
Armipotent king

in A world where demons rule the earth God sent a angel to save the humans but it seems he has joined the demons side and launched a full scale war on heaven

samadetuyi · Fantasy
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12 Chs

character description

Percy: has long, silver hair, he has golden eyes that shine bright during the day but look red during the night, he looks muscular and has a scar on his left eye, and his wings have a silver colour, he always carries his sword called Chaos

Lucifer: has short, black hair, he has red eyes, he looks athletic, and he always makes sure that his hair looks wavy

Abaddon: has long, curly blonde hair, he has blue eyes that glow when he is angry, he looks cut and always wears his gold armour and carries his gold spear everywhere

Pavilion: he has short brown hair, he wears his goggles to hide the colour of his eye, he looks slender and tall and always carries his daggers around

Relagh; nothing is known about his human form but in his angelic form he has six white wings, silver armour, and carries two swords, he has a helmet which he rarely wears that makes his eye shine white

John: has blue, short hair blue eyes, he looks bulk and muscular he is part of the seven magnificent

Sarah: she has long brown hair, she brown eyes, she likes to use the rapier and she is also part of the seven magnificent

Jack: he has long hair, he has yellow eyes, and he is part of the seven magnificent

Daniel: leader of the seven magnificent nothing is known about him because he hides under a robe, but his power level is insane

Five: he is bald, he looks athletic but has scars all over his body, and he has orange eyes he is also part of the seven magnificent

Michael: he is the only member that Percy knows about, but he is part of the seven magnificent, he is the only one that can fight toe to toe with the leader of the magnificent seven

White: he has white hair, white eyes and likes to wear white he is also part of the seven magnificent

Jason: part of the student's council, he has red eyes with black, long hair he has the body of a warrior and the teeth of a vampire

Yao: he is from being in love with a vampire and he is the last child of light remaining

Perseus: the strongest student in the school, has red hair and sliver eyes he stands tall and looks buff with scars all over his body