
Episode 17 The Trump Card of the Young King

 Mardar is a city located northeast of the royal capital Gandion.

 Its size is second only to Gandion, and it used to be a vibrant city at the core of Gandia, but the recent situation has erased the bustle and prosperity from the second largest city after the royal capital.

 It is said that the death of the previous king, who was a hero, had an extraordinary impact on the small country of Gandia.

 This was partly due to the lack of popularity of Leongande, the first prince and legitimate heir to the throne, and there were many people who dared to say that the country would be destroyed if Leongande succeeded to the throne.

 And the rumors spread by such people are not to be taken lightly.

 There were rumors that the previous king had died because he had poisoned himself so that he could take over the throne, as well as rumors with a certain degree of truth, such as that Leongande liked to drink, and that he made a lot of noise at night when he held parties.

 It is said that Leongande's popularity, which was originally low, has fallen to the bottom of the earth because of this.

 And so it goes.

 Setsuna was beginning to wonder whether she had made the right choice or not. However, she knew that it was too late for that. No matter what she said, there was nothing she could do. I've made up my mind. She had come to Mardahl.

 Yes, Setsuna was currently in front of the huge main gate of Mardar, also known as the Citadel. Right in front of her was the graceful figure of Leongand Ray-Gandia, and to Setsuna's right was Faria-Belfaria, dressed in her traveling clothes.

 It had been several days since we left Callan, and we had been rocked by the carriage. It was not a comfortable journey, but Setsuna gained a lot from it. Although she couldn't say that she had completely memorized all of the information that Leongaard and Faria had given her, it was definitely a big gain for Setsuna.

 For Setsuna, who didn't know anything about this world or this country, even a little bit of information would have been appreciated.

 It's a good idea to have a good idea of what's going on in your life.

 So, Setsuna couldn't help but have a fragile impression of the towering, solid walls.

 As if sensing Setsuna's state of mind, Leongande casually asked, "Are you worried?

"Are you worried?

"Well, yeah.

You're honest. I like your honesty.

 I'm not sure if he meant it or not, but the young king's words made Setsuna look at Faria. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing. I'm not sure what to make of it.

 This is the first time that I've ever seen such a thing.

 We have to go back to a few days ago.

 The three of us left our early morning conversation on the main street of Callan early and went to the tent that Setsuna had been using as her bedroom.

 There, Leongande proposed that Setsuna accompany him to Mardahl.

"Me too? Why?

 Setsuna was surprised and excited by the proposal of the young king, who sat solemnly on a simple bed, as if sitting on a throne. It must have been an offer I could not have wished for.

 I felt dizzy just thinking about wandering around the land of another world without a purpose, without a goal, and without anything to rely on.

 Wandering around in an unknown world without any prior knowledge is insane. Setsuna was not an adventurer exploring an uncharted continent. Faria and the others recognize him as an armed summoner, but he personally is still just a student.

"You have amnesia, don't you? You've forgotten why you're in Gandia and what you're here for, haven't you?

 Setsuna could see the mischievous glint lurking in the young king's gaze. It's a great way to make sure you're getting the most out of your money.

I'm not sure what to say.

I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out,....

 I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing. Of course, Faria must have been able to see through her false testimony. It was a low-precision lie. It would have been strange if she had not seen through it.

 In the first place, there was no need for Setsuna to pretend to have amnesia.

 Setsuna simply thought that it would not be good if the fact that she was a summoned being from another world was exposed. No, even if she had said that, he might not have believed her, just like his testimony of amnesia.

 Whatever the case, Setsuna was just lying to get through the moment, and had no other intentions or malice.

 However, it was true that Setsuna had no idea why he was in Gandia or what his purpose was.

If that's the case, you can come to me. Just until your memory returns. Just until you remember your purpose. Will you come to me and wield the power that defeated Rancain?

 The words that came out of Leonghand's mouth echoed pleasantly in Setsuna's ears, and quickly penetrated her mind. In the next moment, it became an explosive impulse that shook the soul of the boy named Setsuna, and an intense light dyed his consciousness.

(What the heck is ...?

 Even though he was bewildered by the rush of emotions that came to him, Setsuna found himself unable to look away from the eyes of the young king in front of him. It was a powerful gaze. It was a gaze so pure that it convinced her that he was not speaking out of his mouth.

 Setsuna understood at once.

(I see. That's right.

 She recognized the reason why she was so moved, but she couldn't think of anything to do to stop the wave of passion that shook her body. With my eyes locked with Leongando's, I had no choice but to surrender myself to the murky waters of rapture.


 Yes, it was definitely a great joy for him.

"I need your help to renew Gandia.

"Oh, ...!

