
Episode 5 - Farewell My Lovely Days

"That's pretty good for your first time.

 I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea. It's not that I'm not listening because I'm repulsed. The pain was so intense that he refused to listen to even her praise. It hurt like hell. A pain that felt like his head was cracking. In fact, the pain was so intense that it was a wonder it wasn't cracked, and tears were spilling from my eyes.

 It was a direct hit.

 He had plunged face-first into the gate that Azumaria had summoned. There was no way she could have stopped suddenly in midair. It was only natural that she would crash into it. The pain was so intense that Setsuna thought her nose would break, and it was a wonder it did not. In fact, it was a wonder it didn't break. The impact was so great that it rushed from his nasal bone to his face and all over his body.

 So he sat there and rubbed his nose, which was still aching with pain. He told himself that it was inevitable that Azmaria's voice would pass from his right ear to his left.

 They were still in the forest.

 However, it is clearly different from the gloomy silence of the past. It's no wonder. The storm of destruction caused by the bouncing back of the Imperial Demon's lightning sphere had uprooted and blown away the trees in the surrounding area. The landscape had changed drastically, and so had the topography.

 The green canopy had been removed, and a dazzling azure sky stretched out above us. A blue sky. I wondered if the sky was blue and clear everywhere in the world. The sky in this world is so similar to the sky Setsuna knows so well that she can't help but think about it. White shining clouds were being swept away by the wind, and the luminous body that seemed to be the sun was shining brilliantly. If this world also had a universe and a sun, she thought, it might be a very similar world.

 The wind blowing through the city carried the smoke from the bombing.

 There was a huge crater in a radius of several dozen meters from the hypocenter. It was a chilling sight for Setsuna to witness. How could she have survived in such a storm of destruction? If she had been involved, she would have been in trouble. No, I would have been caught up in it. It was me who was at the center of that destruction.

 And yet, I survived. My five bodies are still in one piece. The wound in my leg was starting to hurt again. The sensation that had temporarily paralyzed me seemed to have returned. The Imperial Demon's tail had come loose, and although blood was flowing out, Azumariah had taken care of it just a few minutes ago. She had stopped the bleeding and bandaged it up. The pain was still tingling, but it must be much better than leaving it unattended. I was grateful to her for that, and I thanked her.

 Azmaria asked me when the pain in my face had subsided.

Do you still think it's a dream?

... No, this is real.

 Setsuna admitted honestly. The pain she got from the blow to her face and the injury to her thigh was definitely real. If it had been a dream, she would have woken up long ago, and there would be no such thing as a fear of death. If this was a dream, I am confident that I would die laughing the moment I woke up. That's how real it was.

 The fight with the creature, the weapon in my hand, everything was real. I think it's horrible. It was horrible. Even though it was a monster, it had taken a life. That fact made Setsuna's heart tremble.

 She also acknowledged the fact that she had been summoned by Azumaria.

I'm not a fool.

I'm not stupid either. I'm not stupid. I know that this is not a scene that my mind can imagine.

You mean you have a poor imagination?

Look, you're the one who admitted it, so don't take it personally.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. She seemed to have been pretending to be a bystander in that battle, but I wondered how she could stand around and remain unharmed. Suddenly, I thought about that.

(Yeah, ...?)

 Setsuna shuddered as she realized that she had accepted fighting as a natural part of her life.

 I'm not sure what to do.

You can be confident in your ability to fight so well against so many imperial demons, even if they are small fry. You can be confident.

 Setsuna looked up at Azumaria's beauty. The two of them were at the hypocenter. Setsuna was sitting on her haunches, while Azumaria was standing comfortably. Her crimson hair and robe swayed in the wind, and she seemed to be covered in flames.

 I'm not sure what to say. I think you're talking out of your mind.

What are you doing praising me?

 Then she seemed to chuckle. She seemed to chuckle. Setsuna turned away from him, so he could not see the change in her expression.

I can't help it if I praise you, can I?

No, praise, praise, praise and kill to complete the ideological brainwashing.

If you can brainwash a person with praise, it's not that easy.

"Hmm. Well, then, praise them, let them see through you, appease them and put them down.

What, then? And wouldn't it be a shame to put them down?

... Sure.

 It's a great way to make sure you're getting the most out of your money. I'm not sure what to make of it. It was just a play on words. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that.

 Slowly, I stretched.

 I couldn't feel any fatigue at the moment. I would have expected a reaction from moving my body so hard, but so far I haven't felt anything like that. Perhaps my spirit was still in high spirits. Perhaps it was the elation that prevented me from feeling physical fatigue. Certainly, my mental state was not normal. He had killed so many monsters. It would be strange to be able to return to normal.

It was your summoned armament that decided the outcome of the previous battle, though.

