- Not only, - the director answered. - Artifacts, smells, and my own ability to conduct a conversation - all this creates a special mood for the interlocutor, disposes, adjusts to a special rhythm.

The fact that the director answered me such questions was somewhat dumbfounded about me.

"You're a good boy, Arrakis," the director said affirmatively. - Your academic success could not pass my attention. But that's not the point. The most valuable thing I consider in you is your straightforwardness, honesty, decency and loyalty to principles and friends. As you can see, I am somewhat like Henrietta Potter.

Dumbledore's tone did not change at all.

"In times of turmoil, it is so important to be confident in your friends," the director said. "I'm afraid the wizarding world of Britain will soon be in for a major upheaval. Some troubling events have already begun to take place. In such a situation, it is important for me what one of the most promising students in the history of Hogwarts is like as a person.

- Once I made a mistake ... many mistakes ... - said Dumbledore thoughtfully, looking somewhere in the memories, his thoughts coming far, far away. - I would not like to repeat my mistakes.

"I will try not to disappoint you, sir," I replied to the expectant gaze of the director staring at me.

"Mr. Diggory gave Henriette Potter some support," the director translated the topic, satisfied with my answer. - I think that one more senior comrade will not interfere with her. If she has any difficulties, then of course you will help her. Besides, I may have some errands for you ...

"Yes, sir," I agreed, without thinking for a second.

Dumbledore didn't want to argue. If you compare Dumbledore and Voldemort, then it will be somewhat more convenient to talk to the first one, you don't need to expect a cruciatus or avada every second, however, Dumbledore still didn't want to contradict, at all.

"Friends are very important when you are young," Dumbledore said. - It is especially important that friends were not just playmates and accomplices in pranks, but reliable partners in serious matters who would share your goals and principles. You can strive for the same thing, but follow different paths, therefore, principles are also important. Oddly enough, due to the differences in the path, the final goal will also be different, although it seemed common. Do you understand what I am talking about?

I nodded, although I was not sure of my understanding.

- I want to say that society is imperfect because it consists of imperfect people. There are no ideal people. Therefore, no matter what you strive for, the end result will be different from the picture that you paint in your thoughts.

- But mistakes happen not only for me. You don't know, but Rubeus Hagrid suffered a miscarriage of justice at one time. While he was studying, there was one incident that resulted in the death of a student. Suspicion fell on Hagrid and he was convicted. Although the evidence of his guilt was not enough, it was enough to deprive him of the right to own the wand and expel him from Hogwarts. Only recently were some of the circumstances of the case revealed, which fully proved Hagrid's innocence, he was acquitted. Perhaps if I had been the arch-sorcerer of the Wizengomot then, Rubeus would not have suffered as much. The ability to admit your mistakes is also important. Unlike many others, I can admit my mistakes.

"Everyone makes mistakes, Arrakis," Dumbledore continued after a short pause. "Sirius Black, your father, escaped from Azkaban recently. It is difficult for me to predict his actions, but perhaps you will soon encounter him. I would like to warn you not to jump to conclusions and be careful.

"All right, sir," I assured Dumbledore of my discretion. - I'll be careful.

The director was about to end the conversation when I turned to him with a request.

"Sir, I wanted to ask you," I mumbled. - Could you give me some of your blood?

Albus Dumbledore's goodwill was blown away. The director's face turned into an ice mask, and after another moment his features were subtly sharpened, his eyes narrowed menacingly, and his smile became like a grin.

"I am ready to take an oath that this blood will not be used against you in any way, sir," I hastened to supplement my immodest request. "This blood will be used for the common good," I said in the words of the director. But it didn't work.

- What exactly do you mean by "common good"? The director asked irritably.

"Fighting Voldemort," I replied simply, without going into details.

- And how will my blood help in this? - the director smiled unkindly.

"Professor Snape began teaching me the basics of alchemy and giving me material on magical substances," I replied, fearing a possible reaction from the director. I will be mistaken, and they will kill me as the carrier of the obscura, a dangerous dark creature. - The blood of the wizard is used to make the most powerful catalysts. The stronger the wizard, the better the catalyst.

Dumbledore's smile changed, the threat did not completely disappear from it, but it became smaller. He accepted my explanation, although he did not believe in it. He definitely knew about my abilities and saw through my lies once or twice. All this became clear to me from how long the director thought about my request.

When Dumbledore's silence crossed all boundaries, and I had already decided that hearing a refusal was not such a bad alternative to Avada, the director suddenly gave me what i wanted.

Albus opened a desk drawer. Digging a little in the drawer, he pulled out a black box. Putting it on the table, the director opened the lid with one movement, as if she was not enchanted to protect and lock. Taking a small vial of enchanted glass from the box, Albus set it in front of him.

- Here, - he pointed to the vial, - what you ask. I await your oath, Arrakis. I hope you understand that there will be no way back ?!

"The choice is made, Mr. Director," I said, extending my hand to the cherished container, to knowledge, to power.

I held out my hand and prepared to say the vow. Yes, the presence of a third wizard was desirable for the oath, but Dumbledore's power was sufficient even with such a reduced version.