 It was the first time he had been able to do so.

 Now, Mardar.

 There is a reason why the three of us got off the carriage in front of the main gate.

 Normally, the carriage would have been allowed to enter through the main gate, but Mardar had been on high alert for some time now, and they had to get out of the carriage due to baggage checks and other reasons.

 When the soldiers at the gate noticed that it was His Majesty the King who was riding in the carriage, they were so frightened that it was a pity to watch.

 At the suggestion of Leongande, who didn't want to take up too much time inspecting the carriages, we decided to walk through the city of Mardar.

 When Setsuna passed through the main gate, which was on high alert, and stepped into the fortified city of Mardar, she forgot to breathe in the tense atmosphere that filled the city walls.

 Mardar was an incomparably large city compared to Callan. Surrounded on all sides by thick, massive walls, the interior was lined with solid buildings reminiscent of a fortress. Most of the people passing through the streets were armed soldiers, and it was probably not my imagination that they seemed to be in a somewhat deadly mood.

 It seemed as if a war was about to start.

"This is the front line, you know.

 Understanding the meaning of Leongando's words, Setsuna was convinced of the suffocating atmosphere. It is also the story that was told to me in the carriage. It was also the reason why they had been forced to rebuild Mal-dar into a fortress.

 Further north of Mardar was the fortress of Balsay, which had once been called the iron wall of Gandia and had defended against invasion from the north for many years. As long as the fortress existed, Gandia was able to protect its land from the threats of Logner to the north and Zarwaan behind it.

 The fortress fell under the onslaught of Logner's army only ten days after the death of the previous king.

You want to retake the fortress?

If we don't, this country is finished.

 Faria was not the one who answered Setsuna's question. It was not Faria who answered Setsuna's question, but her voice, which sounded like a sharpened blade, had come from above her.

 The woman was standing on the roof of a stone building that lined the side of a large street leading from the main gate. The woman was standing on the roof of a stone building that flanked the main street.

"The fool of Gandia will end his life as a fool, and the young princess who was sold to Lucion will be pitifully exposed to the ridicule of the people.

 She was a young woman. She was about the same age as Faria, or maybe a year or two younger than her. Her golden head of hair glistened in the wind, and her translucent white skin would make any woman jealous or longing for her.

 The deep eyelashes framing her slightly sharp-angled eyes and her jasper-like pupils are only one element of her beauty.

 In other words, she is a beautiful woman. She is so beautiful that there is no need to mention her flaws. Anyway, she is a beauty.

 Her long, slender frame was wrapped in silver and white light armor, and she wore a sword at her waist.

I don't want this kind of plot.

 She said firmly. She had a strong gaze that was directed at Leongand.

 I'm sure you'll be happy to know that I'm not the only one who's interested in this. The answer, however, was immediately apparent.

That's why we're going to win.

 The determination in Leongando's voice was so firm that even Setsuna, who was only listening from the side, could not help but renew her thoughts.

 However, it did not seem to have any effect on the woman on the roof.

How? My brother knows that we don't stand a chance if we continue as we are now. I'm sure you're aware of that. Did you forget that Zarwaan is behind Logner?

 I'm sure you'll be able to understand why.

(Brother ... on!

 That would mean that the woman on the roof was Leongan's sister. I'm not sure why I was shocked by that fact, but anyway, Setsuna looked at her face and the young king's face over and over again, and was convinced in her heart.

 It would not be an exaggeration to say that they looked exactly alike. They looked so much alike that they were like identical twins, but it was obvious that they were much older.

I don't think Zarwaan is going to show up for this battle.

"Why not?

'... Linon.'

 It was the first time Setsuna had ever seen Leongando mumble with a sigh. Perhaps she was overwhelmed by her strong-willed sister, Rinon.

 She looked only at Leongande with a piercing gaze.

"What is it?

I don't want to stand around talking, so let's talk inside. Both Setsuna and Bell are in trouble.

 I'm not sure if you've seen this before, but I'm sure you have. I'm not sure what to do, but I'm going to do it.

It's been a while.

It's been a while. Rinon.

It's been a long time, hasn't it? But I'm relieved to see you're doing well.

 It's very easy to see from the sidelines that Rinon is really happy about Faria. The stinginess of the previous days has disappeared and a soft atmosphere has been created. The eyes filled with that joy were turned to Setsuna.

"And you?

 It wasn't Setsuna who answered the obvious question.

I'm not sure what to say. He is an armed summoner and our trump card.

 Leonghand's loud voice not only startled Rinon, but also attracted the attention of the soldiers who were passing by the main gate of Mardar.

 If you're not sure what you're looking for, you can always ask for help.

"What the hell?

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