
Armipotent king

in A world where demons rule the earth God sent a angel to save the humans but it seems he has joined the demons side and launched a full scale war on heaven

samadetuyi · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Dark mountain

When they got out of the town Percy asked Abaddon which path will lead to the academy faster

"We can pass two paths," said Abaddon looking around him,

so, Percy asked Abaddon for the shortcut even when Abaddon told Percy that the shortcut was even more dangerous than the normal way Percy still decided to go through the shortcut as they were going the way that Abaddon said was the fastest way, and they came across a monster that was about to attack them, so Percy brought out his sword and struck the monster at hits neck when the monster died Pavilion said,

"Remind me not to fight you"

As soon as they saw the dark mountain both pavilion and Percy asked Abaddon if this was the fastest way when he said yes they both gulped but continued to walk into the dark mountain when they were going through the dark mountain Pavilion could hear some screams coming from around so he asked everyone if they could hear that we they said no Pavilion grew even more scared so Percy asked Abaddon why the dark mountain have this ominous aura when Abaddon told them that this Mountain have this ominous aura because of the death of the chaos king so Percy asked Abaddon what he knew about the chaos king so Abaddon told them that he does not know anything about the chaos king apart from the prophecy that was given about him

"He will rise like a phoenix and kill both God and the demon king," said Abaddon as he summoned a little bit of light,

When Percy heard what Abaddon said he decided that he will have to train hard so he can be the next chaos king, immediate they got to the top of the mountain the three of them saw a beautiful building with enchanted beings around so three them decided hurriedly went down the mountain when they got to the building they saw that they were at their original form when Abaddon saw that he was at his normal form he said

"Finally," I miss being" as he was flying around the building,

when Percy saw his form he was surprised because he looked a little different from before his wings were still white but there were traces of black and red on his wings but decided to ignore it when the two of them realised that any supernatural being that comes here turns to their natural form they decided to look for Pavilion when they saw him they were surprised because he looked like a demon but had no wings and horn so they put their hand around him and said

"it's okay you might not be fully a demon, but you are our friend," said Abaddon and Percy as they threw him to the sky,

Immediately they said that the gates of the building opened, and a woman was standing in front of the gates

"What do you want, "said the woman holding her sword,

but when she saw Pavilion she attacked him but Percy grabbed her hand and threw her to the side when she saw that Percy was stinger than her she went to her normal form which is an angel and attacked Pavilion again but this time both Abaddon and Percy are ready to fight her as both Percy and Abaddon were fighting her Pavilion saw that both of them were losing so he shouted stop when he shouted stop his eyes started to glow a golden colour when the woman saw this she understood that Pavilion was a half-demon so she stopped fighting Abaddon and Percy and took them into the building,

As soon as they got into the building their powers ceased to stop working so Percy asked the woman why their powers were not working and she told them,

"To stop intruders from attacking them they asked Lucifer, Relagh and the archangels to cast a spell that whoever that is inside this building and is not part of the school their powers will not work"

When the three of them heard what she said they asked her where they were going both she ignored them and continued working when they got to a huge door with strange markings they saw they saw the woman pull out a plaque and put it in the door, as soon as the door opened they saw a different kind of supernatural beings including fallen and angels but they did not see a demon, after showing them around the academy the woman asked them if they would like to join the academy when they said yes the woman summoned a tablet and put their name on it after she put their name on it the plaque that the woman uses to open the door was right in front of them so they asked if why they did not have to go through the selection process

"Because you have shown me your skill level when you fought me" the woman answered as she walked away,

As soon as the woman left Percy asked Abaddon if they will be able to learn what they need in other to stop the demon army from destroying everything,

"Yes, we will," said Abaddon as he walked towards the door that led to the training room

Immediately they got into the training room everyone was looking at them and wondering who they were but when the teacher told them that they were new students, one of the students said to the teacher "how could a demon be part of the school"

"He is part of the school now so treat him as part of your team," said the teacher as she was walking toward the three new students,

when she got close to the new students, she asked them how powerful they were, but the three new students told the teacher that they were strong, when her students heard what the three new students said they were strong they started laughing at them,

"So, you think you are strong show me," said the teacher as he got into a fighting position

when the three students saw that the teacher was serious about fighting them, they too got in a fighting position