 It was strange to Setsuna that Azmaria's gaze was softer than her tone. It's a strange feeling. I'm sure it's because I'm in a strange state of mind. As soon as she decided that, the whole situation started to seem strange to her. She wanted to laugh it off right now. But I know that I can't keep laughing. I knew I could not stop laughing.


 I ruminate on the words she said. I don't know the meaning of the words, but my eyes fell on the jet-black pike that was propped up on the ground in front of me. It was the only thing that I could think of that determined the outcome of the battle.

The weapon that had appeared out of nowhere with the words I had uttered as Azmaria had advised. The jet-black, two-meter-long contraption had a hideous shape when you looked at it again. It's not that there's anything wrong with it, but it's oddly shaped. Just looking at it, I felt fear. It's not just the shape, I guess. The power hidden in this pike makes me think so.

 Setsuna reached out and touched the hilt of the pike. She felt a cool sensation run through her fingertips, palms and arms, spreading to all her nerves. My consciousness sharpened and my vision widened. I'm sure it's just my imagination. There's no way that's ridiculous.

 Even so, Setsuna slowly sat up in that fantastic feeling. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it.

"Is that this contraption you're talking about?

 He held up the contraption lightly. A jet-black spear. The shiny, beautiful tip of the spear easily sliced through or pierced the machete-like claws, flesh, and bones of the demon.

 At first glance, it was nothing more than a black spear. But when you hold it in your hand, you realize that it is just a facade. The ferociousness hidden deep inside flowed into the depths of Setsuna's consciousness as she held it in her hands, and her heart trembled with such a feeling. When she was looking at it, she felt only fear. But when she held it in her hands, it became an uplifting feeling that stirred her emotions.

"Yes. That black pike is your armament, summoned by you from another world. Only you can summon it, and only you.

"I summoned ... my own.

 I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea. The weapon had appeared out of nowhere. I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea. It certainly resembled the summoning magic that is often seen in video games.

I'm surprised to see you here.


 In the event that you have any questions concerning where and how to use the internet, you can call us at the web site. The ecstatic expression on her face radiated a tremendous sex appeal, and it seemed to me that she would attract both men and women alike. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

It's not often that you see a summoned armament like this.

"..., is that right?

I'm not sure if you've ever heard of it or not, but I'm sure you've heard of it. Do you know what that is?

 Azmaria shifted her gaze from the contraption to me. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's worth it. You can't help but be impressed by her dexterity. And there was no way I could answer her question. It wasn't so much that I couldn't understand what she was saying, but rather that I couldn't get it into my head.

 I was mesmerized by Azmaria's golden eyes.

"It's a gift.

 At her words, Setsuna came back to herself in a flash. He listened carefully to Azmaria's words. A crater in the forest. There was almost no noise, but he felt he must not miss it.

'You can call it a quality. You can call them qualities, but you can't get them no matter how hard you work, how much you practice, how much knowledge you gather. It's something you're born with. How can a stone on the street become a vajra stone? It's the same. Of course, it's only natural that those who are overwhelmed by talent will be overtaken by those who accumulate hard work.

What do you mean?

You can be a brave man, a hero, if you want to be. You can be a brave man or a hero, if that's what you want.

 I'm not sure what to make of that.

You can be a brave man or a hero?

 I thought it was like a game world. You can be summoned to another world, display great power, and become a hero. It was a ridiculous story. It's a silly story. I don't care about such things. It's not that I want to become something like that.

 Indeed, I have had such dreams. In my dreams, I have fought like a brave man or hero. It was exhilarating to dream that I could reap the rewards of defeating so many enemy soldiers. However, it was only a dream, and therefore a pleasant one. Even if I could do such a thing in reality, it would definitely have a bad aftertaste. Even the aftermath of defeating the monster would be unpleasant.

I'm not interested in such things.


 I'm not interested in that.

I'm not interested in that. I don't need power, and I didn't want to be summoned to this world.

 He meant what he said.

 The power of the pike in my hands was amazing. The power of the pike in my hands was amazing. It is an evil power. It would be fun to wield this power and fight with it. It would be fun to lay waste to the enemy with overwhelming power. It must be a joy to twist and subdue them with your mighty power.

 However, Setsuna had never wanted such power in her entire life. She had wanted to have power. But it was only enough to protect her beloved mother. It was a very personal power. Not something so grandiose. I didn't need the kind of power that could destroy half the forest.

 I don't like to fight. I didn't even want to think about competing or fighting with anyone. That's how I've lived my life. I have no intention of changing this way of thinking now.

So, what do you want to do?

"I want to go home.

