
Episode 4 The Roar


 Setsuna shouted in the midst of the crowd of monsters. The four-eyed monsters stopped moving and stared at us.

 The dream was not a dream, and the illusion was not an illusion. While I acknowledged this fact, I was at a loss as to the severity of the situation I was in. I had been summoned to another world and attacked by a pack of monsters. The powerful countermeasure she had acquired by chance was a welcome weapon for the helpless Setsuna, but the one who had created this situation would not even help her.

 There are many monsters out there. I'm sure I'm not imagining things when I say that there are more of them than I first realized. There are over a hundred of them lurking in the darkness of the forest. A four-legged creature with machete-like claws. Red light sprinkles from its four eye sockets as it stares at Setsuna.

 It holds a black spear. It's probably two meters long. It's a long weapon. It was a weapon that Setsuna, who did not have much muscle strength, should not have been able to handle, but somehow she was able to handle it freely. The weight she had felt at first was already gone, and it was like an extension of her hand.

 Slowly, I felt my consciousness rising. Perhaps my dormant fighting instinct had awakened. Should he be happy or sad about it? I'm not sure, he shook his head. But in this moment, it must be essential. If he didn't defeat the monster, he would never get out of this situation.

 And without something that surpassed the common knowledge and common sense of his world, there was no way he could stand up to the thing that was attacking him with a murderous intent and continue to fight. In addition, Setsuna was just a student who had been enjoying peace and quiet until just now. She had never been attacked by a purely deadly force, nor had she ever picked up a weapon.

 I've been in many fights. But fights are fights. It is not meant to kill. In the first place, what kind of student would seriously want to kill each other?

 Don't hurt others.

 Don't fight with others.

 Don't kill others.

 These words flashed through her mind, and Setsuna gave a small laugh. The morality of the land was like dust in front of the wind in the midst of the bare killing intent that was being released from all around her.

 I kicked the ground and flew forward. It was just as one of the monsters was about to jump at us. The Imperial Demon swung both of its paws up as hard as it could. He must have intended to cut off Setsuna's body with his machete-like claws. However, it was not to be. The jet-black contraption pierced her chest, which was exposed because she had raised both arms.

 He landed on the ground with a scream of decisiveness, and swung the pike around. The corpse of the monster that was stuck in the tip of the spear flew away. The monster let out a strange cry. The hatred grew stronger and stronger.

(It's like I'm the bad guy, isn't it?)

 I'm sure you're the one who attacked me first, Setsuna sighed. If they had been able to understand our feelings, they would not have started the battle in the first place. The Imperial Demon Oma and the others had intended to kill Setsuna from the beginning.

 Even though they were in the forest, there was no way they could get around the trees that were standing in the way. They were amateurs. This was their first fight, their first weapon, their first monster to fight. Everything was new to me, and it was thanks to this black pike that I was able to survive like this.

 The exact number of the blue demons cannot be ascertained. After a hundred or so, it didn't matter anymore. Anyway, I can see that they have surrounded Setsuna extensively. The cacophonous chorus of them was getting worse and worse, probably out of spite for the fact that several of his friends had been killed.

 Setsuna couldn't stand the cries that not only pierced her ears but also echoed in her head.

"Shut up!

 She raised her voice as if shouting and ran out. She could see the Imperial Demons clumped together in front of her to her left. The group of Imperial Demons recognized Setsuna's approach and took a stance at once. There were ten of them. The edge of Setsuna's mouth twisted. And just as she realized that she was rejoicing in the presence of her prey, a hail of blood began to fall from above her.


 With a shout, I thrust the pike up. I could barely feel the response, but I knew without looking up that the demon was dead. A hefty weight was placed on the pike. And then a warm liquid flowed down to the hand holding the pike. It must be blood. He swung the spear and threw away the corpse that was still stuck in the tip.

There was no time to wipe his bloodied hands. The ten imperial demons were already closing in on me. I smiled again.

 The imperial demons were unfolding in a cone towards us. It may have been a formation to intercept Setsuna, but he stepped into it without caring. I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it.


 The Imperial Demon let out a strange sound. The Imperial Demon in the center of the cone formation had both of its paws raised wide. Similarly, the three bodies on the left, right, and rear took a stance. They pointed their sharp claws at us. The remaining six seemed to be standing on the sidelines, though.


 He mumbled in his chest and thrust his pike at the head of the monster in the center. The monster tried to shield its face with the machetes on both feet. He must have been trying to catch it and let his friends attack. However, the jet-black spear easily broke through the layers of machete shields and pierced the Imperial Demon's skull. A high-pitched scream echoed in my eardrums.

"Shut up!

 Setsuna shouted in frustration and swung her pike to the right. The blade easily sliced through the monster's skull and sliced off the right Imperial Demon's paw. The paw of the demon flew away, spurting out blood.

