
Her scent

Kumusta ang unang araw sa school....?

I just nod and go straightaway to my room

What a tiring day...

And I have to deal with it again for 10 months.. should I just quit

I really don't want to show up in school tomorrow mag isip na kaya ako ng dahilan..

I keep thinking about her the whole nights..

No. She's not even my type....


Ouch.. ano tumingin ka nga.....

She's here standing in front of me

-Hindi ako nag lalakad ikaw ang bumanga saakin.

Then walk away

I couldn't talk...

Her hair smell nice too..


Ano bang iniisip mo Martin



He looks at the girl who is walking and look at me.

Bakit? Alisin mo nga yang kamay mo saakin

-Ay sorry..

Bakit kausap mo si Samantha?


-Yung girl kanina kausap mo

Bakit kilala mo ba yun

-Oo naman pero hindi gaano.. bakit ginugulo ka ba?

Wala ka na doon

-bakit naman magkaibigan naman tayo ha..

-sa panaginip mo

Antony the boy always chase me and always ask if we can be friends

Dyan ka na..

Going to my seat.. and see her spacing out..

I sat on my chair silently looking straight on the class board ... and  and look at her..


Bakit sya nakatingin saakin?

She looking at me with a soulless eye.

I avoid her eyes

And when I look back she's still looking at me.....anong problema nya

When I decided to ask her..she suddenly look away and then slam her head in her table again....... her scent really smell good is it her perfume, shampoo or maybe her hand cream?...