 Setsuna answered immediately. I want to go back to my world. It was a much stronger feeling than the desire brought about by the black paragon. I want to return to my ordinary life. She wanted to return to the boring but peaceful life where there was no need to fight for nothing. I suddenly missed my life with my mother. I began to worry about my mother, who was stronger than anyone else and weaker than anyone else.

 Azmaria shook her head.

I hate to tell you this, but my gate is basically a one-way street. I can't send you back to your original world. It can be used as a means of transportation to other worlds, though.

So I can go back to my world?

How many worlds do you think there are that differ from Ilsa Valle? A million, so they say. It is said that there are a million worlds, and a thousand million worlds. I'm sure you wouldn't like it if you went through the gates, but were transported to another world.

"So ....

 Setsuna was disappointed. As she said, instead of returning to the original world, it would be awful to be transferred to another world. Of course, Azumaria was not in that other world. I couldn't even come back here, and I didn't know if I would be able to live there.

 The face of my mother that flashed through my mind sank into the shadows. Will I never see her again?

It's your fault for going through such a dubious thing as my gate. You should just give up and think about how you're going to live here.

You're shifting the blame.

No, it's not. You went through the gate of your own volition and arrived here in Ilsa Valle. I asked you to summon me, but it was your will that brought you here.

 As she listened to Azmaria's righteous argument, Setsuna thought of that moment. The appearance of the castle gates in her dream had taken her by surprise, and she had been puzzled by the strange occurrences around her. However, Setsuna had indeed pushed the gate open of her own volition.

 Why did she try to open the gate? It would have been fine to ignore her. If she had ignored the gate, as Azmaria had said, she would have continued with her normal, helpless life. It's an irredeemably trivial day, and you can't even see the same form of tomorrow. And yet, in hindsight, it was a day filled with peace and tranquility.

 Could he ever get it back?

 He recognized that his vision was blurring. He hurriedly wiped it off with his sleeve. The uniform of the school he attended was already tattered from the battle he had just fought. The only connection to that world might be this tattered uniform, but he couldn't seem to save it.

It has to be. Your presence here must be the result of your own will. The cause may have been spun by me, but the result must be drawn by your own hand.

 Pressed by the intensity of the power Azmaria had put into her words, Setsuna looked up. You can see that she had been looking down for some time. I'm not sure what to do. Even now, his heart was not uplifted. But I'm looking into her eyes.

It's all your choice. It was your choice, your path. I have only thrown one choice into your world. I didn't push you away. You weren't called by anyone, were you?

"Oh. ...

 I affirmed. She's right. It was my own will to open the gate at that time, and the result of my own choice was to drift into this world. When she realized this, Setsuna gripped the pike tightly. She could clearly see the power flowing from the pike. This is not an illusion.

You've already made your choice. You have made your choice. You are on a path from which there is no turning back. From here on, you can only go forward. You can look back, but you can't go back.

 Azmaria's words naturally entered my ears. I don't reject it. I accept it. Everything is real. It's not a dream. It's not a nightmare. There is pain. My heart is crying. But there is nothing we can do but accept it. Turning your back on the reality in front of you will not solve anything.

 This is a different world, and there is no way to return to the original world. I have no choice but to live in this world.

But look.

 At his urging, Setsuna looked around. The periphery of a huge crater. Countless trees lined the perimeter. What lies on the other side of it? There was no doubt that an unfamiliar world lay beyond the horizon. I looked up at the sky. The shining blue sky was more beautiful than I had ever seen even in my original world.

 There must be something waiting for me in the world that spreads out beneath this limitless sky that I have yet to see.

 If you think about it that way, it might not be so bad.

There are countless paths. Now, you can go anywhere in this wide world. You are free. You are not bound by anything. Nothing can tie you down. You have the right to choose your path. Wherever you go, whatever you do, I can't stop you.

 I felt like I was being pushed back.

"Now, go. Setuna-Kamiya. Armed Summoner of the Black Paragon.

 Before she knew it, Setsuna found herself walking with Azumaria's voice behind her. She was concerned about the pain in her legs, but once she started walking, she couldn't stop. Blowing in the wind, I walked forward without a thought.

 I wondered where I was. Where should I go to meet someone? A few thoughts popped into my mind, but they soon disappeared. The wind blew up dust and sand. Setsuna shielded her eyes and looked upwards as if she were being driven by the wind.

 There is a blue, just blue, clear sky.

(Was that ...?)

 Setsuna looked up at the heavens and saw the sky shimmering unexpectedly. It was blue and blotchy. It was getting worse and worse. Then something hot ran down my cheek.

 When she realized that they were her own tears, something popped inside Setsuna. She shouted. She shouted as loudly as she could, inaudibly.


 Setsuna said goodbye.

 She said goodbye to those inexcusably trivial, yet irresistibly lovely days.

 The days that were filled with peace and tranquility.

 The world where she was born and raised.