The headmaster grabbed my wrist and held his knobby wand to the hitch, wrapping it in a ribbon of magic as I recited the words of the oath, after which I was allowed to take what I wanted.

"If you disappoint me," said Dumbledore, smiling kindly, " I'll be very upset, Arrakis.

He said one thing, and I heard something else entirely. Let the intonation was not a threat, but clearly heard: "I will kill"!

I left the director's office feeling very tired. I was exhausted from the conversation. I understood and learned a lot, and most importantly, I received from the director a pledge of my future strength, which will soon be no less than his own. At the same time, the director, by his action, by his oath and blood, promoted me to the level of a significant piece, and did not leave me as a mere pawn, which is not a pity to lose.

Back then, when I was deciding whether I should go back to Hogwarts or stay in France, as strange as it might seem, I wasn't afraid of Voldemort. Before the start of the active actions of his terrorist organization, in any case, I have time to finish Hogwarts, and then I will be free to make any other choice. Still, without me, the place of the champion will be taken by Cedric, who at the end of the tournament will most likely be killed, as in the canonical version, which I really did not want. Then there was Dumbledore.

Dumbledore was a separate article, which I took out of the decision-making framework, because this article promised the greatest danger and loss — on the one hand, but on the other, Dumbledore could become my locomotive on the way to learning magic. Dumbledore's blood, combined with my abilities, promised me incredible knowledge. No need to spend decades piecing together the secrets of magic, no need to reread tons of waste paper, sit in a lab working on experimental potions looking for new or long-lost old recipes. You need to find only one recipe that others have already tried to approach. Except they didn't have my ability, and they didn't have any knowledge of magic, as a variable factor that adapts to the wizard's wishes. Maybe they were? Apart maybe they were… Or maybe together, but if anyone created the potion of knowledge before me, they did not share the working recipe with the society.

The risk was great, but the reward is equal. According to my knowledge, I will be on a par with such giants as Dumbledore and Voldemort in a couple of years. Although I used to see the level of Flitwick or Snape in 10-20 years, maybe a little earlier and a little stronger.

Putting myself in Dumbledore's shoes, I reasoned: There is a specific unknown factor that may be harmful, but it may also be useful. I myself avoid black people and try to maintain the image of a light wizard, a fighter against evil and injustice. What will be my actions and decisions?

I now understood a little of the director's train of thought.

First, you should decide on the aspirations and desires of this figure. That's right, with aspirations and desires. These are different things. For example, Ron Weasley, he wants greatness and recognition in all spheres, and he strives to be in the center of events and entertainment. Having got mixed up in the Potter company, he was quite close to what he wanted, but his desires were very poorly satisfied.

By my actions, including my return, I showed loyalty to my friends and principles, which Dumbledore could not help but note. The desire for knowledge is at the highest level, which seems to be a plus, but following the example of Tom Riddle, Dumbledore can pass as a minus. The origin is confusing and can also be considered both a plus and a minus. The personal preferences of the unknown figure are close to the affairs of the Order of the Phoenix, or at least neutral.

What else do you need? Compromising evidence.

The blood magic that I had given Potter vague hints about in the presence of the" sleeper", Lupin, was hardly understood by Potter herself. But it was said sincerely and with the expectation of another person. If Lupin brings information about the strange student to the headmaster — well, if he doesn't, we'll give him more material to think about. I showed the obscura on the train, and in the lesson ZOTI only confirmed the suspicions for the knowledgeable.

The director didn't call me for a long time, which made me worry. After all, if the decision on me is negative, then there is nothing to talk about with me. It is another matter if the decision is positive or if there are just any doubts left.

The director had doubts. As far as I can tell, it wasn't the obscurus or my blood magic abilities that bothered him, but the desire for knowledge. Even if it could be taken as simply following the flow of my unfolded ability, the example of Tom Riddle played against me.

Dumbledore was still undecided at the time of the conversation. Yes, under the guise of a request, similar to an order, he put me in front of the fact of cooperation. The director didn't promise me anything in return, and he didn't even tell me directly that he knew about obscura and his abilities. In which case, he will be able to say that he did not know anything. At the same time, he led my recruitment to the place of an ordinary pawn, which does not need to be informed about anything, and which can stand on its square for the entire game without making a move. Even worse, if the pawn is used in the exchange, it is worse for the pawn.

It was then that I came out with my immodest request, and offered the oath myself. Now, no matter how much knowledge I gain from this blood, I won't be able to use it against the headmaster. The fact that now I am not a rival to the director at all, I do not need to mention it — it is already clear.

Perhaps such a step as swearing would have made me too vulnerable and even dependent in the future, but I knew Dumbledore's most likely future. The death of the director will release me from the oath, and the knowledge will remain with me forever.

Now, it probably seemed to the Headmaster that he had acquired an obedient "apprentice" who would never be able to use the knowledge he had gained against him, if at all. In fact, I'll be closer to Dumbledore in some ways than the twin brothers. I will have to view his life in the first person, and it will be difficult not to adopt some of his views. It turns out that the director can't find a more loyal supporter. I can't betray you unless I run and hide.

The study continues.