The Imperial Demon screamed and jumped at him, its four eyes blinking strongly. He slashed at her with his other paw, but Setsuna's return blade blew the demon's head off.

 Setsuna suddenly felt uncomfortable.


 Her body reacted to the killing intent from her left. The machete attack was caught by the handle. The sound of metal colliding with metal echoed and sparks flew. However, the hilt of the machete was not even scratched. The claws of the Imperial Demon were the ones that were damaged, but the monster didn't care. They stared at each other for a moment as they clashed their weapons.

 The Imperial Demon's sprawling face was just plain creepy. The red light leaking from his four eye sockets became stronger than ever. His skin shivered from the stinging killing power. However, there was not much time left to care for the monster.

 Setsuna spun the pike around, still catching the claw. She swept away the claws with her momentum and slammed a stone thrust into the vacant head. Screams emanated from all four eye sockets and struck Setsuna's earlobe.

But Setsuna did not relax her power. She let the Imperial Demon's head plunge into the ground and used it as a foothold to leap for the next enemy.

 Suddenly, a rustle ran through Setsuna's body.


 She looked over and saw that the Imperial Demons that had taken up positions behind her were leaning forward and lifting their hips. It was a threatening look, but there was no way they were going to do that now. As I watched, a pair of protrusions on its back became electrified. The light gathered in the space between the protrusions.

The electric light forms a sphere, which expands as it discharges. There were six electric light spheres. They swept away the darkness of the forest and dyed the surroundings white. It was because of this that I could see how the countless imperial demons were surrounding Setsuna in multiple layers.

 I'm not sure what to do, but I'm not sure what to do.


 She couldn't instantly tell if it was an attack by the Imperial Demon or not. I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's not a bad idea. However, Setsuna's stance collapsed. Her vision drifted. At that moment, Setsuna's eyes caught sight of the tail of the Imperial Demon that she had been stomping on, lodged in her leg. The spiral tail was also a weapon to attack the enemy. He immediately used the tip of his spear to pierce the demon at his feet. She heard the screams of death.

 But Setsuna clicked her tongue in her chest. It was bad enough that I failed to kill it. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for. If he had been hit in the vitals, he might have died.

(Death ...?)

 I take a glance at my thigh. I'm not sure what to do. It's not a serious injury. It's not an unbearable pain, although I fell to my knees. I still grit my teeth and endure. Still, it's far better than dying. I can say that.

"Death ...?

 It was when Setsuna muttered.

 I'm not sure what to make of it. They were a tremendous mass of deadly energy. Setsuna's consciousness trembled. I don't know if I've ever been exposed to this much killing intent in my life. It was a power that had been created solely for the purpose of killing Setsuna. The pure killing intent painted my vision a pure white. I can't move. I can't avoid it.

 And this is not a dream.

 It sounds as if death is whispering something in my ear.

"You can't die!

 With a roar, I raised my pike. The only thing I could think of to do was to make sure that I had a good time. The moment the electric light ball that rushed to Setsuna touched the golden pike, it expanded and exploded with a powerful flash. A fierce explosion of light swirled around, scattering a roaring sound. The torrent of destruction knocked down the trees and burned away the plants and flowers.

 In the center of the raging light, Setsuna's eyes did not catch anything. All she could see was a world painted in pure white. However, another scene appeared in her mind. In the whirlpool of explosions, the trees collapsed and the forest continued to collapse. The surrounding imperial demons died in the light, and the animals that had been hiding began to flee at once, but it was too late.

 The power of destruction extended its clutches to the innocent animals, and with its overwhelming power, twisted and crushed many lives.

 There was nothing Setsuna could do. The only thing he could do was to recognize that the imperial demons that had escaped death had turned their backs on him and begun to flee. And that might have been enough. I kicked the earth. Kicking the earth, so powerfully that I stepped through it.

 Leaping through the destructive light.

 The moment Setsuna saw the backs of the dozen or so Imperial Demons, she smiled. The hand that holds the pike is filled with power. The golden light had already faded and returned to the jet-black pike. But it was more than enough to annihilate that level.


I think that's enough.

 The crimson woman stood in Setsuna's path. I'm not sure what to do. I'm not sure what to do with it. And it's not a good feeling to have your chance to eradicate them interrupted. There was no reason to keep those monsters alive. Destroy them, crush them, tear them down, and destroy them.

"What the ...?

 Setsuna stopped thinking at the disturbing words that mixed with his consciousness. But his body did not stop. He just tried to go over Azumariah's head in a straight line.

 I could see Azmaria's eyes narrowing. Her beauty stood out in the storm of light. She looked like a goddess. And then the lips of that goddess moved smoothly.

"Armed summoning.

 A huge gate suddenly appeared in the empty space in front of Setsuna's eyes.

 Setsuna screamed from the bottom of her heart.

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