
Math Class

2nd subject.. 3rd subject..

this girl is worst than me she just spacing out in air during those classes..she's taking out her book for each subject but not using it.. like..

She's weird.

She keep pressing her left thumb..what's wrong with her..

Does she remember me and now scared ..-Martin

This is mess up..

Bakit ba kaylangan 3rd subject pa ang math kung kaylan ako pinaka inaantok na time paano ko pa maintindihan tong' subject na to' gonna keep myself awake after this lunch time na pwede na akong matulog.. - Samantha

So I keep pressing my thumb in whole math subject so I can't just doze off..

Ok that's all for today ya'll can take your lunch now..





the girl slam her face on the table

Is she sleeping wt*

Should I grab her hair..

the Adam boy staring at me and I don't want to deal with him today so I just walk and go to the cafeteria..

I got bored out and go back to the class after eating...

and saw the weird girl still sleeping beside my seat the president Adam is not here should I just...




I saw her face clearly for the first time today..

Her face is facing me while she's still asleep..

I slowly sit down on my seat trying to ignore her face but I couldn't I slowly turn my head and see her again..

Wow she's beautiful..


What's wrong with me.

Should I slap my face..?

Why would I slap my precious face?

*glace at her*

(Slap) (slap) ouch..

Suddenly I feel someone is looking at me


She staring at me like I committed a crime

What are you looking at?

*ang ingay mo kaya natutulog ako eh*

I just ignore him and mind myself.. oh my hindi pa pala ako nakakakain - Samantha

I stood up quickly I can go to cafeteria and grab something to eat but the next teacher came in and the luch break is over....





Hindi dapat ako natulog ehh..